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“Educamos para la paz”


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, have to, or should

a. You ……………………………………… tell anybody. It’s a secret.

b. It’s Sunday so I ……………………………………… go to work.
c. That skirt is perfect for you. I think you ……………………………………… buy it.
d. We ……………………………………… wear a uniform at our school. I hate it.
e. I ……………………………………… remember to give you back the money I borrowed.
f. You ……………………………………… eat too much white bread. It’s not very good for you.
g. Our car broke down on holiday so we ……………………………………… rent a car for a week.

2. Circle the right form I can’t find the receipt.

a. I should have / must have thrown it away. You can’t see / can’t have seen Gerry yesterday.
b. He was in bed with flu. John played really badly yesterday. He might not be / might not have been feeling well.
c. I don’t like those jeans. You should have / must have bought the other ones.
d. What a lovely girl your daughter is. You must be / must have been very proud of her.
A: I can’t find my car keys. They’re not in my bag.
B: Well, you might have not / can’t have / should have not left them at the restaurant. I saw you take them.

3. Insert the right/most appropriate modal verb

1) A: I have a bad headache. B: You ………………………. take an aspirin (advice).
2) I’m not able to speak German but I ………………………. understand it.
3) You never know what will happen in the future. You………………………. win the lottery.
4) Women and children ………………………. work in factories and mines in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. 5) I have
no idea how much the taxi costs. Ten pounds ……………………. not be enough.
6) If you have a sore throat you ………………………. go swimming (advice).
7) You can put posters on the walls, but you ………………………. use drawing pins.
8) If your friends want to use my phone, they ………………………. ask me first!
9) If you can’t sleep at night you ………………………. drink coffee after dinner. (advice)
10) A: Where’s Kathy? B: I don’t know. She ………………………. be in her bedroom.

4. Translate the following sentences. Use can, must, will, would, may, might, could, should
A: ¿Dónde está Carlo? B: No lo sé. Él podría estar en la casa de su hermana.
............................................................................................................... ..
Cristina trabaja como gerente. Él tiene que ganar mucho.
............................................................................................................... ..
¿De quién es esta chaqueta? Puede ser de Patrizia.
............................................................................................................... ..
El avión salió a tiempo. Mis amigos no deberían llegar tarde.
............................................................................................................... ..
Franco? Será en el bar. En este momento él siempre toma café.
............................................................................................................... ..
Esa chica no puede ser modelo. Es demasiado bajo

5. Translate the following sentences into English. (use conditionals)

1) Iré a París si tengo dinero.
2) Iría a París si tuviera dinero.
3) Habría ido a París si hubiera tenido dinero.
4) Me casaré contigo si me quieres.
5) Me casaría contigo si me quisieras.

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”

6) Me habría casado contigo si me hubieras querido.

7) Iremos de vacaciones si compramos un coche.
8) Iríamos de vacaciones si compráramos un coche.
9) Habríamos ido de vacaciones si hubiéramos comprado un coche.
10) Si vas a ver esa película, no dormirás.

6. Complete the First Conditional sentences.

1) You ____will feel_____________ (feel) better if you ____take_____________ (take) an aspirin.
2) If they ______________________ (come) with us, we _______________________ (have) a great time.
3) If it _______________________ (rain), I _______________________ (might / stay) at home.
4) ________________________ (you / post) this letter for me if you ______________________ (not / be ) too busy?
5) You __________________________ (should / apologise) if it _________________ (be) your fault.
6) If David ________________________ (invite) Janice, I _____________________ (not / go) to his party.
7) If you _________________________ (not / know) the answer, __________________ (ask) Mr Walters.
8) Jack _________________________ (move) to Scotland if he ____________________ (find) a good job there.

7. . Look at Stanley’s answers and form sentences. Use the Second Conditional.

1) ____If he won £1000, he would spend it.________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________________________

8 Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.

1) you mix blue and yellow a) it rains

2) clouds meet cold air b) you feel thirsty
3) there is no gravity c) water freezes
4) you do not eat d) objects do not fall
5) a cat falls from a height e) it lands on its feet
6) you do not sleep well f) you get green
7) it is hot g) you lose weight
8) the temperature falls below 0ºC h) you feel tired
1) If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
2) _________________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________________________
Lic. Marcia Bonilla
“Educamos para la paz”

7) _________________________________________________________________________________
8) _____________________________________

9 Complete the Third Conditional sentences.

1) If I __________________________ (hear) the weather forecast, I ____________________________ (take) an umbrella
with me.
2) If you ___________________________ (come) to the party last night, you ____________________ (meet) James.
3) If I __________________________ (listen) to her, this ________________________ (not / happen).
4) If I ____________________________ (know) you were at home, I ___________________________ (call) you. 5) What
________________________ (you / do) if he ____________________________ (not / lend) you his car?

10. Rewrite these sentences in reported speech.

a. “Make some coffee, Bob”, Carol said.(ask)
b. “You must do the homework soon, Jane”, she said.(tell)
c. “Remember to buy a map, Ann” he said.(remind)
d. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark”, he said.(advise)
e. “Keep all the windows closed, Bill” they said.(warn)
f. “Go home, Paul”, Francis said.(tell)
g. “Please stay for supper, Bob”, he said.(try to persuade) ___________________________

11. Report what the guests said at a wedding last Sunday.

a. Miss Moore: “They’ll make a lovely couple.” _____________________________________________
b. Mr Smith: “They’re going to live in Brighton.” ____________________________________________
c. Mrs Jones: “The bride and the groom are very nice young people.” __________________________
d. Mr Roberts: “The bride is wearing a beautiful wedding dress.” ______________________________
e. Mr Clarke: “The couple’s parents look happy.” ___________________________________________
f. Miss Mayall: “The bride’s father has bought them a big flat.” ____

12. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.
a. Paul: “Atlanta is a wonderful city.” ____________________________________________________
b. Ruth: “I go jogging every morning.” ___________________________________________________
c. Anna: “Jenny isn’t studying for her exams.” _____________________________________________
d. Andrew: “I used to be very fat.” _______________________________________________________
e. e.- Jim: “I can’t swim.” ______________________________________________________________


Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”


15 Write sentences. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS

1. (You / not / eat / very much at the moment. Are you ill?)
2. (She / know / three words in Italian!)
3. (I / take / the bus to work this week, but usually I / walk)
4. (I / study / Japanese this year. It’s very difficult.)
5. (you / watch / the television at the moment?)
6. (I / not / remember / the name of the hotel.)
7. (She / speak / three languages.)
8. (The sun / shine /. It’s a beautiful day!)

16 Complete the text. Write simple or continuos present

The train always ________________(1: leave) on time. "What's the matter? Why ________________(2: cry/you)?"
That's strange. They________________(3: not to watch) TV. He________________(4: not to speak) very good English.
Please be quiet! I________________(5: do) my homework. Where________________(6: live/they)? Listen! John
________________ music! (7: play) I never ________________(8: go) to the swimming pool.

Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________________(9: give) two or three concerts every week. He
________________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He________________(11: stay) at an expensive
hotel. He's at his hotel now. He________________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room.
He________________(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he________________(14: read) a newspaper. Harold's always very
busy. He________________(15: play) the piano regularly. He________________(16: practise) for four hours every day.
He________________(17: go) to bed late and he always ________________(18: get up) early. But he
sometimes________________(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he________________(20: wear) one blue
sock and one red one!

17 Choose the correct options.

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”

18 Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

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