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Priyanshu mishra – 21120080

DEPARTMENT OF Metallurgical and Material Engineering,

1 Introduction 3-6
2 Safety measures 7-9
3 Coke oven 9-15
4 Blast Furnace 15-31
5 Conclusion 31

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the management of Bhilai Steel
Plant for providing me with the opportunity to undergo vocational training at
their plant. The training I received was invaluable and has given me a deep
understanding of the steel-making process. I would also like to thank my mentors
and colleagues at the plant for their guidance and support.

tam particularly grateful to Mr. SK MARATHE for his mentorship and guidance. He
was always patient and helpful, and he took the time to explain the concepts in a
way that I could understand. I am also grateful to the other engineers and
workers at the plant who were always willing to answer my questions and help
me learn.

The training I received at Bhilai Steel Plant has been an invaluable experience,
and I am confident that it will be of great benefit to me in my future career.
Introduction to Bhilai Steel Plant

Bhilai Steel Plant is one of the flagship industrial units of the public sector
steel company, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). Located in Bhilai,
Chhattisgarh, India, it is one of the largest and most significant steel plants in
the country. Bhilai Steel Plant is renowned for its contribution to the growth of
the Indian steel industry and has played a crucial role in India's economic

Here's a brief introduction to Bhilai Steel Plant:

History: Bhilai Steel Plant was established with the collaboration of the Soviet
Union in the 1950s. The foundation stone for the plant was laid in 1955 by
India's first Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, and it was inaugurated by the
then President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, in 1959. The Soviet Union
provided technical assistance and expertise for setting up the plant, and it was
considered a symbol of Indo-Soviet friendship.
Production Capacity: Bhilai Steel Plant is designed to produce a wide range
of steel products, including rails, structurals, plates, and other long and flat
products. It has an integrated steel-making facility with multiple production
units, including blast furnaces, steel melting shops, rolling mills, and
associated infrastructure. Over the years, the plant has undergone various
modernization and expansion efforts to increase its production capacity.

Employment: The steel plant is one of the largest employers in the region
and has provided significant employment opportunities to thousands of
people over the years. It has contributed to the growth and development of
the surrounding areas and has been instrumental in improving the socio-
economic conditions of the local population.

Technological Advancements: Bhilai Steel Plant has been at the forefront of

adopting new technologies and processes in the steel industry. It has
continuously upgraded its facilities to improve efficiency, reduce
environmental impact, and maintain its position as a leading steel producer in

Contribution to the Economy: The plant's significant contribution to the

Indian economy cannot be understated. It has not only met the country's
domestic steel demand but has also been involved in exporting steel products
to various countries.

Environmental Initiatives: Bhilai Steel Plant has undertaken various

environmental initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint. It has implemented
pollution control measures, waste recycling, and sustainable practices to
ensure a more eco-friendly operation. Overall, Bhilai Steel Plant holds
immense importance in India's industrial landscape. It remains a key player in
the country's steel production sector and continues to contribute significantly
to the nation's growth and development.
Major departments in Bhilai Steel Plant

Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) is a massive integrated steel plant with several
departments and units that work together to produce a wide range of steel
products. The major departments in Bhilai Steel Plant typically include:

1. Blast Furnaces: This department is responsible for producing pig iron, the
initial product in the steelmaking process. The blast furnaces are massive
structures where iron ore, coke, and limestone are smelted to produce molten
2. Steel Melting Shop (SMS): The SMS is where the molten iron from the blast
furnaces is converted into steel through various refining processes. It includes
units like converters, ladle furnaces, and continuous casting machines.
3. Rolling Mills: The rolling mills department is responsible for shaping the
steel into various products like rails, structurals, plates, and sheets. It includes
various mills such as the rail mill, structural mill, plate mill, and wire rod mill.
4. Coke Ovens: This department produces coke from coking coal, which is a
critical component in the blast furnace process.
5. Raw Materials Handling Plant: This department handles the receipt,
storage, and transportation of raw materials such as iron ore, coal, and
6. Power Plant: Bhilai Steel Plant has its power generation units to meet its
energy needs. The power plant may include thermal power stations and co-
generation facilities.
7. Central Engineering and Research Institute (CERI): CERI is the research
and development wing of BSP. It is responsible for developing new
technologies, optimizing processes, and conducting research to improve
efficiency and product quality.
8. Human Resources (HR) Department: The HR department manages the
recruitment, training, and welfare of the employees working in the steel plant.
9. Finance and Accounts: This department handles financial matters, budgeting,
accounting, and cost analysis for the entire plant.
10. Marketing and Sales: The marketing and sales department is responsible for
selling the finished steel products in the domestic and international markets.
11. Safety and Environment: This department ensures the safety of workers and
implements environmental protection measures to comply with regulations
and reduce the plant's environmental impact.
12. Quality Control: Quality control plays a crucial role in ensuring that the steel
produced meets the required standards and specifications.

