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Prayer Guide 2011


One day, Nehemiah received disturbing news that things were not going well for the Jewish exiles that had returned to Jerusalem. The city wall had been destroyed and the people were in great trouble. Nehemiah was greatly burdened; he mourned for several days, fasted and prayed and then went to rebuild the city. There he met with the Israelites and said, Come, lets rebuild Jerusalems wall The people responded favorably and were encouraged to do this good work (Neh. 1-2, HCSB). In post-Christian Western Europe and post-Communist Eastern Europe, Christianity has all but been destroyed and desperately needs to be rebuilt. Europeans show little interest in traditional religion. The vast majority has either never heard the gospel or has rejected it. Although the work of spreading the Good News among these people is challenging, there is evidence that God is at work. Approximately 700 Southern Baptist supported missionaries are currently living and sharing their faith among the worlds 817 million Europeans. Through their efforts, 150,000 Europeans heard the gospel in 2010 and 6,500 placed their faith in Christ. 11,000 were baptized, 300 new outreach groups started, 130 churches planted, and new work began among 3 unreached people groups. Praise the Lord for this progress. With hundreds of thousands of Europeans continuing to live in darkness, however, there is much work still to be done. Will you help to advance the Kingdom by passionately interceding that these people will become hungry for God and receptive to the gospel? Pray that missionaries will be encouraged and strengthened as they do the good work of spreading the gospel. If the Lord has burdened your heart for Europeans, please consider adopting a people group for which you will commit to pray regularly and seek to reach, as He leads.

Blessings, Celeste European Affinity Group Prayer Strategist

Roma Peoples

PRAISE GOD for new beginnings resulting in changed lives and new groups following the Savior. Thank the Lord for those who have not only heard the gospel, but who are also taking the Good News to their own people. Its the dream of every missionary to see their people taking the message to a new group yet to hear. Intercede that the Lord will bless and multiply these new beginnings.

NEW BEGINNINGS AMONG THE ROMA i In May, 2011, more than fifty Roma met in Prague. They were not protesting lower wages, higher unemployment, educational discrimination, or persecution. They were celebrating Gods love, forgiveness, and mercy. They were singing, praying, and praising in the Romany/Gypsy language. These Roma are the core group of Cacipen (Truth) church Prague. The Czech census report indicates that more than 10,000 Roma live in Prague. Until October, 2010, no church targeting the Roma existed in the city. In the summer of 2010, two families from Poland moved as missionaries to Prague as a part of the FETE (From Everywhere to Everywhere) Missions program. During that fall, Janek and Rafal Gil, began visiting Roma neighborhoods . They distributed more than 800 Jesus videos in eight different Romany dialects and

discovered five homes willing to host Bible studies. Monthly meetings in a local conference room were begun and in just a few months, attendance grew from 10 to 40 adults. In February, 2011, Cacipen church began to hold weekly meetings. Kveta, a Romany lady from the Andel district of Prague said, God is working miracles in my life as a result of these missionaries, the power of prayer, and His Holy Word. Im so thankful for their service and sacrifice. Sascho, a worker from Bulgaria added, Ive wanted for so long a Romany church, where I could worship. I am grateful to God for this new beginning. Sascho, 60-years-old, was baptized along with two others on Easter Sunday - now thats a new beginning. Visit the Roma Ministries website (

Russian Peoples

PRAISE GOD for faithful men and women, who not only receive the truth themselves, but pass it on. Please pray that more of our Christian believers will be brave enough to invite others to look at Gods Word with them. Pray that God will send an ethnic Latvian couple to our mainly Russian city to begin a separate Latvianspeaking congregation.

