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Understanding Indian Culture and Heritage

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The individuals, throughout the country are different from each other in terms of
number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age, genders, educational
qualifications, occupations, personality traits, cultures, communities, and socio-economic
backgrounds. In spite of these differences, they are required to acquire an efficient
understanding of Indian culture and heritage. The individuals in urban and rural communities
are required to abide by the cultures within the course of implementation of various job duties
and in working and dealing with others. The cultures facilitate in putting into operation the
norms and values to do well in one’s job duties and achieve desired goals. In the lives of the
individuals, they are required to implement culture in both personal and professional spheres.
The cultures will prove to be advantageous to the individuals in doing well in one’s job
duties, achieve desired goals and objectives and lead to up-gradation of one’s overall quality
of lives. The reason being, the individuals will be able to acknowledge the norms and values.
Therefore, it is well-understood that understanding Indian culture and heritage will render an
important contribution in leading to up-gradation of one’s overall quality of lives. The main
concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, Indian culture and heritage is
acknowledged throughout the country in all communities, characteristics of Indian culture
and factors required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage.

Keywords: Communities, Effectiveness, Ethics, Heritage, Indian Culture, Job Duties,

Norms, Values

In India, throughout the country, the culture of India are ancient, dynamic and
spanning back to the beginning of human civilization. Culture is referred to patterns of
thought and behaviour of people. The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories
and backgrounds need to conduct themselves in accordance to the norms and values. The
individuals have aims and objectives to achieve in their lives. When they are wholeheartedly
determined towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they need to be informative
in terms of methods, strategies and approaches. Furthermore, they are required to put into
operation the norms, values, morals, ethics, standards and principles. The reason being, the
individuals are required to deal and work with others. In the popular parlance, the material
aspects of culture, such as, scientific and technological achievements are seen distinct from
cultures. The various areas that are included are, arts, music, literature, philosophy, religion
and science (Indian Culture, n.d.). When the individuals develop interest in one or more of
these areas, it is stated that they are acknowledging the meaning and significance of culture.
Therefore, culture has contributed significantly in leading to up-gradation of overall quality
of lives of the individuals.

The Indian history generates information in terms of norms, values, cultures and
traditions. The historical leaders have rendered an important contribution in the preservation
of cultures and traditions. There are two types of cultures, material and non-material. The
material cultures include, technologies, instruments, material goods, consumer goods,
architecture, designs, models, structures, methods of production, trade, commerce, welfare
and other social activities. Whereas, non-material culture includes, norms, values, morals,
ethics, standards, principles, and other ritual activities (Incredible India, n.d.). Culture is the
invaluable possession of all societies. Indian culture is the oldest of all the cultures in the
world. When the individuals acknowledge the meaning and significance of cultures, they are
able to establish their identity within society. Culture is referred to the man-made
environment, which is transferred from one generation to the next. It varies from place to
place and from country to country. Culture consists of the explicit and implicit patterns of
behaviour, which is put into operation by human beings in their personal as well as
professional lives. Therefore, it can be stated, the individuals are required to recognize the
meaning and significance of culture throughout their lives.

In India, there are various religious places, historical places, monuments, and so forth.
These are visited by nationals as well as internationals. When the individuals make visits to
these places, they generate information in terms of various cultures. In the culture, there are
other aspects that are emphasised upon. These are, material artefacts, intellectual
achievements, philosophy, treasure of knowledge, scientific inventions and discoveries.
These are the part of heritage. In India, the contributions made by Baudhayana, Aryabhatta,
and Bhaskaracharya in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and astrology; Varahmihir in the
field of Physics; Nagarjuna in the field of chemistry; Susruta and Charak in the field of
medicine and Patanjali in the field of yoga are regarded as profound treasures of Indian
culture heritage. Changes can be brought about in cultures, but not heritage. When changes
are brought about in cultures, it needs to be ensured, they prove to be favourable to the
individuals, communities and nation as a whole. The individuals listen to religious sermons,
read religious scriptures and make use of various reading materials and internet to generate
information in terms of culture, heritage as well as transformations taking place in cultures.

