Complete KET SB (2020)

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® CAMBRIDGE COMPLETE KEY for Schools Student’s Book without answers Second edition « CAMBRIDGE COMPLETE KEY for Schools Student’s Book without answers Second edition & CAMBRIDGE A2 WITH ONLINE PRACTICE, David McKeegan For the revised exam from 2020 University Press Cambridge Assessment English Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception ‘and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2019 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 1211109876543 Printed in Malaysia by Vivar Printing Acatalogue record for this publication is availabe from the British Library {SBN 978-1-108-53933.3 Student's Book without answers with Online Practice ‘The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, ‘accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such Information thereafter, = CAMBRIDGE Map of the units Introduction ‘A2 Key for Schools content and overview 1 Hi, how are you? 2 We're going home Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2 3. Dinner time 4. I'm shopping! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 5 It’s my favourite sport! 6 Have you got any homework? Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 ond 6 7 Let’s goto the museum 8 Did you get my message? Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8 9 Move that fi 10 It’s going to be sunny Vocabulary ond grammar review Units 9 and 10 11 like to keep fit 12 Have you ever been ona plane? Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12 13 What’s your hobby? 14 Keep in touch! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 13 and 14 Grammar reference Phrasal verb builder Irregular verbs Writing bank ‘Speaking bank Extra resources “ 20 2 2% 3 36 2 50 56 62 a 78 84 90 92 oa 104 106 132 134 135 143 149 in Hi,how are you? Listening fence Part2: Three English teenagers Part Fiveshort conversations Part 6:on emi Speaking Part 1, Phase 1 Part 1:signs and notices "art 3: planning a party Part Tsashortstory Port 1, Phase 2 Vocabulary and grammar review Units Land? @ pacsncnafeiepednana Se ee eee Vocabulary and grammar review Units? and @ @ Tove that film! Part: Paddington Bear Part 2:0 music concert Part 7: oshortstory art2, Phase 2 105 going tobe sunny Part2: Holiday octvties Part: fe short conversotions Parts: completing a text Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10, been on aplane? Part oshort story Tike tokKeep fit | Part 3: Ayoung personal trainer Part: short conversations and Part2, Phase? art 6: an email monologues. Have youever | Part: signs ond notices Part2:0 porkrun Part, Phase2 Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12 What's your hobby? Part 3: Ateenage Go player Part 3:Horse-rding eseons Parté:on emai Part2, Phases tand2 4 Keep in toucht art Skywiting art 5 completing ashort text Parts tond2 Vocabulary and grammar eview Unite 13 and & CAMBRIDGE fiend Word stressin numbers ir) umbers Family members Present simple Adverbs of requency Word stress: two-sylable words Time Present continuous Rooms rave got Furniture Ish ft tah School lunches: Countable and uncountable nouns Food phrases How much /meny: afew, a ite, lot ond i? Clothes ond accessories resent continuous ond present simple Adjectives 100 and enough Shops schwa jaf Sports Comparativesand superiatives {play and gowith sports Prepositions of time at in,on) Nationalities iwjenditf ‘School subjects hhaverto Clossroom objects Object pronouns Education verbs Pastsimple-ed endings Buildings Post simple Directions Imperatives ‘What's the matter? (ailments) can cant Technology verbs Post continuous Music «an J can't, could couldn't jing forms Suggesting, accepting and relusing Verbs with-ing ort infinitive ‘gjctives ‘The future withthe present simple, present continuous and will gong to Wihot’sthe weather lke? going to Places muse mustn't Sentences with Portsof the body First conditional something, anything, nothing et. 6 {-ing odjectives Tondag eans of transport Present perfect Vehicies should shouldn't Travel verbs ‘hw fof Hobbies Present perfect with for and since Adverbs ‘may {might obs Sentenco stress Communication verbs The postive Present perfect with ust, clready ond yet Who this book is for Complete Key for Schools sa stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the A2 Key for Schools exam from Cambridge Assessment English, It teaches you the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills which are necessary for the exam, as well as essential grammar and vocabulary. For those who are not planning to take the exam in the near future, the book provides skills and language which are all highly relevant for school-age learners moving towards an A2 level of English. What the Student’s Book contains: + Usunits for classroom study. Each unit contains: = an authentic exam task taken from each of the three papers in the Key for Schools exam. The units provide language input and skills practice to help you deal successfully with the tasks in each part. ~ essential information on what each part of the exam involves, and the best way to approach each task - awide range of enjoyable and stimulating speaking activities designed to increase your fluency and your ability to express yourself. = grammar and vocabulary activities and exercises for the grammar and vocabulary you need to know for the exam. When you are doing these exercises, you will sometimes see this symbol: @)) These exercises are based on research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and they deal with the creas which often cause problems for candidates in the exam. ~ seven unit reviews. These contain exercises which revise the grammar and vocabulary that you have studied in each unit. - Speaking and Writing reference sections. These explain the possible tasks you may have to do in the Speaking and ‘Writing papers, and they give you examples and models together with additional exercises and advice on how best to ‘approach these Speaking and Writing exam tasks. = a Grammar reference section which clearly explains all the main areas of grammar you will need to know for the Key for Schools exam. There are also practice exercises for all grammar points. ~ extra online resources to help you with grammar, vocabulary and exam preparation, Also available ar + Downloadable audio ontine containing listening material for the 14 units of the Student’s Book plus mati ‘Speaking Bank. The listening material is indicated by coloured icons (in the Student’s Book. + ATeacher’s Book containing: step-by-step guidance for handling the activities in the Student’s Book. - anumber of suggestions for alternative treatments of activities in the Student's Book and suggestions for extension act - Photocopiable recording scripts from the Student’s Book listening material, = complete answer keys including recording scripts for all the listening material All sections of text which provide ‘answers to listening tasks are underlined. ~ 14 photocopiable word lists (one for each unit) containing vocabulary found in the units. Each vocabulary item in the word list is accompanied by a definition supplied by the corpus-informed Cambridge Learner's Dictionary. - access to extra photocopiable materials online to practise and extend language abilities outside the requirements of the Key for Schools exam. + AWorkbook containing: = L6units for homework and self-study. Each unit contains further exam-style exercises to practise the reading, ‘grammar and vocabulary, which also Uses information about common exam candidate errors from the Cambridge Learner Corpus = Vocabulary Extra sections, at the end of each unit, which contain further revision and practice of the essential Key for Schools exam vocabulary in the Student’s Book units. ~ downloadable audio online containing all the listening material for the Workbook. + ATest Generator containing: = agrammar and vocabulary test at standard and plus levels of each of the 14 units in the Student's Book. forthe three Term Tests including grammar, vocabulary and exam tasks for: writing, speaking, listening and reading = an end of yeor test including grammar and vocabulary from all 14-units along with exam tosks for: writing, speaking, listening and reading Gen Mana) 1 Reading and writing hour Content Part 1: Discrete three-option multiple choice questions on sixshort texts. Part 2: Matching, There are three short texts with seven items. Candidates are asked to decide which text an item refers to Part 3: Three option multiple choice. Candidates read a text and are asked to choose the correct answer from five multiple-choice questions. Part 4: Three-option multiple-choice cloze. A text is followed by six questions. Candidates select the correct word from each question to complete the text. Part 5: Open cloze. Candidates complete gaps in one ‘ortwo short texts Part 6: Writing - short message Part 7: Writing - story Broo Part 1: Candidates focus on overall understanding of emails, notices and messages. Part 2: Candidates read for specific information and detailed comprehension. Part 3: Candidates read for detailed understanding and main ideas. Part 4: Candidates read and identify the ‘appropriate word. Part 5: Candidates read and identify the appropriate word with the focus on grammar. Part 6: Candidates write a communicativenote or emcil of at least 25 words. Part 7: Candidates write a narrative of atleast 35 words describing the people, events and locations that are shown in three pictures. 2 Listening approximately 30 minutes. Part 1; Five short dialogues with three-option multiple-choice questions with pictures. Part 2: Longer dialogue. Five gaps to fill with words or numbers. Part 3: Longer informal dialogue with five three- option multiple-choice items. Part 4 Five three-option multiple choice questions on five short dialogues or monologues. Part 5: Matching. There is a longer informal dialogue. Candidates match five items with eight options, Part 1: Candidates are expected to listen and identify key information. Part 2: Candidates are expected to identify and write down key information. Part 3: Candidates listen to identify specific information, feelings and opinions. Part 4: Candidates listen to identify the main idea, message, gist, topic or point. Part 5: Candidates listen t information. identify specific 3 ‘Speaking 8-10 minutes er pair of candidates Part 1 Phase 1: Each candidate interacts with the interlocutor, giving factual information of a personal nature, Part 1 Phase 2: A topic-based interview where the interlocutor asks each candidate two questions about their daily life. Part 2 Phase 1: discussion based on topic-based ‘artwork prompts. Candidates discuss the objects and ‘activities in the artwork with each other. Part 2 Phase 2: The interlocutor leads follow-up discussion on same topic as Phase 1. Each candidate is asked two questions. Part 2: Candidates focus on interactional and social language. Part 2: Candidates focus on organising a larger Unit of discourse, © whatao yousee inthe photos? © complete the conversation with phrases from the box. Doyou like school? I'm13, Nice tomeet you. ‘What!syeurname?