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+- _*■
Written by
Curtis Saxton

Illustrated by
IIans Jenssen &

11Eust rated by
Written by
Hans Jenssen & Curtis Saxton
Richard Chase more com

Contents Introduction
T he Clone Wars have escalated into a cataclysmic conflict, thousands of times vaster than the opening battle on
Geonosis. Most of the Republic’s Jedi Knights and done troops are engaged in desperate campaigns across the
Introduction Invisible Hand galaxy. The Separatist movement, now known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, is encircling the
16 crumbling Galactic Republic, building strongholds in weak Outer Rim sectors and advancing ever-nearer to the star
systems of the Galactic Core, However, neither side is aware that their leaders are secretly in league with each other.
The Republic’s Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is really the Sith Lord Darth Sid ions, and his apprentice is Darth
Tyranus, otherwise known as Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists. Sidious is merely playing for time until he
20 is ready to replace Tyranus with a new, more powerful apprentice, who will help him to achieve his ultimate aim:
utter subjugation of the galaxy under Sith rule and the formation of a merciless new order —the Galactic Empire.
ARC-170 Fighter Utapaun P-38 Fighter
Jedi Interceptor Grievous’s Wheel Bike Confederacy of Independent Systems Galactic Rkfubuc
Separatist vehicles are financed by business powers such as the Trade The teetering government of the Galactic Republic desperately spend*
24 Federation, IntcrGalaeiic Banking Clan, and Techno Union, These its waning wealth on grand armies and fleets to defend its territorial
organizations source war machines with integrated droid brains from unity. New, agile starfighters such as Kuai System Engineering's Jedi
the most savage and unpredictable alien manufacturers* including Interceptors and Inconi/Subpio's ARC- ITUs and V-wings, enable the

TrlFighter Wookiee Catamaran Colin Designs, PhJnc-Arphocc Automata, and Baktoid Industries. The
design of these weapons-laden vehicles often reflect the manufacturing
Republic !o counter (he Separatist threat. Powerful Kuat-dcsigncd
V^no/or-class Star Destroyers function as slarfighter-carricrs for the
10 26 species' fearsome physical appearances, such as the menacing, insectoid valiant Jedi and clone pilots. In the years to come. Kuat will secure
shape of Phlac-Arphocc’s droid gunship. As few organizations choose lucrative contracts for the new Imperial Startled
to do business with these intimidating armorers, Defectors From Tneom,

Droid Guns hip Palpatine’s Shuttle their prices arc lower than regulaicd
factories, satisfying the
28 : ’N powers’ guiding will secreliy build ”'

—Wk v~~ \ savings and profit

Separatist Ships Yoda’s Escape Pods
14 30

Specialized Vehicles Native Technology
Separatist warlords and other powerful, wealthy individuals often l iie Clone Wars have created chaos and increased restrictions on
commission specialist manufacturer* tocrcuUf personalized vehicles business. Thin has forced many worlds to become reliant on their own
to meet very specific requirements. The cyborg General Grievous, self-made vehicles. The Utapauns fly tough, wet I -armed P-38
commander of the Confederacy's droid armies, has a range of lethal and starfighters manufactured by the planet's iiuuper Torsckil Abbey
highly effective customized transports that enable him to lead his troops Devices company. The Wookices of Kashyyyk defend their home world
into battle in any environment. On Utapau lie uses a modified wheel against Separatist invasion using speedy, jet -
bike produced by the Z-Gomot pmpcllcd catamarans built by the
L-V{ i
J? , 1 on
Ternbu e 1 Guppat Corporati , native Appazanna Engineering ft ■"":^r/
fc This fearsome, high-speed Sceaneh defendm of
tegSv 'l tra import, equipped w ith a
^ powerful double
^jjfcl laser cannon,
iK—' enables Grievous
T '*;: .or--;-ts: = ■*“ to negotiate

rocky terrain enslavement

with case. under Imperial rule.
SuifitihlL'r l:jl;.■ J11 cofllrol briJ^c^
1 he Kuat Legacy
Helm and command brki^c.K 4 Kuat Drive Yards, the manufacturer of (he Vetmtor-

- Venator class class, claim the Republic is winning the Clone Wars

H yperw :ive
Main reacwr annihilate* up with this ship and their ether powerful, wedge-shaped
Iq -4njCKW.I lyrm of Tuel per -conuRi'scnonrer
HE Galactic Republic's new Venator-class Star Destroyer is fast enough to chase second itE maxiniaTii po#Cf^ vessels. But the construction of Vbiawr-class vessel *
Markings ul hlUi Tire!
14> pe (drive is already slowing in favor of more robust, mile-long
down blockade-runners and big enough to lead independent missions such as the in Open Circle jmiiKki Atutihil^lion iufKianl sikt
fmperator-c]ass (renamed /m/F£rifi/-cLnss after The
liberation of Utapau. A flotilla of these medium-weight, versatile multi-role warships can Minin HkMjnisJ \ Jedi Purge) and hangarless Tecror-class Star
Rggeiani jnaiTijtt gompresspr Destroyers. These ships will see service for
blast through the shields of a Trade Federation battleship with ease. The hangars of the Hg.iij luntHslii^i .JinI (IUlIi
Tower H^reks
ran piii.iikl In i decades !o come, as the Republic is
Vfe/iaftfr-class are much larger than older Star Destroyers like the Victory-cl ass, and can lurrel.
dfmiil riLljje. Iransfon-ncd into the Empire. The
support hundreds of FighfercratL The ship is also capable of planetary landings as a gjS6p*Ki 1 mperiat Starfleet will jlistify its
military transport and can he an escort for battleships in the Republic armada. However, existence in unending war against
Hafl&;hr (Mr
the primary function of the Vector-class is its role as a fighting ship and starfighter \ mm I ;§||gL Separatist holdouts, dissident rebels
8and even, it is rumored, deterring
carrier, making it a firm favorite with Jedi fighter aces. y 10'^ ^ barbarian invaders from
V omside Ihe galaxy.
Open Circle S[J il'JjrJ| tlanptr
urnijkIiicitiMi11 n iim. IulL v ML V- w inii> ^ CLimniunJ p? L Sic ™ fmJh
D ata File
MauulLiclurcn KulT DriM; Y'jjrd^ re
Makt: Vwttrwr-class Stnr Destroyer Flipht dk?ek nwis Jon-drivc UwUstctS
ti^jlkil Ll> dorjl imj/ttUws lute shmr
Dimension!;: Dngih 1.137 m (3,729 fl); wingspan 548 m (1,797 ft); height
(in llight> 268 m (87,9 ft) Electro my£iKiic
platen i-i nriute bend
Max. acceleration {linear, in open space): 3XKHJG tJi'uii sutsms vs
My per drive; class 3 ,H; 60,1X10 ligh! year effective range sto&r shin

Crew; 7,400
Armament: 8 heavy turbolaser lurrets; 2 medium dual lurbolaser
cannons; 52 point-defense laser cannons; 4 proton loipedo tubes;
6 iracior beam projectois
Complement: I 92 V wing fighters; 192 ria-2 Aciis Interceptors; ,
ARC -170 fighters; 24 military walkers; 40 LAAT/i
(Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry) gunships;
miscellaneous shuttles
iSj C.

Vfermfor typically bulcfc- 36 ARC-1"1) fighters.

\ Lij'hl liisL'r rillllfcitiis SuH-.iiii;iry

[■'. i r: .k”‘ [■■■

Pail fide decking dc-lcnd! .-icainst PSJlCTCiT
VCxlibulc fnfirh> Oylilcm
LA AT (Lott-Altitude Asian Je Ete-2 Attii shiekl ^eneralw
fTan^porl/cirnrr) air carrier^ Ini? raptor
^li Power cdLs
Rort fl link power spine Dodting port males wilh a space slntjoiu
mooring N.n^r ot ImpcF^i^rsliipfuf i
LA.A't "i (Low-AltiUiLlc AssjuII Crane for vermin^ a docked 4lip transfer of equipment ard iroops Bnn: and hiill decks
TraiispOTVInfanirv) gumtiip can nr moving I ra^ln !un honiunlidly
when ship is in
jimuipbciic JlL^tu
Oiptcilon store eocrgy oreli C cwhns fin*
Jischifgc il in the iiun.
ARC ■'Aggressive
EtdCoii>nu Crewed jueis I'liir <ufiLrul
r.gliwT rm hangar Traeking sensoft
Vi-nls !ur
Flos iSit- pnwt r fecnK
Heavy-Duty Firepower
COO kill Iv
A Vena tor-class Slar Destroyer eight F.lcMion pi yo| [1I1U gn'l Hi
DRY-R27 heavy turbolaser tumets Eue the Energy-
dih-. ijj.ililLii IvjI-
standard requirement in naval gunnery for armor
Pipfoler nmrl hLTrel
vehicle Local stneSd intense inter-ship combat and phmetaiy
han^.aj s gentrjlor bombardment. The DBY-827's precise, AllliiMplierg
Medijgm tlitzi dlbLl
lurtw Liter long-omge tracking mode enables it lo hit
VcnTat docking bay !<m Ihc inisiative or a target vessel at distances of over ten M^iin ti3nj;iliKiiiiLil
tlenerel Skywjlker. huimj (,^sv- •= r I tin:
ships femme jtkJincHial SPHA-T Liier
light-minutes, while the lurrct can rotate
1-Lull scarring caused tjydirecl impact A i tiki sphere
from a milling Separatisl m-rrglikT due la jnncmi here to increase Veirtrul firtpower) in ihree seconds m its cln*>fighting, fyst-
tracking mode. Seven difTerent blast Lncfll Censor

Carrier Rode inter shies provide a choice between ileld aiiidea

traced jiciiv help bolster
The long dorsal flight deck of the ft?/w tor-class enables hundreds of crippling shots and outright vaporization ship structure

Ir-etc-i I team sUrllghtcr? to launch rapidly. The slow opening and closuig of the deck's of (lie enemy. The Vfe/wl/or-class, as a true
Crew i.-isjriiJor. Power roM« Lo
■j.-iiL'r.Litf armored bow doors, however, can leave the vessel vulnerable. This weakness warship, can feed almost its entire reactor
Dorsal sloois - pn*irfttl AT-TE (All Terrain llirret renal ion
dctliHlijf (thicLL alsia Tactical Rblwcer) is compensated for by strong deflector shielding a round the deck’s entrance, output to its heavy guns when required. Tliitl'I rcitDlurm baM; — _ mcehaflitiiii
pr^gctDic Ship’s interior Rpw tractor haum nriiiwiiiX walker but the design Haw- will be eliminated in future Star Destroyers.

