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A social problem is an issue that prevents society from functioning at an

optimal level. Understanding that not all events in society can be
considered social problems is essential.
-A problem is considered a social problem when:
• The public recognizes the situation as a problem.
• The situation is against all those values which are accepted by
• A large number of the population recognizes the issue as a valid
• The problem can be alleviated through joint action of community
resources or citizens.
-Some key terms related to social issues in sociology include:

1. Inequality: This refers to the unequal distribution of resources,

opportunities, and power within a society, often based on factors
such as social class, race, gender, or age.
2. Discrimination: The unjust or prejudiced treatment of individuals
or groups based on their perceived differences, such as race,
religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
3. Poverty: The state of lacking financial resources or basic
necessities required for an adequate standard of living, often
resulting in limited access to healthcare, education, and housing.
4. Social justice: The pursuit of equality and fairness in society,
aiming to ensure that all individuals have equal rights,
opportunities, and access to resources.
5. Marginalization: The process through which certain individuals or
social groups are pushed to the edges or margins of society and
have limited access to resources and decision-making power.
6. Ethnicity: A social construct that categorizes individuals based on
their cultural, ancestral, and/or national backgrounds, often
influencing their sense of identity, community, and experiences
within society.
7. Gender: A social construct that refers to the roles, behaviors, and
expectations associated with being male, female, or non-binary,
influencing power dynamics and social interactions.
8. Social movements: Collectives of individuals united by common
goals and objectives, working to bring about social change,
address social issues, and challenge existing power structures.
9. Globalization: The increasing interconnectedness and
interdependence among societies through the flow of goods,
services, information, and cultural influences, often affecting
social, economic, and political systems.
10.Immigration: The movement of individuals from one country or
region to another with the intention of settling there, often triggered
by factors such as economic opportunities, political instability, or
environmental issues.
“It’s important to note that these terms are interconnected and
influence each other, shaping social dynamics and sociological
analysis of social issues”

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