- @ Listen and check. Thiago: Hey. (1) .....ADhat's. your. name? " Sophie: My name's Sophie. @© Work in pairs. Practise the conversation, Thiago: I'm Thiago. (2) Give true information about yourself. How old are you? Sophie: (3) What about you? Thiago: I'm 13,too. (4) Sophie: Yes, | do! 8 O 3030 50 Sei Macliil Numbers 7P/ Word stress Listen to the numbers. Under thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen seventy eighteen eighty ahundred andnineteen a hundred and ninety Listen again and say the numbers. Listen and circle the numbers you hear. 13 30 7 70 4 40 18 80 15 50 119 190 16 60 Listen to the conversations. Write down the three ‘numbers you hear in each conversation. 1 45, 2 3 + You will hear five short conversations. + You will hear each conversation twice. + You must choose the correct picture. Read question 1, and say the numbers on the doors. Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 Where does Thiago live? Read questions 2-5. Underline the key words. Then describe what you can see in the pictures. 2. Which is Lucy’s family? A B c 4 Which is the girl's bus? B c A 5. Which is Charlotte's favourite photo? Listen. For these questions, choose the correct answer. of ‘Then listen again and check. EEE Present simple > Page 106 Grammar reference Present simple 1 We use the vetb fo be fo lk about age, nationally, etc, Mey brother is 42 2 We use the present simple fo talk about things that are always {tue or things that happen regularly “He's veally good at football He tues in our street, @ L00k at the photos. Talk about Adrian and Marcia using words O¥fay Tom the box. Then listen and check, r 13, 14 dancing France football ) piano Poland tennis Kadvian is from Poland. He likes © Askand answer questions with Do...2andAre...? (omit) A Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets. Use short forms. My best friend's name (W). oo Dexter. He (2). (not be) from England - he's from America, He(3).............(love) sport especially football (4) ncn... (notlike) sport at all, but Dexterand1(5)............. (be) very good friends. We (6)............ (live) inthe samestreet. Sometimes, (7) ........(g0) tohis house and watch films, He (8)... (not have) any brothers or sisters. His mum and dad (9) -(be) really nice. They both (10)... - (work) at home. They (11)... (be) avery happy family, Have you gota best friend? Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner about one of these people. Then ask and answer questions about them. Use the ideas below. bestfriend brother father mother sister teacher befunny? be tall? do sport? like music? { My bestfriend irom spa sain, 4 (eae) cart Megan © Look at carts family tree. Complete the sentences with words from the box. ‘aunt brother cousin daughter granddaughter grandad grandma grandson husband sister son_uncle_wife 1 Janetis Car's... grand 2 TomisCarl’s 3 Tomis Janet's 4 Janetis Tom's 5 Alanis Carl's 6 Gina isCarl’s 7 BobisCart’s 8 CarlisSteve and Mary’s 9 Megamis Steve and Mary's 10 MeganisCar'’s 11 Carlis Megan's 12 Bobis Tom and Janet's 13. Meganis Tom and Janet's © Workin pairs. Draw your family tree. Ask and answer auestons about you partner's tee Whois Alejandro? y ) A. (wesmyanct) Tom and Janet and Alan Bob Reading Part 2 + There ate three short texts about a similar topic, and seven questions. + You must match each question with ‘one of the texts. + The questions are not in the same. ‘order as the information in the text. © workin sma groups Discuss the questions. hreyousimilaror diferent + How old are you? * Doyou like sport? + Where do you live? + Doyou like music? 5 ho do you tive with? © tes 1g Part 2 often asks you to find information. Look at these extracts. Who has a brother and sisters? Laura: Chloe: 'm 22 and I live in a city with my parents, my two sisters, Mel and Sue, and my little brother, Mark. Hive with my mum and dad. 1'm nearly13 and I don’t have any brothers or sisters. ?m 13 years old - two years older than my litle sister, Monica, ...| don’t have any brothers... My dad is a mechanic, My mum isn't from wens © Eee © sicker the qpestioncinzactess me waertan the key words in each question, For each question, choose the correct answer. Ellie Laura Chloe 1 Who hasa brother and sisters? A BoC 2 Whodoesn'tiikesport? A BC 3. Who says she wants to go to university? A B C¢ 4 Whoistheoldest? A Bo 5 Whohasapet? A Bc 6 Who has afriend from another country? A Bo 7 Who can play a musical instrument? a . REE ENGLISH TEENAGERS Pm 22 years old and | ive in London with ‘my parents, my two sisters Mel and Sue, and my little brother, Mark ~ oh, and our ddog, Rufus! 'm the youngest girlin my family. Mel and Sue are both 19. They are at university. My best friend is called Stef, She's realy funny and very good at playing the guitar. She'sin a band. They're playing at the school party tonight. Hive with my mum and dad in a small ee town in the north. 'm nearly 13. 1don't have any brothers or sisters, My mum is musician, and my dad teaches at the university. |hope to study there when ''m older. It's my birthday next week and I'm having a party. I'm inviting all my friends. We're having lunch then going to a football match. My best friend Anyais from Poland, She hates sport, but she'll still have fun! {'m 13 years old ~ two years older than my little sister, Monica. Idon’t have any brothers. We lve in a big family house in a village. Idon’t have any pets, but 'd really ike acat! My dad isa mechanic. My mum isn't from England. She's Spanish ‘and she teaches languages at my school. Everyone in my family plays some kind of sport, but don't like sports very much. All play is my piano! 0 C2 ees | Adverbs of frequency > Page 107 Grammar reference Adverbs of frequency Look at this information about Ellie's week. Then complete the diagram with the underlined words. 1. Ellie always gets up at 7.00 am. She usually does her homework in the evening, She is never late for school. She often goes shopping on Saturday. ‘She sometimes does the washing-up at home. ween ewer, @ Listen and complete the sentences about Stevie. Stevie alnays...gets up at o'clock 2 He does his homework in the morning. 3 Heis late for school on Mondays, 4 He {goes shopping on Wednesdays. 5 He does the washing-up. © complete the rules with before or after the verb fo be. other verbs. 1 Adverbs of frequency come. 2. Adverbs of frequency come. Exam candidates often make mistakes with adverbs of frequency. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. Istayoften at the beach. often stay 2. You are welcome alwaysin my home. 3. | usually can go out with my friends on Saturdays. 4 Ourteacher forgets never our homework 5. My dad goes often to work by bus. 6 | usually am a good student. © wrresemences about yourset. amhappy amhungry do sport dothewashing-up ridea bike walk to school (am always happy on Satuvdays. It’s the pzekendl © Workin pairs. Ask and answer How often ...2questions about your sentences from Exercise 5, ll ) Reema > Page 146 Speaking Bank Speaking Part | + There are two main parts in the Speaking poper, + In Part 1, you will talk with the examiner for three oF four minutes, + The examiner will frst ask you about your name, your age, and where you are from. © wnat things do you ask a person about when you meet them for the first time? What's your name® Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. Then (ay endcheck, 1 What's yourname? Where are you from? How old are you? How many people are in your family? ‘Who in your family do you like spending time with? How often do you meet your friends? 1'm from Sao Paulo. n Brazil There are five people. 1'm 13 years old ike spending time with my grandma. My name is Gabriel Silva meet them every day. se ance © iorkin pa. At and answer quetions 3-6 rom Exercise 2, > Page 139 Writing Bank Wating Part + There are two pars in the Writing test. + First, you must write a note or an email, + There are three points you need to wite about + You must write 25 words or more. © Read this email. Underline the three points you need to write about. Hi, My nameis Alex. 'm your new pen friend. 've gota litte brother, and I love playing football. Have you ‘got any brothers and sisters? What things do you like doing? What kind of music do you like? Alex © Read two students’ answers to the email. Which student answers ll the points in Alex's email? Hello Alex My nameis Juan. I've got three brothers and one sister. I love spending time with my friends and | ‘enjoy sports. like all kinds of music ~ but Taylor Swiftis my favourite! Juan Hi Alex. Thanks for your email. My name is Stef and am your pen friend, Tennis is my favourite sport. Iloveit. My mother doesn't like it Stef © write your own answer to Alex's email. Write 25 words romeo © What kind of home can you see in the photos Which one would you like to live in? Why? SEITE REIS ) Workin pairs. Which homes do you think have Workin pairs. Look at the these things? party invitation, ae : s a 1. What kind of partyisit? adoor afirstfloor garage agate alift ehetdeneioes ciate aroof stairs aswimming pool windows 3 Where is the party? What kind of home do you live in? What does it have? Use words from Exercise 2. O SSN Invitation We've gotanew house! Come to the Bakers’ party Date: July 31 Time: 12.30 —— Tine Present contin © Listening Part 3 sometimes hasa question about time. ntinuous Look at the clocks. Match them to the times (1-6). > Page 108 Grammar reference Present continuous two o'clock quarter past four half past twelve quarter to ten twenty-five to three ten past eight It’s Jake's surprise party. Look at the picture. Are these things true (T) or false (F)? + You will hear a conversation between two people. + There are five multiple-choice questions. + You must choose between three possible answers: A, Bor C. 1 Emily iseatinga sandwich. «The answers may be 2. Jenny is writing an email. © sentences, numbers or words 3. Jarredis singing. 4 Suzyis wearing sunglasses. ; 5 Simon is enjoying the party. Forthese questions, choose the correct answer. You will ual ane machal ave dare hear Jarred talking to his friend Gemma about a party. : . a 7 Martin isn’t taking a selfie, 1 How does Jarred feel about Jake's party? Aworled B excited © surprised © choose the correct option in itaties to complete the 2 What time does the party start? rules, A 2.00 B 230 © 300 3 Rachelis Gemme’s A cousin B friend © brother 1 Wo use the present continuous to talk about things that ‘are happening now / usually happen. 