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The meeting started at 4:02pm

Mr. Pascal Achunine began the meeting by acknowledging the presence of everyone. He
commended the positive response received in the past few days and highlighted the
encouraging and impressive planning that took place regarding the meeting . He
extended greetings to all participants, acknowledging the different time zones they
were in and he officially welcomed everyone to the meeting, emphasizing the
importance of setting the agenda of driving the required innovation for emergency
response. He mentioned the integration work and the need for it to be effectively
implemented across all levels and regions.

After briefly discussing the previous meeting, Mr. Pascal proposed a slight
alteration to the meeting proceedings. He sought permission to invite Dr. Uthman
Adedeji to contribute valuable insights to the meeting. He emphasized the
importance of everyone's input and stated that their presence was an opportunity
for talent to provide advice and support. Concluding his remarks, Mr. Pascal once
again extended his greetings and sought the permission of the attendees to let
Adedeji set the meeting in motion.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji took over as the session anchor, expressing his gratitude to
Mr. Pascal and extending his greetings to all attendees once again. He acknowledged
the limited spare time everyone had and appreciated their commitment to being
present at the meeting. Dr. Uthman Adedeji specifically recognized the professors
who joined the meeting, expressing his sincere appreciation for their presence. He
then introduced the next agenda item, which involved the initial welcome address by
the committee chairman. He emphasized the importance of this address and invited
Mr. Pascal to provide the welcome address and give a brief overview of the progress
made so far and any other relevant updates.

Mr. Pascal began by stating that he would provide a brief feedback from the last
meeting. He mentioned that two important items were discussed and the minutes were
sent beforehand to avoid getting caught up in unnecessary details and ensure
effective use of time. Mr. Pascal then proceeded to mention the first item on the

He called upon Dr Adebisi Adeyeye to provide an update on the research and audit
project led by Dr. Idowu's group. He specifically requested feedback on the
progress made so far and urged them to discuss the potential of obtaining grants
for the project.

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye addressed the meeting, expressing her gratitude to everyone

present and acknowledging the unfortunate news regarding the grant application. She
explained that, regrettably, they would not be able to proceed with the grant
application, rendering it no longer viable. She provided context for those who may
be unaware, stating that one of the group's objectives was to conduct an audit
study evaluating the state of hospital care in Nigeria.

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye elaborated on the previous discussions, mentioning their plan to

apply for a grant to support the study across multiple states in Nigeria due to the
potential financial strain on the researchers. They were specifically seeking a
doctor who was a member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine to join as a
lead on the project, as the grant they intended to apply for required such
membership. Unfortunately, despite making announcements and reaching out to the
group's members, they were unable to find an eligible candidate, and the grant
opportunity has now expired.

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye informed the attendees that there are still other grant
opportunities available, including the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine
grant. However, these opportunities also require a member and someone in residency
or training to be involved. If they can find individuals who meet these criteria,
it would be advantageous to conduct a large-scale study. Otherwise, they would have
to consider conducting the study without the grants, although it would pose more

Mr. Pascal took the opportunity to reiterate the importance of securing grants for
the group's objectives. He emphasized that while they may have missed out on the
recent UK grant opportunity, there are still other potential avenues for funding,
and he encouraged anyone with information about such opportunities to share it
during the meeting. Mr. Pascal also highlighted the need for effective
communication within the group, stating that they should amplify their efforts in
sharing publications and ensuring they have individuals with the necessary profile
or certification to fulfill grant requirements.

Moving on to the next agenda item, Mr. Pascal directed the attention to the updates
from the Lagos State government regarding their collaboration with LFR(Lay First
Responders International ). He expressed interest in hearing about the progress
made by those who were trained by LFR(Lay First Responders International ) and
inquired about any further support needed. He specifically requested Professor
Francis Faduyile to provide insight into a program conducted in December, where
approximately 300 individuals were trained by LFR(Lay First Responders
International) with the aim of enhancing emergency response capabilities.

Professor Francis mentioned that the program involved administering a medical

questionnaire to the participants as a starting point for the training. He
expressed regret that they were unable to meet the deadline set for the end of
December due to the festive season. However, he shared that they had conducted
training sessions with approximately 80 individuals who were interested in data
capturing. Though there were some challenges along the way, they managed to
successfully apply the questionnaire to 491 hospitals, including primary health and
tertiary care centers, across various states. The reports from these hospitals have
been collected, and have been tabulated using Microsoft Excel. The next stage will
involve analyzing the collected data.

Professor Francis Faduyile highlighted that Ondo State has already completed their
part in providing the pre-hospital questionnaire based on the directives given to
them. This update reflects the current status of the project.

Dr. Segun Oyedokun raised his hand to request the floor and share his thoughts
based on Dr Adebisi Adeyeye's earlier update. He suggested that funding
opportunities and their respective requirements should be posted on the group chat.
By doing so, members who may have missed out on such opportunities can become aware
of them and take necessary actions.He also emphasized the importance of using the
platform to disseminate information as much as possible. He expressed that by
reaching out to colleagues who might have the right connections, we can increase
our chances of securing funding.

