Evidence-Based Strategies To Reduce Postoperative Complications in Plastic Surgery

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Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce

Postoperative Complications in Plastic Surgery
Bridget Harrison, MD
Summary: Reconstructive plastic surgery is vital in assisting patients with rein-
Ibrahim Khansa, MD
tegration into society after events such as tumor extirpation, trauma, or infec-
Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
tion have left them with a deficit of normal tissue. Apart from performing a
Dallas, Texas; and Columbus, Ohio technically sound operation, the plastic surgeon must stack the odds in the
favor of the patient by optimizing them before and after surgery. The surgeon
must look beyond the wound, at the entire patient, and apply fundamental
principles of patient optimization. This article reviews the evidence behind the
principles of patient optimization that are commonly used in reconstructive
surgery patients.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 138: 51S, 2016.)

econstructive surgery patients, especially operation. Indeed, the rapport between a surgeon
those undergoing abdominal wall recon- and a patient is one of the main determinants of
struction, may have comorbidities that patient satisfaction after surgery. In a multicenter
place them at high risk for complications. Thor- prospective study of 571 patients undergoing
ough preoperative and postoperative optimiza- breast reconstruction, Ho et al. found that the top
tion of those patients is essential. In this article, two determinants of patient satisfaction were ade-
we present evidence-based principles for patient quate preoperative information by the surgeon,
optimization in reconstructive surgery, with a and satisfaction with the surgeon.1 Studies have
focus on patients undergoing abdominal wall shown that sitting down during a consultation,2
reconstruction, who are at especially high risk avoiding the appearance of being hurried, and
for complications. Those principles include good listening to the patient’s questions and concerns
communication, appropriate anesthesia, infec- lead to patients rating their interaction with the
tion control, nutritional optimization, smoking surgeon as positive and overestimating the time
cessation, glucose control, normothermia, sound that the surgeon actually spent with them. Physi-
surgical technique, pain control, topical wound cians who educate patients on what to expect, use
treatment, pulmonary toilet, thromboprophy- humor, and encourage patients to ask questions
laxis, and appropriate drain care. are less likely to encounter medical malpractice
claims than physicians who do not.3 Underpromis-
ing and overdelivering is a time-tested method to
set patient expectations and maximize satisfaction
Surgeon-Patient Communication with surgery.
Patient optimization begins at the initial sur-
gical consultation. Before initiating elective sur- Anesthesia Considerations
gery, the surgeon must first establish mutual trust The choice of whether to perform an opera-
and rapport through good communication skills, tion at a hospital or an outpatient surgery center
and set realistic expectations for the upcoming is an important one. Surgery length of greater
than 4 hours and American Society of Anesthe-
siologists class 3 or greater are predictors of
Republished from Plast Reconstr Surg. 137:351–360, increased complications and readmission,4–6 and
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center; and the Department of Plastic Disclosure: Dr. Janis is a consultant for LifeCell,
Surgery, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. has received a prior honorarium from Pacira and
Received for publication February 10, 2015; accepted Bard, and receives royalties from Quality Medical
August 24, 2015. Publishing/CRC Press. Dr. Khansa and Dr. Harri-
Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons son have no relevant financial disclosures.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000002774

