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C'7 rl
)HEN you need decorations for a bazaar, dance,
LV party, wedding festivity, automobile parade or cele­
bration of any kind, when you need a fancy costume or
+~~' : « Jt-.........::;-
when you desire to present a personally-made gift, you will
find the Dennison Instruction Books of great help. The
titles give only a hint of their helpful contents. They are:

How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes

II How to Decorate Halls, Booths and Automobiles HE making of paper {Jowers is one of the m ost fascinating of
all crepe paper crafts. Here is a chance for uuH m i(()d skiU , as
How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers there is almost no limit to th e variety of flo wers which m ay be
Sealing Wax Craft Crepe paper flow ers can he made carr:ying out the minut est de­
Weaying with Paper Rope tail of the r eal ones, or jf they a re n eeded for lar/!e d e<;ora t ion ~ , wi thout
such exactness. as the masses of color a re what will COllnt rather than
Table Decorations and Party Fayors !iccurate detail.
II Contents
,I Price, 10 cent s each
Apple Blossom . ..... . 16 Marigold . . . . .. .
Set of six books, SO cents Butterc up ..... ..... . 27 M orning Glory .. 25
Carnation . .... .... . . . . 8 N arcissus . .. .. . 22
Chrysanthemum . , . .. . 7 NasturLi um .. .. . . . . . . . 28
....".. Cornflower ... . .... . , .. 27 Orange Blossom .. . . . . . 30
Cosmos . ... . ... . ... . . 19 Orchid . . . . , . 26
Dais y . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . 18 Peony • .... . . .. . . ' " . • 15
Dennison Service Bureaus Dogwood . .... . 10 Poinsett ia .. .... . . 9
Fern .... . .. . ... ... ... . 30 Poppy . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . 17
In order to give more explicit instructions and s uggestions for Fleur-de-Lis . . . . 2'~ Roses . . ..... ..... .. . . 5, 6
the use of Dennison m a terials th a n is possible in our Instruction Gener al Instru ctions . .• 2 Sunflower .... ... . .. .. . 29
Books, Service Bureaus a re m aintained in the five Dennison Stores , Geranium . . .. .... . . . . 20 Swee t Pea .... .. .. ... . 31
Hollyhock .. . .. • ... . . 23
I where information wiJl be given fr ee of charge to all who can or Jonquil ... 12
Tulip . . ...... . . ..... .
Violet .. .. . . .. . . • .... .
write. Lilies .. ,. . ..... . B,21 Wistari a ... , . . . . .. . . 11
I ...."..
It is vcry difficult to give a list of th e exact amo un t of mat erials required
for a specified quantity of flow ers, us in Il1 any case.s the mi niru nm q uanl.ity
which m a y he purchased is more than will b e entirely used.
I ~e'}1Ii'1IiOO11( eJX'l® ~ufoe-htMiJ'li C§~ In eve ry case where la rger quantiti es urt' to Lc m ade if ) OU do n ot know
the correct a mount of m ateri al to bu y, write the nearest Service B ureau .
FRAMINGHAM, MASS., U. S. A. Instruc tions and patterns for {Jowers not included in this hook can also
he supplied.
I M ost sta tioners and depa rtment stores car ry a fllll line of DelUuson
Stores and Service Bureaus Goods and in many shops instructions are given withou t charge.
NEW YORK, 22 0 F ifili Av e. ~t 26th St. PHILA DELPHIA , 100 7 C h estnu t St.
BOSTON, 26 Fra nkl in Street CHICAGO, 62 E a st R a n dolph Street
Buy Dennison Goods from your local dealer-
LONDON ,W. C. 2, 5 2 Kin gswo y

Copyrignt. 1922, by DennisoD Mauuiactul' Us I Co. l'rjntt'd in U. S . A..

No. 522·50)\·4••7

- ­ --=::.:.

'J>./l'P 6'A...'FLOWG~§

PA 'P G ~ ''F.L

General Instructions To Curl Rose Petals. ROU~ . I'L

.' • ' ; ' .
t he top edges of the petal over
a steel knitting needle of a
rr' ~r
The most satisfactory way to make paper flowers is to copy them from .~-..!j ..•YJ ::, • suitable size, and if a crushed ,/f" f
natural ones. If possiblo use two-one to take apart and the other to use as 4_ _ ':~._ <... . efrect is wanted push the crepe /7." .
a study . Paste the petals and lea yes of the real flower to card hoard and cut - close together on the needle '/,
(Jut. IlI u•. N o s (illustration No.5). IIlu•. 1'0. 6
When the pa tterns on the sheet whieh accompanies this book are used , Cup-shaped Petals. Take seyeral thicknesses of petals together, or
trace the pa tterns on tissue, then paste the tracing on cardboard and cut out . single petals, and with the thumbs in the cent er of pet al and forefingers
This method allows the pattern shcet to remain intact for future use. When­ ncar the edges on the opposite side push out into shape (illustraLion No.6).
eyer a new cardboard pattern is needed make a new tracing from the printcd Twisted Petals. Hold a petal in the left hand , ,vith the thumb and fore­
sheet, for if new patterns are cut from those which have been in use the ou t finger on OpposiLe sidt::s oC t he paper, about halfway down the petal division.
line is liable to become somewhat changcd, and wit h the right thumb and foreIinger give the upper part of the petal
a complete Lllrn n cpeaL until a ll petals arc t wist ed (illustration No.7) .
Th e grain of the crepe paper should always be from point to base of a petal , When twisting petals for geraniums or
or leaf unless definitely stated othenyise,
When making flower petals or leaves, stretch the crepe paper slightly
before cutting.
. . I bunches of violets. take hold of the petal diyj
sions near the t op and t wist toward you with
:5=~~~!I~~I'~' one h and and away from you with the o Lher,
Cut seyeral thicknesses at once. _ !!'!"" having the twist across the petal. not up and
J llus . No. 7 down as shown in the ilJustration.
It will be found of help when cutting a number of petals if a strip a little Wrapping Stem s. The crepe paper for wra pping tile
wider than the petal is cut through the entire fold of crepe. st em~ should be cut through the entir e thickness of the
fold and do ubled through the center len..,thwise . This
To cut a strip of crepe paper straight, slip it partly may be done by folding the entire strip before start ing
out of the packet, measure the desired width, mark, to wind the paper around the wire or folding and winding
and using the edge of the packet as a guide, cut t hrough at the same time. Put a little paste at the base of the
the entire thiekness (illustration No. 1), flower or calyx and wind the strip of crepe paper arOU1Jd
Unfold the strip and stretch, then starting with the two or three times very tightly. then holding the stem
two ends together double until there are eight thick wire in t he right hand. twirJ it round and round. At the
nesses. Place the pattern on same time. with the left hand. guide t he paper. slant­
the crepe paper and cut (illus­ Illu. No 1 ing it down and stretching it so that it
tration No. 2). will wrap the stem smoothly, As the
Strips of Petals. When strips of petals arc to be winding proceeds. put the leaves in po­
cut, slip the paper out of the packet, cut oil' Lhe re­ sition, placing the single leaves or groups
quired width, unfold, stretch, refold into eight t.hick­ on opposi te sides of the stem the de- f' . •
nesses, make straight cuts dm\'D. t.he required distance, sired distance apart (ill ustration No 8) . I~ ' -
then round off each petal division as required. Oft en When the end of' t he stem wire is
petals may be cnt in this way without using a pat reached , cut or tear t he paper oil' and lIl ue No 8
t ern (illustra Lion No.3). fasten the end with a li ttle paste.
When itis necessar y to add wire to lengthen stems, place
lil us. N o .. 2 'Yhcn the pctals of very large or very small flowers the wire t o be added beside the one being wrapped and
are being ma de in strips, the continue t>.Yisting t he paper I t will not be necessary to
calyx formed by bunching th e