PASSING ON THE TRUTH i A member of the Russian Cluster shares, Before our recent stateside assignment, our Bible study on the book of Genesis was translated from Russian into Latvian. Zane, a young mother who faithfully attends our Russian-speaking church and Bible studies, asked if she could use it for herself and another Latvian Christian friend. Gladly, I answered. She asked me to train her as much as possible before we left, so that she would understand the main points and we met several times a week. Then I had no contact with her for almost 4 months. When we returned, she shared with me that she and her friend had continued to study through Genesis. Zane had

also recently begun to use the material with a non-Christian friend, Daiga, a mother with 5 young children. It wasnt long before we met Daiga, since she and Zane were meeting several times a week at our outreach library. The week that we returned, Daiga came to church services for the first time, along with her 5 children. A couple of weeks later, I had a text message from Zane, Thank you for your prayers for Daiga. Yesterday she prayed a prayer of repentance. Hallelujah!
Names have been changed for security

Visit the Engage Russia website (

Black Sea Orthodox Peoples

PETITION THE LORD to open doors that no man can close in each of the countries of the Black Sea Orthodox (BSO) Cluster. Ask Him to turn the hearts of those in places and positions of influence, so that His people will find favor to accomplish the work He has for them to do. INTERCEDE THAT THE LORD will grant His people wisdom and knowledge of His will and His plan, so that every person in the countries of the BSO Cluster will have the opportunity to hear and respond to Christ. Pray that His Name will be made known in every village, city, and country of this cluster.

FAITHFULNESS AND OBEDIENCE i Novaya Triany is a small town that was settled 200 years ago by Bulgarian immigrants in the Odessa region of Ukraine and was one of the central areas for the Soviet-run farms. The soil is rich and ideal for grape vineyards, fruit trees and wheat. Sergei* was the general manager of the government farms and he met every day in the center of the town with hundreds of local men, assigning them to their duties. He was also a strongly committed member of the Communist Party. One Sunday after church, one of our Black Sea Orthodox (BSO) Cluster personnel and the local pastor met with Sergei in his home. In tears, Sergei prayed, asking God for forgiveness and accepting Christ as his Savior. Because of the faithfulness of believers in Novaya Triany to pray for

years for Sergei and the obedience of others to go, we have a new brother in Christ. Sergeis physical health may be poor, but his future is sealed and sure! In some regions of the BSO Cluster there are fewer than 0.5% evangelical believers. Pray for workers for the harvest to be called out in each of the 5 countries of the BSO Cluster. Petition the Father to move in the hearts of His people in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and Belarus to make them passionate and emboldened to share the Good News of Christ in their homeland and beyond.
*Names have been changed for security

Western Mediterranean Peoples


GODS WORD IS POWERFUL! Ask that Maltese and other Western Mediterranean peoples will have a Spiritgiven desire to read the Bible and apply it to their lives. PRAY FOR NATIONAL BELIEVERS AND MISSIONARIES in these countries to walk closely with the Lord so that they will truly be salt and light. Intercede that spiritual needs will surface and not be drowned in the worlds pleasures or entertainment. Pray that the people of the Western Mediterranean will spend time in Gods Word and that this will produce changed lives.

TRUE CHRISTIANITY i In the Western Mediterranean countries, religious symbols, churches, and statues abound, but true Christianity is difficult to find. Once God was glorified, but now money, power, and love of self, rule. They desperately need a personal encounter with Jesus and consistent time in Gods Word and interacting with His people. A missionary in Malta shares this story. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? my neighbor asked. I immediately said yes, having learned that while Maltese are extremely friendly people, invitations into their homes are not common. We spent an hour and a half and I shared some Bible verses and prayed with her. She showed me the 600-year-old icon that has been passed down through her family

and assured me that she respected my religion, but she had her own. Jesus loves everyone, but he especially loves those who are good, she said. The next day, I met a former neighbor. As I shared a concern, she said, You should pray in Jesus name. We had a heart to heart conversation and I learned that, although she is still very faithful in the traditional religion, she reads her Bible and only prays to God through Jesus. I was able to give her a pocket New Testament in Maltese and encourage her to continue seeking Him. Visit the Malta Ministries website (

Germanic Peoples

PRAISE THE LORD for weaving these lives together to accomplish His purposes. Intercede that John and his parents will place their faith in the Lord and be instrumental in leading other Austrians to Christ.