These are some of the major departments that can typically be found in Bhilai
Steel Plant. Each department plays a vital role in the steelmaking process and
contributes to the overall success and efficiency of the plant.
Safety measures in steel industries
Ensuring safety in the steel industry is a paramount concern due to
the complex and hazardous nature of the processes involved. A
comprehensive approach is employed to protect workers, the
environment, and the integrity of the production facilities. These
safety measures encompass various aspects, from the use of
personal protective equipment (PPE) to sophisticated monitoring
systems and rigorous training programs.
The first line of defense is equipping workers with appropriate PPE.
Steel plant employees are required to wear helmets, safety goggles,
gloves, steel-toed boots, and flame-resistant clothing to safeguard
against potential hazards such as heat, sparks, and chemical
splashes. This protective gear acts as a crucial barrier, reducing the
risk of injuries and providing a basic level of protection in the event
of accidents.
Alongside personal protection, training and education form the
foundation of a strong safety culture in the steel industry. All
employees, including new hires and contractors, undergo
comprehensive safety training programs. These programs cover a
wide range of topics, including safe work practices, emergency
procedures, hazard recognition, and proper use of equipment.
Workers are educated on the potential risks associated with each
task, enabling them to make informed decisions and respond
appropriately to different situations.
Safety signage and warnings are strategically placed throughout the
facility to draw attention to potential hazards and provide clear
instructions on safety protocols. These visible reminders serve as
constant reinforcements, heightening awareness and reminding
employees to adhere to safety guidelines at all times.
Ventilation and air quality management are paramount for
maintaining a safe working environment. Steel production
processes can generate significant amounts of dust, fumes, and
other airborne contaminants, which pose health risks to workers. To
mitigate these risks, steel plants invest in advanced ventilation
systems that capture and filter harmful particles, ensuring that the
air quality within the facility remains within acceptable limits.
Fire prevention and protection measures are of utmost importance
in steel plants, where the presence of high temperatures and
flammable materials increases the risk of fires. Advanced fire
detection systems, fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinkler systems
are strategically installed to promptly detect and control potential
fires. Regular fire drills and emergency response plans help train
employees on how to react quickly and effectively in the event of a
fire or other emergency.
Regular equipment inspection and maintenance are crucial for
identifying and addressing potential safety issues before they
escalate. Scheduled inspections help detect signs of wear, corrosion,
or mechanical issues in machinery and equipment, allowing
maintenance teams to take timely corrective actions.
Handling hazardous materials safely is a top priority in the steel
industry. Strict protocols govern the storage, transportation, and
disposal of hazardous substances, minimizing the risk of spills, leaks,
and exposure to toxic chemicals. Employees dealing with hazardous
materials receive specialized training to handle them safely and use
appropriate containment measures to prevent environmental
To be fully prepared for emergencies, steel plants develop
comprehensive emergency response plans. These plans outline
specific actions to be taken during various emergency scenarios,
including fires, chemical spills, and medical incidents. Regular drills
and mock exercises are conducted to test the efficiency of these
plans and ensure that employees are familiar with their roles and
responsibilities in emergencies.
Safety audits and inspections are conducted regularly to assess the
effectiveness of safety measures and identify areas for
improvement. These audits involve thorough evaluations of safety
protocols, procedures, and compliance with industry regulations. By
analyzing past incidents and near-miss occurrences, steel plants can
implement corrective actions to prevent similar incidents from
A crucial aspect of building a strong safety culture is employee
involvement and engagement. Workers are encouraged to actively
participate in safety initiatives, report any unsafe conditions or near-
miss incidents, and contribute to safety discussions and decision-
making. Empowering employees to play an active role in safety not
only fosters a sense of ownership but also encourages a proactive
approach to identifying and mitigating risks.
Beyond physical safety, the steel industry also recognizes the
importance of addressing workers' mental and emotional well-
being. Programs promoting mental health awareness, stress
management, and work-life balance are increasingly being
integrated into the workplace to support employees' overall well-
Environmental safety is another vital consideration in the steel
industry. Measures to minimize the impact of steel production on
the environment include the use of advanced pollution control
technologies, proper waste management, and adherence to
environmental regulations. Reducing emissions and recycling waste
materials contribute to the industry's commitment to sustainable
and eco-friendly practices.
Continuous improvement is at the core of safety management in
the steel industry. The industry collaborates with safety experts,
industry organizations, and governmental bodies to stay informed
about the latest safety advancements and best practices. This
dedication to continuous learning ensures that safety protocols
remain up-to-date and effective in the ever-changing landscape of
steel production.
In conclusion, the steel industry employs a comprehensive array of
safety measures to protect its workforce, maintain a safe working
environment, and minimize environmental impacts. From the use of
personal protective equipment and rigorous training programs to
advanced monitoring systems and employee involvement, every
aspect of safety is thoroughly addressed. By prioritizing safety at all
levels of operation, the steel industry aims to achieve the highest
standards of safety and well-being for its workers and communities
while continuing to provide essential materials for various industries