I ~I
t wist the t wo pieces of "ire toEether (illustration No 9).
paper together is oft en too Wired Petals or Leaves. Use straight wire'.';, not spool
bulky ; t o avoid tllis, pieces wi re. Cu t tlle wires a very liLtln longer than tile petals
may be cut from the Jower to which they arc to be pas ted. Hold a.bout six wires by
edge of the ~rip (Wustr.ation One cud . l eeping them out in a fl at row rather than in a
Illus. No. 3 No. 4)" lllUl!. No. 4 llJ w., NQ. 9 t ight bunch. Rest the other end on a piece of paper on
Page tlOO
"",,< 1/,,"
the table and cover one side of t he wires with paste. P lace l he wires. one at
a t.ime, sticky side d own, in the center of a petal or leaf, allowing Lhe extra (Read /lit general inslruclions carefully befo,e making any ~,,)
length t o project below the Lase. Press d own firmly until dr y. There are several ways of making roses.-single petals, double
Fluted Edge. H old the crepe pap er between r etals, petals in strips_
the thumbs and forefingers as shown, then push There are ma uy va riations from the single rose. The first two
or three peta ls in the center may be made of a darker shade than
away from you with tl10 left thumb and pull for­ the out er ones. Two colors may be cut and curled together.
ward with the right for efinger . Moye the crepe Cut 12 to 15 pe ta b for cach flower, usiIlg pattern No. 63.
a bit a nd repeat until the whole strip is !luted Curl the top edges of about six Jletals by rolling them over a
!Uus. N o . I () (illus tra tion ]\'0 . 10). steel Imi tti ng needle (ill ustration No. 2). Stretch the petals
Fringed Crepe. Fringe is ma de b y cutt.i ng the crepe paper wLlh the grain thr oug h t he center to for m a cup sh a pe with the curled
for a stiff frin ge or across the grain for a soft fringe. edges out" urd. (See page 3, illustrations Nos. 5 and 6) . .Make
Almost an the fringe which is made for flower centers is cut with t he grain about scyen petals, cup shape, without curling
II rFJ t he edges.
of t.h e crepe. Cut a strip of crepe paper through the en tire fold of crepe the Ro ll one of the cu p-shaped pet als into a
wid th d esired for the frin ge. cornu\:o pia shape. Add 6 more cup-shaped
nrold , stretch and refold in to eigh t thick­ 2
pe tal" placing each one so that it overlaps the
nesses . Slash one edge d own to wi t hin about previous one about half way. Now add the
one-half a n inch of the other ed ge for a nar­ peta ls witb the curl ed edges. Wind a piece of
row fringe for flow er centers, or t o within No.9 wire 12 inches long around the basc of
1 inch if a wide frin ge is to Le cut. the fl ower to hold it securely (illustration
Fringe which is cut across the grain of the No. 3) . Cut. a calyx from green crepe (pattern
N o. 68) and paste to the flower, allowing
crepe pa per is used more for decorat ive pur­ points to come well up on the flower.
poses wh en a dcep fringe is required. IlI us. N o 11 (, Wrap the stem with a strip of No. 45 green
Strips of fr inge 20 inches long may be mad e and an y depth u p to the whole crepe pa per 1.J1 inches wide. Add a piece of
10 fee t o f th e fold. No. 78 "ire for the stem 2 or 3 inches below
U nfold the crepe paper, cut off pieces through the ,,";dth of the crepe t he tbe flower. (See page 3, illustrations No. 8
required d ep th for the fringe. Fold the lower edge up to within a n inch of and No.9.) Add leaves as winding proceeds.
the t op. R edouLle scveral times then cut. Hoses for decorati ve purposes and small
through ent ire thickness. le<l viug the inch a t buds lIla y be made with strips of petals.
top uncut (illustra tion ]\'0, 11). Shake Ol' t tlie Cut the strips about the width which
wo uld be required for the length of
fringe. Use as many t hicknesses as n eeded. single petals and slasb the strip down
Crushed Crepe. F irst stret ch the cn~p e so that the petals will be the required
paper as much a s possible, t hen lu>," i t on a width . Curl the top edges (illustra­
fl at surface and take up a small scc llon in the tion No. 5).
Illus N o . 12 tips of the fin gers of both hands, cru:;lling i lVrake each petal cup shaped and
tightl y H cpcat until the whole piece has been crushed (illlistr al ion N o. 12). start forming the flower by rolling
t.he end petal t.ightly over and proceed
Pasted Petals. Often when it is desirable t.o ha ye petals of fll)wers darl, p,r shaping the flower by wrapping t.he
on olle side than on the o Lh er, two shades are pas ted t ogether . T ilis m uy be strip ofpct nls round and round. K eep
done in two wa)'s: t.wo s trips may he c ut, unfold ed. s tretcilcd sligh tl y, and the base of the flow er tightl y toget.her
the tw o folded t ogether, then, a fter the petals and tbe petals nearl y even at the top.
IW\Te been cut and while they a re in seyeraltllick Do not let the ::entcr stick up but
ncsses, t he two colors m ay be pas\rd together kc('p well down in flower (illustration
No. 6). Finish ag described above.
S tart h y p as ting the two at the bottom , th en the
il1alerial fo r 2 Dozen R osel
next two, eLc. (illustration No. 13). Approx im a te Cost 5 1.50
Two colors m ay he pasted togelhf'r in a long 1 FoJd Cre pc P ap er for Flowerr.
strip, and then when it is dry the crepe is folded I F old C rope P uper N o. 45 ]\1 0ss G rec n
and tile pet a ls cut just as if it were a single pieo 1 DOZlln No.9 Green Covered 'Vire
of' pa per . Apply the pa ste Ly drawing the brush 2 Do zen No, 78 Green Covered WirEl
4 or 5 DozeD Rose Leavee
with the grain of the crepe, not acrO$8 it
Paqc/OUJ l )l.l.fJ c ji vl!
tp c ~ "T.lO