4 The partyisat A 14Green Street B 24Green Street € 40Green Street 5 What sort of music does Jarred thinkis best for parties? A pop B hiphop © tock 2 We form the present continuous with fo be / fo have and the -ing form of the verb, © vo you tke parties? What do youtke doing at partes? wweomanre © © correct the sentences. @ Listen and tick (V) the correct answers, 1. Heis sleeping. (play) CMB) 1 she running? ‘fect cling A Yes,heis. 7 4 Ishe playing? He's playing. > B No, heisn't. A Yes, heis. $ 2 Are they dancing? B No, heisn’t A Yes, they are 5 Are they singing? B No, they aren't. A Yes, they are, 3 Isshe typing? B_ No, they aren't, A Yes,sheis. B_ No, she isn't. ns. Write true answers. © complete the que 1 AR YOU Sleeping? No, 'm not 2 you sitting down? 2 Sheis writing. (read) vA 3. She's watching TV. {listen /to music) 4 your teacher helping you? ‘ itrainng? @ stusents, ok atthe picture on Page 149. student B, look at the picture on page 150. What is different? Ask and answer questions (woot tona our) © Lavetine picture of Jake's new house 3 your friends sitting near you? 4 They're laughing, (ery) Vocabulary Rooms Listen, what room are theyint © Workin pats. Take turns tosay what you are doing. ® Your pormerulesto guess what rim you seth a eerie macan A Ben wants to do his homework in the dining i room. ‘Can wehave dinner at Bt pends a Gane [finish all dinner before he hanks finishes his homework © Ben has got a lot of homework and doesn't want any dinner. 1 t'm in my bedro! Histeve, ''ve got the present for Miguel. It cost $12, so can you give me half of that when you see me? Thanks, Chloe Mum can pick us up at tforget your swimming hat, D Seavista Restaurant . (Opening this weekend, Free food for children ~—eai~-y rere ‘Toby, Julie's partystarts at Spm, but we have football then, We can go afterwards at about 6pm, Lot me know what you think. kyle. D e IMPORTANT NOTICE. Class 5C English is in Room 4 today. (2.25 start, a usual) © workin pairs. Look at the messages in Exercise 2. ‘Where are they (in a restaurant, on a phone, etc.)? © For each question, choose the correct answer. + You will ead short messages (short emails, text messages, notices, emails of labels). + There are three options. Choose the option which means the same as the short message. Chloe wrote this message because Ashe wants to borrow money to buy a present. B_ sheneedsideas about what present to buy. she wants to share the cost ofa present. Dan wants Angela to A take him to swimming classes. B _beready earlier than usual. © meet him at the pool. > The restaurant is old. The restaurant has great food. Guests don't have to pay for children’s meals, og What should Toby do now? A Tell kyle if he agrees to go to the party late. B Find out what time the party begins. € Ask Julieihe can come to the party. > This lesson isin a different place today. This lesson isnot happening today. This lesson begins a bit later today. ae weeonsine © eee have got Furniture. > Page 109 Grammar reference @ Lavettne picture. have gor ; : "bed bookshelf carpet chair curtains © diotcintne sentences withthe pictures. dene een 1 I've got the present for Miguel, ee 2 Benhas got a lot of homework. ae 7P/ Word stress (two-syllable words) © choose the correct option in italics. fs OMA) Listen to the words. Underline the stressed parts. 1. Ihave got/hos got blue eyes, 2. Mydad hasn't got / haven't got dark hair bedroom curtain 3. Hove/tias you got a big bedroom? ieee oe carpet table No, Lhaven't /hasn’t. 4 |hasn't/ haven't got a desk in my room. Listen again and repeat the words. 5 Have/Hos your brother got a new smart phone? OA Yes, he have /has. o 6 Thisis my ca, Ithos /have gota long tal Write sentences to describe your room. Practise saying them to your partner. © write five true or false sentences. Read them to your partner, Guess if they are true or false. CRegattouoties) (Fate! Youhoetgtlour bothers.) << Vue got ved curtains in my bedroow. ln _ wri fa Geecnuelic > Page 146 Speaking bank speaking Part 1 + In the second part of Speaking Part 1, the examiner will ask two questions about a topic. + Then, the examiner will say Please fell me something about ... You should say at least three things. Listen to two students doing Speaking Part 1. 7) 1 What does the examiner want to know? 2 How many things does each student say? 3 Which student gives the best answer? ew 1. Please tell me something about your school. three true things for each answer. tsa big school. It’s got a swimming pool. Hike it. 2. Please tell me something about your English teacher. His/Her name is 3. Please tell me something about your favourite hobby. My favourite hobby is. 4 Please tell me about a nice day you spent with your family. © vworkinpats.oiscussthe topics trom Exercise 2. Pieunes > Page 141 Writing bank Witing Part? © Workin pairs. Look at the pictures. iscuss the questions. Picture 1 + What do you want to call the boy? Picture 2 + Whereis the boy? Picture 3 + Who can you see? + What are they doing? © ead thesesideas for picture. Which ea do you 1. Thisis Jack. Heis 13 years old, 2 Oneday, Jack walks home from school. © Frishsoriting te story. + There are three pictures. + You must write a short story. + You must write 35 words or more, Write down things you can see. + How old is he? + Where is he? + What ishe doing? + How does the boy feel? ce best? Why? 3. Jack is walking home from school. Wete going home: fered © complete the email with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. My name (1) Carla (2) (live) in England with my family. (3) (have) a brother called Sam. | (4) (aot have) any sisters. 1(5) (love) dancing. sam (6) (love) sports, but he ” {not like) school. I think school (8) (be) OK, but ©). (not tke) sports. My parents (10) (be) teachers. They () {not work) at our school. (12) (be) happy about that! Write soon! carla © utthe frequency adverbs in the correct place. never am Alate for school. (never) We go shopping in the evening, (often) My dad has breakfast at 7.30 am. (usually) Dan does the washing-up, (never) Do you do your homework in the morning? (often) {watch TVin the evenings, (sometimes) Maths lessons aren't fun. (usually) Sorayais happy! (always) eXoasene Were © complete the umber tists, 1. three, four, five, six,....seuen...., eight, nine 2 eight, ten, fourteen, sixteen 3 ninety, _ seventy, sixty, fifty 4 twenty, , thirty, thirty-five, forty 5. thirteen, twelve, ,ten, nine, eight 6 one hundred, one hundred and ten, , fone hundred and thirty 7 twenty-two, thirty-three, sfilty-five 8 three, six, nine, twelve, seighteen Complete the crossword with family members. Across My father ismy mother's... My mother’s mother. My dad’s brother. My parents’ daughter. My brothers my mother’s Down 2. My parents’ son, My brother is my grandfather's. My mother’s sister. My uncle's daughter. My mother is my father’s... Grammar © Putthe words in the correct order. 1. three brothers /has / Greg / got Greg, has. got thee brothers. 2 haven't / your /1/ got / pen 3 got/All my friends / laptops / have 4 black hair / My grandfather / got /hasn’t 5 got/You/aniceroom /have 6 you my book/ Have / got? 7 got/acar/We/ haven't 8 sister /a big desk/ got / Has / your? ane care eraeteetne poss ane wre sentences using words from the box. AER eee ae iead aban onlin wee sOrT eee © Look at the clocks. write the times. 1 ....quarterto four... 2 © Putthe words in the correct order to make words for rooms and furniture. Rooms 1 LAHL hal 2 MOTHBORA 3. THICNEK 4 MOREBOD Furniture 5 DEB 6 SKED 7 HARCL 8 BETAL Bete kon © workin pairs. what types of fod can you see inthe photos? Write down the English words that you know. fruitand dairy vegetables meat and other types fish of food © whieh toodinthe photos do you tke best? Which is healthy? © ‘watis yourtevourie maa Feed soinmone Wi Yourclass the has the some favourite meal 5 you + Reading Part 3 tesis your understanding of along text. + There are five multiple-choice questions. + You must choose between three possiblo answers: A, B or C, @ Workin pairs, + Do you know any recipes? + Doyouthelpin the kitchen? What doyou do? recipe (noun] a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food you need for this Young chef ‘year-old Mare Weiner hos hisown cooking show on TV Marc, when did youstart cooking? I started helping my mum inthe kitchen when Iwas sk. made her Coffee ~itwas terrible! Iwas seven when I made my fictmeal- a pizza with four different kinds of cheese. Do you have a favourite recipe? It’hard because Ihave somany. The easy ones are fun - things with pasta, tomatoes and onions. My favourites are the ones that include fish, There areso many diferent things you can do! What do your parents think of your cooking?» « When | won my first competition, my mum and dad understood that | was real chef, They're glad that they don't have to make dinner every night, and they enjoy my food usually But, you Can'timake everyone happy allthe time. What's the best way to get good at cooking?: First, threw away some of what | made because itwas no good “that’s how you learn. Then, iid it ifferenty the next time. You need to practise, soif you know a chef, askif you can help them inthe kitchen sometimes Finally, what’s it tke being on TV? Iesinterestng, Fm actually avery quiet person, s0 'm amazed that really enjoy myself making the shows They're watched by millons, but stil find it strange when people don't know say hilo to me inthe street. @© For each question, choose the correct answer. 1. How old was Mare when he started cooking? A four B six © seven 2 Marc says that his favourite recipes A use one kind of food. B are easy to make. © include a variety of vegetables. 3. What does Marc say about his parents? A They are happy that he wins prizes for cooking, B They get bored of cooking the same things. © They don't always like his cooking. 4 What does Marc thinkis the best way to improve? AW Cookevery day. B Goto cooking classes. Learn from your mistakes. 5 How does Marc feel about having a TV show? ‘A happy that he is now famous B surprised at how much fun itis © excited by talking to so many people A felofol elt tela @ Lovetehetunches wth the word rom the box. banana biscuits cake cheese chicken icecream lemonade orange juice -sondwiches- salad rice water apple sandyiches. 8 1 2 3 10 4 uw 5 32 6 13 7 Listen to three students talking about their school lunches. Match the names with lunches A-C in Exercise 1. 