Wip^EetK nfMEi Tar
Equipped for Danger gunner CoaluiU duels efficient heat disposal
R2‘sertes Gunnery CopitoUfwwwd
The ARC-170’$ characteristic split QMTO-iJrRuJ COflilTQfc gunner. Kadinioi to cool we^xmi and V-Wing Fighter
Dorsal tail cannon surface empirics during tomba One of the newer and more numerous fightercraft defending the Galactic
transverse wings unfold and splay to
expose the heat sinks and active Republic, V-wings are sharp, compact support ships deployed in epic
radiators which aid the lighter^ Pilot is -a whm^h Feu clew, Elect actions or in defense of fortress worlds. Launched in furious
hui Htwtf 1 intakes are bwd Tau^aing
shielding and thermal stability during mfl[>eJittdar swarms from Ehe Republic’s carriers and warships, these fast, agile
from proven act pitot reerulls
battle Or hot pursuit. The heavy ngsc starflghtcra are frustratingly elusive targets and their swivelling twin
laser cannons make them surprising and deadly opponents, V-wings are
section houses a diverse and sensitive
array of long-range senses, scanners, piloted by a single done trooper backed up by an independent Q7-

and jammers, ideal for dangerous scout series astromech droid. Like many models mass-produced for
missions. The ship resembles other Loyalist forces, V-wings are too compact for a
foed to ItcL'ii.irae poll
facom and Subpro fighting craft hypcnfrtVc jjjfegijjffi hyperdrive, but carry a powerful reactor and

commonly used by Republic forces in •’,..j!\ use two vertically placed ion drive

the Rim. Notable cousins include the Ventral Uiil cnitnon

VlninlciUiitCO thrusters for astonishingly
Dc lift tor shield
heai sinks fast pitch-turns.
heavier PTB-625 and NTR-630 s! ^
planetary and naval bombers, as well
as the lighter, popular one-man Z-95 nit/.rJe
Headhunter fighter (which will lead to Radiator puneli iiid heul dispusaJ
blight computer during intense activity
u .successor, the T-65 X-wing).
Ion ;.<eccSemiivis CemuimHikalioiis and cil Qt-itrirh ,isl m-drukl nrpilmi «Hb
„ .sensor processor navigation and in-flight] mainlenancc
Thu AROITQ's deflector shields dispense Fuel tanks.^
I he hint gcneraled. by air rwianiice in
Scaled Fliphlsuit ci(ui[Vs pitot for
aimDsphcrk flight. onnWEng Hi j cralL to
Jamming Cevicc possible ejection
reach hypersonic speeds —--—

Coolinj' vcnls tommAican

Heraldic emblem — I-OrWiiKl

awrirdt d m Kenefti’s wro.ort
and StywalJtqr's fled
Power trunk Imaging
Jeitdriiij. buck to spectre-
jicicrjlcirs photometer
Closed buViOs Long-wave
TClrn-llmi'ISTS antenna

Laser cannon-*
From Jrfk-ciar Fewer feed to Forward repuisorlift Vv, Active scanner swivel on
shield projector; deflectors Rcpulsurlif: vanes
Cannon (then-os!:c wiring .Slur board UbtHlllkS wine Sir hs
passive scjihOj-
\ i '
s. Laser I'yrniDd tu packer* Reactant Slice Jdjmijeckir imiis
and power feed
Data File—ARC-170 Starfighter Forward landing gear
Coding due** fw Headlight
M;imj tn t i urcr: faeom/Subpro W(ni] radiator* Ulifotdud i n* fltgk pU^iltoh Power lines to shield projectors
Make: ARC-170 (Aggressive Reconnaissance
[Indicated energy receptor
Dimensions; lengih 14.5 m (47.5 ft); wingspan 22.6 m
(75 fl): height 4.78 m (157 ft)
Max. acceleration (tineas in open space): 2,6Q0G Best of the Brave
Max. airspeed (in standard atmosphere): 44,001) kph The Open Circle fleet, ted by Generals
(27341 mph) Kenobi and Sky walker, carries
^ Ptivrof cubic* l* Hypcrdrivc: class 1.5; 5,000 light-year range Thousands of ARC-170s and other
L'.slt cannon
Etcul sink iiml cording
radiator panels
Consumables; 5 days air
Crew: 3 (pilot/copitot/gunner): 1 astromech droid
Armament: 2 medium )a$er cannons; 2 aft laser
Fighters that have endured harrowing
months of continual war in the crod
Outer Rim sieges. Amongst the most
R ugged and durable, (.he ARC-170 (Aggressive ReConnaissance) fighter
is designed to undertake the loneliest, independent, manned patrols or
'Tbnjue Ikkl LumtiLt* *|tiiL-,ili^n jh<1 cannons; 6 proton torpedoes experienced of ARC-170 squadrons is
CttrtceiUTTilr ihu bluster bqtim’H energy
Squad Seven, a disciplined learn of
daring raids, as it penetrates deeply into hostile sectors. With its inbuilt
Data File—*V*Wing Starfighter
veteran aviators known for their hyperdrive and capacity for a droid navigator, this long-range craft is built for
Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering unwavering courage. Squad Seven are
Make: Alpha-3 Nimbus MV-wing” starfighter
days of unsupported interstellar missions, which vitally extends the reach of the
MujdJe. c;ufc inlemiiUy tilt clones of Jango Fete, the bonnily hunter
Ik bfrtntt ii few degrees
Dimensions: lengih 7.9 m (26 ft); width 3,8 m who was the genetic model fur the first Jedi and their starfleet beyond warships and carrier-dependent fighters. The
ofi'-iuis for ptecitte aim (12,5 ft); height with opcm wings 5,84 m (19 ft) clone troops. However, an increasing ARC-17tFs main laser cannons are uncommonly large and bfazlngly effective
Layepi of awjwrccmdiietoj’ atkl Max. acceleration (linear, in open space): 4,HOOG
nanodii-eii for ttfrltona COO^IIll number of units are formed from
Max. airspeed (in standard atmosphere): 52,000 kph against larger opponents. Robust armor, shields, and tail guns improve the odds
rigorously selected volunteers. Over
(32,312 mph) the coming years, the most of survival when the ship is surrounded by dozens or even hundreds of light,
Hyperdrive: rone
I'dVerful ovciHaliuiis of unifkd crojrpv Fields build accomplished volunteer aces will be evasive droid fighters. When they’re piloted into battle amid agile
beam inleasily inside iJk- rrscuvance chamber Consumables: 15 hours air
honored as stock for new done
Grew: I pilot and 1 Eisiromeeh droid V-wings and Jedi Interceptors, the heavy-punching ARC’] 70 squadrons
lineages, and distinguished with all¬
Si in My ilruCEUral Armament; 2 twin cannons black dress uniforms. complete a formidable strike-force mix.

EfLpansfivt viewport b provide rn-> > inium Reduced form of Jedi Ekr>du LaMiT Cannons lire
Jiiui Daring □tt-n.Hind' Yisibiilv / glo^'inp. strobing beams
inspired emblem ukwI m
By shunning protective flight-suits, Anakin and UnificuLton WjeS Thai fMirttd of roadless energy
Obi-Wan set a brave example to inspire their done I lie G:ibelic Republic mrcf
H2-D2 M(i' iL1- ccijiilfH or 2.S vfUR^q
Eli nltt -aanlnals
pilots. A small breech in the canopy or ejection into helps tock mile lurjecs

space would spell certain death. Leading from the aging home from the brutal Outer Rim sieges to rescue the kidnapped
front has kitted many Jedi in the last two years. Muniid^
Long b.intl ppriviJc-v SlnrHniirtl hiviv Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
However, the remaining Jedi assert that Spackto amplified yield and ElLIMlinJl JllHj
exhibiting a fighiing spirit and leading directly codtpii CXCtfHienitl range waste no time scrambling to their fighters. Leading the Republic s
arc an unbeatable combat advantage. The / |Hpt aerial forces in their Jedi Interceptors, they flit through
stubborn survival of the Loyalists in the jM
tight against ever greater droid forces may /Mr
the battle-zone with imp-like agility. Their spacecraft’s
prove that "size matters not” indeed. Mm•: compact design is suited to the Force-assisted
Expend inner iurfiie&or radiuAor tactical abilities of Jedi pilots—heavy flight
- instruments, sensors, and shields are
ms necessary. Over the last three years,
CiLnopy hinflc the distinctive Interceptor profile has
Mc;H CAehangcr r---=^#£vm become a symbol of authority and hope
for the Republic’s clone forces, and a
4BS^ frustrating apparition to the Separatists.
Data File
iliyh-JxViA-:T Mmiufucturtr: Kual Systems Engineering, subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards
(fighter); TrnnsGalMeg Industries Inc. (hypei drive ring)
Make: Em-2 Act is Interceptor. Syliurc-45 hyperdrive module
Kill jrMrlilit.gjk,
ecpii valem io
Dimensions: length 5-47 m (18 It); width 4.3 ni (14.1 ft); height with open
Lid ai«r pep- wings 2,5 m (8,2 ft)
sqUAdrOrt _
itfv hcadlijliE MaX. acceleration (linear, in open Space}: 5,2QQG
Mux, speed (in standard atmosphere}: 15,000 kph (9,321 mph)
Hydraulic rams Crew: 1 pilot and I astromech droid
OiJhLillC lull Jill ^ £eiir
Shields: none
Armament: two dual laser cannons; 2 secondary ion cannons
Fmcrgency UntldE

b]i^ht cCIHfDl
ttumectiofti _ Hyperdrive Booster
bus cnnnon lines pljLMnjL biinvl1, Many Jedi star fighters arc too small io safety contain a hyperdrive, so (he
«tuU«E elcclrk Lihruplirwi lo inrgut ships must connect to an external booster ring, Usually powered by twin
reactors and ion drives, the ring contains ‘‘hy perm sitter ” providing botfcosiL
Energy cjpiuciiws for the attached starfighlcr during ihc jump to hyperspace. When
traveling at hyperspeed, shields protect (he ship and booster against
cnmpensatftTs potentially fatal collisions with interstellar gas and dark particles, while
Hidden ouier radiator surfiiLV
stasis fields slow the passage of onboard time, so that the pilot ages only
Slem sanding pad as fast as Lhe rest of the galaxy.
lun diivc
Kcr.'hi in (nlcrctplor ihiwswr ini/jde
Radiuor rtpen during
Dense hy pcrnttl Ic r \
intense doe? u lit acliran
spins ihioughrine

Link io

Forwiinl ShitU umlruk
f Agile Adversary
li1cctr:.MELiL.: pities In the last battles of the Clone Wars, some
around litnstbcT Jedi Knights fly otic of (he lightest, most agile |[MI
no7.?. Ic-k mcoderauou
fighters designed in millennia. Hardly larger than R«i,
CooksEil feeds the average air speeder, the Eta-2 Act is Interceptor
between radiafors
m'.d bent cxctlunH enjoys superior speed and maneuverability
compared io the already tiny Delia-7 Aether-sprite.
Compacting a fighter s intense power into u liny hull
Sijiist>:inl pmMfccr Mil made overheating a challenge —which was met by Pmn ^ith i ^
Espcucd area is- an extensive system of heat sinks, pumps, and Aarianl models art fiEEnS
pmemial ur^ci kif Rupert iL’iaf radiator wings. The Interceptor's large laser cannons HtaE Mirgtf mill cilo JixelcraEron padi
buyj. droid salmEagc win" anuttr radnEOt
S: letl rornapnei k vectoring Ion impulsion chamber
fire intense beams, but its modest capacitors! limit .^iiLkei Hh thi'^
cIcftcL'ty Llirust slnam by *ALckr3At’s ifttiable, diffuse Minimal rep j burl ill Double 3J¥ tnsblem velebfoio'' Hvpcedfive- modivator nE ^cvcril locfi
up IO V) Jef ret:, for particle ttttMi up io near- projetrliitrs uv-if Eor lukimc Republic 0«l lmilLt Krmibi mill continuous fire—though this is not usually a StirtwurJ reactor i.tarh^i’iicr nsiideU
vcTsaiile iLttriiig lighl sjwetfc ci (T undi landrng Skywalker's ku(krship handicap for Jedi pilots, who rarely waste a shot.

8 9
Whir laser camtoiK car fine- lejjscrhct or irtdcpcrilcmK (cannon -sin
nil UT iLitk ..Ian rail sli^uty id improve u% deadly converging. Jim)

Tri-Fighter ippon clomps lock cannon in pi;icc if lighter if

dinnii while I,;, i^p a Iw jmiii;.) cotlfM?

