Writer Communications

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Writer Communications


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I being someone who is and has always had passionate about communication, I have

always greatly valued and appreciated the power of a written word and most time I do spend my

precious time writing essays, articles just trying to explore my ability of being a good writer.

However, I do confess and admit that my writing skills are not yet where I want them to be

because I am looking forward to have the best writing skills ever in my school and my country at

large in the near future. But with little I have, I am generally confident in my ability to convey

my ideas clearly to the target audience not forgetting that I still have a lot of room for growth and

improvements where necessary when it comes to writing persuasively, organizing my thoughts

effectively, and communicating complex information in a way that is easy to understand by

everyone, no matter the level of literacy.

As I am committed to improving my writing skills, I do face a lot of challenges among

them being having difficulties when organizing my thoughts in a coherent and logical way

sometimes. It is well known that any individual when you are dealing with complex information

or ideas, it is difficult to align them in logical way (McMahan et al., 2017). Overcoming this

challenge, I severally do develop strategies for outlining and structuring my writing, as well as

for identifying the key points that I want to make. Furthermore, I sometimes also encounter

difficulties in finding my own voice and style as a writer because there are many different

writing styles and approaches to choose from. However, by reading widely and practicing my

writing regularly, I regularly try to develop my own unique voice and style to use.

Nevertheless, there are also many strengths that I leverage with as I look up to be a better

writer. For instance, I already have a strong grasp of grammar and syntax, which is a valuable

foundation for improving my writing skills and I am also skilled when it comes to research and

analysis, which help me to communicate complex ideas effectively.


Written communication is a very important aspect to my field of communication as it

plays a crucial responsibility in various aspects of the profession. The roles range from crafting

persuasive messages to creating informative reports and documentation as they require strong

writing skills for effective communication (Moore & Morton, 2017). Research has shown that

the ability to write well is highly valued by employers in the communication field where they

always require an individual who can critically come up with something like scripts that can be

of help to their organization. For instance, a study conducted by the “National Association of

Colleges and Employers” found that written communication skills were among the top five most

sought-after attributes for job candidates in the communication field. This underscores the

importance of strong writing skills for success in the industry.

Moreover, effective written communication is essential for building and maintaining a

brand's reputation. Poorly written communication can negatively impact an organization's

credibility which can even damage its reputation. Conversely, well-crafted and polished writing

can help to build trust and establish an organization as a leader in its industry. Written

communication is also vital for conveying complex information, data, and analysis in a clear and

concise manner which is particularly can be of important in fields such as marketing and public

relations, where accurate and informative reporting is critical for decision-making and strategy


Some application of written communication in my field is writing persuasive messages to

gain support for projects. In the communication field, a key task is to persuade stakeholders to

support a particular project or initiative (Moore & Morton, 2017). This might involve drafting a

good proposal, outlining the benefits of the project, and making a convincing argument for why

it should be supported. Persuasive writing is an essential skill for communication professionals,


as it helps to build trust and establish credibility with stakeholders. For example, if a

communication professional is working on a social media campaign to raise awareness about a

new product, he or she might need to write persuasive copy for the ad or promotional materials

and even use emotional appeals, storytelling, or other techniques to capture the audience's

attention and persuade them to take action, such as clicking on a link or making a purchase.

Creating reports or memos to provide exact documentation or records is also important

application of written communication in the communication field as it is essential when creating

reports to provide exact documentation and records of an organization's activities. They include

documenting the results of a marketing campaign, providing financial reports and budgets, or

outlining the strategic plan for an organization. For instance, a communication expert may be

tasked with creating a report that outlines the results of a social media campaign. The report will

include information such as the number of clicks, impressions, and conversions, as well as the

demographics of the audience and other key metrics (McMahan et al., 2017). It would therefore

need to be well-organized and clearly written to ensure that stakeholders can easily understand

the results of the campaign and use the information to make informed decisions.

However, to do away with the challenge of developing writing skills to be better prepared

for applications in my field, I develop and establish a well-rounded plan. I will identify the

specific areas where improvement is needed, such as grammar, structure, and persuasive writing.

I will do this by my reviewing previous written work, asking for feedback from colleagues or

supervisors, and seeking additional training or resources. Furthermore, I will encourage myself

to practice writing regularly. I will make sure this is attained by setting aside time each day or

week to write, even if it's just for a few minutes. Writing exercises, prompts, and workshops are

always useful tools which help improve writing skills, as well as reading extensively to that help

to gain exposure to different writing styles and techniques.

I will also highly consider seeking out feedback from others people and colleagues from

my work. I will share writing samples with colleagues or supervisors and ask them for

constructive criticism. The feedbacks will provide valuable insights into areas that need

improvement and help to identify strengths that can be built upon. Finally, I will take advantage

of available resources and training opportunities. This will include attending workshops and

classes on writing skills, investing in software and other online tools that help in editing and

proofreading, or seeking out mentorship or coaching from experienced writers in the field.

In conclusion, developing writing skills is an ongoing process that requires consistent

practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn and improve. By establishing a plan that includes

regular practice, seeking feedback, and taking advantage of available resources, communication

professionals can improve their writing skills and be better prepared for applications in the field.


McMahan, B., Moore, E., Ramage, D., Hampson, S., & y Arcas, B. A. (2017, April).

Communication-efficient learning of deep networks from decentralized data. In Artificial

intelligence and statistics (pp. 1273-1282). PMLR.

Moore, T., & Morton, J. (2017). The myth of job readiness? Written communication,

employability, and the ‘skills gap’in higher education. Studies in Higher Education,

42(3), 591-609.

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