(Rtad tho l1",eral ms/ruc'WIlJI tJlJI'r,fuIly btl". maiing any ./loLOU.) Chrysanthemum
(Ren.d the ge n eral instrucliollS carefully befor e ma/;ing allY flower!»
M ake a small ball of No. 41 gt'een crepe paper
as described on page 16 lind ar range around it a C ut a strip of orepc paper th e color selec ted for the flowers 1~<2
few roso st amens. Fasten witll a piece oCNo. 2 inch. >,; wi,le and sins], OUl> cJ ge Ycry Gno % inch deep (ili""l!'alion
spool wir e. l nstead of using t.h e stamens a Gne No. J). UHC a pi,,,,,, 12 inch es long for eac h cC lIle,'. Gallier inlo a
fringe of No. 63 crepo paper ma y be used. tigh t hun c1: a nd. hslen wi I.h a piece of N o.9 wire 12 in ches lo ng ,
Cut a strip 1Yz inches wide a nd slash both twis ting it "1'011 nd the ("{,('Pc in the middle so th a t th ere will he a
edges down Yz inch (illust ra tion No. ]). Double double thit;kne~s of wire for th e sLem (illus tralion No . 2).
through center and tasten around the ball, using Cl1t n s l rip of c repe pnper 'I, in ch es wid e, s tretch as milch as ~~
a piece about 2 inches lon g (ill ust ration No. 2 ). po,si ble and c u t into rows of petals (pa I! Nu No . ,t). Use a 5 1rip