Coal is a mineral consisting mainly of sedimentary fossilized carbon

with smaller amounts of other elements, such as sulfur, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and more. Coal is found under the earth crust as
lignite, or brown coal — the lowest ranking coal, bituminous coals
and anthracite. It is extracted either from underground by shaft
mining or at ground level by open-pit mining.

Coal is the largest source of energy for the generation of electricity

worldwide and is also used in the production of metallurgical coke
as blast furnace fuel. Some smaller blast furnaces can utilize charcoal
as a carbon source, but the larger blast furnaces require the strength
and durability of coke.

Coke is produced by igniting bituminous coal under reduced oxygen

conditions in oven batteries specially designed for this process. The
coking process generates the following main volatiles as byproducts:
coke oven gas, tar, ammonium sulfate, benzol, toluol and naphtha.

A coke battery is made up of

multiple ovens. Coal is
crushed and blended prior
to being charged in a coke
oven. A larry car charges the
individual oven with the
blended coal. In the coke
oven, the coal is
heated to 1,800°F for up to 20 hours in BSP . During that time, the
volatiles of the coal are driven into the offgas and a pure carbon form
called “coke” remains. The coke, when exposed to oxygen, will
immediately ignite and begin to burn. When the coke is pushed from the
oven into a railcar, it is quickly quenched to cool the coke and stop the
burning process. The cooled coke is then dumped onto a coal wharf
where it is taken to a facility to be screened and sized prior to being
charged into the blast furnace.

 Charging Cars :- Coal charging car is used to charge coal

blend into the coke oven by means of traditional devices of
gravitation type charging or forced charging of coal by screw
or rotary feeders. The coal charging car is designed for single
spot operation and equipped with the technologies related to
pollution control, and safe and efficient operations.

 Pusher Machines :- The coke pusher machine travels along

the length of the battery and carries out various functions like
remove and replace coke oven doors, ,push out hot coke from
the oven, open and close leveller bar doors, level the coal
charge in the oven, clean doors, frame and flash plates,
degraphitize the oven ceiling, and remove the coke spillage.
The pusher machine is located at the coke oven battery side
and is normally designed for the single spot operation. The
drives of machine can be hydraulic or electro- mechanical.
Operator’s cabin, and the hydraulic and electronic equipment
cabins are normally equipped with air-conditioners.

 Coke Guide Cars :- Coke guide and transfer car is designed

for servicing the coke side of the coke oven battery. The main
operations to be fulfilled by the coke guide car are extraction
and installation of door, approach-withdrawal of coke guide
cage to oven, directing coke descent in coke transfer car,
cleaning of doors and frames, collecting of dust-gas mixture,
and removal of coke
 Coke Quenching Cars :- In case of wet quenching, two
different types of wet quenching cars are used. These two types
are one which is used for conventional top spray quenching
and the second which is used for coke stabilizing quenching.
These cars are of robust design or can be self-propelled or
locomotive driven.The conventional quenching car is a fixed
sloped bottom car with a pneumatically or hydraulically
operated discharge gate.