Indian Culture and Heritage is acknowledged throughout the

Country in all Communities

Indian culture and heritage is acknowledged in urban, rural and tribal communities.
These are stated as follows:

Urban Communities

With advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and
globalization, the individuals in urban communities are living modern lives. They are making
use of modern, scientific and innovative methods within the course of implementation of job
duties in both personal and professional lives. They are making use of various types of
technologies within the course of implementation of job duties. The internet is regarded as
one of the most important source that is contributing significantly in generating information
in terms of various areas, subjects and concepts. Furthermore, the system of education is in a
well-developed state. The individuals acquire good-quality education and are engaged in
various jobs or initiate their own businesses of various products or services. The urban
individuals are focusing on up-gradation of their skills and abilities to achieve the desired
goals and bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The ways that are put
into operation by the urban individuals to live their lives are influenced by cultures.
Therefore, it can be stated, Indian culture and heritage is acknowledged in urban

Rural Communities

In India, more than 70 percent of the population resides in rural communities. In these
communities, agriculture and farming practices are regarded as the primary occupations of
the rural individuals. Apart from these, rural individuals are engaged in the production of
artworks and handicrafts. The rural individuals are overwhelmed by various types of societal
problems such as, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and homelessness. These are regarded as
impediments within the course of putting into operation various types of job duties and
leading to enhancement of one’s living conditions. The rural individuals are focusing on up-
gradation of their competencies and abilities to achieve the desired goals and bring about
improvements in their overall quality of lives. The ways that are put into operation by the
rural individuals to promote better livelihoods opportunities are influenced by cultures. They
are migrating to urban communities to acquire good-quality education and to acquire
employment opportunities. In other words, they are making efforts to promote their well-
being. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive basis that Indian culture and heritage is
acknowledged in rural communities.

Tribal Communities

Tribal communities are residing in hilly and remote regions throughout the country.
They are dependent on the natural environmental conditions to meet all their needs and
requirements and to sustain their living conditions in an effective manner. Agriculture is the
primary occupations of the rural individuals. Apart from these, rural individuals are engaged
in the production of various types of artworks and handicrafts. The tribal individuals are
overwhelmed by various types of societal problems such as, poverty, backwardness, and
illiteracy. These are regarded as impediments within the course of putting into operation
various types of job duties and achieving desired goals and objectives. The tribal individuals
are focusing on up-gradation of their skills, abilities and aptitude to achieve the desired goals
and bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The ways that are put into
operation by the tribal individuals to enhance their living conditions are influenced by
cultures. They are migrating to urban communities to enhance their personality traits and
living standards. Therefore, Indian culture and heritage is acknowledged in tribal

Characteristics of Indian Culture

The individuals are different from each other in terms of number of factors, i.e. caste,
creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age groups, genders, educational qualifications, occupations,
communities, categories and backgrounds. When individuals are enthusiastically determined
towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they need to be informative in terms of
techniques, approaches and methodologies. Furthermore, they are required to put into
operation the norms, values, morals, ethics, standards and principles within the course of
implementation of their job duties. The reason being, the individuals are required to prepare
themselves in an adequate manner towards the implementation of job duties (Zimmermann &
Gordon, 2022). When conducting research on Indian culture, it is necessary to acquire an
efficient understanding in terms of its meaning and significance. The Indian culture puts
emphasis on norms, values, principles, standards, ethics, and attitudes of generosity,
simplicity and kind-heartedness. Therefore, it can be stated, the individuals are required to
recognize the importance of culture throughout their lives. Characteristics of Indian culture
are stated as follows:

A Cosmic Vision

The framework of the Indian culture places the individuals within the conception of
the universe as the divine creation. It is not human centric, but includes other elements as
well. The elements are both living and non-living as the manifestations of the divine. The
individuals are required to reinforce this viewpoint that they need to possess positive
viewpoints in terms of all living things. The human beings are different from each other in
terms of number of factors. But equal rights and opportunities need to be provided to all
individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds. Furthermore, it
needs to be ensured that there is not any discrimination on the basis of any factors. The
individuals need to ensure, their actions and deeds should prove to be favourable to not only
themselves and their families, but to the communities as a whole. The cosmic vision
synthesises human beings, nature and God as an integral whole. This is reflected in the
perspective of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram. Therefore, it can be stated that the cosmic vision
respects God’s divine and promotes the ideal of co-existence.

Sense of Harmony

The individuals cannot live their lives in seclusion. Within the course of
implementation of job duties in both personal and professional spheres, they need to work in
collaboration and integration with each other. The individuals need to ensure, they exchange
ideas and viewpoints, augment information in terms of various aspects and provide solutions
to various types of problems in an effective manner. Hence, it is of utmost significance for
the individuals to reinforce a sense of harmony. Within homes, educational institutions of all
levels and in various types of employment settings, the sense of harmony would enable the
individuals to form sociable terms and relationships with each other and generate the desired
outcomes. From the stage of early childhood throughout the lives of the individuals, they are
required to obtain an efficient understanding of meaning and significance of sense of
harmony. Furthermore, individuals need to ensure, their actions and deeds should prove to be
favourable to not only themselves and their families, but to the communities as a whole.
Therefore, sense of harmony is a characteristic of culture, which needs to be acknowledged
by the individuals, irrespective of their occupations, communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds.


