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SUBJECT: HINDI (2ND LANGUAGE} TIME: 3 hours + 15 minutes reading ti~2)


Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to 1-vrite during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowed for writing the

Section A is compulspry -All questions in Section A must be answered.

Attempt any four questions from Sections B, answering at least one question
each from the two books you have studied and any nvo questions from the
same books you have studied. The intended marks for>questions or parts of
questions are given in brackets [].

Question 1

Write a short composition in Hindi of approximately 250 words on any one of

the following topics: [15]

{i) e<fspqq 4./J4ctit< .fq- iii lR t r a'cfi i\l it

f.l;e' i\) df{ffii{U04 ( ~ a1Jtr ';f° ffll) q(}qcf,j( ~ ?
1 st:t atrfcliT -" s11s1aif <llT mwrr m ? atcr it
&1ij'Jfcl wf 1

(ii) "~ cfi1" l«r <IT, m;ft it §cfi(i&n +rcr "- .fq- gt1; ffl

(iii> mer:~ 'IJlt11f t - !? awr ..,,ft 'S!Tcf: '11tUT t m-

f ? iiidi~(t f.l; -smT: ctiT Cf~ t'm ?

(iv) "W - ctiT iJ1IoT if1T .fq- 4'iTf n:ro: 1cfift"1~~ ~?"- 1m 1.11
df"CR fctqR Rf~~ I

it VWf afr{ oJ;T 3lTT.ITT

;.}, ~ w r c r r c f > l - { ~ ~ ~ ~ c r ~ ~ & m ~ ~ ~ ,

10-hindi (2 nd lang) -l/7(LMB)

Question 2

~rite a letter in Hindi in approximately 120 words on any one of the topics
given below: ·
f.h,ifflf€ila -ij « q-"{ 120 tp.ii" ~ I [7]

(ii) ffl mf cfi1' tp.ii" ffl@cf>< fcll ;-srn4i{1dl q-"{ 'cfi1" ifi
arq;fi 'cfi1" ~I

Question 3

. Read the passage given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow,
using your own words as far as possible:
A~ffl~d ll'm~ 'cfi1" ~<rl'f ffl ifi ~I w
~iq,tjifq m ~-
mcT mf ell ! tfAT mscr I W iITm - qr.ft tffl !?
mt cITTr fitm" * \iITTIT I lffiT ! 31tt qr.ft t I lf1TT
sifil~ij w:r 'cfi1" q-r,ft- m- cfi«ft- 1 ~, m -m I 'cfi'(1
cffJ: q-r;ft , m ,_ fal~{,j rt" , qr.ft Wt ? mcT rt"T<fi ,
it ff=i:41j=i:4 I arcf!?<f mm 1p:fT wm I lf1R qr.ft m
<fiW ~?

10-hindi (2" d tang) -2n(LMB)

oTF 'R ? m i-tmtl~ 1 mp: ? mer *
'Rt ~ , f t ~ -crr;ft- ? l1fq- t tr~ t'I iiii
1 ~

t I _acli ell Qfm qm , imt - atif ell irrt- QtTTT

;r@ I m, m tfT.ft iR <ITT: * tft t I 1l1TT -qr.ft rf I WUil' qr.ft-
ifl+ua iijl" -~ ,~ rf tr ft" -qr.ft ~ -
t I 'iITT-ft- qi;ft ~ ? rf :'ilii-tcl< im t I
:,,~ t-11 f I 00 - "~-qr.ft~~~

lJfcr ell f I <RT 'TI-ft rf -~ ?" .

;m;n- - "~ - at{ I -ml an~

=I~ I
-' ~ I lffun- iflT ~4-1$kll t I m ,ft \ii"@" t ,m ct?rt
'R ffl<R amfT ,ciim m ffl iITTf t I qr,:ft ?'
'cliiS<fl" '{T li1n" <RT~~ , m ;i4,:~1< -qr.ft~ cm-,~

(i) qi-;ft 'cflIT oil"~ ~? (21

(ii) 1'flcr '-'° afR (21
(iii) 1Pfi ctil" qi-;ft ffi ~? [21
(iv) 1Pft qi-;ft lfrfT ~? [21
(v) lRtlW m cm- ~~141 lf4T t ~I [21

Question 4
Answer the.following according to the instructions given: [ 8]

A-~Rt~a i\;- Aiil111m< Rl~((-

Ci > '3tl•ii4l 'cfil fcl(Wli'-t ildl~((:

.( a) fctmr
(b) 3Fjl@
(c) atR1T I
(d) am

(a) WR - dt~<til<
(b) - lR
(c} - ~"lift
(d) fur - m-
••• )
111 '~
. I cfTT: \tlclcllil<fi tjm ~dl~Q,:

(a )
(b ) <1:$<fiq rj

10-hindi (2 nd lang) -3n(LMB)

(iV) I~ I ifiT~~~:



(Vi) 1
1'iffi t if I ifiT ~:

(b) ~~11ilffl 8&ifT
(C) ;m 1'iv'lT
( d) 1'iv'lT

(vii) ifiT <IT<t<f if ~:

mer 11lIT aft<: l1<ll I

(a) lTTcf l1<ll I

(b) 1Jt<r 11lIT mi ift1m: l1<ll I
(cl 1lt<r 11lIT f m ft l1<ll I
(d) 'ifi1f I

(viii ) ''ifiT-:lf' ifiT ~:

(a) il>lf
(d) cfi1lf

10-hindi (2iu1 lang) -4n(LMB)

(Attempt four questions from this Section)

(Y0 ~ must answer at least one question from each of the twC> books you have
.studied and any two other questions.)

'ffllR- ffl" cfi{ilf.l4l


Question 5

· Read the extract given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow:
f.lflRIRJa tmi!lf ctn' m wit t it ~ :
~ , "~ "« f I m miT .fi"ifiU f.ria'm;,@ ffl ,~
ifi'lft ;,@ fttn"I" [ifffiaw;fl;f;t~~

(i) t? cfiUfT ? [2)

(ii) qffi" ifiT 'lftm: ~? ffl it -~ ? [2)
(iii) qffi" ill;_ -il•ldfflt?_ "« cp:rr ;fa am: ffl? cp:rr 'Sl1tAT g{ [3)
(iv) t t FRR I [3)

----- , ·Question 6

Read the extract given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow:
. f.l~Rl~d l\'VmT ctn' wit t it ~ :
11 ~ TT4t I ffl 31A ,ft (1¥lf%t{-I W 'l1<f it - m
QRT ~ \,~ I" [~ - ~)

(i) if?
({-1 ail'lif it ffl ~? [2)
(iil ~ c t n ' ~ ~ ~ W? ,r-rn-lC~ ' c21
(iii) ifiT qftq.r gQ; ifoT1:i; ft ;;t (l'!_t{-1 ctn' mlT cp:rf ~ ? [3)
. (iv) (t' ;\" ctn' ;fa ffl i@ll? t« ? [3)

Question 7
· · Read the extract given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow:
f.h,1Rt~a iRrt!lf ctn' m wit t it ~ : .

10-hindi (2nd Lang) -Sn(LMB)

(i) ~ - f i l l - I " ~ ~ ~ ~ 11m t? [2]
(i i )l!ITTTTcfwT i t ~ ~
3ITT: f? [2 1
( i i i ) ~ ~ ij ;i- 3{A" 'ifiT lfiRUT w m? m <RT 'q'af ~ ? [31
(iv) crn;r mar~~ it~~~? ~~cf@" ·~ ~ t?
ffl? [3]


Question 8

Read the extra.ct given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow:
f.h1Rtf"Qa i1i1 m tAA- rn -q- ~ :

. 3ffm-f.tuffl~~
00 I

(·il <lif.t;l-~i1it~w~t?~atT1J [2]

(ii) · ~ - ~:v iliT ffR: ~? w? [3)
(iii) ~qii•R-1 •~• 'ifiT I [3]

Question 9

Read the extract given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow:
A+1Rtf"Qa q-m-~ i1i1 ah: m fi!m wit #- ~ -
i!if.R t, 'qffl" I
ID~~i!FT~~~'gatr~ll [ ·~I - i.f,;il(~Ht l

(i) muT ifiifl<~Ht 'ifiT 'RT 31T~ &? [2)

(iil f.hi1Rtf"Qa apt 1ml: [21
~, ~t, ffl'~, I
(iii) · ~ '!fPR .;nft t, ~· cfif.t ;t" c(n-
t? <RTf.t-.m:~? [3)
(iv) W -«rTo ffl fin:@T !? qf?;a- amm: ~I [3)

10-hindi (2 nd Lang) -6n(LMB)

Question 10

Read the extract given below and answer in Hindi the questions that follow :
f.:l~~f{Aa tmi"~ afR i\l : w
~~Pf dt-qMifi
ft.:t"t ,~f, amFf I
it if•lqM 11 [~ cfTT" - pRT ]
ci) ifiqf.ihfl arqoft ¥<1a, arr cf>T ro<r 3'nrr? [2]
(ii) ifiqf4::fl it•lqH t? [2]
(iii>'~ lTI1f, ifiqf4=:fl <f>T <Pll t? [3]
(iv) ifiqf4=:fl cfTT" afR iflrr? ~I


10-hindi (2nd Lang) -7/7(LMB)

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