C ll t fl ve pet.als (pa t tcmNo. 67) Cor each fl ower one-I,,,11' the l englh of th e fold for ench fl ower, o r se\'e ral ~llortcr
(illllstro.tion No. 3). Curl tile upper edges (see slrips Hilly be used (illustration No. g).
2 page 3, illustra l,ion No. 5) a nd mHk.e each petal The p('I" ls n re cnrled wilh a wood en ('urler (ll J{! IJlu1l1 end of
cup (illustTEl Uon No. 4). Arrange th wooden p en llold er will answe r). IT" lel as if i 1 wnre a p encil,
petals around t he center, fastening with wire wilh th e forelingc!' of tl,c righ t hand nea r the small er (,J"1. Lay the 3
(illustration No. 5), leaving ends long enough for stri p of p ol uJs wi Ih £loin I.~ 10 Ihe left on." Ciiti hi o n. Jl1nde of sO"eral
the stem. thi('kn es~cs of towl'l Or similar materi a l. Pr ess lhe cllrier firrllly
P ut a calyx on til t! fi ower and wrap tbe stem as upon..lh e top of n pelal diYi~ion a.nd dra w down Ille (:clltcr frOL~ 'T'
described on page 5. 1\ 0 5 rambler rose lea n's the tIP lo the ha,c, al: the Same tllne willI th o left lienlll pull up ,
or those marle of cn' pc paper may be used the cushion vc ry ha n l followin g t he motion of I he ('url cr (i lll1s- .'
tfotion ;\'0, 4). Afler all!Jclab arc curled, LUTlIn ge Lhes leip nroll~nd
l'tfalerial for 3 Dou n Wild Roses the CCl.ltCl'.
Ap prOJ" mn lc C o<! $(1. 'i5
Wind tightly around with a 12-inch piece of No.9 wire; cut
1 Fold C repe Pape r '\0. 3:1 Dark Blus h P ink
1 Fold C repr Paper No. 45 l\ loss Green olr any surplu s paper (il:ustrntion No.5); cut n calyx of No. 45
1 F o ld C repe P"ver \ \), 6:1 Y el10w green crepe (pattern No. 19). Put a little
4 :! Sponls '\ (). 2 GreCn C o, erct! 'Vire paste 011 tb e hase of the {lower and place
In pla ce of the Y ('How C re pe P aper 6 H unch es of the green a round it (illustrlltion No.7).
H ose Slam e us lIl ay be used u t a strip of g reen crepe 2 i nches wide.
double through the center lengthwise and
Rambler Rose start windiog the stern directly below
the ca lyx. \Vimlthe stem down about 2
Rambler roses may be made wit h strips ot inches, then add a pi ece o f No. 78 wire
p et.als, using three or four petals for each flower, for the stem (see page g, illu stralion
orcirdes of petals ma), be u sed (pat tern No. 3~) . No.9) . Insert two or more leaves on the
M ak e 1\ Snl llIJ Jlol e In each petal (iUu:,;. N o.6). opposite sides of lh o stem as the winding
Curl llie edges (i!1ustr-a tion No.7) b y rollin/S proceeds . Hendy-made chrysan lh eJllu m
them o\' c!r II ~tcd kni tting needle as described leay es Jllay be uscd or leaves m a y be cut
O ll page 3, illuslrati on N o. 5.
hy pattern No. 12 with th e gmin of tile
Put o ne or two cin;lcs of pe\.al s on a p iece o(
crepe across th e leaf and wired throllgh
No. 2 win) about 3 i nches lo ng. P ut a little the ceo ler (illustration No.8). To wire
p a."1 c on I he imide of tho an d pinch Ugb I ly p elals see pa ge 3.
1ll'O I I.ntl the cnd of ilio \\ire (ill ustra tion No.8).
Arrangtl fi ve or six bl os~om s into a utlnc,h and
!.Leo I1Hlke vines OT s prays, using lea ves (iIIu:;l.ra­ 1I1ateriai for 1 Dozen. Chrysanthemums
tlon No.9 ) similar to those d csr ril1ed for wistaria Approximate Cos t $1.50
on p age 11. having three or fi ve leaye8 in escll 2 Fol,is Crepe Paper r Of flowers
u sJlra~' . 1 Fold C repe Papcr l\0 . 4 5 Moss Grecn
J'.1u ler wl for 2 Dozen Spray.• Ral'llulcr Roses 1 Doz~n No . 78 Green C O"cred Wire
Ap proximate CO. I $0,90 1 Doze n No.9 Gree n Co vered Wire
1 F ol,; C rCIl" l);l p cr N o. 81 l~eJ o r No. ,t!7'2 Pink 1 ~pool No . 2 G reen Covered W;"o
J Fold Crepe P a per No. 45 .M.o,s G reeu 2 Doz en C hrysan themum Leaves
2 SJlo ()l~ N o. 2 Green Cov ereu Wire
2 D ozen No.9 G reen Covered Wire
PQla .110 Page Itllen
O (WG ~S g>.A 'P 6 ""- 'FL 0 cu: .~+w
Carnation (Read th e general instruction., carej"l/y bejore makina any flowers)
(Read ' "_ gweral instruct ions ca rejully bejore makIng any fIutMr· )
Poinsettia~ may be made wi~h each petal cut sepa rately ami wired or witJl st rips
Cut si x circles of petals for c!lch /l ower (pattern No.9 ) ,
having first stretched t.he crepe paper as much as possible. or petals whu;h n ee(i not be wlTed. HeadY-IlIade ('enters U I' those made of slashed
H old fo ur or mom lhi ckn('-,~es uf pculls between t.he crepe paper Jllay be used.
For each .I1o\\ or with \\in·<1 pe tals cu t two pe ta l~
t lllUTlb and fordill ger of the left hand and with th e blad e (paLLern No. 11 ) , fo ur p(;tals (pat tern ['\ 0 . I;; ) and
of a pair of scissors or of a kllife make pl aits in each peL<t1 seven petals (pattern 1\0. IJ,7 ). "ire t he 1)(;taI8 as
:sectioll [rom ,the ouler edge down about 1 inch. Hepcat
described on page 3 with red wire (illustra tions No.
un ti l all petals are creased (illustra tion No. 1). 2, No.3 and No. 4) .
Separa te into single thicknesses, gather a circle of petals Double two centers through tbe middle a nd with a piece
together t hrough the center to form a cluster of petals 2 of No.2 wire attach to a piece of N o. 78 wire for a stem,
(ill ustrat.ion No. 2). lea\'ing onc eIld of the fin e wire to attach the petals to the
H old six of th e~ e clusterll together and fasten tightly sterlll (illustrution No.1).
Arrange two small, four mediu m and seven large petals,
wilh II pi<:c(l of spool wire; leave th e ends long enough to with the wire on the outside, aro und the centel'$, .. a r~ iug
~ ttach the /lower to two pieces of No.9 wire 18 in ches long the arrangement to a ~so rL the sizes as much as possible.
for tbe stem (illustrat ion No.3). As the petals are placed fa sten t.o the stem yer)' t ightly,
Cut s trjp~ of green cr epe paper 1Yz inches wide and using the same wire which held the c-enters in p lace.
6 inches long. D ouble lengthwise throu gh the Re four Leayes for each 1I0wer. Cut ac(:ol'cl ing to pa t­
P ut a liUle paste on the base of the /lower a nd wind th(~ t ern N o. 4.6 a.cross the grain of Ule crepe Bnd \\ ire wi th r ed
wire (illus t ration No. 5). Wrap the stem with a Slr'ip of
paper t.i ghtly round and round to form the found ation of green crepe pa per l Yz inches wide, inserti ng the leaves on
the cal yx. oRflOsite sides of stem. (See pago 3, illustration N o.8.). 9
With pattern N o. 31 cut a pointerl calyx (illustra­ Bend petals out into tlaturai position (ill u;; tral io n No.6).
tion No.4.) and paste around the foundation so tbat Poinsettias maue of strips of petals require fo r t.he "cn t~rs u
s trip of bol.h N o . 63 y ellow unel. "10. '~6 g reen :2 in ch es wide.
th e points will come up on the Fold t.he two strips toge ther a nd slash one crl g-t! " er y nn e I io c:h
t1ow~' r antl hide the parlding (illus­ J eep. Ga tb er a piece of this double frin ge:2 inches long into
tra tion No. 5) . a tight bunch (illustration NO. 7) for eacb ce nte r.
Cut a s trip of No. 81 red c repe paper
C ut t.hree pointed leaves (pattern 4 inc hes wide and make into a row of point ed
No. Il) for each fl ower and slit down the pe tals, each p e tal 1}( incbes wid e onrl 3 inch es
Jeep; a strip 5 inches wid e into a rOw o f pela ls, 10
center t o within about 1 inch of the
6 each peLaI 1U inch es wide a nd ,t inches d eep;
ba,;e (illustration N o.6). a strip 6 in ches wide into a row of petah!. each
W rap the stem beginning at the pet a l 2 inches wide and 5 inches d eep (illus­
base of t.h e ('alyx with a strip of green tra tion s No.8, No.9 a nd No 10)
Use strips 6 inch es, 9 iuches and 23 in ches
crepe paper 1 inch wide. Plaee the ~ . ~ long, respectively, for each Uower . Arra nf'c
grollp>I of leElvc.q nt equal distances 1~ these strips arolmd the cen ter, fas le ning

a par t on opposite sides of the stem as tightly with spool wire and at the same lime
attach a piece of N o 78 wire for the ste m .
t lte winding proceeds. (Sco page :1 , Cut the leaves with the gr ain of Lbe crep e fo l­
illu~ l ra ti o n No. 8. ) .~J lowing the dotted line o n the p a ttern (illus­
A list of the colors whit:b rnay be tration No . Il ) . Wrap the stem as described
I" above, adding two or roore leaves
used for m ak.i ng carnations will be
fo un d 00 page 32. Material Jor 1 Dozen Poinsett ias
Approximate Coot 51.25
M,1terial Jor 2 Dozen Carnations
A ppro ximato Cos l ,SO,BO 1 Fold C repe Pa per Ko . Bllr"d
1 ~'u ld Crepe Paper No . 46 l.eaf GrC<:TI
Folr! C rCp(l Pa pe r fo r Flowers 2 Dozen No. R lied Covered Wire
l F o lJ C repe Paper No .1,;; j\l,,"s Green 1 Spool No . 2 Green Covered Wiro
1 Dozen No. 78 Green Covered Wire
1 Spool -':0.2 G reen Covered Wire 4 DozeD Poinsettia Centers
2 Dozen N o.9 Green Covered Wire
I nstcud of Ule cen terM on" rold C rt~ r.e
PUl)o'!' No. 63 mu y be UtiOO

Page elohl PlJue-niM.