Cable-', from power celh '.u CoAtinnallv diirru’rr capacitui

unninci and EERILY determined, droid tri-fighters are frightening new defenders weapon cspiic iifH feeds the I user curare n%
rapid btirm of fire
V»^of the Separatist battle fleeis. These fast, agile space-superiority fighters
are built to excel in dog fighting. Equipped with more advanced droid ^Siurd> iircrnil FrqpcLIiint
brains than common Trade Federation Vulture droid fighters,
tri-fighters pose a challenge to even the best living starpilots. Power .ir.d

They may be outrun by high-speed ledi Interceptors,

f computer
but they are bulkier and more heavily armed, which ,
makes them a force to be reckoned with. 'mL Chain of power
^ ceils line .aside
of wing
Colicoid Design
The tri-fighter's fearsome appearance and 1? adiMor surface
[rwii^nlion reactor
predatory programming is the work of the
Colieoidis—the creators of the Trade Rd(Mit^]rUft ai<Js flying over Initial ion
planetary surfaces- /scccler-oiior
Federation^ droideka heavy infantry. The dumber
ridged, three-armed design is based on Reactor's magnetic
confinement elements ~
the skull features of a terrifying f . Ektctpodcs
prehistoric predator native to the planet
Nose laser
Col I a TV. Three independent thrusters eaiHwn is Barrel cooling
give the craft its agility, and a powerful fixed in blacfcs. Secondary
place accelerator
re actor and contro I/com in s adds spin uo
transceiver provide unusual ’■*
High I-rye photoreceptor ,1cn sircaiH
range for a droid fighter. Discharge tutu

Target stunner
Craft)' Mid Pani^Le Hreum
aggressive tln^sd exits thnist
brain nowle at
* urnou tiding

cnjinnn s

Item sulks ctilic

inside raxliatitf (In

■Six re-nnangcd
trian^te> ftom the communications di sh
Confederacy mauituiEit a strong fix on
emblem signify the
Missile support rods fold-
mothership Mesial
11 i-fighler’n squadron
nut from v- inj

Clamps. holding (wrtsiidii hu/J.-droidi missile

Data File
Manufacturer: Colla Designs and Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries
Make: space superiority starfightcr
Dimensions: length 5-4 m <17-7 ft); wing diameter 1.96 m (6.4 ft):
width 3.45 m (113 ft) X- and gtunfrm-ri) cluster.
Mux, acceleration {linear, in open spare)! 3,tiOQG
Max. airspeed (in standard atmosphere): 37^000 kph (22,990 mph) Cooling rsnUjilor

Hyperdriw: none
Crew: integrated droid brain ML'iSjlt c&nying iipciiaJ payload nt sjhtileur buzz droids
An tin m cm: 1 medium loser cannon; 3 light laser cannons; !.;S: tT. !■
2-6 buzz-droid missiles Tlitri iMnelkd .segment exposes fuel.
irttiujdi to smit excess radiation

Wnnlin* nnA Elclt CAClUHlgW Reactor

cii^jtL'nsei rum

LommiinicatLOBS antenna for remote control send Heat dissipating

^^ettotdiatruiaj attacks with other bmt, diuhH layer Iwlps p.&$dgc
Unotjgh target
■-hip's jhields

Waste pas outlet

ll :SL| |U!,;'lk[.alm:i Hull cutaway
ii ; .lT dnk/radlatoT, Stabiliser fins, ftsr EhifLiMdJfs;

Fuel pods (empty Within two' mamuiln course in itbMtfbuig

rx.irmrini hu*/ dneids / minuter of hmrcli) ntii40S|>lKric flii hT, Acizreshk'. e droid _
bruin Itiusfed w ilh
i'tii iiAtoJ can acederue Ifey'diitl tarpet-slup
BUZZ DROiD MISSILE Ifl.ODtXj xnd. silt for ii?ht turns scJwouLks and *
dcMnudlve blliludL'

Confederacy Buzz Droid Subsu rtacc

During the Buttle of Coruscant, Confederacy PtotocUvi layer*. radiator

•ibsOrti hcht ;nd
Iri-fighters defend General Grievous \ stricken impICU
flagship by harassing ledi attackers with special new Sen wry
ordnance . Launched from modified Iri-fighters and PTttoeFWTi
other vessels, these guided buzz-droid missiles are Hud cut-aways allow
droids photoreceptor
lethal, and able to outturn and outrun nearly any “eye^' to say during JTi^til ■
manned starship, But their aim is not a direct kill.
Instead of detonating on impact the missile delivers eye whh
Four liny Nublighl Uinifctect In; Ip droid staff onto its piL-}'
a $ warm of buzz droids: mechanical gremlins j]iu.ll|jJl- Lenses
and filler
expertly programmed in the fine arts of technological
sabotage. Tiny maneuvering thrusters and a SevuUtUry Syei aid
Miniiltirc reactor primed for Sclf-dfcsmict.
protective , shielded shell enable the buzz droid to xpicist iwiirtnexs
slip through a target ship's shields and onto its bull.
Once “hatched/’ each buzz droid deploys an array of Plasma cutting loidi. X-ttiy sensor

graspers and cutting cools to cause Che maximum BUZZ

carnage. Each buzz droid's brain is loaded with the DROID Magiwnc
design schematics of a vast range of starships and footpad hdpi
itmid clmjj
military targets, enabling it to identify weak points. to hull Extendable ■
It is these highly effective attackers that succeed in pioK- uuh iuv,nlc
Hook appendage Cfirnpme^ rinri PiukIuk and
crippling General Kcnobi's Jodi Interceptor. riieiiljr hjw
Control in'^ms euBing tool— Actual
Stable Shooting Codling rildiiilnr

Designed and built by Uuktoid tun-drive illmNens line Luented

Fleet Ordnance, the HMP {Heavy in "rooven on ui'i Surface

Missile Platform) droid guns hip

Jins a heavy, weapon-laden fronl
end. Powerful rcpulsorlifl Rc^Ltor
O minous in appearance and relentless in battle, the droid gunship is a powerful,
well-shielded missile platform. Designed for air strikes within planet atmospheres,
arrays provide stability,
ensuring the HMP’s lethal u moves at relatively slow speeds and displays average maneuverability, but this is
effectiveness both in skirmishes compensated for by its awesome firepower. Two laser-cannon turrets can track
and ns ai hovering gun platform
targets independently, while torpedoes and missiles prove devastating
over ground battles. High-
powered shields in its saucer-like against ground-based installations, attack vehicles* and faster
hull deflect and absorb all but the short-range targets. The wing modules can carry extra laser
most powerful laser blasts,
Forward thrust is provided by ion- ' cannons, concussion bombs, and upgraded targeting
drive engines at the ship’s mar. scanners. The droid gunship is truly a symbol

IflllCiiT KlppOTl ftefmkor [m-vjDclKW

fl'411 SritT -ppMc.-
lift when flying
Rtjsjlsurljll ,'jViT ;i planet1,'; surface

EmXIi;. Mi|VrLkiirp
radio; iclivc (ut;
supplied L>y Ptiliii: -
Arplu.'..: Automata
liwiuitriip;, (fcrf^iwis
pf EtiC CflnFnlcnilc
.fkefs figlntcprra/i

j fLl jdLl! ;.|


Fftwo" convenor Jrm enetgv

:i.mi cell* un disiribunun i.
rtfhitr's systems

Unfiislcnwi mj^iicLk clump

Modular Wings
The droid finish ip's wings COn carry a
range of iuterchangeahle. miss-ion-
specific payloads. Dozens of missile and
CONFEDERAT E COREL JPTION torpedo types am be deployed, tailored
Mass-produced in Buklokl’s factories on for special capabilities and effects. These
numerous Confederacy worlds, the droid include concentrated and wide-range
gunship plays a vital role in Ehe Separatist hlasts, electromagnetic pulses to wipe Pylons sfrimg module snjspnm
ih'.ivv luw'ktt dftbijpec
forces. On some of these planets, power-hungry out the enemy’s electrical systems,
despots keep a number of the vessels lor their incendiary devices, and hard radial ion
Contusion Ixtinh skmer
own personal use. Many guns hips used in bursts Heavy concuss in ri bombs are dun rc^ii Ulf nicked iiimJ
General Grievous^ raid on Coruscant bear the effective against larger groand-based ij p IcnsFic m. f r fiOl1 ! i mes as.
much ttestruclivtf cftjrgy
triple-spiral sponsorship logo of Ado Eemon, targets, but are too cumbersome to hit
the silken-tongued rule] of Caramin V, Eemon fighters precisely. Additional wing-tip
Hrmiiof senmf
deployed his own personal fleet of gun ships laser cannons can be Lie ted for long- Wi IWllo'.Y
Fncrti-nl irdinpcnSgLor ,»kJ len^ftr fieiJ Sui»r-omn(F^iseC
j: . imralor pn iL t'C coiH]>iini;n1:' dm ii; fiisimj I1', vllin! } kid1- in ruthlessly eliminate all threats to his power, range and line-of-sight engagements.
l7lio3i[ piuLUjisar [uniiiKi wcorknitinns over rQjCXKJLi juri^Rimiiwa blast ravaging the once-bcauttfui world in the process
Idifi Karinrt Mjiii neaelfu iiutiliila^ up Lo
dnmtaft "Hulling" WlUJL'IW Ekcuuntal^nclH': Commerce Guild Support Destroyer
ions of fue] per wcijitd shelter Sqdntiil venSor amcntiae

Separatist Ships
fiecujrnif.class liglat destroyers are mass-produced by zealous workers ted by
Power Techno Union foremen, using materials from many Commerce Guild worlds.
coi me,, lions

H>'pad rite
between Since the beginning of the Clone Wats, countless numbers of these support
hile vast campaigns detain millions of Separatist siltj: im.1 vessels have been built, destroyed in battle, and replaced. Lone Recusant-cla$s
i^MEton in
ships often carry out attacks on Loyalist commercial shipping, but their real
warships in the Outer Rim, a few dozen battleships main hull
effectiveness becomes apparent when
it, &K
lead thousands of destroyers and frigates in a bold strike Dual I i,r X I Inner
deployed in large number*. Four to six can
cisnnm Outrun a Republic Viator-class or
on the galactic capital Coruscant. These light warships,
Wcto/y-duss Star Destroyer, but it
bristling until small laser turrets and impressive, oversized Tf mister
would mke 1.000 Recusant-doss
no7z3e ^
cannons, were pledged to Count Dooku by the governments whips to lako on Ku;d Drive Yard's
Mandator-!! Star Dread naught.
of hundreds of aggressively independent star sectors. As
Data File—
the craft are largely controlled by automated droid-brain Commerce Guild Destroyer Comminid hriapf

technology, little crew space is required. This gives the ships Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kesscl Drive Ire. and Free Dae ILthMbUi
Volunteers Engineering Corps d -xl; !■ _Smooth holt segrtiewts
a sinister, skeletal appearance. Destroyers and frigates are not jrlii^C cirLulillinjJ
Make: RecusanT-class light destroyer energy shiekU
equipped with hangars or ground-attack armies but carry enough Dimensions: length 1,187 m (3,893 ft); width 157 m Heavy Li^rbulaser,

security droids for boarding actions. They can also act as “hosts’" (515 ft); height 163 m (535 ft) Eur^'lS
Max, acceleration (linear, in spacer. 2,8ft0G
for Separatist starfighters, providing protection inside their Hyperdrive: class 2,0; 30JOOU light-year effective range Heavy lurtwlascr cannon
lracmnl irsinsii shaft! Buinl-JcfiMiic
spacious hull cavities. If the vessels1 Crew: 300; up to 40X100 deactivated battle droids laser canned NenlTiiwi radaiLtor grille

deflector shields fail, however, these Arirmmenl: I prow heavy turbolaser cannon; 4 heavy Pafrv-'i b'isi Wfts built by (he Separatist jJIlia of Hk rvitic-ie
turboluser cannons; 6 heavy turbolascr turrets; 5 turbolaiicr iitpiiHit- world nf Mimkloome, nkfoj % radkfil Quarnm exiles
hollow hulls can make them vulnerable cannons: 30 dual laser cannons; 12 dual light laser cannons
Prow [urbotaser cannon