Receptivity is regarded as one of the indispensable characteristics of Indian culture. It

is referred to openness and approachability towards culture. Within neighbourhoods,
educational institutions of all levels and in various types of employment settings, the
individuals are different from each other in terms of cultures. In some cases, the cultures of
other individuals may be surprising. But it is essential for the individuals to form positive
viewpoints in terms of other cultures. When the individuals are required to work in co-
ordination with each other, they are well-aware that they are required to form positive
viewpoints in terms of other cultures. The individuals are independent to live their lives
according to their cultures, but they need to possess constructive viewpoints and not any
kinds of negative feelings. The implementation of cultures will contribute significantly in
leading to up-gradation of the overall quality of lives of the individuals. Furthermore, the
individuals need to learn to adjust to other cultures. Therefore, the characteristic of
receptivity is regarded as favourable in all communities and states throughout the country.


The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

generate awareness and put in efforts to their best abilities to lead to up-gradation of their
overall quality of lives. They need to form the viewpoint that conducting themselves in
accordance to the norms and values would prove to be beneficial to them on a comprehensive
basis. The individuals have aims and objectives to achieve in their lives, in both personal and
professional spheres. When they are wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of
desired goals and objectives, they need to be informative in terms of methods, strategies and
approaches. Furthermore, they are required to put into operation the norms, values, morals,
ethics, standards and principles. The reason being, the individuals are required to deal and
work with others. Within the course of working in collaboration and integration with others,
the individuals are required to experience number of problems and challenges as well. But
they need to form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with others, irrespective of
their religions, cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds. Therefore, the characteristic of
tolerance is put into practice on a comprehensive basis.

Continuity and Stability

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to be
well-versed in terms of the norms and values. When they are engaged in various types of
employment opportunities to generate a source of income and to sustain one’s living
conditions in an adequate manner, they need to be principled, moral and ethical. Furthermore,
the individuals generate information in terms of traits of honesty, truthfulness and
righteousness. When the individuals are informative in terms of these aspects, they are
contributing significantly in promoting continuity and stability of culture. The individuals,
belonging to all communities have aims and objectives to achieve in their lives. When they
are wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they
need to be informative in terms of methods and procedures. Furthermore, they are required to
put into operation the norms, values, morals, ethics, standards and principles. The reason
being, the individuals are required to put into operation even complicated and difficult job
duties. Therefore, continuity and stability is regarded as one of the indispensable
characteristics of culture.


The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

conduct themselves in accordance to the cultures. In some cases, the norms are rigid. For
example, the individuals will not enter the kitchen without bathing. In some cultures,
particularly in rural communities, the women would not show their faces and remain in veil
before the older men of the house. Whereas, in other communities, the individuals do not
follow certain cultures rigidly. These are particularly in urban communities. Hence, cultures
are adaptable. The individuals are required to carry out various tasks and activities in their
lives. When they are wholeheartedly determined and develop motivation towards putting into
operation various tasks and activities, they need to be informative in terms of methods,
strategies and approaches. Furthermore, they are required to put into operation the norms,
values, morals, ethics, standards and principles. The reason being, the individuals are
required to deal and work with other individuals and experience various types of problems
and challenges. Adaptability of cultures will prove to be beneficial to the individuals to a
major extent. Therefore, adaptability is one of the meaningful characteristics of culture.

Morality and Ethics

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

recognise the meaning and significance of morality and ethics. When individuals are moral
and ethical in their conduct, they will contribute significantly in putting into operation job
duties in a well-organized manner, achieving personal and professional goals, differentiating
between appropriate and inappropriate, forming an effective social circle and leading to up-
gradation of one’s overall quality of lives. The inculcation of these traits will enable the
individuals to do well and cope with various types of problems and challenges. Furthermore,
it is well-understood that they are implementing cultures in their lives. When individuals are
wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they not
only need to be informative in terms of methods, strategies and approaches, but are required
to be moral and ethical in their conduct. Apart from being informative, individuals are
required to put into operation the norms, values, morals, ethics, standards and principles. The
reason being, the individuals are wholeheartedly committed towards leading to enhancement
of their overall personality traits. Therefore, morality and ethics is an eminent characteristic
of culture.