2 Becky Murray Tina Work in pairs. Say what you have for lunch at school. Use adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, etc, IPL [sh lehfret Listen and underline the end-of-word -s in each word. Notice how they sound different. Murray likes his murn's chicken sandwiches. eo of 2 Listen and complete the table with words from the box, apples chips dishes fridges onions wants likes saum's sAndpiches vine no © ferennaela ries up ona anaetce @ Wis andoah are shopping for food. tookat what they've goin thelt shopping baskets andrea the ‘statements. Whose basket is full of countable food? Whose is full of uncountable food? Mia: _ I've got some cheese, butter, orange juice and chocolate in my basket. Noah: |'ve got three tomatoes, an onion, four carrots, and six eggs in my basket. © complete the rules with Counteble or Uncountabte. nouns do not take a/an or a number. nouns have a singular and a plural form. nouns do not have a plural form, nouns ean take a/an or a number. @© Read the conversation. Then complete the rules with 1 2 © compete tetabte wih the words fom the box. biscuit bread=-berger chips grape milk rice tea a CT bucger bread some or any. Noah: Hi Mum, it’s Noah. 'm in the supermarket. Have we got any cheese in the fridge? Let me see... yes, we've got some cheese, Have we got any lemons? No, we haven't got any lemons. Can you get two or three, please? i Sure, Would you like me to get some chocolate? No, thanks. But could you get some biscuits? OK, Mum: We usually use in positive sentences, offers and requests. We usually use. in questions. In negative sentences and Complete the conversation with a/an, some or any. Then listen and check answers. Mia Dad, I'm hungry. Dad: Would you like (1) apple? Miaz No, thanks. I don’t like apples. Can | have @) cheese? Dad: No, we haven’t got (3) Vm afraid, Mia: Have we got (4) biscuits? Dad: Ohyes. There are (5). in the cupboard. Mia: Great! lil have (6) biscuit, then! Dad: Metoo! Exam candidates often make mistakes with a/an, some and any. Correct the mistake in each sentence. 21 Cant havea orange? 2. On Sundays, we have great time together. 3 Istart a work at eight o'clock. 4 | bought a black trousers and a pink T-shirt. 5 Don't forget to buya milk. 6 Doyou know shops near here? Work in pairs. Choose three things to eat and three things to drink from this section. Write them on a piece of paper. Take turns to offer your partner something. CU) (Wo thanks. dontlike mill, Have you got any 2) Slate Maxeut How often do you eat cake? Do you eat it when you have a special day? + In Listening Part 2, you will hear one person, + There ate five questions and an example, + You must write five pieces of information to. complete the notes. + The information can be @ number, ime, date, word or spelling. © atch questions 15 in Exercise 3 withthe answers (a-f). a adayordate 0 d- number » food «time ct-apemontsname! | $f pre For these questions, write the correct answer in each (@@) 820. Youwillhear a teacher talking to her class about a cake eee aaa Write one word or a number or a date oratime, _ nee © EEE @ When: (0) Monday 3rd May Time: (1) ‘Where: (2) Room number: : Cakes must include: (3) flour, butter, sugar and i } More information from: (4) Mrs. Prize: (5) /much /many; a few a little a lot of > Page 111 Grammar reference How much /many;ca few; alittle; alot of ‘Mia wants to enter the cake competition. Listen and complete the conversation with words from the box. afew (x2) alittle alot much —many- I want to make a cake for the cake competition, I: What do you need? Let’s see ... eggs. I: How (1) ....1wAng,... do you need? Just (2) Three, | think. Talso need (3) ‘milk for my recipe. is How (4). do you need? don’t need (5) of milk, Just half cup. And it’s a lemon cake, so | think 'ilneed 6) lemons, Dad: Really? How (7) ? Mia: Let me see~oh, actually | only need one. © wrien phases rom Exercise 1 can weuse with countable nouns? Which can we se ith uncountable nouns? Gy checco the coment opecicin noe 1A: How many/ much chocolate have we got? B: We've got much / a lot of chocolate left 2A: How many / much juices in the fridge? Justa little /a few. Leave some forme. 3 Ai How many / much apples do you eat in a week? A few /Alittle. About three, 4A: How many /much brothers have you got? I've got seven, That's a litle /a lot of brothers! 5 A: How many /much sandwiches do you want? i Just a few /a little, please. 'm not very hungry. @© Work in pairs. Ask questions with How much/many. Use the ideas in the table and a few, alittle, alot of M ( How many aunts and uncles have you got? o IES ae friends. fruit milk books biscuits bottles of water music chocolate tea Dimer tine 9 Were © Look at the menu. What would you like to eat and drink? ___ Breck fest mere cereal sausage cheese cake toast fruit Drinks, tea water juice milk “B coffee Listen to three people talking about breakfast. Write (A) BEBecky), T (Tina) or (Murray) next to each menuitem. Look at the photos. Use the words in the circles to say what you can see. L a plate pai bowl box tea cereal a slice cup can of_—_fruit_ meat. cola gia cake water bottle ol Seen macs How many other food phrases can you make? A bonl of cereal, cap of coffee Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you usuall have for breakfast. (usualy have 4 slice of toast and You must complete a short email or message. + There are six missing words. + You must write one word in each space. You must spell the word correctly. © Read the text below quickly. What kind of texts it? >) © Work in pairs. Look carefully at the words before and after each gap. What kind of word fits each gap? + averb,e.g. know, like, be + a quantifier, e.g. mony, a few, alittle + apreposition, e.g. on, of, at + apronoun, e.g./,you, me + aquestion word, e.g. When, What, How. © Foreach question, wite the comrect answer ‘ries ons vor for atch pap, coo Hi Sue, It’s my birthday (0)......oW...... Friday, Would you oy) to come to my house for dinner? My parents say | can invite a (2) friends, ‘Tom and Sophie (3) ‘coming. it’s going to be fun! (4) time can you get tomy house? You don't have to bring anything. There will be lots 6 cake and lemonade! hope you can come. Please call me (6) ‘my phone when you have time. Love, Teri LSS ss ecm Macca > page 147 Speaking bank speaking Part2 + In Speaking Part 2, you must falk to your partner. + The examiner gives you some pictures ‘and a question. + You and your partner talk together for ‘about two minutes. © Workin pairs. which things can you see in the pictures? (beach home fastfood place restaurant school Do you like eating in these different places? Now listen to two students talking about one of the pictures. Which picture are they talking about? Write one question about each picture. Use Do you like ... ? and Do you think Do you like cating in vestauvants? Wo You think pics ave fur Look at this part of the conversation and complete the rules. As Do you like eating in restaurants? B: Yes, | do. A Why? B: Because restaurants have usually got different kinds of food. What do you thine A: Idon't like restaurants, Why not? A: Because 1 We use Why / Why notto ask follow- up questions to positive statements, 2 We use Why / Why nof to ask follow-up questions to negative statements, rite Why? or Why not? after each statement, 1 Idon'tike fastfood, ..$y, nat2 2. think penis are fun 3 My brother doesn't like school lunches 4 love my grandparents’ cooking, 5. I don't like British food, Work in pairs. Ask your questions from Exercise 3. Ask follow-up questions like Why? / Why not? Look again at the pictures from Exercise 1. Which do you think is the best place to eat? bins ine 9 28 Clothes and accessories © Look at the pictures, where are the people? © Match the words (1-12) with the clothes in the pictures. 1 belt C 7 2. boots 8 3. dress 9 4 hat 10 5 jacket u 6 jeans 2 © workin pairs D Pi shirt trousers sweater sunglasses How often do you go shopping for clothes? Do you lke it? Why? / Why not? Where do you usually buy your clothes? Do you wear a school uniform? What do you usually wear at the weekend? What's your friend wearing today? istening Part 5 © Look tthe information betow 1 Wheres the fashion show? 2 Where do the clothes come from? 3 Who are the models? Park Hill School = - Fashion Show Friday 5th May, 5.30-6.30 Come and see student models wearing the latest fashions from local clothes shops, Listen to the first part of a conversation. Which item of clothings Pip wearing? 2 + You must match the things in the list on the right (A-H) with the words or names in the list on the left (1-5). «Two of the words in A-H are not used. For these questions, choose the correct answer. You will (heer Pip and Sara talking. what seach person wearing? Then listen again and check. People Clothes orp OA bet 1 een [] _ B boots 2 amy EC coat 3 George EJ —D dress 4 alice FE] & hat 5 Katy [] — F jacket G jeans H sweater Present continuous and present simple D Page 112 Grammar reference Present continuous and present simple © Read the ontine chat. Underline the present continuous verbs, and (circle) the present simple verbs, George Jones is enjoying the school fashion show, ® Jake Thomas Cool. Are you a modal? Or are you watching? George Jones I'm amodell Madison Green What are you wearing, George? George Jones I'm wearinga suit. Look. Jake Thomas Ha hat You look funny. Now | know why you Usually wear jeans and a T-shirt. Madison Green I think you look great, George. © Hatch rules1-3 with examples ac 1 We use the present simple fo talk about things ‘and actions that happen a lot, or usually, 2 We also use present simple vers to talk about states that don’t change (not actions), 3 We also use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now. a Fm wearing a suit You usually wear joans and a T-shirt © think you look greet. © choose ine correc option in italics 1 Listen! Olivia plays /s playing the guitar. 2. Idon'tusuaily wear | not usually wearing jeans. Do you know / Are you knowing my sister? We have / ‘re having a great time on holiday this week. I.don’t understand / am not understanding this. Bella can’t speak now. She has / is hoving her dinner at the moment. © complete the questions. 1 What music /you / usually listen to? What music do gou usually listex to% your dad / often / wear /jeans ? you / enjoy / this exercise ? What time / you / usually /go to bed ? What / you / think about / at the moment ? What / the teacher / do /now ? =z ousun jork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Gu sually listen to pop music, - \ \ Im shopping! 4 Adjectives © Match the adjectives with their opposites. dirty expensive light new short small ae divty — dean @ complete the sentences with adjectives rom Exercise 1. 4 Thisshirtis. 1 Myjacket was only €3. That's very... cheap... 5 When you ride your bike at night, itis not safe to wear colours, 6 €30 fora pair of socks? That's. ! Look around the room. Write three true sentences and one false sentence about what you see. Use adjectives from Exercise 1. ‘The teacher is wearing A ney Jacket. 3. can't put this sweater on. It's really 30 Gerla dixie © ookat ine sentences inthe article about Alek Wek. Try tofillthe gaps without looking at options A, B or C. Look at the photos of Alek Wek. Who do you think she is? Use these questions to help you. What is she doing? Gapa: Gap 2: Gap3: Gap 4: Read the article below quickly and answer the questions. 