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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a creative tool that simulates the human intelligence and ability
processes by machines, principally computer systems, robotics, and digital equipment. In this
chapter we had discus the role of Artificial intelligence in agriculture that how we can classify
diseases of plants. Problem description, Goals and objective of our study, significance of the study
and some useful contributions.

In the past 10-year period, from 2008 to 2018, the annual number of melanoma cases has increased
by 53%, partly due to increased UV exposure [1, 2]. Although melanoma is one of the most lethal
types of skin cancer, a fast diagnosis can lead to a very high chance of survival. Skin cancer one
of the most common cancers in humans and its incidence is increasing dramatically [3]. New
incidences of the lethal skin cancer malignant melanoma (MM) in Denmark has increased fivefold
to six fold from 1942 to 1982, and the mortality rate has been doubled from 1955 to 1982 [4].
Currently, approximately 800 cases of MM are reported in Denmark every year (approximately
15/100 000). In Germany, 9000–10 000 new cases are expected every year (approximately 13/100
000) with an annual increase of 5%–10% [5]. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common of
skin tumors and is mainly considered to be provoked by ultraviolet radiation and does not
metastasize. In contrast, MM can metastasize rapidly. This cancer is also considered to be
provoked by ultraviolet radiation, most probably by repeated high doses resulting in heavily
burned skin.

The first step in the diagnosis of a malignant lesion by a dermatologist is visual examination of the
suspicious skin area. A correct diagnosis is important because of the similarities of some lesion
types; moreover, the diagnostic accuracy correlates strongly with the professional experience of
the physician [6]. Without additional technical support, dermatologists have a 65%-80% accuracy
rate in melanoma diagnosis [7]. In suspicious cases, the visual inspection is supplemented with
dermatoscopic images taken with a special high-resolution and magnifying camera. During the

recording, the lighting is controlled, and a filter is used to reduce reflections on the skin, thereby
making deeper skin layers visible. With this technical support, the accuracy of skin lesion
diagnosis can be increased by a further 49% [8]. The combination of visual inspection and
dermatoscopic images ultimately results in an absolute melanoma detection accuracy of 75%-84%
by dermatologists [9, 10].

There are different types of melanoma skin cancers such as nodular melanoma, superficial
spreading melanoma, and acral trigonous melanoma and lentigo maligna. The majority of cancer
cases fall under the umbrella of non-melanoma categories, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC),
and sebaceous gland carcinoma (SGC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). BCC, SCC, and SGC
are formed in the middle and upper layers of the epidermis, respectively. These cancer cells have
little tendency to spread to other parts of the body. Non-melanoma cancers can be easily treated as
compared to melanoma cancers. These cancer cells have little tendency to spread to other parts of
the body. Non-melanoma cancers are easy to treat compared to melanoma cancers. Therefore, the
key factor in treating skin cancer is early detection.

Doctors usually use the biopsy method to detect skin cancer. In this procedure, a sample is taken
from a suspected skin lesion for medical examination to determine whether it is cancerous. This
process is very painful, slow, and also time consuming. Computer-based technology enables
convenient, cheaper, and quicker diagnosis of skin cancer symptoms. To study the skin cancer
symptoms, whether they represent melanoma or non-melanoma, several techniques are proposed
that are non-invasive in nature. The general procedure in skin cancer detection is to acquire the
image, pre-process it, segment the acquired pre-processed image, extract the desired feature, and
classify it.

Machine learning and deep learning has revolutionized the entire diagnosis methods landscape
over the past few decades. It is the most challenging subfield of machine learning dealing with
artificial neural network algorithms. These algorithms are inspired by the function and structure of
the human brain. Deep learning techniques are used in a variety of fields such as speech
recognition, pattern recognition, and bioinformatics. Compared to other classic machine learning
approaches, deep learning systems have achieved impressive results in these applications. Various
deep learning approaches have been used for computer-assisted skin cancer detection in recent

years. In this article, we discuss and analyze skin cancer detection techniques based on deep

In this study we used different supervised machine learning algorithms to done comparative
analysis of these models on skin cancer classification images dataset to classify this skin cancer
disease into benign and malignant,

In recognition of continuing increases in the incidence of skin cancer, including malignant
melanoma, the American Academy of Dermatology has encouraged dermatologic communities
nationwide to offer free skin cancer screening to the public. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center took part in one such effort last spring. This article summarizes the results of a survey of
that center's participants. The data revealed that more than 90% of their attendees learned of the
screening through the mass media. Most participants came in response to concern over a specific
lesion. A significant association was found to exist between prescreening reports of high-risk
perceptions and the subsequent discovery by physicians of malignant or premalignant conditions.
These and other findings are discussed, with suggestions being made for future screenings.


Skin cancer have become a big problem, and new variant are on rise. It’s almost impossible and
very time consuming to identify the cancer of skin without access to doctor.
• Need an MRI to identify if it is cancer or not.
• Need to go through a very big hospital which is hard and time consuming.
• Take appointment for specialist and its fee is expensive.
• When skin have injuries so we ignore that by saying it will recover soon basically, its
cancer and we unaware about it.
Therefore, to overcome this problem, this project aim is to build an application which will
work on analysis of Machine learning with AI techniques for taking images of samples of
skin injured place for identification of the skin cancer and the use of different ML models
to compare their accuracy and implement the best performing model in the App.

Our aim to develop an android application with machine learning algorithms to detect skin
cancer in initial stages from skin injuries images. This project aim is to build an application
which will work on analysis of Machine learning with AI techniques for taking images of
samples of skin injured place for identification of the skin cancer and the use of different ML
models to compare their accuracy and implement the best performing model in the App
• Sign in and profile.
• Update profile
• Upload picture or use camera to capture picture for diagnosis.
• The app would analyze that uploaded image through use of different ML models such as
SVM, Neural Network, Bagged Tree Ensemble, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) to compare
their accuracy and implement the best performing model in the App. and show the result.
• There are two classes of skin cancer that are skin -cancerous or non-cancerous
• The app would display previous result or record of user.


This study has both theoretical and practical significance in real world. Theoretically, it will
contribute to media campaign's role in solving the problem of skin cancer using a machine learning
or deep learning. It will serve as a database for a computer science researcher who may be
interested in diagnosis in sin cancer using these techniques. Practically, it aims to serve as a
document for government and non-governmental organizations.

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