www.PRSJournal.com 51S
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

those cases may be better suited for the hospital found lower rates of surgical-site infection in the
setting. The choice of general anesthesia versus chlorhexidine group (9.5 percent versus 16.1 per-
monitored anesthesia care is often dependent on cent).18 The superiority of chlorhexidine may be
length of surgery, patient preference, comorbidi- explained by the additional presence of alcohol in
ties, and anesthesiology consultation. However, it. Regardless of which surgical preparation is cho-
monitored anesthesia care and local anesthesia sen, it is imperative that proper application tech-
are being used more commonly, as they decrease nique be used and that sufficient time be allowed
postoperative hospital stays, nausea, vomiting, for drying.
deep venous thrombosis, and operative costs.7,8 Current Surgical Care Improvement Project
Despite these potential advantages, selection of guidelines recommend antibiotic administration
anesthesia must involve sound clinical judgment 1 hour or less before incision.19 Despite these rec-
and should incorporate the American Society of ommendations, there is continued debate over the
Plastic Surgeons Task Force Guidelines for Safety efficacy of perioperative antibiotics, particularly in
in Office-Based Surgery.9 In addition, normother- clean, non–implant-based surgery. A meta-analysis
mia has been shown to reduce surgical-site infec- of 21 studies examining a broad range of surgi-
tion.10,11 Hypothermia causes impaired platelet cal procedures showed that antibiotic prophylaxis
function, increased blood loss and transfusion was effective at decreasing surgical-site infection.19
requirements, prolonged hospitalization,12 and For elective abdominal wall reconstruction, the
increased cardiac events in patients with coronary evidence for perioperative antibiotics is mixed,
artery disease.13 A Cochrane review of 24 studies with some studies showing decreased surgical-site
found that using warm intravenous fluids helped infection with antibiotic prophylaxis,20 and others
prevent hypothermia better than room-tempera- not.21,22
ture fluids.14 Recent studies, however, have found When given, preoperative antibiotics must be
no association between mild intraoperative hypo- timed appropriately. Most antibiotics have maxi-
thermia and wound healing complications.15 mal efficacy when administered 30 to 59 minutes
before incision.23 Vancomycin, which has a long
Infection Control infusion time, is typically administered 2 hours
Surgical-site infection is a dangerous complica- before incision,24 although some studies have
tion, and can actually undo the surgeon’s work. In found it to be most effective when administered
abdominal wall reconstruction, surgical-site infec- 30 to 60 minutes before incision.25,26
tion is associated with a greater than 80 percent Reconstructive surgeons often implant pros-
risk of hernia recurrence. Even basic incisional thetic material into patients. In the case of abdom-
hernia repairs are at high risk for surgical-site inal wall reconstruction, mesh infection may be
infection. In an analysis of 995 clean operations, decreased by antibiotic presoaking of the mesh.
Houck et al. found that hernias had a 16 per- In an animal model, presoaking synthetic mesh in
cent rate of surgical-site infection, compared to vancomycin for 15 minutes and then contaminat-
1.5 percent in other clean surgical procedures.16 ing them with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Furthermore, hernias with a history of infection aureus before implanting them in rats reduced
had a 41 percent rate of surgical-site infection, mesh infection significantly more than presoak-
compared with 12 percent in those with no his- ing in saline.27 Newer prosthetic meshes have
tory of infection. antibiotics incorporated into them, and have
Surgical-site infection may be decreased with been shown to resist infection in vitro and in ani-
appropriate skin preparation and perioperative mals.28,29 However, human studies are needed to
antibiotics. In a study comparing 10% povidone- further establish their efficacy. It is clear, however,
iodine (Betadine; Purdue Products, Stamford, that the most important step to minimize infec-
Conn.), 2% chlorhexidine/isopropyl alcohol tion of a prosthetic material is the use of meticu-
(ChloraPrep; CareFusion Corp., San Diego, lous sterile technique. Exposure of the implant to
Calif.), and iodine povacrylex/isopropyl alcohol the atmosphere, the patient’s skin, and the surgi-
(DuraPrep; 3M, St. Paul, Minn.) in 3209 opera- cal gloves should be minimized,30 as these are all
tions, DuraPrep was found to have the lowest rate potential sources of contamination.
of surgical-site infection.17 Because DuraPrep dries
as a film of disinfectant, it may resist removal by Nutrition
fluids, thus providing a prolonged protective bar- Plastic surgeons often encounter patients with
rier. Another randomized, multicenter trial com- nutritional deficiencies. One example is patients
paring chlorhexidine-alcohol to povidone-iodine who have undergone bariatric surgery who

Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 138, Number 3S • Reducing Postoperative Complications

