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Bethany Burnett

My Spring Break
Over Spring Break, 2023, my
lovely partner and I went on a
What I Did
camping trip together for the
first time!
Went Set up a
Camping! tent!

Made a
campfire! at the

Went Cooked
on a worked
hike! on crafts!

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Where I Was
We went to the Lake Monroe Campground in Indiana!
We had a beautiful tent spot right by the water, and it
was nice to be able to look out and see the lake in the

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How I Got There

We got to our destination by car. It

wasn’t a super long drive! It was
only about 30 minutes away from
our apartment in Bloomington, IN!

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Why I Did It

We went camping because we

thought it would be something we
would really enjoy, and it was a nice
way to take a break in nature. We
also were able to do the things we
love while also being outdoors, like
cooking and whittling! It also gave us
a good opportunity to spend time
together and relax.
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My partner, Eli, went camping
with me, because we wanted to
go on a trip together!

Who Was
With Me

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Would I Do It Again
I would absolutely do this again! I had a lot of fun! it
was a unique experience, and I got to try a lot of
new things. I’m also planning to do another camping
trip with my partner, and their little brother and his
girlfriend this fall break. It should be super neat!
Overall, I had a great time on this trip, and it was
very healing to be out in nature for a few days.

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