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CFDFIU Incident Number: 230511000023

Incident Location: 681 Strand Ln, Cincinnati, OH 45232
Incident Date and Time: Wednesday, May 11th 05:27 Hrs.
Owner: Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority
Occupant: Asia McKenzie

On Wednesday, May 11th 05:45 Hrs., investigators with the City of Cincinnati Fire
Investigation Unit were requested to conduct a fire investigation1 of the fire incident
at 681 Strand, Cincinnati, OH 45232.

At the time of the fire there were four youths located in the upstairs bedrooms. Prior
to the fire departments arrival, a ten-year-old female self-evacuated and a three-year-
old male was carried out by a neighbor. Two other victims were located and evacuated
by fire companies. No one was on the first floor near the area of origin at the time of

This investigation was completed under the guidance of NFPA 9212 and with
compliance of NFPA 10333. During the course of the investigation the following tasks
were completed:

• Safety Assessments
• Digital Photography
• Note Taking
• Mapping and Diagramming
• Interviewing Witnesses
• Scene Examination
• Evidence Collection and/or Preservation

1 “Fire Investigation is defined as “the process of determining the origin, cause, and development of a fire or
explosion,” by the National Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.76.”
2 “National Fire Protection Association. (2021). NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations, 2021

edition. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.”

3 “National Fire Protection Association. (2022). NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire

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The property involved in this fire loss is a two story, multi-family structure, made of
wood frame construction located on the South side of the street known as Strand Ln.
The structure was site-built over a Concrete foundation. The exterior walls of the
structure are Brick veneer covering the 1st floor and horizontal vinyl siding covering
the 2nd floor. The structure has a gable style roof running East/ West that is covered
with asphalt shingles. The front entrance faces to the North.

The interior walls and ceilings are constructed of wooden structural members
finished with gypsum wallboard. The floors are constructed of wooden joists covered
by wooden decking and finished with linoleum flooring. The property is located in a
residential area and exhibits care and maintenance consistent with that of the
surrounding dwellings.

The interior is divided into two levels. The first floor consists of a living room and a
kitchen. The second floor consists of four bedrooms and a bathroom.

The contents within the structure were consistent with the stated occupancy. The
expected furnishings, appliances, personal effects, kitchenware/utensils, and food
items were present.

Remnants of two smoke/fire detectors were found in the debris during this

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The front door/street side or A-side of the residence faces Northwest. The-B side of
the residence shares a common wall with the adjoining apartment. The C-side or
rear of the residence faces Southeast. The D-side of the building is an open green


The examination of the front of 681 Strand noted heavy visible flame, heat, and smoke
damage present to the exterior. There is one window and one entry door on the first
floor and two windows on the second floor of the front, A-side of the unit.

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On the rear or C-side of the structure there is one entry/exit door and one window on
the first floor and two windows on the second floor.

On the D-side of the unit there are no exterior openings. The utilities enter the
structure on the D-side of the structure and visually appear to have no damage from

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The electrical service is provided by Duke Energy by way of overhead lines attached
to the D/C-exterior side then running under the structure to the B/C-side where the
panel is located. The panel was closed and upon visual inspection the panel appears
to have little damage from flame/heat.

The gas service is also provided by Duke Energy by way of underground pipes and
enters the structure in the C/D-corner of the kitchen behind the washer and dryer,
away from the Area of origin.

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Entry into the structure via the front entrance noted visible flame/heat damage and
severe smoke damage throughout the structure. Upon entering the structure there
is a staircase to the second floor. Moderate flame/heat damage to stairway to the
second floor.

Front entrance to the unit

Stairs to 2nd floor

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The second floor has a bathroom at the top of the stairs and four bedrooms down the
hall. There was considerably less fire damage to the second floor. In a
counterclockwise direction, bedroom 1 is on the right side of hallway to the C-side of
the structure. Bedroom 2 is on the right side of the hallway in the B/C-corner of the
unit. Bedroom 3 is on the left side of the hallway in the A/B-corner of the unit.
Bedroom 4 is on the left side of the hallway located on the A-side of the unit. Victim
one, male (4 y/o), was found in bedroom 2 on a pile of cloths. Victim two, female (4
y/o), was found in bedroom 4 under a pile of cloths.

Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4

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The rooms on the first floor have significantly more flame and heat damage than the
rooms on the second floor. Prior to the fire department’s arrival witnesses reported
that the front and rear windows on the first floor were broken by neighbors. This
increased the damage to the first floor due to the added ventilation. The first room
after entering the unit and passing stairs to second floor is the living room. The living
room contents were typical, consisting of upholstered couches, chairs, tv and other
furnishings which added to the fuel load on the first floor. The contents show heavy
flame/heat damage.

