Un-Used Medicine Donation

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In medical and health field it is quite challenging and enormous problem to manage the large

amount of unused medicine as well as to benefit needy person. Unused medicine donation is
the practice of donating unused or unexpired medications to individuals or organizations that
need them but cannot afford them. The idea behind this practice is to reduce waste and to
make medication more accessible to those who need it.
Donating unused medications can be beneficial for several reasons. It helps to reduce the cost
of healthcare for those who cannot afford to purchase medications. It also helps to reduce the
amount of medication waste, which can be harmful to the environment.
The aim of this study is to create and develop an Android based mobile application which are
properly manage and benefit poor to provide access of unused medicine to use this medicine
for disease treatment, a mobile based application “Unused Medicine Donation” is developed
which can be proved helpful.
This application basically consists of 3 characters: Availor, Donator and NGO. Where an
NGO will act as an intermediate between donator and an Availor. NGO will receive the
donations from the donators and will hand it over to the needy one.
This Application will keep the record of the medicines, collector and receiver who interact
with NGOs. Apart from this, request of NGOs will be accepted by the Admin. In addition,
Admin will maintain and manage. Donator and collector will interact with NGOs. NGOs will
take these medicines from donators and will provide donated medicines to the needy one
(collector). The location on map and address of donator and collector will be provided by
them, where NGO will act as a bridge to connect them with each other.
So in this way, the medicines which are not used and left useless will be used productively,
on the other hand those who need medicines like poor people will be blessed with these
unused medicines. Thus, the medicines will not be wasted and it will be brought in to an
effective use to those who are in need to access these medicines as these medicines would be
free and people who are financially weak would have easy approach.
In addition, the rush over government hospitals would be decreased as patient would receive
medicines from the volunteers (donators) so this could be proven helpful and fruitful. Lives
of many people could be saved and more people could be cured in an easy way.

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