- cyJ{ :P G ~ 'F.L 0
. ~& .
'U/ C ~s
go.lf 'P e '1\. T.L 0 ~~~ltl"
( Read Ih, general "lSlruclto,,-, oarelully beron, makmg any flowers) (Read tile general instructiorl$ crrrlfjully be/ort mak ing all), flowers).

ellt a strip of both No. 45 and No. 72 crepe p aper 1 72 Three shades of yiolet are usuallY Llsed fo[" wistaria. Use l (ln
inch es wide. Stretch, fold the two toge ther, ami sllt ~h om circl es of petals for each flower, two petals sm all es t size of
edge down % inch (illustration No. 1). Gather a strip of No. 2;\ crep e, one p eta l sm allest filze of No. 22 crepe (pattern
this doubl e fringe 2 inches long together tightly for eaeh No. (0 ) . Two pe tals mediullJ size of No. 22 crepe, three pe t a ls
center (illustration No. 2) medium si.!e of S o. 21 cwpe (patu,'rn Nu. 61). Two petal s
Cut a strip of white crepe paper 1 72 inches wide and large ~i zc of :\ 0.2 1 crepe (p atwrn N o. 62 ).
cut petals according to pattern No. ll . (See puge 2, illus­ Cut H !lumber of pet als t ogether a nd b efore separat ing make
tra tion No.2.)

a tillY hole in the center of each circle of pelals with an awl
Tint the notched purt of each petal with brown tinting or the point of the S<ll:;,;ors (ilius traLion :\0. 1).
fl uid made by soaking a small piece of crepe paper in a T wist each petal di vision as des<.:rihcd on puge 3, illustra­
vcr)' little water until the color is rcmoved For dogwoorl tion :\0. 7. i\ [ako a hook a bout a hulL" in ch deep on one end
petals No. 72 crepe should be used When the p et.als arl! of a piece of Xo. 9 wire 1B inohes long . and slip on the petals
dry, make each petal cup shaped as described o n page 3. in the following order : two slllull size No. 23 cre pe; one smal l
illustration No.5. size N o. 22 nepe ; two si7.e.:\To. 22 <.:repe; three m edium
A rrange four petals around the center, fastening tightl y size No. 21. crepe; t wo large ~ i zo N o. 21. crepe (illustration
with a picce of No. 2 wire 8 inches long, twisting it No. 3 ). Instea u of usiIlg No. 9 wir e for the stem, l16 inch green 3
around t he flower in the middle so that there will h e a crepe papol' rope lIla y be used.
double thickness for the stem (illustration No. 4) .
Pinch u p ..he first petal and puste to the hooked end of th
Cut leaves from No. 46 crepe (pattern N o. 20). Wrap wire. P inch up the remaining petals one a t a time and paste
the stem with a narrow strip of crepe paper No. 72, add­ 4­
tightly to tb e wire, spacing each petal 1 inel! above tho
ing two or more lea ves on opposite sides of the stem on the preceding one, m aking the e ntire blossom about 10 inches
first 2 inehes (illustration No. 6). long. Put a little paste on the end of a piece of No, 9 wire
The flower stems should he twisted on natural branches 18 inches long and at.taeh a leaf (pattern N o. 53). T hen
which may he used singly or put together to form shrube or with a strip of crepe paper Y2 il1ch
tr.e~ · wido wrap the stem, inser ting tell
Ma!e~la ! f o' D Dozer. Dogwood Flo1lJeT ~ more lea yes on opposite sides of
Approximate Cos, $1 2, the s tem All the leaves should b e
Fold. Crepe Paper No. 11 Whi te arranged on the first 12 inches
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 45 ]1,,1055 Green t.he wire (illustration No.5). Wrap
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 46 Leaf Greeo t he wire which projects below the
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 72 Brown Hower, amI about 3 inches below the
2 Spools No.2 Greell Cov ered Wire blossom add the leaf spray (See
page 3, illustration N o. 8.)
For decora ti ve purposes wistaria
is sometimes made of other colors:
pink wistaria Nos. 32, 3272, 38; yellow
wista ria N os 61. 63, 64.
Ma letia / for 1 Dozen Wislar ia
Approximate Cost $0. 1)5
Fol,l Crepe Paper No. 21 Helio­
1 Fold Cre pe Pa per No. 22 Violet
1 Fold Crepe Pa per No . 23 Purplo
1 Fold Crepe P aper No. 45 M oss
1 Dozeo No.9 Green Covered Wir
Page len II;
CYJ/. cP G ~ pel o 'V;/' C ~ g:>,A:P C"'- TL
;~ -
Jonquil Tulip
(Read the general inslruelions carefully before making any./U>wel'l) (R ead the generaj m.s/rw;l iortl carefully ~Jore makIng any flowers)

UJ 3
Jonquils !TIllY he made of t.,.... o shad(',,- ::\l'o. 63 yellow fo r
the eent er and No. 6 1 light. am he r for t he oute r petal s, or
tlt e whole flower llIay be oue Gulor, No. 62 (!nna r y.
Cllt a st r ip of No . 6:1 (:ro pe papHr 1~ incites witle Hncl roll
fnt.o a light. twist. ( ill u~tra ll 1'10. 1) . Use a pice';) 2:xi incb es
long for till' or each fl ower.
C ut a piel:e of cn )pe paper 3 inch es squ are and paste lhe
t.wo edge~ together to wake a Luhe sh ape, with the g-ra in of
M ake a hall of crepe paper Yz inch in diameter.
Cuver with a square of No. 'i5 g reen crepe pa per, st.retehing
it smoothly over t he ball . P inch tightly t.ogether underneath.
Cut off any surplus paper, leaving about Yz inch below the
b all (illustration No. 1 ).
ent a strip of N o. 12 black crepe p aper 1Yz inches wide and