The coke stabilizing quenching car has a fixed sloped bottom and is fitted
with all facilities for coke box flooding and quick water drainage. The coke box
is closed by two gates. The inner gate holds the coke inside the box, but lets
the water drain. The outer gate holds the water inside the box.

Coking coals are the coals which when heated in the absence of air,
first melt, go in the plastic state, swell and resolidify to produce a
solid coherent mass called coke. When coking coal is heated in
absence of air, a series of physical and chemical changes take place
with the evolution of gases and vapours, and the solid residue left
behind is called coke.

Conventional cokemaking is done in a coke oven battery of ovens

sandwiched between heating walls. They are carbonised at a
temperature around 1000o-1100o C upto a certain degree of de
volatization to produce metallurgical coke of desired mechanical and
thermo-chemical properties.

During carbonisation, coking coals undergo transformation into

plastic state at around 350o-400o C swell and then resolidify at
around 500o-550o C to give semi-coke and then coke. In coke ovens,
after coal is charged inside the oven, plastic layers are formed
adjacent to the heating walls, and with the progress of time, the
plastic layers move towards the centre of oven from either side and
ultimately meet each other at the centre. During coke making, two
opposite reactions take place, viz. condensation and pyrolysis.
The quality and quantity of plastic layer is of extreme importance and
it determines the inherent strength of coke matrix. For producing
coke of good quality, coals should have certain degree of maturity ,
good rheological properties , wide range of fluidity and low inerts.


Coal and Coke are both a type of fossil fuels. The difference between
these two fuels is that coal is mostly carbon but coke contains mostly
water and less than half the carbon content of coal

The most common form of fossil fuel is mined from the earth’s surface. It
consists largely of carbon but also contains some sulphur, nitrogen, and other
chemical compounds. Coal can be used to produce electricity and heat energy or
it can be burned as a solid fuel to provide heating or power. A good carbon fuel
because it’s rich in C02 leading to a high temperature when burning: 3,800°C
(6,400°C with water vapour present) – but also known to produce a significant
amount of ash that requires processing


A mixture of carbon and hydrogen gas is made by heating a solution of

limestone, chalk or dolomite, producing coke. Coke is used as a fuel, to make
glass and bricks, and as a drying agent in the chemical industry. It can also be
used to produce electricity and heat energy. Coke can appear as a friable,
porous mass that contains a large amount of graphite (carbon) and ash

Difference between Coal and Coke

 Coal is a fossilized material found on the earth

 Coke is produced from coal through the coking process

Coke can only be used as a fuel by making it into coke and injecting it into furnaces to
give heat energy

 Coal can be used to produce heat energy in furnaces or to generate

electricity through the burning of coal
 Coke has slightly more than half the carbon content of a standard bag
of coal, but still contains some carbon and other minerals that make up
the rock, such as sulphur and nitrogen
 Coke also has a higher amount of ash content than coal

 Coke contains a higher ash content than coal, which makes it less valuable
as a consumer product. However, it is still a high-temperature fuel
 Coke can be used in blast furnaces for smelting and purifying iron ore
 Coke is more expensive than coal because it takes more of the raw
material to produce the same amount of coke

Blast furnace
Blast Furnace 8 of SAIL- Bhilai Steel Plant, a Modex unit, has once again created history by
achieving the 7 MT cumulative hot metal production in record 1179 days, thereby
becoming the fastest among SAIL's other large furnaces of similar capacity in sister units.
The 7MT milestone was achieved by BF 8 in B shift of 26th April 2021.

1. Introduction to Blast Furnace: A blast furnace is a massive vertical structure designed

for the smelting of iron ore, usually with the addition of coke and limestone as auxiliary
materials. It is named after the "blast" of hot air and gases, which is blown into the
furnace at the bottom to support the chemical reactions that convert iron ore into molten
iron. The primary product of the blast furnace is called "pig iron," which contains a
significant amount of carbon and various impurities.
2. Construction of Blast Furnace: Bhilai Steel Plant houses several large blast furnaces
that are constructed with advanced engineering and state-of-the-art technologies. The
blast furnace typically consists of the following components:
a. Stack: The vertical cylindrical structure, also known as the stack, contains several
layers of refractory lining to withstand high temperatures and chemical reactions.
b. Bosh: The lower part of the stack is called the bosh, where the cross-section of the

furnace widens to facilitate the descending flow of materials.