1 Whereis Alek Wek from? 2 Where did she study? 3 What does she do now? Gap 5: Gap 6: + Reading Part 4 mostly tests vocabulary. + You must complete a short toxt, jek was born in South Sudan in 1977. She had a Alek Wek wae Por perebecasethere was ear tthe @) of 14, she left her family in Sudan and moved to London to live with her sister. Alek earned English very (3) She was a ‘student, and she also worked hard after school to, Foot ade annoy wise senthometo et mother When she was eighteen she went to college and studied fashion, technology and business. 4 froma She was very (5) and one day a persor are ees yorey saw herin the street and asked her to work for them, Itwasn't (6) before she became arrich and famous model. Now she works to help people in South Sudan. Do you think her life was easy? What word do you use to say how old someone is? Do good students learn slowly? What word do you use to get money by working? Think of a word that goes with very, Think of a word that is about time. © Read the article about Alek Wek again. For each question, choose the correct answer. + You must choose the correct 1A difficult B heavy © wrong answer (A, Bor C) for each space. 2A age B year € time 3 A eaily B quickly © already 4A ean B win © pay 5 A excellent ff B favourite C beautiful GA B long © wide Imshopping (1 Shops > ge 12 Ganmarrtene @ where can you buy the things inthe pictures? 2 ead and ston tos conversation Ina shop. Complete Gime) the conversation with one word in each gap. Girt Oh dear. I think this hat is too a) Hl Assistant: You're right. tisn’t (2) enough for you. © compete the ules wit oo or enough 1 We use before the adjective. 2 We use. ‘after the adjective. © complete the sentences with an adjective from the box and too or enough. (clean -cold- expensive fast heavy old © what other things can you buy in these shops? + tookatthe snow! its toad. togoouteouey, ©) Workinals. How often do you vs theseshope? What 2 Samis only 12. She isn’t todrive acar. do you usually buy there? Tean't carry this t's are 1PL fh] and / 4 Heisn't towin thisrace. o 5 I can't buy that jacket because I've only got £10. |) Listen to this sentence. Underline the /1/sounds and its Girle) the /i:/ sounds. 6 You can't wear those jeans, They aren’t. We like the cheese shop. It's next to the chemist. © Workin pairs. imagine you want to buy a birthday © Listen to these words. Underline the two words which present for your frend, Use too or(not) enough tosay —C/(—) have the same /1/ ot /it/sound. What is wrong with these ideas. free expensive clean 1 ‘abanana ahorse ahouse anew laptop 2 jeans jacket Tshirt 3 department swimsuit cheap store ig \X aspirin beans big © (iwanttobuyahorseformyfriend. ) (No,ahorseistoo big, ) oy ahoers foray Mend )} Renate re 4 Gree macl > Page 146 Speaking bank Speaking Part 1 + listen carefully to the questions. + Try to give full answers. Read the exam questions. What words do (2) ¥Puthink go in the gaps? Listen and check a) + Now, let’s talk about (1). What clothes do you wear at the (2) ? * What (3) clothes do you like towear? + What clothes do you wear to @) (8) helps you buy your clothes? + Now, please tell me something about the clothes you like to wear to a 6) e Listen to Maria and Marco, Tick (/) the correct answers in the table. i) 1 answers the questions I od 2. gives full answers, oo fotonly simple words 3. isthe best speaker a o © workin pairs. Ack and answor the questions from xercise1. D Page 141 Writing bank Writing Part 7 + Exam candidates often make mistakes with punctuation and capital letters. * Remember to puta full stop ¢.) at the end of every sentence. + Use capital letters at the start of every sentence, and for names. © Lookatthetivee pictures. what can yousee? ela) © read the est partof the story. Addl the correct punctuation to make two sentences. noah isin the park hes feeling hot and wants to goin the pool Answer the questions in complete sentences to help you write the rest of the story. Remember to use correct punctuation! Picture 2 \What happens while Noah is swimming? Picture 3 What does Noah do when he gets out of the lake? How many shoes has he got? How does his mother feel? Fm shopping! (3) ee eeiucls Circle the correct option in italics. 1 Have we got any read)/breads? Here's an/some apple. There's a/some dogin the garden. Would you like a /some cheese? We haven't got some /anylemonade. Is there any milk/miks in the fridge? ounen ‘Write questions with How much or How many. 1 Hoys sung, sisters. have. you. gore. ve got? sisters. There's one litre of milkin the fridge. I drink two bottles of water every day. There are 22 students in class 38. She eats lot of chocolate. Thaven't got any money. Choose the correct option (A, Bor C). 1. I think this soup needs... litle... sat. A alittle Balot afew 2. Maniel knows ‘of people! A alittle Balot —¢ afew 3. Canthave biscuits, please? A alittle Balt ¢ afew 4 Doyouwant cheese on your pasta? A alittle Balt ¢ afew 5 Quick! Wehaven’t got of time. A alittle Bafew —¢ alot Exam candidates often make mistakes with countable nouns. Correct the mistake in each sentence. There area lot of food on the table. is Can | havea pencil and a paper? | want to buy some new T-shirt. ‘My house has seven room. Dowe havea bread? We haven't got any homeworks tonight! Vocabulary @ arse peites usecion or son, FN uy Choose the odd one out. apple mushroom grape icecream tea lemonade water ‘onion fish carrot tomato sausage bacon burger biscuit cake chocolate pizza _ice cream meat milk cheese butter © complete the food diary with words from the box. cups plate bottles bowl (x2) stices pieces WEDNESDAY Breakfast: : two (1)......slices..... oF toast ‘one (2). of cereal 4490 (3) of coffee Lunch: (4) of meat with salad ‘tw0 (5) of mineral water binners "one of ‘soup one pizza. Uhree (7) of cake tines eer © choose the correct option toes. eco Hi, Maria 1) Gi /am being very happy that you are my new friend. (2) am /am being 14 years old and | (3) live /am living in London. | (4) love /am loving music. At the moment I (5) listen /‘m listening to the new Little Micalbum. | always (6) listen /am listening to music when lam at home. (7) Do you like /Are you liking music? | (8) send /'m sending you some photos of my famity now. Please send me some of yours. Jenny Gor reece eres whit tnetecers tts or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. © complete the sentences with the opposite of the 1 Simone... plays... (pay) football every day. eine 2. Look! Your father. {dance}! ; g 31 (not understand) this question. Oe cene ates: eal 4 That's strange. Martin (not wear) 2 That Isn't cheap! tr’. socks today. 3 Thisroomis -tisn't dark, 5 (you / like) my new boots? 4 Puton aclean pair of jeans. Those are too Gat {Tale cere) oo 5 Mybikeis really old, Can i geta ‘one for © ieee vetoo reunite mybitnday? adjective in brackets. 6 Sam's hairis very. Iprefer it short. 1 This shirts too small. (large) © complete the words to make items of clothing or shops. This. shiv sate. Large. enough. Gea er 2 I'mnottall enough. (short) 3. These exercises are too easy. (hard) 4 Itisn’tsafe enough. (dangerous) 5 The end of this film is too sad. (happy) 6 This caristoo stow. (fast) @ Noten the sports with the photos (Gadminton basketbatt football judo table tennis © workin pairs. Do you know the English words for any Pe y other sports? Make a list. ‘Tomis interviewing people about sports. Listen and complete the table with the person’s favourite. a A © work in pairs. whats your favourite sport? Why? Where do you play it? How often do you play? Grammar Comparatives and superlatives eet laelaci + Read the fille and look at any pictures to get an idea of what the text is about. > Page 113 Grammar reference: comparatives and superlatives + Then read the text carefully © complete the conversation between Chris and Sally (A) With words from the box. Listen and check. © Look at the definition of train, Do youtrain? What sport | ; (best -betier cooler faster harder do you train for? | J interesting popular train jtcemn/ verb SPORT (1, T) eS eptia a eeeeal ofan ts pecare tre Chris: Why do you like football so much? Basketball competition is (1) better......! Sally: No, it isn’t. Football is the (2) © tookat tne photo ofa gymnast. Do you tke watching game nthe word gymnastics? Do you do gymnastics in school? Chris: But basketball is (3) and more exciting, f: You're joking! Footballis amuch more 4 game than basketball, Ha ha! hy do so many football games finish 0-07 Because scoring a goals (5) than scoring a basket. In basketball, they often score more than 60 points in one game! Sally: Yes, know. But football is the most Read the interview. For each question, choose the correct answer, 1. Joanna enjoys running in the morning because she likes to A get up early. B talkwithher friends. © bealonein the morning. 2 How does Joanna feel about training at the gym? (6) ‘game in the world. A She's worried about the number of hours she Chris: {don't understand why! Basketball is spends there. a B_ She's pleased she does a variety of activities there. She's glad she doesn't need to go there every day. 3 What does Joanna say about school? A She has too much work to do, B_ She doesn’t like her teachers. € It’sapity that she can’t go more often. 4 What does Joanna say about her family? ‘A. They enjoy spending time together. B They all ike sport € They help with her homework. 5 Where does she usually meet her friends? A Atthe bus stop, B intown, c Inacafé, Do you have to train a lot, Joanna? What do you do in your free,time’ day there's something different todo. ‘My friends and | like shopping! | live Ina village, sol get the work as | can, 'm sad that can't spend more time with my classmates, They'efun, ———E—_ET © Match the rutes (1-2) with the examples (a-b). ies 1 We can use comparatives to compare one person or thing to another. 2 We can use superlatives to compare one person or thing to everything in its group. Football is the best game in the world, b Scoring a goal is harder than scoring a basket. Exam candidates often make mistakes with comparatives and superlatives. Correct the mistakes in each of these sentences. the most 1. Rugby is the more exciting sport for me. 2 Wecan go to the sports centre by car because it's more fast, 3. | liked the tennis match because it was between the better players in the world. 4. Jois slowest runner in the class. 5. Football s the sport most popularin the world ~ everybody likesit. 6 Snowboardingis more easier to learn than windsurfing, JPL schwa />/ Listen to these sentences. Notice the schwa /o/ sound in the underlined letters. Then listen and repeat again. Basketball is better. Scoring a goal is harder than scoringa basket. Underline the schwa /o/ sound in these sentences. c Listen and check. 1. I'mafaster runner than your brother. 