Diligence and Conscientiousness

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

recognise the meaning and significance of diligence and conscientiousness. When individuals
are diligent and conscientious, they will contribute significantly in putting into operation job
duties in a well-organized manner, achieving personal and professional goals, differentiating
between appropriate and inappropriate, coping with various types of problems, making
selection of the best suitable alternative and leading to up-gradation of one’s overall living
conditions. The inculcation of these traits will enable the individuals to do well and promote
well-being and goodwill. Furthermore, it is well-understood that they are implementing
culture in their lives. The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and
backgrounds need to live their lives in accordance to the norms and values. The individuals
have aims and objectives to achieve in their lives. When they are wholeheartedly determined
towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they need to be informative in terms of
methods, strategies and approaches. Furthermore, when they will be well-versed in terms of
the traits of diligence and conscientiousness, they will be able to carry out their job duties
successfully. Therefore, diligence and conscientiousness is a renowned characteristic of

Emphasis on Duty
The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds have aims
and objectives to achieve in their lives. When they are wholeheartedly determined towards
achievement of desired goals and objectives, they need to be informative in terms of methods,
strategies and approaches. Furthermore, they need to develop motivation towards the
implementation of job duties. One of the important points that needs to be taken into account
is, the individuals are required to form positive viewpoints in terms of job duties and
responsibilities. In other words, emphasis needs to be put on duty. Individuals are required to
form the viewpoint that conducting themselves in accordance to the norms and values would
prove to be advantageous to them to a major extent. The individuals have aims and objectives
to achieve in their lives, in both personal and professional spheres. When they are
wholeheartedly determined towards doing well in their jobs and achievement of desired goals
and objectives, they need to realise that putting emphasis on duty will be favourable and
beneficial on a comprehensive basis. As a consequence, individuals will be able to reinforce
cultures. Therefore, it is well-understood, emphasis on duty is an important characteristic of

The Joint Family System

The joint family system is the family system, which comprises of two or more nuclear
families living under the common roof. In all communities, both urban and rural, this system
is prevalent. But the individuals need to learn to adjust with all the family members (16
Unique Cultures of India, n.d.). The individuals acquire number of relationships, i.e. parents,
children, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins and in some cases even grandparents. All the family
members share the same kitchen. One of the major advantage of the joint family system is,
the individuals obtain support and assistance from each other in case of occurrence of any
types of problems and challenges. They need to communicate with each other in an effective
manner and form cordial and amiable terms and relationships. The research studies have
indicated that in cases of occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements, the family
members put into operation conflict resolution methods in a peaceful manner. When one
family member develops health problems and illnesses, the other members develop concern
for him or her. Therefore, the joint family system is a characteristic of culture, which has
been identified in all communities throughout the country.

Factors required in leading to reinforcement of Indian Culture and

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to
conduct themselves within as well as outside the homes in accordance to the cultures. The
individuals have different types of aims and objectives to achieve in their personal and
professional lives. When they are wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of desired
goals and objectives, they need to be informative in terms of methods, strategies and
approaches. Furthermore, they are required to put into operation the norms, values, morals,
ethics, standards and principles. The implementation of these traits would enable the
individuals to acknowledge the meaning and significance of cultures (UNESCO World
Heritage Sites in India, 2019). Furthermore, it is essential for the individuals to be well-
equipped in terms of the factors required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and
heritage. These are, being well-versed in terms of job duties and responsibilities;
communicating with others in an effective manner; depicting the traits of honesty and
truthfulness; putting in efforts to one’s best abilities and implementing measures to lead to
up-gradation of one’s overall quality of lives. These are stated as follows:

Being Well-versed in terms of Job Duties and Responsibilities

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to be

well-versed in terms of job duties and responsibilities in their personal and professional lives.
When they are wholeheartedly determined towards achievement of desired goals and
objectives, they need to be informative in terms of methods, strategies and approaches.
Furthermore, they need to develop motivation towards the implementation of job duties. One
of the important points that needs to be taken into account is, the individuals are required to
form positive viewpoints in terms of job duties and responsibilities. Individuals are required
to form the viewpoint that conducting themselves in accordance to the norms and values
would prove to be advantageous to them in doing well and in generating the desired
outcomes. The individuals have aims and objectives to achieve in their lives, in both personal
and professional spheres. When they are wholeheartedly determined towards doing well in
their jobs and achievement of desired goals and objectives, they will benefit on a
comprehensive basis. Therefore, being well-versed in terms of job duties and responsibilities
is a significant factor required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage.