1st floor living room looking from entry door towards rear of the unit

1st floor living room looking toward A side of unit

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Passing through the first floor living room, moving towards the rear of the unit is the
kitchen. There is one exit door and one window out the rear of the unit. The damage
caused by flame/heat is extensive and low to the floor in this room. The exterior door
in kitchen was blocked for egress or entry by a large pile of mixed storage.

Standing in living room looking into kitchen

Standing by the stove looking towards the back door blocked by storage

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After systematically processing the fire scene, conducting interviews, and analyzing
fire patterns it was determined the room of origin was the 1st floor kitchen. The fire
debris was cleared, and a partial reconstruction was undertaken. An extensive
examination to evaluate and eliminate each competent ignition source to ascertain a
fire cause determination was completed.

The examination of the kitchen noted severe damage. The fire load inside the room
of fire origin consisted of a refrigerator, stove, chest deep freezer, washer, dryer, two
dog cages with bedding materials, an open shelving unit 4 to 5 feet tall containing
clothing, cabinets/countertop with a microwave, large pile of bikes and other storage
along with cooking materials, and supplies.

The examination of fire patterns within the kitchen determined the area of origin to
be low on the floor near the front of the dog cage and freezer.

Upon clearing fire debris, scene reconstruction and a close examination of the area of
fire origin an extension cord was found running from the countertop receptacle
through the dog cage terminating in a large coil. The cord coil was mixed into a pile
of clothing and bedding materials under the dog cage. The deep freezer was plugged
into the extension cord coil under the dog cage. Examination of the freezer cord found
a section of the cord was bare and manually repaired with no fire signs of fire damage.
Upon examining the Kitchen’s electrical system, it was noted that the electric outlets
on the walls and light on the ceiling were damaged by the fire and not a cause.

Examining fire debris, reconstructing the scene, and gathering information through
interviews, no other competent ignition sources were in the area of origin other than
the coiled-up extension cord and the damaged freezer cord.

Kitchen, note the extension cord and the intact cabinets

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Extension cord ran from the countertop to the freezer, through and under the cage.

Extension cord from countertop terminated in a coil under cage

Freezer and dog cage on C wall of apartment

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Asia McKenzie (mom), DOB 8/12/99, Phone 513-676-6077

Interviewed at Childrens Hospital by Specialist Stelter day of fire. A second
interview was conducted on 7/17/23.

Stated she was on the couch downstairs, heard something pop and the electricity went
out. She smelled and saw heavy smoke but could not see any fire, so she went to the
bottom of the steps and banged on the wall to wake up the kids upstairs. She went
up a few steps to try to get the kids, but it was too smokey, she yelled to them, and
she heard them yell back. August and Alaysia came to her, and she helped them

Alaysia McKenzie(daughter), DOB 5/17/2012

Interviewed by Specialist Chandler at scene day of fire.

Stated that she was upstairs in her room, up all-night watching anime on her
computer until the power went out. She went and laid down with her siblings. She
started smelling smoke, so she ran downstairs and outside. She continued outside
where she found her mom. She stated she did not hear any smoke detectors sounding.

KiNiah Willis(neighbor), DOB 9/7/05, Phone 513-546-6461

Interviewed on scene by Specialist Metz day of fire.

Stated her mom woke her up yelling fire. She went outside and saw her neighbor,
Asia McKenzie outside yelling that her kids were inside and there was a fire. Alaysia
opened the door to come outside, so KiNiah went in and found August at the top of
the steps and saw another child in the front bedroom under some clothes. She
couldn’t carry both kids. She carried August outside and could not go back in because
of the heat and smoke. She broke the front window then she and her sister went
around to the back and broke out the window in the kitchen, but it was too smokey
and hot to go in there.

Kiara Willis (neighbor), DOB 5/9/2001, Phone 513-200-2813

Interviewed at scene by Specialist Metz day of fire.

Stated that her mother woke her up and she went outside and saw a lady yelling that
her babies were stuck inside of the apartment. She helped her sister brake windows,
but it was too smokey to go in.

Mila Berry(neighbor), Phone 513-525-0551

Interviewed by Specialist Metz day of fire.

Heard the mother outside yelling that her babies were in the apartment, and it was
on fire. Stated she saw in the window and the fire was in back, like in the kitchen.
She saw an older child come out and KiNiah go in and bring out a small child. She
then saw neighbors break out the front window. No one was able to go in after that.

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• Police Body cam video from officers on scene during and after fire
• Video footage from Cincinnati public schools-- parking lot cameras show before,
during and after fire
• 911 calls
• CFD fire ground audio recordings


The following items of evidence were identified, Marked, and preserved at the scene
for further investigation.