targets for Loyalist defenders. 60 point-defense laser cannons

T*in minii rpxtors KiiEiaLe mcwiinort a fleet's peiiaticaers Ufiaflg F.'Wiiid pcwmei Banking Clan Frigate
'five mirirly InieiGulucck Bunking Chm ilisiniMs (he pnlik-ikv*'., can run jkmr if one high-performance st-n^irv wrifi a range t»f
lypeedneu The Banking Clan's Muniftcertt-c\ass star frigates are
HoloNet, and uses irs own space siaions ;nd aimed Main reactors LtKtcIher Hul I armor covers is damsstNl several light-duyt
coniiauiliculiaiii ships lu nslij signals unil ueeuunE keys sccralK unnihilule vp 10 2300 ism critical pnm combat-commuiiication ships, which assist with the
of fuel pc* second navigation and coordination of Separatist fleets deep in
Pcjivcj Lninfc
Riy .shield! generator Power Lighi rnrhtiL;istr hostile space. Powerful antennae channel hyperwave
dhslpiitcs burmL'ul cdla lUJHb
cscr^y Iritis ComniiiinJ brittle supralight transceivers, while jamming devices hinder enemy
Power feeds
yensors and targeting systems. Two huge (urbolaser cannons
Tbitnlift siiiifl can biasirmcU nn ice-moon measuring 1,000 kilometer*
(621 miles) in diameter, or pierce the shields of a
10 km-wide (62 mile-wide) Grade III battle
station. These ships once guarded banker’s
-■-ifr™**- vaults or Outer Rim worlds and menaced
A-cLivc neutrino
planets heavily in debt to (be Banking Chm
r^iiiiksr JUKI shield
hcfll-sinks Now they escort and coordinate Separatist fleet
actions such as attacks on the interstellar HoloNet
Ion rlnvq ihmyrr
relays, which consequently blind and
isolate Loyalist forces.
Inenisl rompc^KW and
lensor ftdJK lltm inuintiin
Firierfij ceILt, •ilruclurdi integrip1 ran along
Uk loiiijHiiKlirjl Apinci

Lonjj-rj.rLj’c hyperwave transceiver fnn caniKin

mast u i establish cumiMdlLicailuiu Power fad*
I iolts any where in the galaxy

Data File—Banking Clan Frigate
Manufacturer; Hoersch-Kessd Drive Inc. and Gwcri
Revolutionary Industries
Make; Munificent-class star frigate
Dimension*: length 825 m (2,706 ft); width 426 m (1,397 ft)
height 243 m (797 ft) Twin urbolascr
L Sensory anleitrm; mid turret
Max. acceleration (linear, in open space)', 2J300G point-dofcnK: guns
llvperdrive: class 1.0; 150,000 light-year effective range
XFonner vaaJLi fnr galactic
Crew: 200; up to 150,000 deactivated battle droids cujicnctes iinij jwc^iGU-j metals iue i mw
7^Ar i>f PtyfWtt Xfl hniU Uw 3 secret/
Weapons: 2 heavy turbolaser cannons; 2 long-range ion cannons: 26 twin ip.-i'i.l tn mnllilnn1 hanlwnre
[mpacl mark left by Uk nolLs-jOb or' Lhe bile Jedir Lfiibkia u( t'dnU'eiSiriijtjy 3j„jikiii.. dim litasury .spuma n.-.t u:
turbo!aser cannons; 20 light turholasor turrets; 38 point-defense laser cannons Vlisler Wom-Nii Gnnden in his \TB-630 nf bldqJirtderl Systems fulfiva^ bcl'ftiren l re galactic spiral cm I f ncnl slartKNiriJ l:Tnrt,v Lurtsnljiscr H -i bj i ihlc m-rr s u irh ilnniS ,?o*crfiil i‘«*cWiird liisrreiirinun is (if
bomber, dureti^ ihe uf Crcun bath Nebula amtibiiMd-viotuirtier forces ib iKaeE saicISiie yiaiu^y [Xivitr liunSt clrvattuo niuunl LtCV.'J. MlU LuXjp.v itVurKuVi-: but iJcmlly in tx-jitir tadrsbijih

14 15
Wizard's Tower
cncfcpiL Cowled jet

Invisible Hand
Rcpitl sari i FI pcncrii'^r Fleur crdiinyrer I mf iil v"l I .n
J:ltl’sIsip r Iijil.uii JiUxli Yj]i.i Mcdicat hay
cnutnc Damage Control Shortly before the Cora ski til strike, Invisible Hand's main communicniionj* cttniJuaiiiiLiiliaiiH
Hies 101 he aid of itie ft ii ir<g dcMr Banking Clan frigate
S^iiurjiust nuiiUlip Ceotrifue^l The battle over Comscant has a tind sensor pod Wiis refitted ns u lofty sanctum for Count Dooku, the political jirrn>*
Feeder Sides fdf ptlmp. disastrous impact on Galactic City. leader of the Separiitist cause. Siih cunning and Jedi wisdom make Dooku a
■fire-reft rdMis
Vertical iiL'cess
Each crashing battleship scars the peerless exponent of manipulative propaganda—he affects a simple and saintly
In a bold strike at the galactic capital ComscanL raiders from ihe Separatist image and is called “Gentle Hand" bj supcisiiiiuu* folk on innumerable E\|unsivr w iiukiw.
to upper tfeev cityscape with a ten- pn>vidc IWI-d^iK ijcw
flagship Invisible Hand have abducted Supreme Chancellor Palpating. pre 30^* kilometer (six worlds. Prom the >hipTs lower, Dooku transmits spiritualistic appeals to agitate
The vessel waits in orbit with the Confederacy fleet as the droid kidnappers mile) crater arid the and divide the galactic populace. Unless he is slopped, the Siih Lord will
Fireman Pont
shockwaves flatten Commerce Guild (btro'.'ti broadcast the holo-image of the captive Supreme Chancellor Pal pat i fie around Obnus im km ikvk
return with their valuable prize —but before they can flee, thousands of Republic EiIIhkt rendies
Si rt-ML .md vinunj buildings in the vicinity. the galuxy to crush Loyalist morale,
tllS Jtpulsurilft
battleships engage the craft, trapping it m an upper atmospheric combat within disk pLufonn for Daring rescue-service
fly mg rescues
the planet’s defensive shield. Invisible Hand is badly damaged by superior pilots fly tirelessly in countless civic TiimvlL'h .irm! Kiidon |i$nql(y (ill lie >lern uf
RcpudsoriLfi Ileal
emergency vehicles, saving crews from fftn MfcBt i-dsis ships — iavtashh' tiaiuf‘x cxjmsiit
enemy guns, so Jcdi rescuers Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker must find Mnuiwverttif doomed ships and guiding the falling, .m- ii in ijiii -k■ il:■ l fflndifiealinpi trci-jhl slufl E'ojnt-defcnse
ihruxtir and cngiiKvnai access laser canuon-i TuitxiEifi sluft
Palpatine in a rapidly decaying space wreck. Ruptured compartments are flooded 1^-Tonics can cans altOTiilJliL C
hulks Lu minimize damage and loss of
Droid-crewed A i r duels — in i annul »linc^phcoe
VfIT i N Eli It] Tronp
.Tank rt ill let cap life. Fi respeeders flock to spray-cool ejivmjalton jh II |MirL.d Hi. ttiL-j'.iiidr timid
with fluidic coolants and propellants laced with invisible, exotic hypermatter pnwdctMif liquid lordealing nminicniiHC decki Trim ■qwrr i
wills dUlL-renl Ivpcs ol fires einriiiS living crew tH [HIS Hedgers
the plunging Invisible Hand's flaming
fuels. Artificial gravity, tensor fields, and inertial compensators all begin to fail* life jcjfkiils
RepuLsorl III projeeliuD >■ jil&
hull. Their invaluable assistance helps Wounded Beast Conning lower
Ceiling racfelK typically
as the crippled ship threatens to tear itself apart. The battle wages on, until Antikin Skywalker to gain control of Invisible Hand attempts to drift inconspicuously in (he concentrated shelter of Separatist An.ikiii SkywaUtcrV
.Tractor heJiii pnyccCor tilts disaster hold E 20 droid triTislitori
Spurt- h.wiirii till; - battleships, destroyers, and frigates, Large numbers of drokl Vulture fighters and tri-fighters
Jedi liucrM|nor
sbetims up towiirdi Clue vehicle the wreck and make a relatively soft utld VtlElure fighlcrv
Invisible Hand begins its meteoric fall toward the surface of Coruscant I . - prowl ilic stricken
Shield impact, saving the lives of thousands duster protectively around the flagship. When Kenobi and Skywalker approach in their Jedi
Access hatch genera! of Firereftfdanl agpeilb mi* PS they C*it noswlc at high prendre of innocent residents. Interceptors, ihe ship's deflector shields are already failing—small areas of the hull are open to
attack from even the tiniest fighters. Anakin shoots out the atmosphere containment shield
CliniKiellcir Palpafme and ifae Jedi prisoners are hmugfii
Ki iItc bridge to ftee Geucul Orkwis as ilk: ship h. j.vjJjiV Hiitut ^..- iniils in a faeturv m .ie lunr.iiletl IJiiJJTeit colon} *-urlii nf Peep ifticnor vpacc cunLamin^ VUtil lior^il «nMJf and ennnnunii:atus.iis musli
protecting the hangar entry, breaching the vessel’s defenses.
Reactors can diniUiiLire up lo
kegiittt ifo fiery desceni itreord Coruscant reacttus, pud mlhislructurc it eucnSiiuie nearhy droid fighters, Gwend Portsiclo
I 2,000 lent1, (it finp |>r* vCi.-iJtwJ hunmBti Ik pjwKt WHS recently devastnleiL wilh radrooctivicy and frecEsucd
to the Lore by u cjLjcI) wliiC hy]M;.jiioadeut tnicjIviiLj: ihe Republic's. Star ir.iinloined u jfA'r^gr.ivii^ ^ksul- Gutvi)ut ftccth-seii this system via tvidlnlus hyperdi omi
Baltlccniiser Quct,--Vtr tnnl: into his cybttmeliq synlcffi-t, (Irreulinp
I Iplvy miiin1 ■ received
„ moiJiilc
I niply CLtjpe |wd bajipjctliusncd Uy GrOtWkJ |i
Iwhiklt Hand u nder ihe MvrwWf fiatid\ tklcnsc s
General Grievous so spiie his eiunnies. PolvctiIuI ^fc|(er:Err durinp. enctwintcr i^ il h
meraill xiintrot of General lh; ji illih. Slur tV-: 11}..: I
coinmajid settle
Cincvous, eomniiinCer ol Ihe
'htcld gtthi'ijlor i'-jEwL ik
PtOltKn lOrpetio tube GonfeJcrart- ill Inde peitdom CoinprrsstJiJ reaelMt tank Mujur Ctiffidw in dl kJo errott^h to aJ(ow Cfuurlam
CcMil'etleniL'v V timid n nines SysLcjns emblem attesh jt>r IG-Z27 H.ill fire drouth.
Corridor a-ietidii silo