, lll.; h oue edge ver y tine 1 inch deep. Before unfolding the
th e c:repo running lip and down (ill ustrat.ion No. 3) . "Flute"
th e top edge. (See page ·I, illust ration N o. 10.) frin ge roll bet ween the !.bumb and fingers to make it even
Pl ace the pistil inside the tube and gatber the lower edge finer.
toget,her tighLl y. The outer pet als (pattern No.7 ) should be Wr ap a bout 3 inches of this fringe around the b all, binding 3
mau e in two separate strips of three petals eueh ( ill u~ t rat ion it 011 tig htl y wit h spool wire (illustration N o.3 ).
No. ,I.) . Arra ngo one strip arOlmd the cen ter pe t al , splll'ing
them eve nl~ . then put t.he second slrip in plul:e, ha vi ng the Use six pet als (pattern N o. 22) for each flower. Make eac:h
petals just bet wcen those of the fi rst row. If preferrcli, t.he petal cup sha ped (illustration N o. 1·). Arrang-e three pctll.lg
petals may be cut separatel y fo llowing the dotted line on the aro llnd t he ce nter at eqnal distances , then put t.h e 0\ her three
pa ttern . in plaet' direc:tI ~ b(~ t \Veen the first three (illustration No..»).
B ind the pew ls togcther tigh tly ,vith a piece of No.9 wi re. Paste th e three o uts ide petals to the three in sidc) o ne ~ in
Use a piece 18 inehes long, t wisting it around the flo wer in natural p osit.ion and shape: out the lower part of the flow er.
the middle so t.hat there will be a double Lhickncs.s for the Cut a strip of N o. 45 green cr epe paper 2 inches wide and
stem (illustration j\ o. G).
Crush H pie<:e of :\'0. 7 L brown crepe paper (Ree page 4·, wrap the stc m, auding t,I;O l£~ayes (pa tt.ern No. IS ) on opposite
illustrat ion No. 12 ) und eut a small narrow calyx 1.Y2 in ohes , iues of the stcm near the hase. (See poge 3, illustrat.ion
long and Yz inch wide (i llustration No.2) . Put a little paste No.3.)
on the lower part and fa ste n to the flower where the wire is The leaves m ay be m ade a single thickness wired or not as
fastened around it. pref, ~ rrcd , or two tbi (;k nes~es may be pasted together. (Sec
Wrap the stem with a strip of No. 45 green crepc
pa per cut, 2 inc1les wide a nd insert two leaves page ­I, ilIustra Lion Xo. 13. )
(pattern No. 16) on opposite sides oC the stem ncar Sometim es it is preferahle to th e pet als . Cut the petals
th e base. (See page 3, illustration No. 8. ) slightl" smaller th an pattern No. 22 . Wire each petal as de­
The lea vcs may be a single t hickness wired or not se r'illed on pHgc ~ :md put together os described ahove. " 'hen
as preferred , or t wo t hi(:knesses may be pasted to­ wired petllb are used it will n o t. he necessfl i' y t.o make the pOlals
gether. (Sec page ,t, illustru t.ion No. 13. )
With the endR of the fin gers push Ih e tube into cup shaped nOT to p asta them toget her.
cup shupp, and flute lhe ed ge (seepage 4, illustration Very attracti\'e flowers can be made with double petals,
N o. 10 ) and bend the fl ower forwa rd into nnturul using a dark er colur for t.h e iuside.
Daffodils nre m ade in Lhe same w ay as j onquils,
but instead of tbe single t ube 11 stri p 15 inches long Material for 3 Dozen Tulip.
with t.he edge flu ted is ga thered to give the appear­ Approximllte Cost $1.00
ance of the doubl e ce nter. 1 F old Crepe Paper No. 12
Malerial fo r 2 DOZCTl Jo nquils l3t ack
Approxima te C ost $1. 00
F old Crepe P aper for Flowers
Fo ld Crepe P aper No. 45
1 Fold Cr epe P aper N o. 61 Light Amber
1 Fold Crepe P aper No 6~ Dark Aluber M oss Grecn
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 45 M()BS Green 2 Dozen No. 'J G rcen
1 Fold Crepe Paper N o. 71 Light Brown Wire
2 Dozen No . 9 Green CQvered W ire S pool ['\ 0. 2 Green Covered
lnetead of two shade. of yellow one fold Cre\>6 Pape
N c . 62 CADary may be used P",. 01 irian
P RQt !.....r..

