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DRAFT 12 EAL/D Compilation of Techniques found in Favel Parrett’s Past the Shallows

Chapter/ Example Technique Explain Effect

Chapter 7 Sensory The author demonstrates Favel Parrett wants the readers
“Miles sat still. He Imagery how Joe’s presence is a to observe what Miles is going
looked down at the (Visual) light, an escape for Miles through and his vision is
transformed (after knowing that
water. It was one solid from the drudgery of
Joe decided to leave Bruny
dark mass, impossible working on the boat, which Island) is reflected on the use
to see past the shows how crucial of the visual imagery of the
surface now that the brotherhood is. water
light had gone”

Chapter 8 Sensory Parrett foreshadows how Parrett wants the reader to

“It was still dark Imagery scary the plot of the scene visualize and understand the
outside, but light was will unfold. feeling that the character goes
coming in from under
through. The author wants to
the door and Miles
was coughing.” convey to the reader that a
scary event occurs as a
foreshadowing of bad things for
the character.

“She’s a fucking bitch” Tone Favel Parrett emphasises Sets an upset mood in the
how Miles gets angry when story and clearly expresses the
mention Aunty Jean feeling of Miles toward Aunty
Jean. The technique conveys
through using the phrase
Miles's discomfort to the
‘fucking bitch’ because readers.
Aunty Jean is contested
the will leads to Joe is
being forced to leave the
house that Granddad left to

Chapter 11 Metaphor Suggests that Mr Roberts’ The author wants to express

“Miles felt the words advice has accurately how Mr Robber’s words
sink right down inside captured Miles’ suffering affected MIles. She shows the
him” reader a sense of what Miles
must have suffered from his
father. Her use of the metaphor
technique allows us to
understand what the
character’s feelings are in
relation to the situation.
Chapter 12 Technique: Creates the mood of peace Favel Parrett highlights the
“Harry wanted to Mood to depict Harry’s brotherhood between these
make Miles the best (peaceful) perception of how Miles children who do not have a
strong father figure and bring
hot Milo ever and it has a forced responsibility
the peaceful mood in this
was still early and of working on the family scene toward the readers.
they could watch the fishing boat and “Harry
afternoon cartoons wanted to make Miles the
and put the fire on.” best hot Milo ever” shows
the unusually mature and
thoughtful concern he has
for his beloved older

9 pg 56 Sensory image
Dad was yelling, red
in the face
Dad’s visual of how
hard he is screaming

10 pg 66 Juxtaposition Shows the contrast of what

“From the outside, George's house outside
this place looked like and inside looked like.
a picker’s hut, all
weathered up and
grey. But the inside
was bright and neat
and clean.”

Tone Tone Harry said in a

“Joe’s gone, isn’t he?” disappointed tone. He
knew that Joe left but he
also knew Miles doesn’t
want him to know.
HERE, you are explaining
how the quote links with
the question/main idea
27 pg 163 Sensory AGAIN, only half explains
Sensory image imagery the quote - so how does
“The way Miles’s the quote link with the
question/main idea
eyelid was all purple
and cut”

Chapter 24 Technique: Explain: The author wants Explain: The author wants to
“Now his head hurt. It Sensory to describe how Miles describe how Miles gradually
ached and stung and imagery (feels) gradually feels when feels when standing outside in
standing outside in the cold the cold weather for too long
his right eye felt
weather for too long
wrong. It wouldn’t
open properly”

Chapter 25 The sense of power of visual imagery illustrates the

“Miles watched relationship between Harry tight relationship between
George go over to a and George depicted by George and Harry and
cupboard and get out Parret reinforces Harry’s demonstrates to the reader
a pillow, a sleeping behaviour towards how George's personality is
bag and a rolled-up circumstance. kind and loving despite his
sleeping mat. Harry fearful appearances.
helped him unroll the
mat on the floor and
unzip the sleeping
bag so that it opened
out to double size like
a doona. They
seemed to have an
George and Harry.
One that didn’t need

Chapter 28 Sensory Parret paints a picture of Instead of his family's warmth,

“A house. A farm. A Imagery what Miles and Harry the imagery juxtaposes the
family. A home. should have and also opposing qualities of warmth
Hemmed in by forest paints a picture of the and coldness as the setting is
and mountains and setting that is isolated, cold hemmed by mountains and
big cold sky. And and empty. She shows that forest there by highlighting the
none of it was any while it may seem like the existence of paradox.
good.” boys have a normal family
and home, which evokes
the feelings of belonging
and security, it is
deceptive: “and none of it
was any good”.

Chapter 29 Repetition The repetition demonstrate The readers can clearly see
“Miles looked at his Miles wants to ask Dad Miles' suspicion and curiosity
plate and chewed a about the fisheries but he about the fisheries and Dad’s
mouthful of fish. It cannot through the strange license through the repetition of
was soft and didn’t action of Miles ‘ate it all’ ‘he ate it all’.
taste of much except even though the food
salt and oil, but he ate ‘didn’t taste of much except
it all and he ate all his salt and oil’
chips and the potato

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