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The report will consist of the following sections

CHAPTER-1: Opportunity Analysis

under this there will be detailed analysis for the following section

1.1 Opportunity Identification

1.2 Solution proposed
1.3 Uniqueness of the solution
1.4 What problem of the market segment is solved by your solution
1.5 Identification of users and customers
1.6 How will the target users be benefited by the solution
1.7 How will users discover and adopt their solution
1.8 How the market segment will get affected by their solution

CHAPTER - 2: Customer Validation Survey

under this there will be the following section

2.1 Sample form used for customer survey

2.2 Size of the customer survey and its documentary proof
2.3 Results of the survey (question wise)
2.4 Detailed Analysis of the survey
2.5 Conclusion of the survey

CHAPTER-3:Financial Model
under this there will be detailed analysis for the following section

3.1 Cost Structure: Details of most important costs inherent in the business model, which key
resources are most expensive (preferably along with some evidence say maybe a quotation or
some relevant data).
3.2 Revenue Structure: Details of how the model is going to generate income (Some evidence
should be encouraged )(This part has to be critically analyzed).
3.3 Profit & Loss Statement
3.4 Cash Flow Statements

Under this there will be details about all the new things the students have learned. Further if the
students faced any difficulties and their remedial action should also be highlighted in the section.

Note: The report must include the Opportunity Canvas and the Business
Model Canvas as Annexures, at the end.

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