T rarKverse
]*■ SLiuS' Sub>idiarj- huh. head


Shit- Joe! rnioi«ers

dellecl ii>li particle
rfjvOmi Li> ^enerL'.le
erve braEiint; thrutl

Ini amous Tricks

1 mm. Under the command of [lie bloodthirsty Grievous, Invisible
■r- ] Luilj. ,ji i i iiiLink l \ hLwkjoiphcrk
Hand has played a key role in many of the Separatist cybcnjfs most
sliicltf [miieciid: wreclied by notorious forays into the Galactic Core. These include the release of
An.ikm S kyu :i | ker V JiUtiuk in his
the Locdnrvian Brain Plague that slew Republic clone armies and
JftEi tntcrccpCor
JiwjtuL nearly every human in the Wecnicll Sector. The ship was also used to
co m pen Ml rir
Eine^eiscy LiifEureka 11 h? slrCSscS of JlmOsphbric
funds inereuve entry ninl kiwi «r iEtlemni EleJV) lilt |if.ilh.iltn supervise naval attacks tin 2fi strategic Loyalist worlds. These
Tractor bs-iuti nssislancc shihcly censor (icUy aML ctosc ship to
InEcmiil friungwork
pnijccUfn. tire,iic ii|?. pwiir elm iitc-i included rhe hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated and
Actxss m cLJjiiuc eiimI melted the crust of the former city-planet of Kumharine. an ancient
Duul k'cr
h-nkiJ Llcflccwr ilinjkk Quad HdbcKhissr cannon s -Siored sruLmd vehicle^ nsl-UilJc UiU MTTs 1.Miill! I'elilji [Uliver ;J'.'li'.: .lHU founding world of the Republic, Loyalist agents have tried [o track
cannofl VTmir htill ii Ihkkcr oitd m«rv C*wnSAC Vic 'Ainji |’h.*t:lK arc mH neensnry (or n ship hull [l> hcuit nf ulitmsptKric Cun-cd panel I i n<c ii of vidu tv cquivaknt TransportsE plux 2STE ollwr vehicle*, indudiiiji A ATs
Ilian those found on mciHl snmll- and wilh an all-drOnJ tfcH'. bUL are JcUuncd fw (he rr-enlij—temperamie will rise Pojrtt-duleiiie ion cannon deli ver^ as mticb heal (kwwing (ledtil visit of tn^hfidc to rnaji in l ude-! LF miUiqu^Kc t Armored Auju|| [ , i i k-M. H .li I Fire JrojLLL, ( M i ■ V spkltt
ihe vessel’s movements, hut Grievous frequently swaps Mid Rim
medium-ujted SepHrurist stjrships benefii of oceiisiorial living’ p tsscn^cTV 1o Ihnu sands of degrees per ^l»ul as ^.8 mejytlcm lx*mb Hiitfft's Quancu tliipliuiklcr* . droids |_M-I,12 cruF* ilroiti1- pairols with her sisler ship Lucid Voice to confuse [he enemy.
Fo h vi i n a Hi ,R B r, a s i i ng Rolling Wak-Machini:
Juggernauts are designed to deliver tremendous firepower
in order m overwhelm we] I-shielded military structures,
sonic of which can withstand a lore Jiisgcmnut’s barrage
Five gunnery vLitmri' *lLIi uiiiultmvc
liolcrL'Tiqjirit lid met lire controls
f\twLi |ruak rottes cncnt\ lo btatici canitcm

hjK’r heavy laser Kimlcm liirrel

Although wheeled transport may seem like
a graceless system from a prehistoric age,
a Juggernaut \ direct ground contact prelects it
for hours. However, with an unshielded target. a Juggernaut Lui IjL-ii all-found mow from electromagnetic attacks and shield dischargt\. uggernaut! ! lie very name of these rolling si ants
WelmctSblo HKtoetf 1l can also stop and turn in a >nialler radius than any
can blast. the heat of a nuclear bomb into one small spot, Rapid-rtprulin" calls up memories of crushing defeat for the galaxy's
huitvy laser Ci'nipn runeiua! hl.isi door grenade launcher Kcir ji i.ilv..- rcpiilsorlift craft, crushing dwarf spider droids or
cieating a blazing fireball.
. rtflilMi l *Ider beLW
ladder battle droids under its trends. Nearly impenetrable quintillions of battle droids and their Separatist masters.
armor and an arsenal of beam ami missile weapons
Thunintf3jr Fllp-cUxvn f n|ry Each of the Galactic Republic's HAVw A<5 Juggernauts
8>nptn;oflductin£ i o smaller
Twin sluirvid] Tunop csJhh Troup* ?ii i eagerly make it a match lor most ground based war machines.
lRkWii Bf> re-ic I i I'e-snppcrl Wystans, aWmrinj! ftnllSc Mi'l CilP^. is a monstrous, ten-wheeled, armored box. built around a
jiranor irinoitw mckfit tolrncopu up
tistriiy begins and Laiiicre to or M-n { llv^; r I. .• :i hi ]’n>vi( . - diMis- ^uMtjiLin-^ ailciic^il to by
spreads hunt ii|tj«r licKi|i> tkhcii runes l.■. sIl-i i“ill! ■. Ell-11 i) 1 III iiudiLil <1™*!
powerful reactor core and engine, with blasters and
harmlessly m <r hutches ; . n .: .-L ii pc-^ilile si hull hekhl
a wide iir^£i. grenade launchers on even side. As well as being
i.aryt dame liat^b tcr.^ers sralliif: g,Lar
AllUIHI1l|lii.Ml I odhI i31 Li a front-line assault vehicle, these hulks provide secure
SijiiiUes ciX'kjiic sf^LLs in:., M.parjL-.‘ ConinHiricjrlijCma
lul'. t". for port hi! roY(j shelter and transport for a company of dedicated clone

Surface $COfiS£
^pv^^ov-kp?^'- troopers. The rugged and powerful Juggernauts are the
from hit hj- dwiirf ' 1 1 f,r| well-choseti backbone of the clone armies. Under the
spider dniid

t. ■ Mfciin-M :i.ll iiv1 command of Jedi Master Yoda, they form (he most
nffiifr ubse^aiUm
Medium Cl<w tvitcli. rtfiuii integral part of a dogged campaign to eject bailie droid
main* occupied hy l Jedi
layer cannon invaders from the strategic Wookice world of Kashyyyk.
iMiaft extentfe
I'm hull. PitLrLi, Wear
|jt l|l,-r jrhi.'.'
fnr bctliM AT-RT Walker
Inttepcndcikl VlIilvI lirtpfulHil |£!ii
while he,.iEid The All Ieiraln Recon Transport iAT-RT) is £lii armed, mobile
pkklfortn for u single soldier mi u puirol or rccoimuissancc mission.
These walkers support policing actions ir dense civilian ;ueas. and
arc also used in cooling battle zones. A lightweight body makes il
faster than the rarer one-man AT-PT (All Terrain Personal
Transport). Lacking an enclosed cabin, the driver enjoys a clear
view, but is exposed to small-ami-s tW, *
The AT-RT s bluMer cannon is Knhamicd
devastating against infantry, but hdmcl
weak against the armor of
lank, spider, ,uid crab droids. Co
nmer laa

mHlUitU -
Inurtmt ^u.irittg j , LAtwuxi
t>f iU'ElCcI .'^JtllLUlNh T-ltsiii
sc saner.

. rin- iriir

Data File Ccnlrat air P_.CthL’l I llji

Manufacturer: Kuai Drive Yards njivs^jctoii vein*
Make; HAV w a6 Juggernaut
M:iin nhr-.'^ slvm'
Dimensions: Length 49.4 in □Ilieijj .'ilittLKhl ihcjftftKv,,
(162 ft): width 19,6 ni (64.2 ft): length wirtliin chc
height J0,4 m (99.6 ft) Laser
IViq Shoulder
Max. Landspeed: 160 kph (99 mph) cviiin)
Verbal Ms wliwl segments can / -Kenetoi1 awl / autipwsrUlrit suspend km
Crew: 12 (exeludhig guiiners) Spilt ill LHrkMvm I Mlfl ' engine, syucnrtf blast ur
Tremper'c divisional

eaiiiKWS Coyfttioarkiq' lieraklje pattern

Passengers: 50 .>00 depending on .iiMl pHtllfe deiwe* pasi han;li-
iKinors unJer Judi
in lent it I configuration DOlliLE-HeADED MONS I EK Annskrarsiinspjnslcd rantrwllur
tommnnd Upperelh^
Consumables: 20 days provisions; Each of a Juggernaut s wheels consists of three aCtUjtfa r:;l
I assr fanoft^ wiyvnsii*
fuel for 30,000 kin (IS,641 miles) versatile, independently spinning segments, which power .mu
Arm ament: I heavy laser cannon enable the hulking vehicle to move smoothly Jaw !o\v<*s.jiti invest
t.,, in i?!,l :cs j.iiuh!.- Upper ankle-
turret; i rapid repeating laser across even the most inhospitable terrain. The
cannon: 2 medium anti personnel vehicle cart also reverse direction easily, moving Mill store
Tlic Tif^r lhc li^ciwul's wl»C^] znd riijiil-sidt tiascrs
laser canmms; 2 twin blaster cannons; equally well in forward and reverse gem's, Either ln.Llp> to euJucu ji round this Hiak** IlK ., compel rn«f ilmtJ ktll -aCoiei,

2 nockct'grenade Iannehers — variable cnckpil can assume full control, which has led to v^liicle le-1- ■ prore io in ^oft ^n-,[ ih^n iliu Cuuing/
Ittiivy AT-TE (All Torahi Tactical Jlntwocr) or trap pi i as; ei™.
yield. 30 km {19,6 miles) range in tic h debate among Juggernaut clone crews as to IWerld Ito^Jkdi stan Icriam u'tirtE
AT-HP (All Terrain llf.w)' Enforcer), where the
vlsJWe- tifrl iiivrsitilc tvanii tif ligl>|
which cockpit is the true "front" end. wcijhl is FHppnrtccI by smaller, parrpw tcci

20 21
Deflects sliieWI gcneralor Ciwu-ipy
Techno Union Starfightek Sensory

Utapaun Fighter Numerous Monk vim-814 interceptors Hock ro defend

the Separatist foothold on Utapau. The Techno Union
Ion ncceLereKion chnnabci

Ion.-drive Ihntilcr

T he remote PLANET Utapau, located in the distant Tarabba Sector, relies on the sturdy Porax-38
(P-38) starfighter for defensive and offensive engagements. These tough, hyperdrive-equipped
built these small, short-range starfighters on the planet
from local materials. It hastily constructed factories in
the ancient Grand Halls with no regard for Utapatrs

fnune for
Thntstw branch vents architectural heritage. The Marikvim+s simple thruHlci
(1 irtJCl chfYW up <n rudder,
fightercraft have interstellar range and are fitted with highly effective, long-distance sensor (town for pjich construction centers on a reactor feeding power and
nuncLHercii plasma to a high-velocity ion-drive, A magnetized
systems that provide early warning of enemy activity. Versatile thrusters, dual-reactor systems, and r j
rudder Lilts, the ion flow for off-axis thrust, while smaller Forward
high-capacity deflector shielding make them a valuable asset for any starfleet, When Tion Me don, side thrusters aid roll and yaw adjustments.

the Master of Utapau Port Administration* realizes that General Grievous’s Separatist forces are The craft is equipped with twin rapid-fire laser cannons RepulsodilL
about to land on the planet, he orders his outgunned P-38 forces into hiding. However, with the and durable shields for combat. Aerodynamic loniifliiort
wmga fitted with repul soil ifts aid MugncEimi / Side thnislers WJ,,,1,UUP Wing provides surra:
arrival of General Kenobi and the hope of Loyalist military intervention, Medon recalls his pilots overall maneuverability. Uirusl-vceluimg ueitJilymi n K lifl in
rudiloj- Wtag shoulder joint siibsotiic utmoapberic flight
from their concealed hangars and the cold depths of space, in a frantic, fiery bid for freedom.
.S.J=i-: i Air Cemmodure 5ei :u V, u leads die iH- Heraldic motif of Hie "Sepuklira] KtLby,J
StUcUcund Lhnisler Hat'Siidc flujd may be dumped into the in nu sl stream m Power distributor-draw* and sLuies. Small tiavscompuki can be loaded wLih speties Uiapsu Skyforce has a forgotten meaning, ut U dates front
nozzle un eiitctjiierty d&r ernuing leaetkwi y Ic Ids eKpktik'r energy rrom wing leacLnr mil lugjuEulct charts for local scum ouly
early humanoid isclJldmenls esflaHisSied
Cbut dangerousLy unstable:) La^diijon^l thrust power to nearby components
E-k'ivdn::- Brcalti nn<£ on Ufnpau 57JWQ year? ago
Hypenirivc Lite s’.ipnart comlink
High-cniwctty hent c^chnrgrr cook engine Heat-smfc evil ■ fnr nw}l1vm«\ (tystcnis
detleaor fields.
prwemr , Jamming device
Eon Jjiccitfiiioi
tiach win? iwiclor shield
annihilates up 10 project nr wth Data buffers
3-1 kg of fuel
per w™d . Active sv-.ii: i n. r
l*ucl -imk power supply
F'lwl inj^tEor
rSMHe lew-noiK
scanners cooled
WiElt hl.LM,l