GODS TAPESTRY i Leave it to God to bring an Austrian student to Norman, Oklahoma to stir our hearts to go to Vienna! Thats exactly what HE did, shares a missionary in Austria. Now, over 4 years later, the student we became friends with in Norman, Oklahoma is our fellow countryman in Austria. John has heard the Gospel. Like many Austrians, he is living a very financially secure lifestyle and pursuing his career. He has everything he needsexcept Jesus. Despite Johns reluctance to embrace faith, God has expanded our territory through him. in terms of relationships. His parents, Martin and Beth, are part of a generation that has never heard of the free

gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Because of our involvement in their sons life in Oklahoma, they have whole-heartedly embraced us into their own family. Now, Martin and Beth. invite us regularly to come to their home for weekends and our family has established a separate relationship with them. Weve been able to speak of our faith around their kitchen table and share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. They have been given a German Bible and we hope one day, the reading and studying of the Word will be part of the activities we share with them.
Names have been changed for security

Balkan Peoples

PRAY FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT to bring Hussein* to the conviction that the gospel is true and that he needs to surrender to Jesus Christ. Intercede that the hundreds of refugees like Hussein who come to the center each week will also see, know and surrender to the truth of Jesus. PETITION THE FATHER to send more workers to come alongside our colleagues and national staff in Athens reaching out to Afghanis, Iranians, Sudanese and Somalis, who are seeking that peace that passes all understanding.

REFUGEE OUTREACH i A member of the Balkan Cluster shares, One evening, after we had distributed groceries to the refugees, I asked Hussein, a physician who had fled an extremist regime in his country, if he would like for the staff members to pray for his wife, who was imprisoned in Turkey for not having proper documents. He agreed and we prayed for the quick and miraculous release of his wife. A few days later, Hussein* was back at the center with his three daughters. He greeted me with his usual broad smile, an embrace, and his good news. He described how we had prayed for his wifes release at 7:00 p.m. and how upon his arrival home, approximately 1 hour later, he called her cell phone. She had been turned back by the border guards on

5 previous occasions over the last several days, but on this night the guards paid no attention as she simply walked across unchallenged. We rejoiced and made the rounds to share the good news with other staff members, who had prayed. This was truly answered prayer. Hussein has now heard about and experienced God. Instead of going home each week after receiving his ration of groceries, he sits and listens to the gospel message provided for those who care to listen.
*Names have been changed for security

To learn more about refugee work in the Balkan Cluster, visit the One Life Project website

Central European Peoples


PRAY that this former worship leader for another major religion will grow in his salvation and become a strong leader for the Lord and His Kingdom! GIVE PRAISE for the way the Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of the people of Central Europe. Intercede that the floodgates will be opened in these countries and that many more will begin a personal relationship with the Son.

I WANT IT NOW! i A volunteer team member stood outside of a grocery store, distributing invitations to lectures about families. The husband of one family who received the flyer and attended the lectures was a former leader at a local place of worship for another major world religion. At the lectures, the family was invited by some members of an IMB team in Central Europe to an outreach event. After attending this event, the man called an IMB worker to ask, if he could have coffee with him. The missionary walked him through the gospel presentation and what it means to know the God of the Scriptures. The missionary stopped and asked, if the man understood the gospel

message. All he said was, I WANT IT NOW. The missionary asked, What do you want? The man proclaimed, I want to ask God now for salvation! They prayed together and he asked Christ into his heart. This man is now involved in a Bible study group. This summer, as members of the Central European Cluster have held various outreach camps and events, others have responded to gospel presentations, like this man. In just one week, at least 25 professions of faith were made.

Diaspora Peoples

Fred has many demands on his life, including full-time work to support his family. He also often receives abuse from unreceptive people. PRAY that Fred will not grow weary in the wonderful work he is doing. PRAY for those whom Fred has reached with the gospel. Ask that they will grow strong in the Lord and take on the challenge of passing on what they have learned to make and train other disciples.