'... (Read the g<floal ",.truct ion. car~ully before makUlg a ll)' flt>wl!l' ) Peony
r· ..\
l'. ., .J7'l (Read the general in#ructiaTll carefully before making any /lowe,, )
' Make the centers first; for the pIstil use a piece of N o. 41
green crepe pa per 371 x 2);2 inch es and cut 011' one corner (illus Make a b all of crepe faper about 1 ~ inches in diameter,
tration No. n. Roll the remainder into a baU and wi nd a fast en with a piece of No. 9 wire 12 in ches long, twisting it
piece of spool wire aro und it, leaviug o ne end 6 iO(;hes long (il­ around the h a ll in the middle so that there will be a double
lustration No. 2) . W ra p the pieee cut o!l' the corner over the thi ck ne~s for the stem (illustration No.1 ).
ball t o lllaku iL smooth; paste the loose edges tighlJy around Cut 36 petals for each flow er (pattern No. 57) and make
the wire, cutting 0 11' an y su.rplus paper. each p etal cup shaped (illustration No.2). Put a little pa~te
Arrange fi ve ~lamcns around the pistil so that tb e yellow on th e b all and arrange two petals around it, fastening them
tips come a bou t M inch above the ball and wrap t.he stamens well up over the ball. Add the remaining petals, placing them
to the pistil witb a strip of ligh t green cr epe paper );2 inch so th at they lap one over the other to form a natural shape
wide (illust ration N o. 3). flower.
Cu t the petals (pattern No. 5) from No. 11 whlte crepe p aper As the petals are added it will be necessa ry to fasten in 2
and pasle n p iece of No. 10 WITC through the cent er of each place with spool wire.
pct.aI division (ill ustration No.4). To wire petals see page 3. Cut off any surplus paper at the base of the flower. As the
B rin g the edges of the petals together with the wires on the petals a re b eing fastened in place add two or three pieees of
outside and paste abo ut three-fo urths of the way up. Into this No.9 wire to t he stem. Cut a strip of two colors of crepe
cone-sllal'cd flower place the center , haYing the tips of the paper 371 inches wide, one the color of the flower and the
starnr ns a bout even with the poi nt wbere the p etals divide. other a darker shade. Fold ti1e two strips togetber and cut
F as ten t he ~~cnler and petals t ogether by a piece pettlls according to pattern N o. 56.
of spool wire 6 inches long a round tlte outside a t the base of the Pastc the two petals together (see page 4, illustration
fl ower. At tJ](j s alll O time fasten 0 11 a picce of No. 711 win~ for No. 1:3). Whcn they are dry m ake cup shape (illustration 3
th e. s tem (illustration N o. 5), inserting it inside t.he llower No. 3) and arrange SLx or seven around the outside of Hower,
about Lalf an inch. fastening in place witb a piece of spool wire (illustrat.ion
Six 100g, narrow leaves (pa t tern No. N o.5) .
13), cut fro111 N o. 45 ~een crepe paper, C ut the calyx (pattern No. 43) of No. 46 green and No. 3a
nre used on each fl ower. \ Vrap t.he old ro"e and paste the two togeth er (illustration N o.4).
stem with u strip of No. 15 green crepe Cover the h ase of the flower with paste a nd slip the calyx up
paper l }/z illcbcs wide, placing t.he through th e stem, gathering up ti ghtl y.
leaves a t equal d istances apart on op­ C ut a strip of No. 46 green erepe 2
posite Rides of the stem. (See page 3, inches wide and wrap the stem, add­
illustrat.ion 1\0. 8.) ing a piece of No. 15 wire 12 inches
T um Lack the pews mto natural or m ore long for tbe st.em a bout 6
sbape Ilnd beml (Jowcr for w!lfll on Rtem . inches below the Hower. (Sec page 3,
\Vhen lilies nre needed for decora­ iUustrations No. a and No.9.)
tive JlUrposes whore drec t ra ther than TLe leayes are cu t according to pa\,,­
del.a· is r(,quired, the 00 \\'or8 m ay be ern N o. 36. Fasten a group of three 4
made without wiring th e petals, Cut a t Ute cnd of tw o pieces of )/'0. 9 wire
the pctl.h, paste in to cone liha pe, a nd 6 or a inches long and wrap the stem.
then. procc<.'<i as d i.rected abo\'o. Wi, en Wrap the sprays of leaves and flower
the Dower i" comple te, roll ends of petals st ems together.
in to ~hape and bend Oower fOl'\vard.
Maler ial Jor 1 Dozen Er,slcr Lilie$
A,(Jj lroximut u Cost $1.50
1 Fold Crepe r Ulle r No. II While
1 Fold Cre p(~P" J!c r No,J\ 1 Apple Greon Malerl:al Jo r J Dozen P eonies
1 Fold C r ppc Pup!'r ;-"0. ·1'> ]\foss Gree[. Approximale Cost $2 .00
2 Dozeo 1\0.1 0 " hi lc Cm'erco Wi re 2 F olds Crepe P aper for Flowers
1 Duz." . N o. 711 Crcpn Cuvered W ire 1 Fold Crepe Paper for Darker Pc Lal.s
1 Spool ~o. 2 Grllen CovC!'NI W ire 2 Folds Crepe Paper N o. 46 Leaf Gree n
1 Gross Ea~I (,T Lil y Stamens 1 Fold Crepe Pa per No. 38 Old nose
In place or the Light GTeen Pa[ler 1 Dozen No. 15 G reen Covered Wi re
nnd the Ens lor Lily S tulU(>ns,l DOZeD 3 Dozen No. 9 Green Covered Wire
1 Spool No. 2 G.reco Covered Wire 5
Eas ler Cllntcr~ way be lIsed
'P c~ P.LO'WG~S
P./l'PG ~TL

Apple Blossom Poppy

(Road I". general i,,.,lruclions carefully before making any flowers)
(Read file (!C!ncr fl l I:(/!~lrll cli(m,!f cUI'f'J ully
. M~l ke !1 1mB of ~o . 36 ~almon crepe paper ahout ~ before making (my flowers)
m et. 1Il dmmelcr. C oycr wIth a square PlCCC of the s~lIn c
l:olor, stretching t.he p::tper sllIoothJy oyer Lhe ba ll. 1\fa kc a ball of erepe paper Y:; inch
Pinch tb n nud er pa rt tigh tly, t wist and cut off any sur­ ill diam eter. C over with a square
plu g paper (iU l1';ll"!l lion No. 1)_ piece of No. 45 green crepe paper,
rut a little paste a l t.he base and wrap with a narrow stretching the paper $illoothly over
strip oC No. 45 green c repe paper (seoe page 3, iIlustra­ the ball, P illch toge lh,:r tight ly
lion No. II ). Cont.inue tw i~ting t.he green pape r fo r ahout undcrrwllth and cut. off (JO Y surplus
no inch a mI a halr. Tear olI the CI Id and fasten with paper (illustration No.1).
pm;t t! (ilt.Ititratiol\ N o. 2 )_ 8
Cut a strIp of both N o. n white and No. 31 light bl ush C ut, 11 stri p each of N o. 45 green
pink ,~repe pape r. F old t he \wo std ps together. (See p age an d 1'\0. ]2 black cn'pe paper 1.\1
2.) i\l into rows of pelals (pattern N o. ] ). M uk e each inehes wid e; fold t.he two loge lh er
d ouJJled pulal cup shape (see page 3. illus tratiol1 N o. 5 ), (I ud slash one edge Ycry fine d own
uav it1 ~ lJink on oUIl;itie (illus l ro lio n N o. 3) .
D o uhlu 11 few 1'la nwrts in the middle an d arrange a '1 inch. GatijO'r u pi ece o f Ihi~dotlh l e
:;trip of live pew b llrOllfl!l 111('111 and fasten tig htly in frin ge G inch es long UW UlH! th e baIL
place with Il pi r:ce of spool wi re, lea ving Olle end "bout an ,l fa sten tightl y with spoo l wir"
2Yz i nches for ~lem (illllstration N~I . 4). 1\0. 6:\ )" l1ow (illu stratio o No.3).
cr e pe pappr slas bed ver y fine wi th ll ie ,:("rain of Lhe crepe Read y-made poppy sl a m(,ll ~ lllay
IIlU y be used ins lead of tb e sta,lllcns. (Sec page II,.)
Sl re te:!! the petals in to natural ~hapCl and "'Tap the s tem be u;;ed in place of the fr inged crepe.
with II s trip of green crepe p aper l:ut 1 inch wi,le (ill us­ C ut fOlIr petals fo r each fl ower
tru lio n N o. 5) . (pattern \To. 59 ). Flute th e t op cdl!e
N o. -1 rose leo.Ycs m ay be u~ed or leaves lIlay be cut ~md make ('aeh petal Clip shupe. (See
from crep e p'lpcr according 10 pa ttern 1\0. 18 and wired gcrlt:ral instnu:t.iolls, ilIus trft ti oll$
or 0 0 t as preferred (ill ustra lion No. 6). No. (i an d 1'\0. 10. ) Arra nge lhe
Put t he hUlb, blotisorns /l.ml1eaves toget her into sprays,
IlSlnlt No. 9 wire for f he heavier stems petals a round the ce n t.CI" spaci ng
and "nIppi ng them w it.h N o. 72 b rown them evenl y and fas ten tig htl ~ " it b.
cref1l!I'1I1 I illd, \\id p(i1Illslrll tiou N o.7 ). ]\"0. 9 wire, lea ving the end~ lo ng
()l't(~ n for IIAJI or oLli e'r largf' dew­ enough to !lwke th e s le m. Cu t u stri p
f a lio ns ".l'p.le or chr,rr) hl""<'OJ1l S an·: of N o. ,15 green crepe paper lY:;
n(!(!llcd in IIlrge !] unnt i ti ns; for LlleSf: llw inches wid,) a nd wrap the s tc-ll1. in­
blossoms Ill,. ) be cu t from d ecorutcd. serting two !ca ves (pattern No. .';B)
crepe paper ~o , 952, or p"t ills of ,ilnil,r
~ b "pe (p atLe m No. :1·1) may Ill' mad
on opposite side of the st ew. (~cc
rroJl) plain pi nk crepe p aper. T III)~(l puge 3, iIIu ~trati on ~o. 8.)
"1()~g()lII s shuul(l b e pinched lip and Y o:- C alifornia p() ppi e ~ fo llow
p' ,,1 (.(1 directjy on natural l)raTlche~ t hese dir<:c lions ma ki ng' t h e ba H
\\ lJ icL bo I' e been stri pped of thei r lea ves. ~ inch ltiamc ter (jf N o. n green crepe
J\Ju lerialJor 2 Do:.Spray&A pple Blossoms and .;\"0. 61, light orange for lhe
Ap proxim a te- C~\. $ 1.50 fr inge (I nd flo wer peLals (pu llcrn
1 F old C r~ p e P a per No. 11 W hit e N o. 70 ). U se gr3~"y folia ge (pa lt ern
1 Fo ld Crep t; P aper l\o.:H Lig bt BIlJtih No. Tl ) a s described for COS Iii OS .
F ol d C n' p(' P " I)I'r N o. :\6 ~a"lIon F or decorative Tlurpnses wh ere
J Fuil l C rPlw P ''I '''r i' o. <I f, l\ toss C;reell li ttle detoil is required. sln sh a ~tl il)
I Foill CrCllt' Pup" r 1\ 0. 7 2 D ro w n of No. '12 hla t:k <Tc pe pappr Il..~
n fl llfH'I ,cs ,o s ~ S ht Jlle ns
1 Spoul '\0.2 r;rec n Co ver,,,] 'V ir(' inches wide on both edg'" ( iIltlS1r a ­
1 Dozt;'n No.9 G rec lI CovcreJ Wire tion No . 7 ).Uge I) picee:l im;hcs long
and ga ther into Il tight Lunch. rut. 8
POllt .izi..,n r no" &,.,..,'nin'n