Power feeds
fn:m portKide

Airspeed wnwint

Capacity . Smear and dtn[ fmm

accumulate pti-war Data File—Utapaun Staefighter
LmpjCl at Uinpaun
lo energise laser tlysriH squid during an
CMtntJfl Manufacturer: Buuper Torsckil Abbe\ Dences
dir-Aieldrd joyride
brfurc SfifwrratiSiL Make: Porax-38 (P-38) starfighter
Symmetrical power feeds j occupnifOT Dimensions: length ! 2J m (41,7 ft); wtoth 12^8 tn (42.3 ft);
deliver emt^y bur^T Repulurlif)
height 2.71 m (8.9 ft)
[ compensator applies TrantpuriMPcI Max. acceleration (linear* in open space)'. 33D0G
Rewjam*e ejid beamramplificatiou chamber'. far£c fksWs to CcwslWf
aecekflUkm sireiMs Max* airspeed (in standard atmosphere}; bl ,000 kph (37, 905 mph)
Hyperdrive: class 2; 3jOOO light-year effective range
Inenial eompcnsiiior tarn!
CorLsnmables: 20 days airT fuel, and food
Reclaiming Utapau Crew: I
Utamu coolwii recycler feeds.
Utapau ns live on an eerie world of wind, bones, and caves far from Armament: 2 Riser cannons
Home Force Tarahba Prime, the nearest major shipping and communications
The Trade Federation protects its position in remote hub. The planet is shared by two humanoid species, the Utai and Data File—Techno Union Starfighter
galactic regions by planing embargoes on arms sales to the Pau'ans, known collectively as Utapauns. Utapau’s only asset Manufacturer: FecUian OlLiaw Scalable Assemblies
planetary governments. As a result, Utapauns rely upon sclF is its obscurity, which General Grievous exploit to keep his new Make: Mankvim-814 light interceptor
made, downscaled ships—their biggest anti-pirate RcndEli headquarters a secret from Republic forces. When the Utapauns Dimemions: length 10.7 m (35 ft); width 6.46 m (21,2 ft):
Dneadnaught is one-fifth of the size of a Trade Federation decide to fight back against the Separatist occupation, local height 3.45 m (11.3 ft)
Battleship. Lacking a heavy navy, Utapau ns deploy a nigged and S4wic spite* knowledge and the P-38N advanced scanner systems give them Max. acceleration (linear, in open space)? 3.4QGG
Hieh-fOWtf a sharp advantage in high -speed chases through the treacherous
potent stiirUghter force. Their large P-38 fighters are capable of laser tanjsua
Max. airspeed (in standard atmosphere)) 62.000 kph (37,905 mph)
independent hyperspace jumps, which enables them to defend the canyon terrain. Powerful jammers also prove surprisingly effective Hyperdrive; none
security of Utapau far into the Tarabba Sector. The interstellar range at interfering with Separatist droid control signals. Any droids Consumables: 2 hours fuel
Lmhs between MarboanJ
of these ships means they can. endure longer, more arduous missions ConlnVscari syS=1irtni
within targeting range are isolated, and must rely on their Crew; 1
lhan tiny, fleet-based craft such as Separatist droid fighters, built-in, low-intelligence individual droid-bra ins. Armament: 2 laser cannons
Republic V-wings, and Jedi starfighters. Forwurd Heannerfi

22 23
CLifisi >lt± iTiipliic display is ;i£[ju\tod 1.o

Grievous’s Wheel Bike

11 ijjk issei Fttftu cuuSeiUn HvprtlJrivt. Flidhi insliumenis Shield Ttinw suit She cubr pefMplicwl of GreSVOUrC Kmicfcle joim of
und novkiwnpuier tctKifiqt fin specie*1 cyeMijtll mu i'Iju-

Caffciriuic* stun.- charge for Outor drive Side cliiw,

towF csrtnun sli^K L'lLLill.
□neral Grievous’s fearsome reputation as a merciless military leader is
\ reinforced by a personal fleet of specialized killing machines and vehicles.
On cavernous IJtapau, the cyborg General drives a wheel bike —a tumbling twin-
Chu* |m nt
wheel that surrounds a central motor. Grievous’s military vehicle is an offshoot
mail Lhnisicr of the Banking Clan's hoop-wheeled Hailfire droids, designed to roll at
I -jsL'r cannoi i
beam- resonance \ intimidating speed on hard surfaces. It can also raise itself up on two
I tFe support II .unhef
pairs of legs to walk over the top of battle wrecks and other obstacles,
Gra>' in ill A double laser cannon replaces one side seat, and Grievous can
Ion jigcc Irntlpr f .uh* u[
/ coaling similar to
Liriihir h^sTrei hv wield either a conveniently placed electrostatic a blaster* or one
Fgrwand scanner chaitlb® rhma duns RopuMLo done troops.
of his Jcdi lighlsaber trophies when he rolls into battle.
G r i evous ? s Starr r c e iter Flexing daws skirt the wheels to provide a
Although he prefers hardHo-hand combat, General Grievous often flies a smoother ride, or clutch the ground as
battle-wom Belbullab-22 fighter designed by Feethan Gttraw Scalable
climbing leeth. The bike's strong
Assemblies. specialists in self-constructing armaments factories. ■nn ou % km!
Made fora living pilot. ihc hyperdrive-equippedcraft is iMlCnillLC iiLihk him allows amazing acrobatics,
Co ,-.JUIro3 Jiiii ts
bulkier and hardicrlhan disposable droid fighters. Two illoid force* h> an ability displayed when
mam ion drive?* enable die Belbulbb to keep pace with an FiWjii." OH>lai;:.ji ikiJ

Utapaun P-38- A rear-mounted thmsi-vectoring tin and Grievous is pursued by

auxiliary thrusters built into the wings assist with yaw and roll Obi-Wan Kenobi.
maneuver*- Rapid-firing triple laser cannons susinin firepower of
equivalent destructive force to that of 1 he Loyalists1 V-wing starfighters.

spilc-es .(i*r d ihVi
Uf iL-ft fOU: cfto-Jiinl £itf. Tail pjant and nxliaii&t wills

tlLKliiLr^e vein*

New Headquarters Billowing cicwk tuner run frame

General Grievous s invading forces

have constructed command centers and SiKkch cii^;c E-c-csh. ul

self-replicating Techno Union factories drive win*a

on Ulapyu. These facilities create new
Li^hi^ahor hliMk- a delicately wued. niassic^fi
troops, starrighters. wheel bikes, and MfintliHt' w'iivoof unci^)'
other vehicles using local materials.
If tell undisturbed, ihey will turn
GrkL^Ui"s rtbcrti'C iimna c£in s|jJj1 iel L^o. cnj.bEJup
Utsipau into yet another of the Outer him m drive and flgjhn cu ibe iame time
Rim’s fortress worlds, riddled with
ugly refineries and assembly lines and
trembling under die weight of ever- Rouu k Racing
meue deadly Se para list war machines. Grievous's wheel bike k pul to ihc it:si
hioL c a'-v*
when Gcncnil Kenobi, astride the lizard-
like v ninety I Boga. pursues the cyborg on a
Data File ^ LiglHM.1te!f Hc-ort fiMnt shtiic dangerous chase tlnougli ihe windmills and
Manufacturer: Z-Gomot TembueiJ Guppat Corp., Zng system ■kili Maxtor Jimniiur. il 1(1-
le^ed, e ratal i he bei ng from chasms of Pau city. As the Separeiisi
Make: Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike I lie filniiL t Vvjiw gcnerul speeds lownrcl his escape ship, (he
Dimensions; wheel diameter 2.5 m (8.3 ft), length {including deadly wheel bike smashes over or through
double laxey catifiort, excluding tegs) 3.5 m < IJ .5 ft): heiglit many obstacles. The hoop-wheels derive
(htrhiding tegs) 3.9 m ( 3 2.S ft) \. I. luiLi.L\L.,<r'. Mill ij.iiIlIiim!; |i.i* been
their stability From the gyroscopic effect
fftfiYiVed frt'rtH seat 3JS(I IVplXUCod with
Crew; 1 Lcf aemiator
I of massive, couiitcrspilining internal chains.
iiij^ikHil' pjlidl;, la %CLIJFL‘ I ^L-l-IL-t.lS

Max. lantispeed: 33Q kph (205 mph) rolling; 10 kph (b mphi pocisniancj- Climbing ;.pur
Ciricnw*'* meLa-llic l*dv la Ihe vehicle The individual links thnl make up the
on kgs
chains incorporate built-in capacitors,
Consumables: fuel for SOD km (311 mph) travel unjjtnc her,ning
which store reserve energy to power the
Armament; 3 double laser cannon \rnwnfd dtc^lpkito i ^ f.iri vagh’s !i-w
Drier's foouW Sievrirt^ btB/s 3-cjiijLiiLiiy immodificd Iwmnoitl cngans tegs and blaster when the engine is idle.
Sllilf Of I Co ffucLct

24 25
rThir>wfl ilkcmiiil detomtcff History of Hostility

Wookiee Catamaran
4i lEiim^ivre imt'lcir tkvicc , Prow resembles iIk For 20 years, liic Weak ices of Kffiihyyyk and its colony worlds
jistc «i uieli n sizeable hoEif AH-lilii hunt on ihc
m taut:-droid unnor Ikivc repeulwdly repelled encroachments by ihc greedy Trade
hsijiJ of ;i iruile Ojvfiwr

O evvaor CATAMARANS are slim, twin-hill led* Wookiee-made watercraft that

skid over the waters of Kashyyyk at breakneck speeds. They are lifted
■ WA
.Cu|»t[fri Chcwbiiccu sj'KnH Huiiy yelifs as U
Cljisutvjic hyprispacc
Federation, In this new period of unrestrained war, Confederacy
invaders now bypass the colonies and attempt a conclusive strike
on die Wookiee Iwmc world, Although die Separatist invasion
Ilk:- exit!i-*-ivc fenowk 1.1^0 of IiihSj itojU:*;
ileel is driven off by General Yoda's Republic taskforce, a huge
make liim a rrsC-4."l?ss Slilfiftip iw^fli-nr
by a repulsorlift array and propelled by Podraccr-stylc jet engines or army of tank droids, crab droids, and flying gtinsftips occupy the
tropical Wawaatt Archipelago, The Wookices know that they
propeller pods* and are steered by knife-like keels and rudders.
Wuokree visi«i is les-s must marshal all their brawn, defensive weaponry, and vehicular
Wookiee catamarans arc normally used as fishing or sports sh;iip i lirm [heif ^tutsr of
power to hah the intruders1 advance,
smell. SO iftey use easy-
craft* and are not equipped with built-in heavy weapons (O-reed *£p?en graphics.