MAKING DISCIPLES i Fred and his family were Congolese citizens displaced from their home by war raging in their country. They lived in Malawi for over two years in a refugee camp with 8,000 people, enduring pitiful living conditions and little hope of returning to their country. In 2008, the Australian government requested a mere ten families from among those 8,000 to come to Australia, and Freds family was chosen. Incredulous, Fred praised God for choosing him from among so many people to start a new life in a new land. In gratitude, he offered himself to God to reach Australians. Upon

reaching the Australian shores, Fred came into the lives of IMB missionaries working there and shared his story. They immediately saw his potential for reaching the lost and trained him using a T4T-based (Training for Trainers) method called Reboot. He began sharing the gospel everywhere and training other disciples. Soon, he made a commitment to the Lord to share twice a day and five times on Saturdays - a goal which he maintains today. He has won many people to the Lord, started a church in his home, and leads several disciple training groups and outreach groups. For more information about this ministry, visit the AIM Trainers website (

Calypso North Peoples


INTERCEDE THAT THE LORD will continue to call workers to Copenhagen. Pray that the people of this city will discover the hope that is available through a personal relationship with the Lord. INTERCEDE THAT A FIRE will be lit in Copenhagen that will burn brightly and that will draw many to faith.

LIGHTING THE FIRE i God is at work in Copenhagen, Denmark, a city of 3 million that many believe is pivotal to all of Europe. It is a creative city full of possibilities and opportunities and with quirky peoples. It is a city full of humor and hope. It is also a city, where in the past few churches have sought to reach the lost. But in recent years, God has directed student ministries and churches across the U.S. to focus on Copenhagen and two families have followed Gods call to uproot their lives and relocate to this

city. They have invested time learning the language and adapting to this culture and are now at work in Copenhagen. It is as if He is putting dry wood on the altar, so that when the match is lit, the power of His fire will burn bright and hot. For more information about Copenhagen and the ministries happening there, visit Commission Stories

British Irish Celt Peoples

INTERCEDE that these ministries will generate a greater openness to Christ, lead many to faith, and develop lasting relationships between local churches and volunteers through the Adopt London program ( PRAY THAT GOD will lead British churches to take full advantage of this opportunity for the advance of the Gospel. Intercede that both athletes and spectators will have a spiritual encounter during their time at the Games and that citizens of the host country will come to know who God is and how great and loving He truly is.

REACHING THE NATIONS i Many countries vied for the privilege of hosting the 2012 Summer Olympics (July 27 - Aug 12, 2012), but only one site could be chosen. After much consideration, London, England was the location selected - a decision reached by a committee of men, but which IMB personnel and local believers see as an incredible opportunity from God to share the gospel with both Londoners and visitors from around the world. Londoners are proud and happy to have the Olympic Games come not only to London, but throughout the country for the first time in over sixty years. The excitement is building and is sure to be high by opening day. Game organizers and athletes are busy preparing, and so are IMB workers, local believers, and U.S. volunteers. Some volunteers will come before the Olympics to prayerwalk, but the

majority of them probably more than a thousand - are expected to assist local churches and charities minister to athletes families, tourists and communities during the Games. Volunteers will engage in community outreach, both in neighborhoods and at live sites. Sports clinics, camps, coaching activities, tournaments, and childrens holiday clubs will be held. Community festivals will feature live big screen broadcasts, childrens activities, barbecues, tea-and-coffee, live music, theater and creative arts. There will also be more serious ministry related to social justice issues, such as ending homelessness, human trafficking and prostitution and to promoting concern for the environment and 50 Days of Peace. Visit the Adopt London program website (

Pray for European Peoples Roma Peoples


VISIT EUROPEANPEOPLES.IMB.ORG for more information about the peoples of Europe or the International Mission Boards work in Europe To receive weekly prayer updates from the European Peoples Affinity Group, please contact Celeste Brubaker at

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