c. Hearth: The hearth is the bottom part of the blast furnace where molten pig iron and
slag accumulate.
d. Tuyeres: Located at the lower part of the furnace, tuyeres are nozzles through which
hot air, known as the "blast," is injected to support combustion and smelting.
e. Bells and Hoppers: At the top of the furnace, bells and hoppers facilitate the charging
of raw materials and the collection of slag and pig iron.
3. Working Principles of Blast Furnace: The operation of a blast furnace involves a series
of complex chemical and physical processes that lead to the reduction of iron ore and the
formation of pig iron. The working principles can be summarized as follows:
a. Charging: A carefully balanced mixture of iron ore, coke, and limestone is charged
from the top of the blast furnace through the charging hoppers. The coke serves as a
source of heat and reducing agent, while limestone helps to remove impurities.
b. Combustion: Hot air, preheated to temperatures of about 1000°C (1832°F) or more, is
blown into the furnace through the tuyeres at the bottom. This results in the combustion
of coke, generating carbon monoxide (CO) and other reducing gases.
c. Reduction: The carbon monoxide produced in the combustion reacts with the iron ore
(mainly iron oxides) to reduce it to metallic iron. This chemical reduction occurs in the
lower part of the blast furnace, known as the reduction zone.
d. Molten Iron and Slag Formation: The reduced iron, along with impurities and
gangue materials, descends through the bosh and collects in the hearth. The molten iron
and slag are periodically tapped off from different levels of the furnace.
e. Countercurrent Flow: The raw materials, hot air, and gases move in a countercurrent
manner inside the blast furnace. The solid materials move downward, while the hot gases
move upward, facilitating efficient heat exchange and chemical reactions.
4. Blast Furnace Operation at Bhilai Steel Plant: The blast furnaces at Bhilai Steel Plant
operate continuously to ensure a consistent supply of pig iron. The process involves
several stages, including:
a. Raw Material Preparation: Iron ore, coke, and limestone are carefully selected and
prepared to ensure a proper chemical balance and uniform composition.

 Iron Ore
 Limestone
 Dolomite
 Quartzite
 Manganese ore
 Sinter
 Coke

b. Charging: The raw materials are charged into the blast furnace through the charging
hoppers, maintaining a precise ratio to achieve optimal smelting conditions.
c. Smelting and Reduction: The hot blast of air is blown into the furnace, and the reduction
reactions take place, leading to the formation of molten iron and slag.
d. Tapping: Molten pig iron and slag are periodically tapped from the furnace. The pig
iron is collected in ladles, while the slag, which contains impurities and gangue materials,
is separated for further processing.
e. Slag Granulation: The hot slag is rapidly cooled with water to granulate it into a sand-
like material. This process not only aids in its handling but also facilitates the recovery of
heat energy.
f. Hot Blast Stoves: Bhilai Steel Plant employs hot blast stoves to preheat the air before
blowing it into the blast furnace, ensuring energy efficiency and reducing fuel

g. Operation and Maintenance: Blast furnace operations require meticulous monitoring and
maintenance to ensure the smooth functioning of the furnace and prevent issues that
might affect the quality and productivity of the pig iron.
5. Significance of Blast Furnace in Bhilai Steel Plant: The blast furnace complex at
Bhilai Steel Plant holds immense significance in the following aspects:
a. Pig Iron Production: The blast furnace is the primary facility for producing pig iron,
which is a crucial intermediate product for further steelmaking processes.
b. Self-Sufficiency: Bhilai Steel Plant's blast furnace operation ensures a steady supply
of pig iron, making the plant self-sufficient in this essential raw material.
c. Economic Impact: The efficient operation of the blast furnace contributes significantly
to the economic growth of the region and the nation by providing employment and
promoting industrial development.
d. Technological Advancement: BSP's blast furnace complex incorporates advanced
technologies and innovative practices to enhance efficiency, productivity, and
environmental sustainability.
e. Strategic Importance: Bhilai Steel Plant plays a strategic role in meeting the country's
growing demand for steel, contributing to national infrastructure development and
various industries.
f. Environmental Responsibility: BSP undertakes various environmental initiatives to
minimize the impact of blast furnace operations on the environment, including the use of
energy-efficient technologies and waste recycling.