Communicating with others in an Effective Manner

The individuals cannot live their lives in seclusion. Hence, from the stage of early
childhood throughout the lives of the individuals, they are required to communicate with
other individuals in an effective manner. The other individuals are family members, relatives,
neighbours, educators, supervisors, colleagues, classmates, and other community members.
Within the course of implementation of job duties in both personal and professional spheres,
they need to work in collaboration and integration with each other. The individuals need to
ensure, they exchange ideas and viewpoints, augment information and understanding in terms
of various aspects and provide solutions to various types of problems in an effective manner.
Hence, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to communicate with others in an
effective manner. The individuals are required to make use of polite language and decent
words and make provision of factual information. One needs to treat each other with kindness
and courtesy. Therefore, communicating with others in an effective manner is an
indispensable factor required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage.

Depicting the Traits of Honesty and Truthfulness

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds need to

recognise the meaning and significance of the traits of honesty and truthfulness. The
individuals need to put in efforts towards reinforcement of these traits throughout their lives.
When they are putting into operation various types of job duties in personal and professional
lives, these traits need to be up-graded. When individuals are honest and truthful in their
conduct, they will contribute significantly in putting into operation job duties in a well-
organized manner, achieving personal and professional goals, differentiating between
appropriate and inappropriate, forming an effective social circle, making wise and productive
decisions, coping with various types of problems in an effective manner and leading to up-
gradation of one’s overall quality of lives. Furthermore, the depiction of these traits will
enable the individuals to do well and cope with various types of problems and challenges.
Therefore, depicting the traits of honesty and truthfulness is an eminent factor required in
leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage.

Putting in Efforts to one’s best Abilities

When individuals are wholeheartedly determined towards putting into operation

various types of job duties and achievement of desired goals and objectives, they need to be
informative in terms of methods, strategies and approaches. Furthermore, when they will be
well-versed in terms of the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, they
will be able to carry out their job duties successfully. These factors will render an important
contribution in putting in efforts to one’s abilities, particularly in case of stressful and
complicated situations. Within the course of implementation of job duties, there are
occurrence of various types of problems and challenges. Hence, it is necessary for the
individuals to form positive viewpoints in terms of various factors and put in efforts to one’s
best abilities. When the individuals are putting into operation the job duty of reinforcement of
cultures, they need to ensure, they put in efforts to one’s best abilities to do well in one’s job
duties and to generate the desired outcomes. Therefore, putting in efforts to one’s best
abilities is a favourable factor required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and

Implementing Measures to lead to Up-gradation of one’s overall Quality of Lives

Leading to up-gradation of one’s overall quality of lives is regarded as one of the

indispensable goals of all individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and
backgrounds. In order to achieve this goal, they need to be informative in terms of various
factors, i.e. implementing measures to promote better livelihoods opportunities; being well-
versed in terms of job duties and responsibilities; being informative in terms of methods and
approaches; utilizing pioneering methods within the course of implementation of job duties;
differentiating between appropriate and inappropriate; forming an effective social circle;
making wise and productive decisions; coping with various types of problems in an effective
manner; depicting the traits of honesty, decency and truthfulness; promoting a normal mind-
set and coping with various types of psychological problems and preventing them from
giving rise to impediments. Furthermore, acknowledging cultures will enable the individuals
to lead to up-gradation of one’s overall quality of lives. Therefore, it can be stated,
implementing measures to lead to up-gradation of one’s overall quality of lives is a
meaningful factor required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage.


In India, throughout the country in all states and regions, the culture of India are
ancient, dynamic and spanning back to the beginning of human civilization. Culture is
referred to patterns of thought and behaviour of people. The individuals, belonging to all
communities, categories and backgrounds are required to conduct themselves in accordance
to the morals, ethics, norms and values. Indian culture and heritage is acknowledged
throughout the country in all communities. Characteristics of Indian culture are, a cosmic
vision, sense of harmony, receptivity, tolerance, continuity and stability, adaptability,
morality and ethics, diligence and conscientiousness, emphasis on duty and the joint family
system. Factors required in leading to reinforcement of Indian culture and heritage are, being
well-versed in terms of job duties and responsibilities; communicating with others in an
effective manner; depicting the traits of honesty and truthfulness; putting in efforts to one’s
best abilities and implementing measures to lead to up-gradation of one’s overall quality of
lives. Finally, it can be stated, generation of information in terms of Indian culture and
heritage have rendered an important contribution in bringing about improvements in their
overall quality of lives.
Incredible India. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2022 from

Indian Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2022 from

16 Unique Cultures of India: Customs and Indian Traditions. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26,

2022 from

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India. (2019). Retrieved February 26, 2022 from

Zimmermann, K.A., & Gordon, J. (2022). Indian Culture: Customs and Traditions. Retrieved

February 26, 2022 from

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