2. Mikeis a better basketball player than me. © Workin pairs. Think of your favourite things. ‘Then say why you think your favourites are better than your partner's. book sport sportsteam school subject TVshow singer Whatisyourfavourite school subject? (eae I think it's easy V What is your Favourite? ate! \ i. “\ Reread do, play and go with sports @© Match the sentences (1-3) with the photos (A-c). 1 We play cricket in the summer, 2 They're doing karate. 3 She goes climbing every weekend, < - @ <2 ——————EeE—E———E—EE—E—EE SD © Lookst the tabe. then complete the rules. karate climbing gymnastics skating cricket hockey 1 Weuse. 2 We use. in ing. 3.We use with ball games and team sports. with sports and activities ending with non-team sports and activities, Put these sports and activities in the correct column in, the table in Exercise 2. (Baseball Jado running surfing volleyball yous ) © Workin pairs. sk yourpartnerwhat sports they do. =) Doyounoyfootbal?) of ——— & do. ten on ~~) * * and play on Sunday. (Boyoudo yo? ) a (don't. ty mum does yore winisyourtvuitesport ) y v (Sea ep) \ other sports, what about you? 7 Listening Part 4 + You will hear five short monologues or conversations. + There is a question for each conversation. + You have to choose the best answer. © Lootst test question and undertine the key word 1 Youll hear a gil talking ther end about palat ‘pocl uly doen buy hen? A Becaine they are comfortable B Because she likes the colour. € Because theyre good for sports. Listen to the conversation, Answer the questions. 1 Who says the word comfortable? 2 Does anyone like the colour very much? 3 What are the shoes for? Listen again. Choose the correct answer in Exercise 1 (ay Baro Underline the key words in questions 2-5. Listen, and for these questions, choose the correct answer. You will hear a football manager talking to his team at half-time, What does he want them todo? A Keep the ball for longer. B_Tryharderto get the ball © Run faster with the ball You will hear a woman talking to her son. Why doesn't she want him to go out? A. Because she wants him to eat first. B Because it's not light enough. ©. Because the weather is bad. You will hear a woman talking about surfing, What advice does she give to someone who wants to start the sport? A Don't try to learn without a teacher. B_ Don't spend too much money on a board. € Don't think that itis easy to learn. You will hear a girl talking about running, While she's training, what does she think about? A Running as fastas possible. B_ How to win thenext race. Many different things. I's my favourite sport! eee ties Prepositions of time: at, in, on > Page 114 Grammar reference Prepositions of time @ Read about a swimmer. How often does she train? MEK ._.__ SS ‘On the Gth August, 2016, Yusra Mardini won her first race at the Rio Olympic Games. She swimsin astyle called ‘butterfly, and she is one of the fastest swimmers in the world. YYusra isa Syrian refugee who lives in Germany now, When she was at the Rio Olympics, she was in a team of other refugees. She hopes to compete again in 2020, when the Olympics are in Japan. She says she wants to make all refugees proud of her. Every morning, she wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning and 4g0es to the pool to train. ‘When | swiny/ she says, '’s the best feelingin the world’ She trains again in the afternoon and at the weekend, too. It's hard work, but she loves it! refugee /refju'd3i/ noun ’ person who leaves their own country because of a war or other reasons. © complete the rules with underlined words from the text. 1 We use. with clock times, meals, festivals ‘and the weekend. 2 We use with parts of the day (the morning, the aftemoon), months (January, Fobmuary, otc.), soasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), years (2012, 2016, etc). 3 We use with days of the week, dates (@th July), special days (my birthday). © Workin pairs. Ask eachother When? questions. do sports doyourhomework go on holiday gotobed have English classes school holidays wakeup your birthday Inen is your birthday 3 pa ( (ws on..3th May. ) Rees . “Nationalities (ww Q © compete the sentences about people from thisun 1. Yusra lives in Germany, but she’s not. © compete the tate ‘ustalia Australian india a 2) italian jonor-an Mexico @ « Chinese Japan ° = Portugal Britain Ireland ®) cy) Spanish ish sweden (0) an French Greece (a2) eae © Askand answer questions about these famous people (Whereis Alberto \ | Contador from? {(Hestrom spain, \ He's Spanish, » Alberto Contador (Spain) Lionel Messi wgentina) Serena Wiliams are (Usa) Cristiane Justine (Brazil) Muay foxelan Xcc Mase > Page 139 Writing bank > Page 147 Speaking bank Waiting Part 6 ‘Speaking Part 2 © Workin pairs. + Which of the sports from the box do you like? + Which do you want to try? + In this part, you talk fo your partner. + The examiner will give you some: pictures with a question. badminton baseball fishing golf tugby skiing surfing + Usten carefully to your partner's, ‘answers and ask questions, + Include all three points in your email. © Workin pairs what sports are inthe pictures? + Write your emailin a friendly style. © Workin pairs. Read the exam task. Decide how to follow the instructions. Writean email to your English friend, Julie. + ask her to go surfing with you at the weekend + tell her what to bring + saywhen you want to meet Write 25 words or more. © Look at this email to Julie. Complete it with your own ideas, eco Listen to two students, What do they say about each sport? (Complete the table wth phrases from thebox. Hi Julie, - si : Tdor’ttikeit. Idon’tunderstandit. I hatelt. 0 you want to go surfing Hlikeit,I’sboring. It’s ex I've got two surfboards, but you should acne Ween a packed lunch. Let's meet at at oe ety Oe tee ts Mane e I ee Ee el sux y tennis football ebitteione rn easel cea tte aking baseball You want to go horse riding on Sunday with your English friend, Sam, Write an email to Sam. © workin pairs. Do you like the pictures? Say wihy or why not. ferent sports in the in your email, + askSam to go horse riding with you. Wicwena et ox + tell Sam what to bring. V a Write 25 words or more. Which is the best / most \ exciting / most boring Ie Ws my fevourite spe! Have you got any ae 6 Petri sary © Work in pairs. Match the words with the pictures. (art biology chemistry English history geography physies maths music A. physis © Workin pairs Do the quiz. check your answers onpage ies 1 Whichisthe gest mountain inthe wort? 2 Whichanimaihas the anges rose? . 2 What athe comparative form of ae? © watch ne questions @ Whatls 0.75 4127 the school subjects 5 Which falls faster: a melon or a grape? Inthe pictures: 6 We often put sodium chloride (NaCl) on our food. i What is another name for this chemical? © which isyourtavourite 1 Whandite Frets arena Gace 8 Inuit anyou se Leonardo da vin Wien iyourlest miooe ee favourite? Why? 9 Which popular musical instrument has six strings? 22 een Mugs tua © Workin pairs. answer these questions about your school. Use words from the box to help you. > Page 115 Grammar reference have to uniform jeans famous modem funny/kind_) —@ simonis showing Rachel around his new school 1 What do you wear to school? 2 What are your teachers like? 3 What is your school like? + Read the questions and look carefully at the options. + Ifyou don't know the answer, you can guess, Before you listen, read the questions in Exercise 3. What kind of information do you need to listen for? 1 2 3 4 asport 5 clothing anaction atime 5 atopic For these questions, choose the correct answer. You will hear Louis and Rachel talking about their new schools. 1. What does Louis wear to school? A jeansand trainers B the school uniform © trousers and a T-shirt 2 Lessons at his school start at A half past eight B_ aquartertonine © nine o'clock 3 Rachel likes her maths teacher because she A speaks quietly B_ makes her laugh © is good at explaining things 4 For her English homework, Rachel is going to write about A herfamily B_afamous actor © asportsstar 5. What sports Loufs playing at school now? A basketball B_ badminton © hockey Listen again and check. oe) 1 We use have fo and has fo fo talk about things that are. 2 We use don’t have fo and doesn't have to to falk about things that are Underline all the examples of have to and (nat) have to. Wielcome to Chester High School, Rachel. Do you live near here? Yes, Ican walk to school from my new house. Oh, you're lucky. You don’t have to get a bus. Hive about an hour away, and I have to get up early every morning to catch the bus. {don't like this school uniform very much, Does everyone have to wear it? Yes, except when we are doing sports. Butin the summer, we don’t have to wearatie. I's too hot. simon: Rachel: simon: Rachel: Simon: Read the conversation again. Are these statements true (T)orfalse (F)? 1. It's necessary for Rachel to get a bus to school. 2 It’s necessary for Simon to get up early every morning. 3. It’s necessary for all students at Chester High School towear a uniform, 4 It’s not necessary for students to wear a tiein the summer, Complete the rules about have to not necessary. necessary or 1P/ /v/ and /i/ Listen and repeat. How do you pronounce have? Which one sounds longer? 1 Ihave two sisters 2 Thave to go to school, 3 Wedon’t have to wear a uniform. remasornns ©) EEO ee 8 Work in pairs. Read the rules. Then practise Vocabulary saying the conversation. Then listen and [oecorieniees check. © serene picture with words from thebox. board desk dictionary notebook pen pencil Pencilcase rubber ruler textbook + We usually say have with a /v/ when it means Yo own’. Ihave a new phone! But we say /hoef/ in have fo when we talk ‘about things that are necessary or not necessary. Ihave to work. [As Have you got any homework? Yes, Ihave. But I don't have to do it now. When do you haveto hand itin? B: On Thursday. [As Then you have to do it now because you have piano lesson on Wednesday evening. © whatis your school like? Complete the sentences with have to or don’t have to. 1 We wear a uniform. 2 We study English. 3 We do homework every day. 4 We doa test every week. 5 We do sports. 6 We _.-. tun off our phones in class. @ wnat do younave to do at home? Put the words in order to make questions. Then write true answers. 