Professor Francis Faduyile sought clarification regarding the next steps for the
data analysis. He mentioned that he had the raw data collected from the
questionnaire but was unsure whom to send it to for proper analysis. Mr. Pascal
responded, stating that he would provide Professor Francis Faduyile with the email
addresses of the individuals from LFR(Lay First Responders International ) and
other organizations who would be responsible for conducting the analysis and
providing any further support or guidance needed. Mr. Pascal assured Professor
Francis Faduyile that he would receive the necessary information to proceed with
the data analysis and discussed the next steps.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji expressed his appreciation to Professor Francis Faduyile for
the update and then inquired about obtaining the minutes of the last meeting. He
suggested that having access to the minutes would allow them to incorporate any
relevant propositions or decisions made during that meeting.

Mr. Pascal responded, apologizing and clarifying that the minutes of the last
meeting were not comprehensive. He explained that the meeting had been more of an
improvisation, with only two items briefly discussed. Mr. Pascal reassured the
group that proper minutes would be taken in subsequent meetings. He emphasized the
need to move forward, set fresh goals, exchange new ideas, and strengthen their
working approach. Mr. Pascal proposed that they focus on the key business of the
current meeting without referring to the limited minutes of the previous one.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji expressed gratitude for the clarification and proposed moving
forward with the review of the past months of 2023. He emphasized the need for new
ideas, clear goals, and objectives, as well as driving collaborations across state
and federal governments. Mr. Pascal deferred to Dr. Segun Oyedokun to initiate the
discussion, highlighting the importance of focusing on specific and measurable
programs that will shape the next six months of 2023. Mr. Pascal emphasized the
need for tangible outcomes and the utilization of existing subgroups to achieve
results. Dr. Segun Oyedokun supported Mr. Pascal's point and suggested that
representatives from the subgroups share their discussions and outcomes, allowing
for a fruitful exchange on how to proceed.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji provided an update on the pre-hospital education subgroup.

Although there were some challenges with meetings, he reached out to individual
members and gathered valuable input. They discussed targeting specific populations,
including health workers, military and paramilitary organizations, transport system
personnel, and the general public. The subgroup proposed utilizing print and
electronic media, such as collaborations with media houses and broadcasting
organizations, to disseminate information about pre-hospital care. Additionally,
they emphasized the importance of training health workers to become trainers
themselves. They also discussed developing a comprehensive list of topics to be
covered in media discussions and articles, focusing on areas like ambulance
services and establishing links between different healthcare facilities. Dr.
Uthman Adedeji expressed the need to consolidate all suggestions and create a
working document to actualize the subgroup's plans. He invited comments from other
attendees before moving on to the next subgroup.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji clarified that the purpose of the pre-hospital education
subgroup's plan is two-fold: to create awareness among different target groups and
to provide training in basic emergency care. The subgroup discussed the need to
raise awareness through media platforms, including print, electronic, and physical
media. They also emphasized the importance of training trainers, including
personnel from organizations like the FRSC and the police. However, the
operationalization of the plan, including funding and specific responsibilities,
still needs further discussion. Dr. Uthman Adedeji mentioned that the subgroup has
identified topics to be covered in media discussions and articles, but a coalition
is needed to design and implement the plan effectively.

Dr. Segun Oyedokun highlighted the need for the subgroup to address the operational
aspects of the plan, including funding, responsibilities, and timelines. This would
ensure a clear roadmap for implementation and involvement of other stakeholders.
Further discussions are needed to determine the specifics of how the plan will be

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye emphasized the unique position of the group, having partners and
collaborators from various states in Nigeria. He urged the members to recognize
their potential to build power and influence policy decisions. While focusing on
achievable short-term goals, she encouraged the group to also consider their role
in advocating for policy changes related to pre-hospital care in Nigeria. Dr
Adebisi Adeyeye suggested using their scientific and medical knowledge as a tool to
fight for policy changes that would positively impact the delivery of pre-hospital
care in the country.She highlighted the example of HEI and their impactful work.
She mentioned the access the group has to influential individuals such as HEI
founders, academic leaders, department heads, and commissioners. Dr Adebisi Adeyeye
urged the group to see themselves as agents of change and to use their connections
and expertise to make significant contributions in the field of pre-hospital care.

Dr. Idowu expressed appreciation for the opportunity to contribute to the

discussion. He noted that he had carefully listened to the comments made so far and
wanted to emphasize the importance of generating relevant policy documents that
could drive positive change in pre-hospital care. He proposed the idea of
implementing a geopolitical zoning system for these documents, allowing for
comparative studies across different regions of the country. The goal would be to
use these documents to engage primary caregivers, secondary care providers, and
practicing professionals, creating a synergy and connection between different
levels of care. Dr. Idowu also suggested utilizing various communication mediums
such as podcasts, media platforms, and other channels to disseminate a summarized
version of the documents, ensuring that the message reaches a wider audience and
leaves a lasting impression. He emphasized the need to stay focused on the goal and
purpose of these policy changes in pre-hospital care quality.

