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Like many other technologies, digital computers justify the development of generic structures and
have evolved to provide ever more sophisticated approaches. Thus the database industry was born, in
environments for their users. Early programmers the form of special software applications to manage
worked with very simple languages that in principle the interactions between programs and data. By
could do anything, but in practice were limited by assigning standard data management operations to
the complexity of the necessary programming. generic systems, these so-called database
Today’s programming languages, and application management systems (DBMS) relieved the
programmer interfaces, allow far more to be programmer of much inherently repetitive
achieved with much less effort. While it may have programming. They also encouraged a more
taken a million lines of code to write an early GIS in disciplined approach to data management, which
the 1960s or 1970s, the same could probably have was perceived to have its own benefits in terms of
been achieved with at least two orders of magnitude increased efficiency and control.
less, had it been possible to take advantage of the While the database industry is by definition
sophisticated programming environments available generic, and the characteristics of geographical data
today. Languages like Tcl/Tk, for example, allow and GIS widely acknowledged to be special in many
easy-to-use graphic interfaces to be constructed respects, nevertheless by the late 1970s significant
quickly that would have taken vastly more efforts were under way to take advantage of
programmer effort 20 years ago. database technology in GIS applications. Instead of
Such progress relies on a simple principle: that if a monolithic, stand-alone software application, GIS
enough commonality can be identified between the was increasingly perceived as layered, with
needs of a sufficiently large number of users, then it specialised software working in conjunction with, or
makes sense to embed those common needs in the conceptually on top of, a standard DBMS. ESRI’s
computing environment. Like the human mind, the ARC/INFO was one of the first of these, released in
digital computer is capable of supporting ever more 1981 and incorporating an existing DBMS into a
complex concepts provided they can be constructed specialised GIS environment. Today, more and more
from simpler ones (and ultimately a ‘hard-wired’ of the functionality of GIS is assigned to
base) in well-defined ways. Besides obvious gains in increasingly sophisticated but still generic database
efficiency and productivity, such approaches provide products, many of which now include the capability
consistency and rigour, offer simplicity by hiding the to store and process explicitly spatial data.
complex workings of operations from the These moves towards reliance on underlying
programmer or user, and allow for uniform DBMS reflect several important priorities and
approaches to such issues as integrity. concerns in the GIS industry. First, if GIS and
By the mid 1960s, the computer industry had underlying DBMS are at least partially independent,
begun to see how this principle might be applied to then one DBMS can be easily replaced with another.
the datasets processed by digital computers. This is attractive to many GIS customers, who may be
Computer applications had been growing rapidly in able to share the DBMS among many computing
various areas of industry and commerce, and were applications within the organisation, and value the
requiring and producing increasingly complex freedom to update the DBMS independently of the
masses of data. Rather than treat each application as GIS. Second, the DBMS may be perceived as more
unique, and program its operations from scratch, reliable than less generic approaches to data
there appeared to be sufficient commonality in the management, because of the relative size of the DBMS
ways these applications interacted with data to industry – an industry more sophisticated in its

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The Editors

approach to data management, with better ways of acceptable performance. Unfortunately, it is almost
ensuring data integrity; offering greater interoperability always true that the benefits of generic solutions must
between software environments; and with greater be balanced against the inability to optimise a generic
adherence to general standards. design for the specific needs of a complex application.
Michael Worboys begins this section with a Spatial indexing offers one of the most powerful
discussion of database models (Chapter 26). The tools to affect and improve performance in a GIS
first generations of database systems, appearing in application, just as indexing in publishing or library
the 1960s, were regarded as too general for effective cataloguing affects the usefulness of those fields. In
use in GIS, and it was not until the emergence of the the second chapter of this section, Peter van
relational model, with its greater sophistication, that Oosterom reviews the state of the indexing art in
GIS began to adopt database solutions in earnest. spatial databases. Many indexing schemes have been
The term ‘georelational’ is often used to describe the devised, and it seems unlikely that any one is optimal
particular implementation of the relational model over any significant domain of GIS applications.
for geographical data, in which geographical Many different schemes have been implemented, but
relationships between entities become the basis for although spatial indexing is often invisible to the
many of the common keys or linkages between user, it seems likely that in those applications where
relational tables. Nevertheless, this idea took some performance is critical, some degree of involvement
time to emerge, and early uses of relational of the user in the implementation of indexing will
databases in GIS were driven largely by the more always be necessary.
general advantages of database systems listed earlier. Early DBMS followed one or other of the
Worboys takes the reader beyond the relational standard models for databases, but used proprietary
model into more recent research and thinking in languages for interaction with the user. Even though
database systems for GIS, notably the concepts the underlying structure was essentially the same, a
broadly known as ‘object-orientation’. Just as the user wanting to move from one DBMS product to
relational model gave GIS users a natural way to another often had to learn an entirely new language.
represent geographical relationships, object-oriented The introduction of standard query languages,
models provide a natural way to manipulate the notably SQL, across entire sections of the DBMS
various entities found on the geographical landscape, industry led to much greater interoperability between
and to describe their behaviours. As Worboys notes, systems, and greatly reduced the complications of
object-oriented databases are in their infancy, and training users. Recent efforts to extend SQL to the
although several successful object-oriented GIS have needs of GIS are reviewed by Worboys, while Max
appeared in recent years, there is still much work to Egenhofer and Werner Kuhn in Chapter 28 give an
be done in identifying the exact limits of the overview of user interaction in general, comparing
application of object-oriented thinking in GIS. the query language approach to other, newer, and
The designer of a generic solution to management more powerful methods of user interface design. As
of data must make decisions based on expectations an inherently visual technology, GIS stands to benefit
about usage that will inevitably reflect the needs of the enormously from graphic user interfaces, which offer
largest segment of users. As a specialised application the potential to make GIS much easier to use, and
and a relatively small part of the DBMS market, GIS much easier to learn. Egenhofer and Kuhn review the
has its own particular needs that are often difficult to various metaphors that are guiding contemporary
promote in the wider arena of DBMS design. GIS user interface design for GIS, and that make use of an
databases tend to be large (a single remotely-sensed increasing number of distinct media.
image or topographic map can easily require 100 In the final chapter in this section, Yvan Bédard
million bytes of storage); and searching for adds a distinctly practical flavour to the topics
geographical objects based on their locations is discussed in the previous three. While databases
inherently multidimensional. DBMS solutions for GIS provide the broad framework for describing the
have often encountered disastrously poor geographical world, the specific details of
performance, even though it is often possible to ‘tune’ implementation can be critical, in determining
a modern DBMS for the particular characteristics of performance, and essential to the success of any
a given application. Early users of relational DBMS given application. Generic tools have been developed
for GIS found it necessary to develop complex for database design, and much effort has gone into
implementation guidelines to ensure minimally adapting these to the special needs of GIS.


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