Within a blast furnace, different reactions occur in different temperature zones. Carbon
monoxide is generated in the hotter bottom regions and rises upward to reduce the iron
oxides to pure iron through a series of reactions that take place in the upper regions
In conclusion, the blast furnace complex at Bhilai Steel Plant is a marvel of engineering
and technology. It efficiently transforms raw materials into pig iron, supporting India's
steel production and contributing to the nation's economic growth. The blast furnace's
operational excellence, coupled with its commitment to environmental responsibility,
makes Bhilai Steel Plant a flagship steel-producing facility in India. The success of BSP's
blast furnace complex stands as a testament to the dedication of its workforce, the
integration of cutting-edge technologies, and the vision of Bhilai Steel Plant in
contributing to the nation's industrial growth and development.

Steel Melting Shop-2

Introduction to Steel Melting Shop (SMS) in Bhilai Steel Plant: The Steel Melting Shop
(SMS) is a critical unit in Bhilai Steel Plant, which is a flagship industrial unit of Steel
Authority of India Limited (SAIL). The SMS plays a pivotal role in the steelmaking process
by converting various raw materials into liquid steel, which is further processed into a
wide range of steel products. It is an essential and technologically advanced facility that
contributes significantly to India's steel production and industrial growth.

The estimated Capacity of Steel Melting Shop-II (SMS-II) is 3.0 MT of Cast Steel in
the form of Slabs and Blooms. The shop was commissioned on 29th of July 1984.
With every passing day, the shop has improved its systems and processes. Many
in- house modifications along with acquisition of most modern steel making
equipment have helped in fulfillment of ever increasing customer demands in
terms of quality and quantity.
Bhilai Steel Plant’s Steel Melting Shop (SMS)-2 has achieved its highest single-day
production since inception of the shop, due to higher demand by Indian Railways.

The shop produced 51 rail bloom heats amounting to 6,020 tonnes in a single day on
December 24, beating the previous best single-day production of 46 bloom heats
achieved in June 2018. The Steel Authority of India plant, one of the leading supplier of
rails for Indian Railways said in a statement that its Steel Melting Shops  ..

1. Importance of SMS in the Steelmaking Process: The SMS is a central

hub for steel production, where various steelmaking routes are employed to convert raw
materials into liquid steel. It bridges the gap between the primary ironmaking processes,
such as blast furnace and direct reduced iron (DRI) plants, and the secondary steelmaking
processes, which involve refining and casting the liquid steel into final products.
2. Steelmaking Routes in SMS: The SMS at Bhilai Steel Plant can utilize
multiple steelmaking routes, depending on the type of raw materials available and the
quality and variety of steel products required. Some of the common steelmaking routes
used in the SMS are:
a. Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF): In the BOF process, liquid pig iron from the blast
furnace is converted into steel by blowing oxygen through the molten metal. The oxygen
reacts with impurities and removes them, resulting in high-quality steel.
b. Electric Arc Furnace (EAF): The EAF route involves melting scrap steel in an electric
arc furnace, and sometimes supplemented with some portion of pig iron or direct
reduced iron. This process is widely used for producing specialty steels and recycling
c. Continuous Casting: After steelmaking in either BOF or EAF, the liquid steel is cast
into solidified semi-finished products, such as billets, blooms, or slabs, using continuous
casting technology.
3. Major Units in SMS: The SMS plant at Bhilai Steel Plant is a complex with several
interconnected units, each serving a specific purpose in the steelmaking process. Some of
the major units in the SMS are:
a. Converters: In the BOF route, converters are the vessels where the oxidation and
refining of the liquid pig iron take place by blowing oxygen. The process is known as
"blowing" or "oxygen blowing."
Before charging, the converter is inspected for lining condition, after which scrap
and hot metal are charged. After charging, oxygen blowing is done for about 18
min. The bulk materials are charged through a computerized addition
systemduring the oxygen blowing process. The oxygen is blown through a 5-hole
nozzle, water cooled lance, at a pressure of 16 kg/cm2 and a flow rate of 400 - 450

After the blow, the converter is tilted for sample & temperature analysis. The
sample is analyzed in the site laboratory. Reconditioning of the bath is done
withO2 and lime addition if bath analysis deviates from desired analysis. Reblowing
is done for temperature correction.