But when Kashyyyk is invaded, hundreds of these Ht^h-velocily

e.thjjiit Upper iiir*:nop
“Vu-’tLC :il (r.K'kcr
unarmed craft are conscripted to bear Wookiee
troops in small-arms attacks, darting through the AiMHtnlw
Utderly AnichilcUk has prL*LGhis Ihrmv in,
vinual Kttliiy games ployed »n an iiddietive
lines of Separatist vehicles. The catamarans' speed lAfooSicc “mintl eviiporaior'" hufriscl

and maneuverability arc crucial, as Kashyyyk's V-llilli-singe

An n ;il nr
defenders know that the enemy must first capture Pilch aui'id C4]i‘ii|iCEt'ii]|nr
ucmtlnii-Lked .SCKlih
cluimbcr. PresaiMr release vent*
the coasts before attempting incursions into the Adjuttablr
iL-npih ,'ind
tangled, dense foliation of the inland woods. wtialit fuhilErf shaft

\V The oihtt, Sgi,

/^rtuiMjhhiL, ii filsn
I "f an expert in
Swamp Speeder —- — --wn;n .11 •• • ■
The Grand Army of the Republic bolsiers the Wockicc s Aiiertuimer

defensive ibrecs with a wide variety of imported war machines. Kindifer ynkc >
The light, two-man ISP (Infantry Support Platform) speeder it. the Hsliji.::-! vere.
clone Iruupa’ closest equivalent of the Wookiee s’ Oevvaor
catamarans and Raddadngh “Gmsp" FlutlcrcmfL The done . Running hoards,

tirmy's imtigruviLv repulsorlift vehicle floats smoothiy in the air

Fewer ^entrakif-
without touching land or water. It is driven by a jxiwerfu] HeaLtilg ctenuffllsi

turbo Ikn + which can lx: reversed to five a braking air blast when IRjiwfy fuel
needed. Precise, controlled vectoring of die ttubofan’s thrust
makes die ISP a highly maneuverable attack vehicle. The front-
Fuel in Ejtiik ii iu!id uL newfiHiU
mounted pair of twin-blaster cannons arc lethal to enemy Infantry, temper: tlures

bin can also prove highly effective against shielded enemy

gunships, fighters,and Corporate Alliance NR-N4J9 intik droids. FouwcihHnf.,

AnHrtWf m kjili r&2 Fum^rtl’

1C*T!iM1 r
Agile Defenders \ Hifh-pr>»trrcd
The Wookiee watercraft used in the defence of Kashyyyk are named AnlietiVini tester beam
after (he Oevvaor, a predatory marine reptile of the Kashyyyk coasts geiK Flllur

known for its agility and territorial ferocity.The tough hulls of these Gunner EEjSTWJiiya
jjrefcfi n IwaVy bkiMcr Slurtfy Vv-ood£n Tram-f
aptly named catamarans arc handcrafted from wroshyr timber. This provichiii 11 lit sireiiglh of a
light, strong, and durable wood is hewn from Kashyyykk Ihbletl ttaputsorlift ficW vanes iohv'. i 1 ise vmihjT tree

wroshyr trees, which can grow to hundreds of meters In height.

Wflotiia Kasscr fi:le is too liciivy for a AefnJynunijc. ^LiramlinCil curves
hUinnrl Hi tuny bin Wren fcn^gU»L\ Lumln lwt|1 yimllV MlIPWh, KUibtU nijfltt

Strategic World
Si^k, ti lt in.' Kashyyyk, or 'AVookiee Planet C" as some humans call it. has Data File
iiir tl’Es ink iti r (Uhl-
long played a major role in transgalactic shipping and Manufacturer: Appazanno Engineering Works
communications. For centuries, an elite guild of long-lived Make: Oevvaor jet catamaran
Wookiee cartographers known as the Clan t a vac have maintained Dimensions: length 15J m (462 It); width It).2 tn (33.5 ft);
KudUcr ,ic In
and updated the by pci space route surveys I hat keep the galaxy height 43 m ( 14.1 ft)
navigEibte. It is widely believed dial the Claalnvac Guild’s ancient Max. vvaterspeed: 370 kph (230 mph)
Lower njttilecs dnia archives contain many near-mythical, long-lost routes that do Crew: 2
iii> iiti« wjiik-t- Passengers: 2
not feature on the Republic’s official charts. Conquering Kashyyyk
would enable the Separatists to control hyperspnee route planning Cmismunbies: 2 days’ rations
lUfHICIlLlT 'Luster 4,-HljCkHlS and to use 1 he Wookiees’ secret routes to frustrate and monopolize Armament: none
galactic trade and communications.

„i)orsul bbuld ^nenUir
Covert Collaborations
NkvsLi ihe ray-F-hiekl
'.*V: :• L^kTL.y fwkfc CiitmlMirt^ The Emperor's shuttle serves as a mobile
NeEween lltc upper niwd
from which he can thither his goal of galactic
_. *i4e u fog*

A ssassination and abduction have punctuated every stage of

the Clone Wars, and a galactic leader such as the newly self-
domination. Separatist leaders, corrupt Senators,
and other influential figures have been bribed,
coerced, or threatened in die ship's secure ail
compartment. Silh truth [it>tions, rnind-control
appointed Emperor Pulpatine requires a secure personal transport enhancers, torture devices, and memory erasers
have assisted Palpaiine in his "negotiations. '
The new 77/eta-class T-2c shuttle is designed to ferry important
Mystical JiiEh equipment capable of channeling
officers, Senators, and courtiers between planets and ships in a tiie dark side of the Force also helped sustain his
safety. Capable of outgunning most slaughters, the ship is jmfk injured apprentice Darth Vader during the
Minor shieW
Stull ■■ irtk anil
^ trip from Mustafar to the secret medical
fitted with twin forward-mounted quadlaser cannons and cadisior unit center on Coruseant.
a single, liigh-powered tail gun. This destructive arsenal can Landing Seiith.- ilisclurge Raised tiwanJing mcnp
li^hi cfev iora lUuu iti^iLinlgrt aulnnkiwd laset. Jflflcw
be computer-controlled or manually operated from a combined
communications and gunnery station in the cockpit. The long Commuiiitatkirts Main mdoraml its hyptnicnM: J'nei jn: ceiLicnxI
Iran^pnnikn prverihe landing ic^rcn«inng stable hnlmtce
folding wings are designed to project powerf ul shielding fields,
and they also aid stability during atmospheric flight. Hypcndnivi; module

Airlock qloof.
.Secure cntrticjd slowajje compannuent
contain*; Sith arteliM-T:,, field cqutpmenl,
Data File NiiViranipuEcr
.mil iiftim^liisn devi, >>■
Manufacturer; Cygnus Spaeewurks
Make: 7 j^vhcIeiss T-2c Personnel TYansport
h-Ioii drive LhruSler nuiude
111 mens km si length (excttuling guns) IS.5 m (60.7 ft); Ffttpui L«.l fur flUlU'U.'l. attll cj(N.LlS tCHLIIJUi

width 29,3 m (96.1 ft): height IS.5 m (60.7 ft) combat, Uw plasma rU r»caT-lipht -speed
pilot wears a
Max* acceleration (linear, in open space)* 1J80GG fid] flight suit
Rcrtwr feed* iu afl. ude uml
Max* airspeed (in standard atmosphere)1* 2,000 kph (1240 mph)
ventral sterns
llypcrdrive: uliiKS. 1; H,UO0 light-year range
Consumable*: 60 days fuel and air ^ ® .
S.liih ^cpJirrjiirf ln
Crew: 1-5 ^milder impels Iiiglr
[', velocity Ehru'l
Armament: 2 quad laser cannons; 1 aft laser cannon g EjlutjlE slranu Ei? stem

s FX uriti £0141^^)1 nudfeal droid

Elite Transport
tends his patient ^ ith teiii: etfrcieiK'i
Emperor Pal pa tine’s shuttle has been
upgraded hy "Warthan^s. Wizards,1' I he
Lyre ViHjer Iks maimed. banicU.amJ crippled
finest starship technicians in the galaxy. wm W.
pfitr fitElin^ inrin vnlfunif ash dkiring his <h*cl
To provide instant transga lactic - ;lF ■vith Obi-\.Vjrt Jwrmi'i utl Muslataj
eujUmiHiicjLU^Jis b-SLiLioits
communications, they installed u
hyperwave reflector akin to the secrei RIit|n.-n.n Palpa tine |SL>iulei * lfr.1
I Silver feuds inside
Jedi homing devices. The shuttle is also leading edge *re kepi
fdais of his w spprem ioe. ihe
lined with sensor masks that make the apjrt by Itcal-vLiii; ■•■;? -v prHipti^hlcd LltUacn Otic id' lueu

dements _ Rcpulsortift
interior appear enrplv on conventional generator
scanners. Palpatinefs later shuttle* will tj'ifli earnHMT (H^ef «tls

feature a cloaking device —making them

invisible to all forms of light, gravity, stvietd jsenerator
|" '-'“I I 'll -I I - *|ll.i Jlit'.lT vitl II.-'I I
and other known energies.

Wine EVaii'.i-
Imperial Symbol
FLIGHT MODE Landing in Safety
In the formative years of the
When the T/isra-days .shuttle -SitwJI-siailc rhcntuij ami
Galactic Empire, Cygnus
rumrino riidialnr
KslUcii winj> linjgines aiui sliwias lands* its long wings fold Space works wiii lose the contract loiii i mini ly »mnven |wai
cononitniK shield _ tteucErvated upwards tn allow access via the for its shuttle line to Sienar Fleet m. absorbed hv hhicldt
eJirccuv aroiKid ;Iil-
main hatch. The ion drive powers Systems, Key designers at Cygnus,
1]»C shu-rk’s hull
down as antigraviiy repul&oijiiEs s^nommis ug^ay
X il ibstendLH AumnulMi lured by vast salaries, personal galactic
timi-siiilcs hfiitiiiij
guitJe the ship to a gentle yachts* and a cut of future profits, will i.ii.iiLi- i 4isEke fiKi^y
syKtcms Inwin
^nplivc touchdown. Scanners linked to defect to Sicnar, taking their designs with
the computer-controlled weapons them. In >enrs to come, the configuration of the
systems survey the landing site /yjtffrr-class and els descendants will become a
Shields flctiv*,/ us the ship [EeseeEids, ready to symlxd of Imperial prestige. Sienar will also produce Sl«fiil|, jcEi line
hronUN Kf?rc.wL. WVLphE balanced "~~-
instantly eliminate am, threat to the Empire's primary space-superiority cruft, the TIR She alix {if the
itud unUrtHl Repulwrlit! *iJoii.I amble, EKimi:.!1. w 11: y;
Biwund luNcbje cn^ifdJ witWy ?p«ed landing »kid» the ship or its occupants. (1 win Ion Engine) fighter, as wdl as downscaled
warships buih to patrol remote sectors.

DrcRt; i Transpo kt
To begin his self-imposed exile on Dagobah, Yodu stowed away aboard an automated

Y oda’s C:isins rinj;* £>t'llffuilefi vi-ii. tv;

cannibal inrJ bn perfpm n uxful
function in i makriifiin •lIwl-LI iii!J
r ?.r/ Ir
Polls ^ Scissan-registered super-freighter. Carrying grain to starving Inhabitants of the
Separatist stronghold of Sims Van. the ship briefly dropped out of hyperspace just

A n escape pod is designed for just one thing: to carry a living being away from danger as
quickly as possible. These basic craft roar and shake through ihe air, propelled by
outside Dagobah "s sohir system. Launching bis escape pod undetected ainl unrecorded
Yodn headed for his gloom} new home. With no hyperdrive for a return journey, the
teeming jungle will ruin the redundant vehicle within a year, t he resourceful ledi will
Don actck"ration dhairtbcr incorporate some parts into a crude but homely new dwelling. Hand-built from mud.
simple ion engines, while the occupant s ride is smoothed by inertial compensators and anti- (v tv, or odl gnarltree, w attle and stones, the hut will make use of the pod’s hull plates as a
gravity fields. In his escape from the forces of Emperor Paipaline’s new ly formed Galactic Pluama
foundation for die flow. Thruster rings will form door and window frames, while
elements from the fuiificial-grio ily compensators will provide illumination.
Empire, Jedi Master Yoda resorts to these devices twice in the space of one week cjiblir.j'
Yoda's first pod is a simple, Wookiee-made __ Armored hull pure* i c^n □fiiuu'jLimt
will; be used in
vessel that lifts him away from -s- t I' '.Tj | .'IT. V«Jb‘s km
danger on Kashyyyk. His second \
craft, which carries him into exile _
on Dagobah, is a more sophisticated ■

lander from Polls Massa. The pod ,.T':v

• I• • y
can guide itself to an upright landing Adju s tabte fGwpad

and touch down on its four folding legs

Rt&HCn.'kHliiniEiun flmrntKrr.

