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Soriano, Vince Byron T.

January 21, 2023

ME22- A71 2Q2223
HVAC System Quiz
1. What are the primary components of a heating system? What is their purpose?

- The primary components of a heating system include:

a. Furnace: The furnace is the heart of the heating system, converting fuel into heat which
can be powered by gas, oil, or electricity.
b. Thermostat: The thermostat controls the temperature of the building by turning the
heating system on and off as needed.
c. Ducts: Ducts are used to distribute the heated air throughout the building which are
typically made of metal or insulated flexible material.
d. Registers: Registers are the openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings through which the
heated air is delivered into the rooms.
e. Air filter: An air filter is used to remove contaminants from the air before it is circulated
by the heating system.

Together, these components work to ensure that the building is warm and
comfortable during cold weather.

2. How often should HVAC systems be inspected?

- It's a good idea to get your HVAC system inspected at least once a year, especially before
the start of the seasons when you start using it the most (either heating or cooling). This is to
make sure everything is working properly and to catch any issues before they become bigger
problems. Regular inspections can help prolong the life of your system and save you from
costly repairs.
During the inspection, a professional HVAC technician will look for any wear and tear, like
leaks, clogs, or corroded parts and will clean and adjust the system as needed. They will also
check your air filters, thermostat, and ductwork to make sure everything is working well.
Some systems, like boilers, may need to be inspected more often for safety reasons.

3. How would you go about selecting the right HVAC unit for a particular space?

- Choosing the right HVAC unit for a particular space involves several factors to consider,
including the size of the space, the climate, and the specific needs of the building. Accurately
measuring the size of the space is the first step in selecting the right unit. The climate in which
the building is located will affect the type of unit needed.
Assessing the specific needs of the building, such as the number of occupants, type of
activities, and presence of any air quality concerns, will help you select a unit that can
effectively meet the needs of the building. Researching and comparing different types of
units, consulting with a professional HVAC contractor, and considering the cost and budget
are also important steps in the selection process.
By following these steps, you can make a well-informed decision on the best HVAC unit
for your specific space and ensure optimal performance and comfort.

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