After necessary adjustment the steel is tapped into a 130 T steel ladle, placed on a
steel transfer car moving below the converter. Ferro-Alloy additions are made in
the ladle as per the requirement of the grade of steel.
b. Ladle Furnaces: These furnaces are used for secondary refining of steel after primary
steelmaking in the converters or electric arc furnaces. They help to adjust the composition
and temperature of the liquid steel before casting.
A Ladle Furnace is a heating unit where liquid steel tapped in the ladle from the
converter can be heated using the similar principle of VAD unit. Continuous inert
gas (Argon) bottom purging is done for temperature and chemistry
The lid of Ladle Furnace is water cooled and is provided with three holes for three
columns of electrodes, one hole for ferro alloy addition and one for aluminum /
Calcium silicide wire injection. A dedicated fume extraction system with bag filters
for dust separation is provided to suck out the fumes and dust generated during
arcing. Ladle Furnace performs all the functions of VAD except removal of
dissolved gasses.
The estimated Capacity of Steel Melting Shop-II (SMS-II) is 3.0 MT of Cast Steel in
the form of Slabs and Blooms. The shop was commissioned on 29th of July 1984.
With every passing day, the shop has improved its systems and processes. Many
in- house modifications along with acquisition of most modern steel making
equipment have helped in fulfillment of ever increasing customer demands in
terms of quality and quantity.

c. Continuous Casting Machines: The liquid steel is cast into semi-finished products
through continuous casting machines. These machines solidify the steel into continuous
strands that are then cut into desired lengths.
Casting Process
The steel ladle received from Secondary steel units or Argon Bay is placed on
the Lift & Turn Stand of Casting machines. Tundish is brought to the casting
position and the sub-entry nozzle is aligned with the center of the mold. The
ladle is turned to the casting position and placed above the tundish.
After this the slide gate is opened, metal from the ladle is taken into the
tundish through a refractory lined pipe called the shroud. When the metal
level in tundishis attained, metal is taken into the mold of the machine
through a sub-entry nozzle. When the mold is filled to the working level, mold
oscillation is started and the casting is started at 0.2 m/min speed, and speed
is increased gradually to a constant working speed. When the dummy bay
comes out of the roll zone the holding device hook holds it. When the
dummy bar head reaches the withdrawal roll stand, it is separated from the
The strand is cut at the gas cutting machine into the desired lengths and cut
slabs / blooms are transported to SBS Yard. 10 minutes before the metal in the
ladle finishes, another ladle is placed on the reserve arm of L & T stand &
kept ready. As soon as the metal in the first ladle finishes, the L & T is rotated
by 180 º and the sequence ladle comes to casting position and the ladle is
opened for casting. At the end of casting, the tail end of the strand is quickly
removed from the machine by increasing the speed and the machine is
checked & prepared for next casting.

d. Vacuum Degassing Units: Vacuum degassing is a process used to remove impurities,

especially gases like hydrogen and nitrogen, from liquid steel to improve its quality.
e.Rh Degasser
RH Degasser is basically a degassing unit. The principle of creating vacuum is
similar to that of a VAD unit but there is a basic difference in the working principle
of the two. VAD is a tank degasser while RH Degasser belongs to the circulating
degassing system.
There is a vessel with inlet and outlet snorkels both lined with refractory. The
vessel is immersed into the liquid steel. The vessel is subjected to low vacuum.
Themetal level rises in both the snorkels due to barometric pressure. Inert gas
stirring via the lift gas nozzles in the inlet snorkel causes a partial quantity of melt
to be lifted into the RH vessel which subsequently comes back to ladle through
down legsnorkel. Consequently a high turbulent flow from the inlet to the down
leg snorkel takes place.
Once into the ladle, the steel flows quite slowly to the bottom of the ladle and
turns back upwards to the uplid snorkel, when velocity is increased again. The
metal inside the RH vessel is exposed to vacuum level of 1 millibar or less and so
dissolved gasses (H2, N2, O2) in the steel is reduced. The circulation rate of molten
steel is as high as 130 T / minute.
The RH process is thus faster and more effective than the VAD process. The
process is most suitable for making Rail Steel which requires H2 concentration
level less than 1.6 ppm. Also the obtained purity of Al-Si killed grade steel is very
high due to effective separation and removal of non-metallic inclusions during
the process. The unit is provided with a ferro-alloy addition system for any
trimming addition required during degassing.
f. vaccum arc degassing
The VAD unit consists of a vacuum chamber where a ladle tapped with
liquid steel from the converter is placed for treatment. There is a
provision of inert gas (Argon) purging from the bottom. The vacuum
chamber is made air tight with a metallic cover with the help of a
special type of rubber sealing. and is connected to vacuum pumps
comprising a series of ejector systems and condensers. High pressure
superheated steam is used for creating vacuum as low as 1 millibar or
The unit is also provided with a heating facility and ferro alloy
addition system for temperature and chemistry adjustments.
Heating is done by submerged arcing with the help of three
columns of graphite electrodes using electrical energy. Partial
vacuum is maintained in the vacuum chamber to suck out any fume
or dust generated during arc heating. Continuous purging of the
bath from the bottomhelps in temperature and composition
A CaO / Alumina rich slag is formed by addition of lime and
prefused synthetic slag for facilitating desulphurisation if required.
The VAD unit thus serves following functions :
+ Temperature adjustment
+ Chemistry adjustment
+ Desulphurisation
+ Removal of dissolved gasses ( H2, N2, O2 )
+ De-oxidation as per requirement