present for body contouring. Agha-Mohammadi reverse corticosteroids’ harmful effects on wound
and Hurwitz found that patients with a history of contraction or infection.43 The recommended
bariatric surgery are at higher risk of having low dose of vitamin A in patients on corticosteroids is
prealbumin, low vitamin A, and low hemoglo- 25,000 IU by mouth daily preoperatively and for
bin compared with those without prior bariatric 4 days postoperatively. Zinc is a cofactor for RNA
surgery.31 and DNA polymerase, and its deficiency decreases
Protein deficiency translates into a higher wound strength and epithelialization. Magnesium
risk of wound healing complications. Dunne functions as a cofactor in enzymes required for
et al. found that patients with low albumin had a protein and collagen synthesis. Supplementation
10-fold increase in the risk of surgical-site infec- of zinc and magnesium in patients without defi-
tion in abdominal wall reconstruction.32 Spe- ciency lacks proven benefit.44
cific deficiencies in the amino acids arginine The harmful effects of malnutrition are not
and glutamine are associated with compromised limited to wound healing complications. Kudsk
wound healing. This is because synthesis of these et al. found that in patients undergoing elective
amino acids is insufficient during the periods abdominal surgery, mortality increased signifi-
of increased protein turnover that occur during cantly when serum albumin decreased.45 Patients
wound healing.33,34 in the lowest serum albumin group (<1.75  mg/
In addition to the importance of proteins, car- dl) had a mortality rate of 31 percent, compared
bohydrates are the major source of fuel for wound to a mortality rate of 2 percent in patients in the
healing. It has been estimated that a wound with a highest serum albumin group (>4.25  mg/dl).
surface area of 3 cm2 and a depth of 1 mm requires This has been confirmed in multiple other stud-
900 kcal to produce the requisite collagen.35 ies.46,47 In fact, in a prospective, 44-center evalua-
When glucose is not adequately supplied, the tion of 87,078 surgical patients, Khuri et al. found
liver increases gluconeogenesis, using proteins to low albumin to be the most significant predictor
manufacture carbohydrates. Most postoperative of 30-day mortality, ahead of other variables such
patients will eagerly resume a diet when allowed, as emergency surgery and chronic obstructive
but it is important to provide the nothing-by- pulmonary disease.48 It should be noted that low
mouth patient with an adequate source of glucose serum albumin is a good marker for malnutrition
to prevent starvation ketosis. In adults, ketosis is in clinically stable patients, but is not as reliable in
prevented with a minimum of 50 to 100 g of glu- acutely ill patients, whose hypoalbuminemia may
cose daily, the amount present in 1 to 2 liters of be attributable to elevated levels of interleukin-6
5% dextrose in water.36 Perioperative hypocaloric and tumor necrosis factor-α.49
nutrition has been shown to inhibit endogenous The increasing risk of wound healing com-
protein breakdown and increase hepatic albumin plications, major complications, and death in
synthesis.37 patients with malnutrition has been shown to be
Some other micronutrients that have been modifiable preoperatively. In several random-
implicated in wound healing include omega-3 ized controlled trials examining malnourished
fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, and mag- patients, those who were randomized to receive
nesium. Omega-3 fatty acids have demonstrated total parenteral nutrition preoperatively had
anti-inflammatory properties that may assist in significantly lower rates of noninfectious50 and
wound healing: Lu et al. found enhanced wound infectious51 complications than those who did not
closure and increased granulation tissue in mice receive total parenteral nutrition preoperatively.
supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids.38 In
humans, enteral omega-3 fatty acids have been Smoking
found to have positive effects on the healing of Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 con-
pressure ulcers.39 Vitamin C is a co-substrate stituents, of which nicotine, carbon monoxide,
for hydroxylase enzymes required for collagen and hydrogen cyanide contribute principally to
formation, which may be abnormal in hernia disturbances in the normal pathway of wound
patients. However, supplementation in nonde- healing.52 Nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor,
ficient patients has not been conclusively shown resulting in local ischemia. One cigarette results
to be beneficial for wound healing.40,41 Vitamin A, in a mean reduction in blood-flow velocity of
in contrast, has been shown to improve epitheli- 42 percent in digital vessels.53 In addition, car-
alization and collagen synthesis in nondeficient bon monoxide, with a binding affinity 200 times
humans and animals, namely, those treated with greater than oxygen, binds to hemoglobin and
corticosteroids.42 Vitamin A does not, however, reduces oxygen delivery to the wound. Hydrogen

Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

cyanide inhibits oxidative metabolism and oxy- Endara et al. found that patients with even
gen transport.54 one instance of preoperative or postoperative
In a systematic review of 177 articles, blood glucose above 200  mg/dl were at signifi-
Sørensen described the physiologic effects of cantly higher risk of dehiscence.70 Moreover, the
smoking, and whether those effects were revers- risk of surgical-site infection worsens with the
ible by smoking cessation.55 End-organ perfusion degree of hyperglycemia.71 In fact, Ramos et al.
decreases, because of increased platelet aggrega- found that for every 40-mg/dl increase in postop-
tion, vasoconstriction, and endothelial dysfunc- erative blood glucose above 110 mg/dl, the risk of
tion. Resistance to infection decreases, because surgical-site infection increased 30 percent.72 The
of decreasing neutrophil function and oxidative harmful effects of hyperglycemia have also been
burst. Wound healing is impaired because of demonstrated in patients undergoing abdominal
decreasing fibroblast function, impaired epider- wall reconstruction.73
mal proliferation, and enhanced matrix metal- Beginning with the preoperative appoint-
loproteinase activity. These physiologic effects ment, glucose control should be discussed with
lead to significant increases in the rates of wound the diabetic patient. Hemoglobin A1C levels may
healing complications after surgery. Finan et al. be useful in assessing the patient’s recent glucose
found that smoking increased the risk of wound control. Prompt referral to an endocrinologist for
infections in abdominal wall reconstruction preoperative optimization may be warranted.
2.5-fold.56 Others authors have found smokers Complications related to hyperglycemia can
to have increased rates of mesh-related infec- be prevented with adequate glucose control. In
tions,57,58 wound healing problems after abdomi- cardiac surgery patients, tight glucose control
noplasty,59 and umbilical necrosis in patients improves survival and decreases wound compli-
undergoing autologous breast reconstruction.60 cations.74 Although this has been balanced by
The increased risk of wound healing com- reports of increased risks of hypoglycemia associ-
plications has been shown to be reversible with ated with aggressive glucose control,75,76 previously
smoking cessation for 4 weeks preoperatively and acceptable glucose levels of greater than 200 mg/
postoperatively.61 In a multicenter, randomized, dl are almost uniformly associated with worse out-
controlled trial, Møller et al. found that preop- comes and should be avoided.77
erative and postoperative smoking cessation
decreased overall complications (18 percent ver- Homeopathic Medications
sus 52 percent; p = 0003) and infectious complica-
A careful preoperative history must ask
tions (4 percent versus 23 percent; p = 0.001).62 In
patients about any homeopathic medications they
fact, patients who stop using tobacco before and
may be taking but which they may have neglected
after surgery have rates of infection and dehis-
to mention. A survey of 100 patients undergoing
cence similar to those who have never smoked.63
Noncompliance with smoking cessation cosmetic surgery found that 55 percent of them
before surgery should result in cancellation of the used herbal supplements, a rate much higher
operation.61 Unfortunately, nicotine is one of the than that of the general public (24 percent).78
most addictive substances known to humans, and Most of those supplements have potential for
relapse is common. Nicotine replacement therapy perioperative bleeding, sedation, or hypertension
is commonly prescribed to assist with nicotine (Table 1), and should therefore be discontinued
addiction, but its overall effects on wound healing 2 to 3 weeks preoperatively.78–80
are not clear.64
Operating Room Safety
Glucose Control The use of comprehensive, standardized
Hyperglycemia results in the modification and checklists before incision, in which all members
dysfunction of proteins and enzymes.65 Diabetics of the operating room team participate, has been
have decreased fibroblast activity, decreased vas- shown to reduce the incidence of wrong-side sur-
cular endothelial growth factor expression, and gery, surgical fires, and retained surgical items.81,82
higher levels of matrix metalloproteinases.66 They Checklists are capable of catching major errors
are also predisposed to microvascular and mac- before they occur.83
rovascular disease, which can impair blood flow
and oxygen delivery.67 Impairment of the immune Sutures and Mesh
system also makes diabetics more prone to postop- In abdominal wall reconstruction, the clas-
erative infections.68,69 sic recommendation is for fascial incisions to be

Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 138, Number 3S • Reducing Postoperative Complications