Fuel tank's Jrt: ^iilftsl imply ji" readmit and pEupdbknl

A Hidden Sanctuary
After discovering the disappearance of the planet Kamino from Jedi
Leg ardculaiion socket
navigational charts at the beginning of the Clone Wars, Yoda
Tctt.i'ti idcnieEry
discreetly scanned for other gaps. Throughout the entire galaxy, he iHtiitCviOr jhK kil.iin-L
detected 37 more "missing" star systems. He found amazing strategic DisiTev-t beacon .already ;nw! inuclufown
dcfuelivutod fov Vr.l.i^—
resources in some, while he met fiendish foes in others. With the ^Re^raidi tractoc HeW
. Irli^nl i haltl rk ..■iip4ifil
dark side of die Force ever more pervasive. Yoda chose to keep one Raaior-t and survival ae
!<".l plan. t. D.ifyihah. .r-; his pnv;i;o sc. rel in n :I. ■ in;■. hr ;r .11>Ir "****-*. InettLuL ttmipeiuiilorv Lk-■!i■■! ’ igiu ■ <■■■ rl. nip
to out-manipnlate the phantom menace responsible for deleting the Scats arc designed crane ;■ Ikild [In'll SiTeeK Jocks stkling elcitxni*.
Hu be- a -JtniiL!ortiibk pul interior firm uJTiCIi i
Jedi files. By adopting Dagobah as his hiding place. Yoda now £ i jlfiflt aeccL-iilioai:
FiS/C I'CW .111 1.1 •
awaits a new ]io|5c for the galaxy in safe, if lonely, isolation. mute Ma-stan —- —

Data File—Kashyyyk Pod

IY1 an tifacLu re r: Uu rba h hah mo v v
Escape from Kashyyyk Joiners Si Artisans
With invading Separatist droids Make; homemade evacuation pod
Sfrisor |)TDCi5ssw und
overrunning the forests and lagoons Dimensions: diameter 2.3 m (7.5 ft);
guidjnnw oofflpiiicr
of Kashyyyk, Wookicc defenders height 3.4 m (M.l ft)
prepared chon sands of hidden escape Ri«UA-: Max. acceleration {linear, in ofieri
HcadtUil deii pinvi lo L-flmml
accommodate a pods for iast-resort evacuation. space}'. 140G
WookitSc’F twLfihl General Yoda, in victorious yet Max. airspeed (during descent):
■ ’■»
•. .-.y % M.:-1 i^forA-nird scunner
:: >v\;£ unforeseeable circumstances, used the over 70.000 kph (43,497 mph)
AwkwimlJy-EiJjuslL'J Hyper drive: none
cent re-.triiini first pod. Its three sublight thrusters—
I ■ i .liiit’ repuisofliA L‘k‘11 iils Hnidi hinyc
cobbled together from three Passengers: t
pjaiwiurj- ^L-iFitv Hud Score h ^iiiL:, from
Voita. Ilh: Ri[>ii]V£i vkioteiC shipwrecks—contain Just enough fuel Lhc dcsciiit Consutnnhles: 1 week’s food and air
ftatiosjiiwric entij
like SiiElle nf Kjiihyyyj; to bear It ini safely into interplanetary
space, Yoda deactivates his pod’s tell¬
Data File—Dagobah Pod
Cunlirot tiiiiHl Smooth tijncli c-d£je Martufucliirur; His Graccthe Duke
tale distress beacon, reiving solely on
loch it-n g HKJticaltj'
Gada I - H enn \ S ;i fc ty I n spec torn! c
■Curved slahilJser tin* his Jedi emergency transmiiter. This into fm tk
4,‘Hsare n s’ublc, rifled pocket gadget reflects a tiny fraction
Dimensions; diameter 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
■ n OSccrll Ekri.' null 1]fLL in: length (7e#y mtmered) 4 in (13.1 ft )
of die supralight signals beamed
Mukc: 1’,3-stamlard sLarsliij) lifebotfii
between the Republic’s public
- — . Slurdv (On%crm-ri«ri cif M ax* aceclei'tiUim {(invar, in open
hjeaipioof (nil t reflecEs HoloNet relays. Encrypted
|Wd^ik‘jlily of WcwJdile deK-Jsii space)'. 3DUG
modulation of tlicse l'cIJciclcU signals
< YuUa is line cvf Max, itirspeed {dnrm$ descent);
transmits the owner's ID and location.
.SunMir pii list L-Ujvt litres over 40,0(H) kph (24,856 mph)
Alderaanlan agents searching for %n* vi vinj .kdi
Rcdely: Hyperdm e; none
surviving Jedi on Coruscant intercept Coutnil members
.'.Ini. wi lb Passengers: 3
Yoda’s call., leading Senator Bail nSiJ iiiiiii^l slept emure Obi-Wan Kaiwbi
Organa io his rescue. vi^iluLjlj nflcr j luncELrti; Consumables: 4 weeks1 fond smd air
TJirualuj not'/k and die re Delude
in dark omdilkkis Diirih Vnder


DTP DESIGNER Luuren Egan PRODUCTION Rochelle Ttilory

ART EDITOR Iain K. Morris SENIOR EDITOR Jonathan W. Rin/lcr

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PUMistwd Hi the Untied Stalin by nit (XAIisliinp, Inc
37J HihUon Sired. tic<ai Yert. Ifiew Yni; I Ml I -4

CnfryrigbE >' 2(105 1.11-,. IiTi■ > l.Ml. jmln"

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All riflils cr-crvt’J under Intcrr k tonal and Pan'American Cispv rt|j5il tn raw-nitons Mr psit lbi* publication
ULls hi' regkP'MUiredi SlWPlI in a retrieval iVifcm, ur IruiuirilLfd in pay I'unn by iint mcani. electronic,
nwchnnkiil, pfajkicupyiiip. recmcdifig, or otherwise. wiihoot the- prior writ leu [re no is* ion of (he copyright owner,

ftibfiibed in Great BriUiit by Dwlinp Kindnsluy l.iinilcd

A cdfiaktf iumI iiiavailable Imm Hil lahruj. nr i-.wipiurs.

C'OfcF rjfWdCCrirtfl bt Mvda Uvvalnpntcnl iliiJ lYinlmy LlJ. UK
Hbflbd and bound in billy by L.EJG.O.

Hays jEKMiKs painted the ARC-17(1 r V-Wifl*, Sflpnralisl Jenssen, for another unforgettably fine and fun
Ships, Sur Destroyer. Druid nmiship, fJliipaurt P-3S LcilljLhisr.iliiiii; I dilcr Ned Kelly and Art 3 dilOr John Kelly ,
Fsghler, Wooldee Calamartn,and Yddas Escape Pods. for their pastern completion of near-impOsbibi lilies; Alex
He would like to thunk: Jailine, Ante, and Rich, tor Kirklitim, Amy Gary, and Simon Beecroft, 10 wfrom I owe
helping with unify issues; everyone ai Lucas. Licensing the privilege of official involvement in the Sine Efr/r
and (In; JAK Art Department, for Llh^r Lime and hospitalik. endeavor; JonJihan RintlM. IaJn Morris. Lei and Chet. and
Sue Rraioni at Lucas Licensing I saluie Michnel Ufatg,
ILIlHAND CllASKMCIKi; painted the Jedi lnk-rccplui. Andrew Tsc. Wayne Poe. Adam Gchfls. Dorian Kraftts.
fan imihir* tttrml, Tri-Fighter. Jujgcnyul.Cnevtius't Julm Edward Vermaren, Michael Blackburn, KaXtinki
VVIkcI Bike, and PalpalitveShuttle.. He would like to Shirnazaki, Denris Aspo, Julius Sykes. Bran Young, Ethan
(blink: Hilary nihi Koco (my r*j(hlul Ijibotdor), for PI alien, Miehiwl Honre. Madyn GrifTMli*. jiiiI many
putliitg up with me; Hans, forhciiii: my wing man; anony mous oihers, for the scholarly and reasonable
Kyun. lirik, and Lay a( Ihe JAK Art Department. wIki example itLey Juve set; Johann Groinhuch. lor provldmp.
gswe irs an incredible amount of (heir time: ;tll ut Lucto aAmiil measuring K»Is at heroically jtlion notice; Lee
Licensing. particularly lain, Stacy, and Jonathan;. UuoryJor presenting illformtiljvc naval photo*,; Joe Khme
C’nrtw I Ir-v ■ ,v,ir .•in-iii 1 ns rv ia.iv. pri'j-ulsion m Bonn and Franck Etchegomy in Paris, for expanding my
systems, mighi wort, with a large amounl of lightning colleelion of Star t liars reference materia]; Sabrina
arid iksSiuttS gas!; finally, a salute In DK. Casunovn ,md Michael Gross, for iheir pracltenJ advice nntl
advocacy; the kind hospitality of Kostcr Smith, Coritina
Jtms Mi LL.ASJiY iiaiuLeJ ihe Clone Swamp Speeder, Karuw. and ffte fan Kraut white I (raveled and wrote ills*
book; finally my gratitude lo Anthony Bunflla for his
Jo*s Hvu. created (he adrmivtstnHiort of my home in die online tommumiy.
dipilal schematic for
FulpaliilL- s Shull I c. Dukllsc kJMif.ttsLt. v would like (o lain Morris.
Jonathan Rinr.lrr, Sl;icy Chcregotis, Chris (iiilbhcr,
Curtis S.csaov wishes w Inland Cbec. Amy Caiy, Sue Rustoni, and all al
thank lire following people; Lucas Licensing: Ryun Church, Erik Tremens.Ate*
tire artist*. Richard Jnc^cr. Fay David. Aaron. McBride, end everyone
Cluseiimne und Hans in ihc JAK und ILM An Departments

morf v
www.iiaiwafj.tom copyrighl w.> 2005 Lueflsftim Ltd- ik ™

This, unique visual guide shows all the major spaceships and vehicles from Revenge of the Sith
in amazing depth, peeling back Ihe layers to reveal cockpits, engines, hyperdrives, construction
secrets, and much more. The fascinating, w ide-ranging text provides context, back stories, and
history, while informative lahels point out all the details in the artwork.

In addition, a Uw ish. four-page gatefold supplies a breathtaking overview of the Separatist

flagship—the setting for An akin and Obi-Watt’s thrilling battle to rescue Supreme Chancellor
Palpatine from the evil dutches of the cyborg General Grievous,

The critically damaged Separatist flagship's fiery descent toward Com scant * the Republic's
formidable fleet of Jedi Interceptors, Star Destroyers, ARC- 3 70s, and V-wings *
Chewbaeca’s high-speed catamaran racing into battle on the Wookiee homeworld

How bur/ droids arc deployed from Confederacy iri-fighters * ihe intimidating firepower
of the droid gunship * the Sith secrets of Palpatine s Imperial shuttle

Fearsome armored Juggernauts * General Grievous’s deadly wheel bike * Yodkfs escape pods
Utapau P-3H fighters * Clone-troop swamp speeders ■ and much more!

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I ' IIC-II ,FI lllll), coin Cojiryri ght © 200s Liosfilm Ltd. &™

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