1 you/have to/ Do /meals / cook? the dishes / you / Do / wash / have to? clean / Do /have to / your room / you? have to / go/Do / shopping / you? someone / wake you up / Does / in the morning / have to? Do you have to cook mealse No, | don't. / Yes, | do, waen © Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you have to bring to school every day. Do you have to toschool every day? (Yes. thave one on my phone. ) eer «There are three short texts about a similar topic. + There are seven questions. SARA I started going to drama school when Iwas nine, Hoveit! t's the biggest drama school in the country. My dad drives me there, + Read the tile cand look at the pictures first to get an idea of what the texts are about, @ ead the article quickly, Match the types of schoolin each photo with each student, The school day begins with drama lessons at 8 o'clock. In the morning, we do dance, music, theatre, or project work. After lunch, we change into our school Q uniform and have normal school lessons Until 4.30 in the afternoon. At the weekend, ‘we sometimes put on shows, or have sports competitions with other schools MARIAN My parents decided toteach me at home when we moved to the countryside because my old school was too far away, Igetup at o'clock, and begin studying an hour later. In the ‘morning, my dad teaches me maths and science. Inthe afternoon, do sports or art with my mum. My weekends are fre. like home schooling. because! can choose my own projects, and ican wear whal ike (@ vex ti aril. Fo eck question, choose Ui correc iii o 1 Who goes to a school that'sina different country from home? A Sara -B Marian Freddy 2. Who eamns from only two people? FREDDY p A Sara B Marin. Freddy Hive at my school during 3 Whohas lessons at the weekend? ‘the term! My parents live in Spain and I go home to see A Sara B Marian Freddy eee 4. Who has to wear a uniform? Tees he ‘A Sara B Marian ¢ Freddy 5. Who does well in sports competitions? Wewakeupeaty 645. Sf lari re in the morning, have breakfast A Sean Norian © “teddy at o'clock, and start the first lesson at 8.45. There & Who can sometimes decide what to study? \aresixlessons every weekday. Wealsohavetwo A Sara B Marian Freddy lessons on Saturday morning, Thereisnouniform, but we have to wear smart clothes. 'm not great at studying - maths is the hardest for me - but | win a lot of prizes for football and tennis 7 Who starts studying at eight in the morning? A Sara Marian Freddy © Workin pairs Which kindof shot do you think is best? ee © ior in pairs write examples of tese things, Then ask ‘Object pronouns and answer what you think about the examples. Ee famous man a famous woman a music group Object pronouns ‘a school subject atype of food © Look st the pictures and answer the question. (wrataoyeuitinn) A 1 Who or what do her, them, him and itrefer to? | aboutieseream) (‘Tiovit. temp 2 Dowe use me, you, him, her, it, us, them before or after S 7 \ favourite kind of food. the verb? V ———— Education verbs © Read Rachel’s blog post. What are her best subjects? uoviuncn una aeainninaiaeaeanna Well, my new schools great. My favourite teacher is Mrs Roberts. She teaches maths. When leave school, want to go to university and study maths. I'm also learning how to play the violin, We're taking exams in June. Maths and science exams are easy, but history is more difficult. 'm not very good att. never get good marks for my history homework. Turn nner nemnaeteaieiiimimieriinacr at © choose the correct option. @ complete the table, 1. Mrs Roberts teaches /learns maths, 2. When did you learn /study how to ride a bike? A Ce 3 Ihave to leorn/study for atest. 1 we 4 hope! pass /fail my maths test. it 5 We're taking /learning lots of exams you this summer. hel 6 Sheis very clever. She never passes /fails tests. a © complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box. © complete the sentences with an object pronoun. Gatien 1 Geography is my favourite subject, but my sister aa cetiesinde hates «it want to jow to drive acar. 2. Weare unhappy when the teacher gives 2 Good luck! |hope you your test. lots of homework. 3. When Dan leaves school, he wants to 3 Hala and Sarah are my friends. Let’s go and speak to ‘geography at university 4 My dad isa teacher. He science. 4 Mes Jones is our head teacher. Everyone likes 5 | dontwant to gagthivvam Hs very important that | get over 60%. 5. Thisis my old dictionary. Do you want © Workin pairs 6 I don't know when your brother's birthday is. eee Why don’t you ask + What musical instrument, language or sport 7 Please come here, Monica. | want to talk to sould you Use to learn? : 8 Help. iicairtde Wramios + Would you lke to go to university + What would you like to study? + How many exams do you take every year? © + What exams do you usually pass? nh) Peete Geena naeues > Page 147 Speaking bank Speaking Part 2 + Read the text fist to get an idea of what it’s about. Cou advice + In Part 2, the examiner asks two questions +“ The focus is grammar - you offen about a topic. need fo write litle words! + Each candidate must answer both , questions @ treading and Writing Part 5, you sometimesneed to use a pronoun to complete a text. Complete the sentences with pronouns from the box. + The examiner will also ask a follow- up question (Why / Why not?). (im “it_my she their you ° Complete the table with the school subjects. 1 Fmsorry, forgot to do homework! See eee, eee ieee ten (Giology English chemistry drama music physics) number. SEE cece eee same teacher as you. The kids aren't enjoying dinner tonight. Lots of people like cheese, but | hate 6 Would like to come to my party, Emily? © ‘ou witthear an examiner ask Claudia and Jorge these questions. Listen and decide who gives the best. CHRD aatwels For each question, write the correct answer. Writ word for each gap. + Do you prefer studying science or arts subjects? + What's your favourite school subject? an you Listen again, Complete Claudia’s sentences with the linking words from the box. forme, please? please leave th a BEGETS race and because but 1. | prefer the sciences ike to learn about al pleas aoe 2 like arts too, I don’t lke studying them. 3. Ilike biology it's interesting, I'd like to be a doctor when I'm older. Again?! OK, Matt, ll driveto school. 'lleave @) trainers and some money at the reception. (5) you want those new pencils for your art class? (6) areon linking words. your bed. 1. | don't like science. It's difficult. | ike music. Look at Jorge's answers. Make them better by adding 2 Ilike my English teacher. She's ice © imagine you orget your school bag write a text message to one of your parents, asking for help. ° ‘Ask your partner to check your message. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from cs © complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Ithink my new dress is... prettier... (pretty) than my old one. 2. Tina swims really well. She's (good) swimmer in the school. 3 Thisis (interesting) programme on TV at the moment. 4 Areyou (nappy) than your friends? 5 This bookis. (expensive) than that one, 6 Iwantto try this dress. It’s, (beautiful) one in the shop! 7 Doyou think runningis (hard) than playing football2 8 Thisis (bad) game on my computer. Complete the blog with at, in or on. My names Mason, and I think video games are better than sports. | play them every day! L usually get up (1) at. six o'clock (2) the morning (3) weekdays, and play on my computer for an hour before breakfast. When I'm at school, | play games on my phone (4) lunchtime, |like school, but we have to play real sports (5) Fridays ~ and | hate that! When | get home (6) theaftemoon, | goto my room and play more video games. | stop playing, () the evening to do my homework. That's usually very easy. (8) the weekend | have lots of tine to play. ‘And sometimes (9) ‘the summer! play all day! My parents don’t mind because | do well at school. (10), my birthday, they never have a problem buying me presents because I'm always happy to get a new video game! ese © butthe letters in order to make sports. 1 TURGSEN surfing TRICKEC GOYA Dowu cyccn SCAMTYNGIS BOTFLOLA STINEN sMigwinni Put the words from Exercise 3 in the correct group. + Youplay:cvicket, : © You do: i . + Yougo: c i Complete the sentences with the correct nationalities. Use the countries in brackets. 1. Sue isn’t English, she’s... lvish ireland), 2. Juanis. (Mexico). 3 (Jopan) isa beautiful language. 4 {Sweden} people are often good at skiing. 5 Ithink (France) people speak very fast! 6 Mymother loves (Italy) food, 7 (Greece) music is really interesting, 8 Grantis. (australia, female © complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. 1. We can’t wear jeans to school. We... wear auniform. 2 You buy any milk today. We've got alot oft 3. P'dlove to stay out late tonight, but | be home before 9 pm. 4 Sam do his homework tonight because there's no school tomorrow. 5. Vicky has got a maths test tomorrow, so she study this evening. 6 (you) go to school on Saturdays? 7 (your mother) work every day? © complete the dialogue with object pronouns. Lena: There'sa great film on TV. Let's watch (1). it Mario: Is Timothée Chalamet init? I like (2) Lena: No, heisn't. Emily Carey's. she’s good, too. Do you tke (3) 2 Mario: Yes, sure! Or we could watch the music channel, There's boy band competition on, Oh no, not boy bands. | hate (4) ! OK, let’s go out and walk in the park. {don’t want to go to the park with (5) right now, sorry. Mario: Why don’t you want to go with (6) 2 Lena: Because! want to watch this Emily Carey film! Vocabulary © choose the correct option A, Bor c. 1 Mymum.... teaches... English to children. A teaches B leams —_€ studies 2 Youhaveto hard at university. A teach B lean study 3 Iwantto how to play the piano. A teach B learn = pass 4 She really wants to this exam A pass B fail © study 5 Ihaveto lots of exams this month, A pass B fail © take 6 He didn’t study. That's why he the test. A passed B failed — € took Complete the crossword with words from Unit 6, Across 3. You have to wear this in some schools. 5 You write things in this, 6 The teacher writes on this at the front of the class. 7 Thisis the time when you haven't got lessons. Down 1. You look for words in this book, 2. You use this when you make a mistake in your work. 4. Thishelps you to draw straight lines. \Vocebulaty and grammar review 7 Starting off © workin pairs, + What can you see in the photos? + Which place da you think shatter tative in? Why? © Listento te and Rory talking bout where they lve. (2) 1 Where do they live? 2. Why do they lkeit? © rere are some adjectives tat Ele and Rory used Match each ne with ts oppo beautiful safe quiet boring exciting noisy little ugly big dangerous © workin pairs. what are the good and bad tings about where you lve? My village isa bit boring My towns beautiful! 0) Let’s go to the museum + As you read each text, try to decide what situation it appears in. + Always choose one answer, even if you are not sure itis right. Are there lots of places to go where you live? Make alist. Look at this notice. Match the underlined phrases with their definitions. 