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18 FL) lL ae business and trade interest of company, cited” ‘East India Company’, the British Empire annexed India into its fold. What are the main reasons for India’s failure to stop this silent invasion? ‘Wee So soar & earreis fe @ oma a en aT ea wy a a Ha eC ee ee + “Many Indian and multinational companies are running into the villages, because this massive rural market can only save the economy of our country.” iscuss. “ae ard arcs sik reed safiat ata A aes a we &, wa tal wr oars aT Wh ean ea ht seloqaeen at gar gam Br sat atl The following bar diagram shows the production of cars (in thousand) of five companies in 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 years. Fira @ site 2018-2019, 2019-2020 aitt 2020-2021 att ofa ata ger HEX mifgat & seer a Cem Sen) Hani 5: 18: 13.d 2018-2019 3 Sar 2019-2020 =35 ‘) 2020-2021 18 aly 4 12 iil 2 25 T ott E Ye 46 Study the diagram and answer the following questions : faa a HERR em Pe oe aE: (a) How many companies have shown production above their average production in 2019-2020, but have showed below the average production in 2018-2019? ‘eh sefai 9 2019-2020 # sited sere A aftr seer fern 2, fra 2018-2019 i sitaa sores & a semen fer 27 (b) Find the ratio of company D's production in 2019-2020 to company A’s production in 2018-2019. 2019-20204 at D& ened SN 2018-2019 Fa A % Serer a sega rT General Studies/24 2 jes has there been no decrease in production in janie: ‘ous year? Write their names. geet ahd a el fears 8? eH fra (c) For how many compani any year from the previ Kah aa 3 eh at aa Fas ET ic iod. 4 Explain the important literary conte of Gupta perio UR aera arrera TET al role in improving vit have played @ Vite ng specific Grie isms vance redressal mechanisms 0°"? eument, administrative accountability. Justi examples. See fe eh een ee a 4 ETT HT PE 8 FTE Sere are aaa ah A aT Fl : ce civic-political 6. Discuss the role of Public Interest Litigation in expanding the 6 Tights of citizens, Ss ats ren hee ene ar TET wt 8 ii ts 7 What are the major factors behind accumulation of non-performing asse! 6 in the Indian banking sector in recent years? Discuss. ‘We & ae orca Sa aH sects; Gal acne BMS ST HH FTC? wal si 8. Briefly explain the role of MSMEs in India’s economic growth. ane & softs flare i gen, ay wd we sent & yen A caren st 9. Discuss India’s nuclear doctrine and analyse the emerging debates on its ‘no-first-use doctrine’ are St vey Hf ot Tal sat Sik gees Se -seaTeT eT Af Sela seat ae Fae wil 10. Trace the reasons for the present economic crisis of Sri Lanka. 6 attcienr H actara onftles feraer & servi a aT Bt General Studies/24 3 [P.-T.0. PI gyarnnn = aint Rek als k OD NSE nays. pace f 4 x at VE seq Zaye i | Amendment 2¥4ARL @} Critically analyse the efficacyof the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Moxy Fe Fthe ” different Acts as the third tier of the Government. Support with examples from 14 States. ‘alae wea ey 8 799 atk 74-8 after de & weal a areaATTTR Pay | fairs % a wl i wil fat Tea sere gra sa a re sale todtsP ping me ae GA. Why did Akbar introduce Mansdbsari System? Discuss it with the change it brought about in Mughal administration. Rose Seem A sae er A gen i AL ge rer pre ee Here arta aA gat wil Hes Zw. 4S. Describe the Steps taken by the Government of India to face the threat Posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Add a brief note on the issues and challenges involved in tackling the situation. aifas 19 "ern 5 a fe fg wre er ze are a eave El Brea Fined Houta wal & Rive fore arewes weal ewe lee emt fee 14 14 Discuss the challenges associated with and assess the conflicting perspectives bi countries experienced at Glasgow during the climate change negotiations etween developed and developing CoP 26, 14 Seng aftectt aratst & ears Hea caren ait sik Cop 26, went 3s dk ratte st Rrcoretter Ugi & aa acetates ar seers =) & The parliamentary system of executive vests many powers in the J degislature for controlling.the executive, Elucidate, also why Iie som Tiecessary to the executive. 14 coe a Fie fee aha aaa sone 9 Fn a afr Fraifia aon aii sree 2) Assess Indo-Russian collaboration in Defence and Strategic areas, 14 ‘ferent afte a # rere meio a sea ay 14 General Studies/24 18. Critically examine India-China relation in view of recent Galwan valley clash. ‘afore merara andl aed & oes H rata ade A sectors ate EL 19. Write a brief note on recently commissioned INS Vikrant and its significance in India’s maritime security. Also elucidate challenges of indigenization for Indian Navy, sare ah ye 35 Ret aren Hh water Ae a WH Ue i & re oro fee rer a eta sta fore eater B HES PTE FEL 20. How far did various land revenue settlements lead to the growth of commercialization of agriculture during the colonial rule and its impact on the rural society? swarefia are & dhe fara yeas Praerdt 3 apf 3 arforeencr & faeore Heer arena fear ai afi gars Sas FAT AAT AT? kkk General Studies/24 14 14 14 5 LLL22/24—2018

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