Mr. Pascal acknowledged the enlightening views shared and stressed the importance
of increasing visibility. He suggested utilizing media channels to publish press
releases and advertisements at friendly rates, thereby enhancing the group's
presence and conveying their intentions effectively. He also highlighted the
significance of engaging with government organizations, institutions, and schools,
citing the relationships they have developed with educational institutions and key
ministries. Mr. Pascal proposed leveraging these connections to strengthen programs
related to education, publicity, and sensitization.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji expressed gratitude for Mr. Pascal's input and acknowledged the
need for additional ideas to further enhance their initiatives. He mentioned the
crucial role that the education sub-group plays and encouraged members to suggest
relevant topics for discussion on the main platform. Dr. Uthman Adedeji assured
everyone of his commitment to keeping the group informed and involved in their

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye clarified the role of the stakeholder relations subgroup,

stating that their main responsibility is to follow up on the progress and outcomes
of the other groups. Their objective is to ensure that projects are completed and
goals are achieved. However, in order to effectively carry out their role, they
require timelines and deadlines from each group. she emphasized that providing
specific timelines allows them to know what to expect and enables them to follow up
accordingly. They requested all the other groups to share documents including
proposed projects, timelines, deadlines, and outcome indicators within the next
week. This will enable the stakeholder relations subgroup to provide effective
support and establish checkpoints to ensure that the goals are successfully

Mr. Paschal Achunine provided an update on the August program conducted by the
Health Emergency Initiative, Federal Safety Commission, and LFR(Lay First
Responders International ) International. He mentioned that training was conducted
for approximately 350 lay first responders, targeting commercial transporters and
artisans who frequently travel on the road. The program was evaluated successfully,
and plans are underway for another program in August. Mr. Paschal Achunine
highlighted the expansion and sustainability of the program, with personnel from
LFR(Lay First Responders International ) Michigan visiting Nigeria to support the
initiative. He expressed openness to insights and ideas from the prehospital group
to enhance the program's value within the ecosystem.

Dr Adebisi Adeyeye expressed a proposal regarding timelines and deadlines for the
subgroups' activities. Instead of waiting for individual submissions, he suggested
attending the meetings of the other subgroups (education, audit, and the third
group) to draft timelines based on their discussions. This way, the timelines can
be collectively established and serve as the official working timeline for the

Dr. Segun Oyedokun proposed that each subgroup should submit a standard report
before every meeting, allowing members to review the reports and formulate thoughts
and ideas in advance. This suggestion aims to facilitate meaningful discussions and
progress towards their goals and objectives.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji expressed gratitude for the active participation and
contributions from everyone. He suggested scheduling another meeting in one or two
weeks to further discuss and refine working documents. The aim is to gather input
and comments from all members before finalizing the documents. Dr. Uthman Adedeji
encouraged everyone to actively engage with their respective subgroups, emphasizing
the importance of robust deliberations and programs that benefit the general
populace. He then invited Mr. Paschal Achunine to provide closing remarks and
summarize the action plans, which include exploring funding opportunities,
fostering collaboration, and undertaking activities related to publicity,
education, and sensitization.

Dr. Segun Oyedokun proposed that each subgroup should submit a standard report
before every meeting, allowing members to review the reports and formulate thoughts
and ideas in advance. This suggestion aims to facilitate meaningful discussions and
progress towards their goals and objectives.

Dr. Uthman Adedeji expressed gratitude for the active participation and
contributions from everyone. He suggested scheduling another meeting in one or two
weeks to further discuss and refine working documents. The aim is to gather input
and comments from all members before finalizing the documents. Dr. Uthman Adedeji
encouraged everyone to actively engage with their respective subgroups, emphasizing
the importance of robust deliberations and programs that benefit the general
populace. He then invited Mr. Paschal Achunine to provide closing remarks and
summarize the action plans, which include exploring funding opportunities,
fostering collaboration, and undertaking activities related to publicity,
education, and sensitization.

Mr. Pascal reminded the group that the next meeting should take place in two weeks'
time to maintain the current momentum and build upon it. Dr. Uthman Adedeji
requested an additional week to allow the education subgroup to finalize their
thoughts and present them to the general group before the next meeting. Mr. Pascal
suggested scheduling the meeting for one month from now to accommodate this
request. Professor Francis Faduyile agreed with the proposed date of July 31st.

Mr. Pascal emphasized that during the next four weeks, the group should engage in
discussions and projects to enhance the organization's relevance. He encouraged
members to share their ideas, inputs, and guidance either privately or on the
platform, especially through the committee subgroups, which have shown positive
outcomes. Mr. Pascal also requested that, in addition to the minutes, the action
points from the meeting be published to ensure clarity and accountability in
delivering the discussed tasks.

The meeting was adjourned by Mr Paschal Achunine and seconded by Dr Adebisi Adeyeye
by 5: 05 pm and the meeting closed

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