Table 1.  Most Commonly Used Homeopathic pain intensity was associated with delayed wound
Medications and Herbs, and Their Effects* healing.94 These complications can be limited by
Homeopathic Medication Effect
preemptive analgesia with intraoperative local
anesthetic infiltration or epidural catheters. Local
Immune effects infiltration is safe and effective, and has not been
  Echinacea Immunosuppression;
infection shown to impair wound healing.95 When used in
Hematologic effects combination with spinal anesthesia, local nerve
  Garlic Platelet dysfunction
  Ginkgo biloba Platelet dysfunction blocks lead to improved postoperative analge-
Cardiovascular effects sia and earlier hospital discharge.96 Transversus
  Ginseng Hypertension
  St. John’s wort Hypotension; serotonin abdominis plane blocks and catheters may also
syndrome (if combined be considered in abdominal wall reconstruction,
with serotonergic drugs) as they reduce postoperative narcotic require-
  Ephedra Hypertension, myocardial
infarction ments, nausea, and vomiting.97 Longer term
Neurologic effects pain relief may also be provided using liposomal
  Kava Sedation
*From Hodges PJ, Kam PC. The peri-operative implications of herbal
medicines. Anaesthesia 2002;57:889–899; Heller J, Gabbay JS, Ghad- Studies have demonstrated that the use of
jar K, et al. Top-10 list of herbal and supplemental medicines used elasticized abdominal binders may help control
by cosmetic patients: What the plastic surgeon needs to know. Plast pain and increase ambulation.99 Their effect on
Reconstr Surg. 2006;117:436–445.
pulmonary function has been questioned, but
a randomized study found no decrease in vital
closed using a suture length–to–wound length capacity among patients treated with a binder,
ratio of at least 4:1.84 This can be performed and a moderate decrease in pain level.100 Their
using small, frequent stitches or with larger bites use in patients at high risk for venous thromboem-
at greater intervals. In a randomized controlled bolism, however, should be judicious, as they have
trial, Millbourn et al. determined that larger bites been shown to increase lower extremity venous
(>10 mm from the wound edge) were associated stasis.101,102
with a higher rate of hernia and surgical-site infec-
tion than smaller bites (5 to 8 mm from the wound Topical Wound Management
edge).85 Larger bites probably cause increased At the conclusion of a surgical procedure,
ischemia within the fascial closure. the surgeon has the choice of a multitude of
Continuous sutures have been associated dressing options, few of which have been shown
with fewer wound infections, and fewer hernia to be superior to others. One option, however,
recurrences, than interrupted sutures.86 Braided has strong clinical evidence behind it: incisional
sutures are easier to handle but may increase the negative-pressure wound therapy. In a retro-
rate of wound infection, as bacteria are allowed spective cohort study, Condé-Green et al. found
to burrow between filaments.87,88 Recently, triclo- that abdominal wall reconstruction patients
san-impregnated sutures have been introduced in treated with incisional negative-pressure wound
an effort to decrease surgical-site infections, but therapy had significantly fewer instances of
the data on their efficacy are mixed.89–91 When wound healing complications (22 percent versus
absorbable sutures are chosen, attention should 63.6 percent; p = 0.02) and dehiscence (9 per-
be paid to the anticipated time to resorption, cent versus 39 percent; p = 0.014) than patients
as short-lived suture may not provide adequate treated with standard dressings.103 These find-
support during the healing process. A review of ings have been replicated in patients undergoing
15 studies on midline laparotomies found a higher median sternotomies,104 groin vascular sur-
rate of incisional hernias with continuous rapidly gery incisions,105 and fixation of high-risk lower
absorbable suture, compared with continuous extremity fractures.106
slowly absorbable suture.92 Nonabsorbable sutures Open wounds that are not candidates for
resulted in a higher incidence of suture sinuses. immediate closure may be managed with tradi-
tional dressings or negative-pressure wound ther-
Pain Control apy. In an animal study, Morykwas et al. showed
Uncontrolled postoperative pain limits that negative-pressure wound therapy increased
patient mobility, decreases respiratory effort, blood flow and granulation tissue formation sig-
and increases sympathetic discharge, which may nificantly more than traditional dressings.107 The
decrease blood flow to healing tissues.93 In a study maximal increase in blood flow occurred for
of female gastric bypass patients, postsurgical 5 to 7 minutes after negative pressure was applied.

Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

Fig. 1. The 2005 Caprini scale. (Reprinted from Caprini JA. Thrombosis risk assessment as a guide
to quality patient care. Dis Mon. 2005;51:70–78, with permission from Elsevier.)

Consequently, negative pressure applied intermit- degree of atelectasis and should start pulmonary
tently for 5 minutes, interspersed with 2 minutes physiotherapy in the recovery room. Zoremba et al.
of no negative pressure, resulted in the greatest randomized 60 obese surgical patients to incentive
amount of granulation tissue formation. They also spirometry starting in recovery, versus no incentive
demonstrated that negative-pressure wound ther- spirometry.109 The incentive spirometry group had
apy decreased bacterial counts. This translates significantly improved oxygenation, functional vital
clinically into improved wound healing outcomes capacity, and peek inspiratory flow compared with
with negative-pressure wound therapy. In a multi- the control group. This translates into real clinical
center study, Armstrong et al. randomized patients outcome improvement. In a prospective cohort
with diabetic foot wounds to negative-pressure study, surgical patients who started incentive
wound therapy versus standard dressings.108 At spirometry in recovery had shorter length of stay
16 weeks, significantly more wounds treated with in the intensive care unit (3.1 days versus 4 days;
negative-pressure wound therapy were healed. p = 0.03) and fewer pulmonary complications
(6 percent versus 17 percent; p = 0.01).110
Postoperative Care For non–implant-based operations with no
Additional simple interventions can avoid signs of infection, postoperative antibiotics should
major postoperative complications. All patients not be used beyond the immediate perioperative
who have undergone general anesthesia have some period, as prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis has

Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 138, Number 3S • Reducing Postoperative Complications

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Volume 138, Number 3S • Reducing Postoperative Complications

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

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