Trepidation Proj

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• A project is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development . We consider ourselves

fortunate and privileged to have such wonderful mentors guiding us through the journey for
the completion of the project.
• Our sincere thanks to Mrs. Mathews, Principal. who despite being extraordinarliy busy took
time out to address and guide us.
• Our heartfelt gratitude to our Teacher Guide, Mrs. Varsha, for her patience and belief in us.
Her exemplary investment in the complete process, constant encouragement and insightful
feedback helped us achieve our objectives.
• Lastly, we would like to thank our family members whoose support help us to complete the
project within the deadline.
• In this project i am partnered up with Maisara Yusaf Khan who helped me alot in this project
by providing varioius useful information, so i would love to thank my dear friend for her big
heart and all her contribution for this project.

2 and project distribution TOPIC

(1) Tomcy Learning Objectives

(2)Tomcy Introduction

(3)Tomcy Negative and positive impacts of fear

(4)Maisra Survey

(5) Maisra Interview

(6)Tomcy Reflection

(7)Tomcy and Maisra Bibliography

Have you ever experirnced an unpleasant feeling while giving a report in class, speaking at an
assembly,checking board results,listening to thunderstorms,walking on a road while street dogs
barking? these are the fears many people are familar with at some stage of their life.

v According to psychology research, fear is a
primal emotion that involves a universal
biochemical response and a high individual
emotional response.
v The fear is a unique challenge.
v One that leads you to face the discomfort
of stress, anxiety, pressure, expectation,
failure, ridicule, rejection and everything
else that we wish we could avoid.
v Your mental wellbeing is your responsibility.
It is your choice to look after it.
v However, nobody really teaches you how
to do this, so your mental health often

v Fear is an emotion induced
by a perceived threat that Fear reaction starts in the brain and spreads through the
body to make adjustments for the best defense, or flight
causes entries to quickly
reaction. The fear response starts in a region of the brain
pull away from it and called the amygdala
usually hide. Amygdala a small orgam in the middle of the brain starts
v fear may be as simple as a functioning and alerts our nervous system.
cringe of an antenna in a Many hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released
snail that is touched,or and our blood preasure, heartbeat rate increase.
as complex as existential
anxiety in a human.

There are so many types of Fear but we will see
on some major types of Fear which people suffer:-

Glossophobia refers to a strong fear of public

speaking.It is a specific type of phobia, an anxiety
disorder characterized by a persistent and
excessive fear of an object or situation.
Individuals who suffer from glossophobia typically
experience fear and anxiety when speaking in
front of a group of people and, As a result, may
avoid speaking in public in an effort to avoid being
embarrassed or rejected by others. Over time,
individuals with glossophobia may experience
negative impacts on their mental health and
success at work or school.

Fear of failure, or atychiphobia, involves the belief
that you are not or will not be “good enough,” and
that you’ll disappoint yourself or other people in
your life. Fear of failure involves extreme worry,
negative thoughts, and a hesitation or
unwillingness to work toward a task or goal.The
unpleasant feelings associated with the fear of
failure exist on a spectrum ranging from mild to
severe. When mild, anxiety such as the fear of
failure can be motivating, providing positive stress
and encouraging people to persist and achieve
their goals. When severe, atychiphobia can
interfere in life and stop people in their tracks,
rendering them unable to take action toward a goal,
and potentially lead to other forms of anxiety, like a
fear of work.

Astraphobia, also known as brontophobia, is
the extreme and irrational fear of
thunderstorms and lightning.
The term astraphobia derives from the
Greek words ‘astrape,’ and ‘phobos,’ which
mean lightning and fear, respectively.
It is a type of phobia, which is defined as a
persistent and excessive fear of certain
objects or situations that can interfere with a
person’s daily functioning.
An individual with astraphobia may feel
intense anxiety when preparing for a
thunderstorm, watch the weather forecast
excessively, and have panic attacks during a


v many people avoids or deny fear, feeling they would
be much better off it never existed.
v As a matter of fact we would all be much worse if fear
didnot exist ,without fear we couldnot function. it is
critical to our existence.
v fear is also necessary in the formation of direction. it is
my deep conviction that a life without direction is not
worth living. in my opinion, all great leaders are deeply
in touch with themselves amd their inner direction. if
you want to live a life with direction the source of that
vision must come deep within you.
v In my opinion if you are not afraid , you are not really
living. i also belive that fear is the element that
curystallizas vision .fear is the fire that turns the clay of
your life into porcelain ,if you are courageous and face
the fire you take on incredible beauty.

• survey- with the help of family, friends and google


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