• Extension cord on kitchen floor

• Chest Freezer in kitchen on C-wall
• Dog cage with fire debris inside in kitchen on C-wall
• A smoke detector without a battery was found on scene


The following documents were reviewed during this investigation:

• Fire incident report# 230511000023 prepared by the Cincinnati Fire

• Photo Documentation of scene day of fire collected by Specialist Metz and
• Written statement provided by Mila Berry, KiNiah Willis, Kiara Willis
• Fire company statements from Heavy rescue 9 and Engine 38
• Weather report provided by “weather”
• The property report, as listed on the Hamilton County’s Auditor website.
• The laboratory analysis report produced by the Hamilton County Coroner’s
Crime laboratory.
• Verbal statement from Duke Energy providing Utility connection verification

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The fire load in the kitchen and added ventilation caused by the windows being
broken early in fire event contributed to the extensive fire damage to the first floor.
The heavy fire damage, heat movement, fire effects and burn patterns on the first
floor and the less severe damage to the entire second floor, including the furnishings,
indicates the fire started on the first floor. The specific area of origin4 of this fire
event was determined to be the 1st floor kitchen. The first fuel ignited was the
combustible clothing/blankets in and under the dog cage, which then ignited other
surrounding combustibles. The competent ignition source was the piled-up extension
cord on the floor under the dog cage and/or the damaged freezer cord causing an
electrical fault/failure. The oxidant was the oxygen present in the structure.

Extention cord running from countertop to pile under dog cage

4“Area of Origin” is defined as a structure, part of a structure, or general geographic location within a fire
scene, in which the “point of origin” of a fire or explosion is reasonably believed to be located:” by the National
Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.13.”
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Freezer cord pluged into orange extention cord under dog cage

Dog cage moved to access freezer cord, note the unburned bare wires

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Freezer cord from under the dog cage

Freezer cord from under the dog cage, note the bare wires previously twisted together
showing a manual repair. Note the lack of fire damage to the wire coating.

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Origin (NFPA 921.18; 2021 Edition):

Determination of the specific origin of this fire event involved the coordination of
information derived from one or more of the following investigative tasks:

• Witness Observations
• Arc mapping5
• Failure analysis6
• Fire analysis7
• Fire dynamics8
• Fire patterns9
• Fire scene reconstruction10

Cause (NFPA 921.19; 2021 Edition):

First Fuel Ignited (NFPA 921.19.1.2; 2021 Edition)

During the course of this investigation the first fuel ignited11 was cloth materials.

Ignition Source (NFPA 921.19.1.3; 2021 Edition)

After examining the area of origin, all competent ignition sources 12 were eliminated,
except for the electric power cord and the damaged freezer cord.

5 “Arc Mapping is defined as “the systematic evaluation of the electrical circuit configuration, spatial
relationship of the circuit components, and identification of electrical arc sites to assist in the identification of
the area of origin and analysis of the fire’s spread” by the National Fire Protection Association in the 2021
edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.9.”
6 “Failure Analysis is defined as “a logical, systematic examination of an item, component, assembly, or

structure and its place and function within a system, conducted in order to identify and analyze the
probability, causes, and consequences of potential and real failures,” by the National Fire Protection
Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.65.”
7 “Fire Analysis is defined as “the process of determining the origin, cause, development, responsibility, and,

when required, a failure analysis of a fire or explosion,” by the National Fire Protection Association in the
2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.69.”
8 “Fire Dynamics is defined as “the detailed study of how chemistry, fire science, and the engineering

disciplines of fluid mechanics and heat transfer interact to influence fire behavior,” by the National Fire
Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.73.”
9 “Fire Patterns is defined as “the visible or measurable physical changes, or identifiable shapes, formed by a

fire effect or group of fire effects;” by the National Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA
921 Section 3.3.78.”
10 “Fire Scene Reconstruction is defined as “the process of recreating the physical scene during fire scene

analysis investigation or through the removal of debris and the placement of contents or structural elements
in their pre-fire positions,” by the National Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921
Section 3.3.80.”
11 “First Fuel Ignited is defined as “the first fuel ignited is that which first sustains combustion beyond the

ignition source,” by the National Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.83.”
12 “Competent Ignition Source is defined as “an ignition source that has sufficient energy and is capable of

transferring that energy to the fuel long enough to raise the fuel to its ignition temperature;” by the National
Fire Protection Association in the 2021 edition of NFPA 921 Section 3.3.37.”
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Ignition Sequence (NFPA 921.19.1.5; 2021 Edition)
The long, coiled up power cord and/or the damaged freezer cord both found under the
metal dog cage mixed into a pile of combustible clothing/bedding, caused an electrical
fault/failure igniting the surrounding combustible material.

Classification (NFPA 921.19.8; 2021 Edition)

The classification of this fire is Unintentional


Upon completion of this, fire origin and cause investigation, the following is my
opinion. The opinions expressed in this correspondence are based upon my
knowledge, skill, experience, training, education, and personal observation. Certain
facts and data made known unto me that were considered in forming these opinions
and are of the type typically relied upon by experts in my particular field.
Additionally, I reserve the right to revise, or amend, these opinions should new
information, documentation, or evidence become available.

Report Prepared by:

Specialist Jason Stelter

City of Cincinnati Fire Investigation Unit

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