1.Raw Materials and Charging: The SMS receives raw materials such as
liquid pig iron, scrap steel, and ferroalloys from various sources. Depending on
the steelmaking route, the charging process varies. In BOF, the liquid pig iron
is transferred to the converter, while in EAF, scrap steel and other materials are
charged into the electric arc furnace.

2.Steelmaking Process: The steelmaking process in the SMS involves precise

control of various parameters such as temperature, chemical composition, and
refining time. In the BOF process, oxygen is blown through the molten pig iron
to remove impurities, while in the EAF route, electric arcs provide the heat to
melt the scrap and additives.

3.Continuous Casting and Solidification: Once the liquid steel is refined and
its composition meets the required specifications, it is cast into continuous
strands through the continuous casting machines. These strands are then
cooled and solidified as they pass through the mold. The solidified steel is
then cut into desired lengths known as billets, blooms, or slabs.

4.Secondary Refining: In some cases, the liquid steel may undergo

secondary refining in ladle furnaces or vacuum degassing units to further
improve its quality and remove impurities.

5.Casting and Cooling: The solidified steel is cast into various shapes such as
billets, blooms, or slabs, which are used as semi-finished products for further
processing into final steel products.

6.Quality Control: Quality control is of utmost importance in the SMS, and

various measures are taken to ensure the steel produced meets the required
specifications and standards. Samples are taken at different stages of the
process, and chemical analysis is performed to verify the steel's composition.

7.Environmental Measures: The SMS is designed to comply with

environmental regulations, and various measures are implemented to
minimize emissions and conserve energy. Dust control systems, waste
recycling, and energy-efficient technologies are used to reduce the
environmental impact.
8.Contribution to Steel Production: The SMS plant in Bhilai Steel Plant is a
major contributor to India's steel production capacity. It enables the
production of a wide range of steel products required for infrastructure,
construction, automotive, and other industries.

9.Technological Advancements: The SMS is continuously updated with the

latest technologies and process improvements to enhance efficiency,
productivity, and product quality. Bhilai Steel Plant remains committed to
staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the steel industry.

In conclusion, the Steel Melting Shop (SMS) in Bhilai Steel Plant is a crucial
unit that plays a central role in the steelmaking process. It converts raw
materials into liquid steel through various steelmaking routes, and the semi-
finished products are further processed to create a diverse range of steel
products. The SMS's importance in the steel industry, its technological
advancements, and its commitment to environmental responsibility make it a
vital asset for Bhilai Steel Plant and a significant contributor to India's
industrial growth and development.

The opportunity of getting vocational training at such a famous and
prestigious organization is an opportunity of a lifetime. The training at Bhilai
Steel Plant was very helpful. It helped us in understanding that despite
technological advancement and modern machinery, proper coordination
between employees and their experiences is the key to a proper functioning
and growing plants.

The training started by seminars on the Introduction to the Plant, its

production and contribution in the market. We were also taught about the
safety precautions to be followed while we are inside the plant. It helped us
learn a lot of new stuff.

This training enabled us to witness the application of concepts we studied in

our design courses. We had a chance to see operations happening in the
Convertor shop and the tilting of the ladle filled with molten steel in the ladle

Apart from the technical part, this training also taught us ethics and values to
be followed in the engineering field. The most important thing BSP is
individual’s safety, not only for its employ but for every individual related to
this organization anyway

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