1 ee HOOMOANY something that is cheaper tet: fora limited time haltpice coffee 2 9am-10am, costing 50% less lunch 12-20 © choose the correct answer AA The cafés onlyopen between 9 am and 10am today. B_ Themenu has cheap meals before 12 olock. € Theresa time when youcan get cheaper coffee. i ) © Foreach question, choose the correct answer A. Larais explaining why she couldn't catch the 7.30 bus. B Lara wants Emo get the 8.30 bus, © Larais letting £m know that the last busis at 8.40 HiRachel, Mum bought our tickets online for the museum exhibition, Can you give me the money in class tomorrow? They're £10. Thanks, Jo ‘What should Rachel do? A Send an email to Jo’s mum, B Check the museum website for tickets. € Take some money to schoo! tomorrow. Why did Zhang send this message? A He wants to know what Jo is writing about. B_ He wants to tell Jo about the homework, He wants to know why Jo missed class. Hospital visiting 2-4 pm ‘Two visitors per bed and no children under ‘A. Children under seven can visit if they come with an adut No visitors can come into the hospital before 4 pm, It's not possible for three or more people to visit at the same time. D Science Museum Trip ‘Any students terested in next Wednesdays tip must give their vases to Mr Saitn befere Friday, Only five seats Left on the bus! A fyouwant to go on the trip, tell Mr Smith soon, B_ The museum is not open on Friday. € Only science students can go on the trip. Comins Past simple Page 116 Grammar reference: Past simple © Read sandra’s blog. Where does she live now? Does she enjoy living there? Here are two of my favourite photos. liked tiving in our little village in Spain, so when my par ren Jobs in ‘Australia, felt sad. All my friends were in the village, and I didn't wantto leave them. didn’'tknow anybody in sydney! Last year we left our old home and got on a planeto a new fein a new country. dificult to make new friends I wanted to go back to our village. But slowly | began to feel happier. My parents gave mea camera for my birthday, Then joined the sctiool photography club and | met some interesting people. Last month, there was a competition called ‘Pictures of the City’ and | decided to they showed my photograph inthe city library. Hove living here now. It’saa beautiful place, and much more exciting than my old village. How did | feel about that? I hated it at first. My new school was much bigger than my old one, and felt very small and alone. didn’t speakmmuch English, soit was © Number these events in the order they happen. a Sandra joined a photography club, Sandra let Spain and moved to Australia Sandra won a photography competition. Her parents found new jobs. Sandratived in avillage. 4 Her parents gave her a camera. Sandra started her new school. mae ane Read the blog and the sentences from Exercise 2 again. all the regular past simple verbs. all the irregular verbs, and was and were, Look at the blog again and find an example of a past, simple question and a negative. \nwstemom © CC ee Complete the rules with words from the box. o aieing-edor-d aid dant Tished was ndwere ) 1. We use the past simple to talk about actions that happened in the past and are now 2 Wecan make regular past forms by. 3 Weuse before a verb to make questions in the past, 4 Weuse before a verb to make negatives in the past, 5 are the past of is and are. We don't use them with did to make questions or negative sentences. 2 Exam candidates often make mistakes with past simple forms, Correct the mistakes in each of these sentences. 1 Lastnight, I gotoa disco on the beach. jwent: On my last holiday, |went to Miami and I stayied at a five-star hotel Did you played volleyball and hockey at the lake? The T-shirt costed me £25. He maked hera sandwich o Yesterday, |have watched a tenniscompetition, Sai) Complete the conversation with the past simple form of Tom: — Hi, Sandra. (2)... (take) it on New Sandra: Thanks, Tom. | (2) ‘Year's Eve, when | (3) city with my family. Tom: — What time (4) (be) it? Sandra: It was just after midnight. The fireworks. (5) (be) beautiful, so! © (decide) to take lots of photos. Tom: — How many photos (7) (you / take)? Sandra: Hundreds! But most of them (8) (not be) very good. (9) (be you) surprised when you won the photo competition? Sandra: Yes, | was! | (10) good photo, but | (11) was good enough to win a prize. (a2) (you / have) a party? the library. It's fantastic, (go) into the Tom: (know) it was a (not think) it Tom: Sandra: No, didn’t, But my parents (13) (buy) me a smartphone. (hizeschtth per) Work in pairs. Choose the correct option initalics. ‘Ask and answer the questions. What time did/were you go to bed last night? id / Were you at school yesterday afternoon? What did / were you have for breakfast this morning? Did / rere you go on holiday last year? Did / Was the weather nice yesterday? How did /were you get to school this morning? Did / Was your last homework easy? Where did / were you at 8 o'clock lastnight? 7/P/ past simple-ed endings There are three ways to pronounce -ed endings: {4}, /t and jd Listen and repeat the verbs. showed finished started Listen and complete the table with the underlined verbs. She lived in a village. She liked it. She wanted to stay there. Listen and repeat. Then add the words to the table. (asked arrived joined waited worked visited ) Use the ideas below to write five questions. chat with (anyone) oe set to schoo! Where ae last weekend? What {did} you (somethingeonine) yesterday? How i this morning? Who meet do J A (es cht th myn Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions. Be careful with the pronunciation of the verbs! eeetien © Have you got any of these buildings where you BYNES live? Have you got more than one? © Late the photos with words fom the box. church cinema factory hospital hotel mosque museum post office stadium train station + Read the questions carefully and underline the key words. Coo emg + Check your answers on the second listening. © Workin pairs. Tett your partner about a nice place you visited recently. What did you see? Did you enjoy it? k. fen. For these questions, choose the correct § OMG answer. 1. You will hear two friends talking about a place they visited. What did they think of it? A. twas expensive. B Itwas small © Itwas boring. 2. Youwill heara teacher talking to herclass about a trip. Where did they go? A arestaurant B afactory © ahouse 3. Youwill hear two friends talking about their town, Why do they both lke it? A It's full of interesting people. B ithasa great sports stadium. © It’s close to the sea, 4 Youwill hear a father asking his daughter about what she did last night. What did she do? A. She went to the cinema. B_ She went online. She went to arestaurant. 5. Youwil hear a boy leaving a message for his friend. Where does he want to meet? A the stadium B the post office € the supermarket Listen again and check. Let's goo the musoum 9 EE Imperatives Directions > Page 117 Grammar reference © atch the undertined words with the symbols on ae the map. © Undertine the verbs in the sentence. CE eee ry Meet me at the main entrance, Don't be late! 2. Gooverthe crossing, 3. Turn right atthe roundabout 4 Crossthe bridge 5 The square ison the right. 1 To tell somebody to do something, we use the infinitive without fo. 2 To fell somebody not fo do something, we use not + the Infinitive without fo, © where does this person want to go from the station? Read the directions, look at the map, and complete the Excuse me, where is the 2 Read the commands. Then listen and match them with B: Turn left out of the station. Go straight over the C ey the sounds (1-7). roundabout, then turn left at the traffic lights. It's on Barnley Street. ai pea 2 A: Excuse me, where is the ? pi bene B: Come out of the station and go over the crossing. & Answerthe phone, 4 Then turn right. It’s on the lft 4. Giveitsome mik 2. A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the fe Wake up. is, please? f Don’t laugh. Bs Yes, turn left out ofthe station then take the first § Don'tjumponthebedi turningoon the et. 's on the right. © Wiorkinpairs.imagine avistoriscomingtoyourtown, ©) Workin pars. magine you area tourist inthe square “Teil them what to do and what notto'de: Use verbs from Take turns to ask for and give directions to other places eee onthe map. Excuse me, ishere is the cinema? Eni) Visit the castle. It's beautiful ‘Dortt go to expensive vestaurauts. © Post Office Police Station igh st, eee ae Pete masa > Page 147 Speaking bank Speaking Part 2 ‘answers you give. + Be prepared to give reasons for any Listen to the conversation. What places in the pictures do the students mention? @ Listen again and complete the sentences wth a) The reason or because. 1 I don’t like shopping centres don’t like shopping. 2 ove them is that | often meet my friends there 3. I don’t gotothe stadium I'm not really interested in sport. © Rewrite the sentences using because or The reason. 1 Ike going to museums because I'm interested in history. The veason | like going to museums is that ( interested ix history, 2 Thereason | hate the beach is that | don't lke sand, Tate 3 Idon’t like museums because they're boring, The © raivtoyourparner about theciterentplacesin Exercise 1. Say why you like or don’t like them. ae 4 eee (Hreroxaiesenetens.) eee (en Writing Part 6 > Page 139 Writing bank Waiting Part 6 Read the message quickly. Which questions does Jenny answer? 1 Where did you go? Why did you go there? Who did you go with? Did you likeit? How often do you go there? HiSandra, Yesterday | go to the car museum in town, My friend Julie were with me. | didn't liked it because | think cars are boring! Jenny Read the message again and underline any mistakes. Rewrite the message without the mistakes. + When you have finished your writing, always check if for mistakes, Do the task, ‘You went to an interesting place in town yesterday. ‘Write an email to your English friend, Jo. In your email + tell Jo where you went + say who you went with + say why you liked ordidr’t lke it © Workinpatts.00 the qu. @ How much time do you spend on the internet? BRB €) less than 10 hours aweek @ between 10 and 30 hours a week @ more than 30 hours a week @ You want to have a party. How do you invite your friends? @ You speak to them. @ You send invitations by post. @ You email, text, or message them. @ What makes you most excited? Your favourite band is coming to town. 9) @ There's a new computer game you want to try. SOB @ Your favourite celebrity likes one of your social as media posts. @ do you know how many friends and followers you've got on social media? QB O | don'tuse social media, ans ® Yes, more or less. @ ves, !know exactly how many! © How often do you upload photos of your food to social media? @ never @ sometimes @ What is the most important thing to take with you on along journey? oY @ a book to read GaP) Ostmcsc Gael yoursmartprone 4G You want to learn how to do something difficult. What do you do? & @ Ask somebody to teach you. ® Look in a book. @ watch a video online. @ A friend invites you to their house for the first time. What's your first question? EMBO How far away isit? J Have you got any computer games? ED @hiave yougotwisi Tee ee pal

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