piece of wire across th e center; bring th e two fringed edges up t ogether a nd

twist wire ti;:.:htly , leavin g it long eno ugh for ~te m (ill ll st.ration No . 3 ).
The flower may be mad e of one or two circles of petals. Cut t he circle 3 (Read the general inslract ioTU carefully before makmg any Il owere )
inches in diameter. Wit.h the blade of a knife make small plaits all around the
Cut a strip each of No. 63 dark amber, No. 61 light
edge (illustration No.9). Pus h the center down through tbe pet a l or petals and
ga th er tigh t ly around the center, fas tening with pas te (illustra tion No. 10). amber and No. 12 black crepe p aper 1 inch wide. F old
Finish as described ahove. together and slash one edge very u ne doWl'l Yz inch (illus­
Poppies of this description m a y be ma de a ny s ize required
114aleriaiJor 3 Dozen Single P elal P oppies
A p'proxim at o Cost $0.90
tration N o.1 ). Bunch a piece of this double fringe 1 inch
long tight ly toge ther for each center (ill ustration No.2 ). "l~f
1 Fold Crepe P a per No . 81 R ed 1 F old C re pe P aper No. 12 Blac k Cut a strip of cr epe paper the color of the fl ower and make
1 Fold C repe P aper N o, 45 G reen 2 Do zen No. 9 Green Covered Wire into rows of pet als (patt ern No. 32 ). Use a stri p of eight
petals for each flower (illustration No. 3 ). Ar range ar o und 3
T he m a teCl al requIred for the smaller poppies would be th e sam e, but the q ua nti ty
will be luffi cient for 6 doz en flowers. the cent er and fasten a piece of N o. 2 spool wire t ightl y
arollnd it , cu tting 011' an)' ~ur p l us paper at the base (illus­
Daisy t ra tio n :\0. 4 ). Separate pe t als fila y be used instead of a
(R ead the general inslructions carefully before making any Itmce,,) strip by following the dotted line on the pattern.
Make a b all of cr epe p aper Yz in ch in dia meter . Cover with a square piece of
No. 63 yellow, stret ching it sm oo thly over the b all. P inch the un der part togeth er Use a piece of No. 9 wire 12 inch es long for the stem and
lightly, cutting oil' any surplus paper (illust ration N o.1 ). H old tb e ball t ightly fast en t he fl ower to it b y twisting the end s of th e spool
by th e und er pa rt an d press against som e smooth surface t o make th.e top fl at. wire which hold the flower t ogether arounel it. 4
Cu t a strip of No. 11 white crepe paper and m ake into a row of petals (patt ern
No. 33). Arrange a strip 6 in ebes long around the center and fasten tightl y Cut a strip of No. 4·5 crepe paper into rows of finely
with a piece of No. 2 wire. poin ted leaves (pattern No. 42) .
Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe pa per 1 inch wide a nd wr a p
the st em, adding a piece of No.9 wi,re 8 inches long abo ut an W rap t he stem with a strip of No. 45 crepe paper 1 ~
in ch below th e fl ower for tb e stem. Cut' leaves from N o. 45 iuehes wide and add sever al groups of three or fo ur
gr een crepe pa per (pattcrn Jlio.2 l) poin ted I caYl~$ . (Sec page 3, illustra tion No.3. )
aTld add three or fo ur on o ppo­ Buds may be m ade ill the sa me
sile sides of th e stem. (See page
3, illustrations N o. 8 a nd No. 9.) way as those for apple blossoms
"Bro wn-eyed Susans" or " Ox­ wi th a n arrow pointed green calyx
eyed " da isies a r e m ade j ust t he pusted over t he111. T he a ppear ance
same as d a isies, N o. 72 brown 2
of the flowers will be improved b y

crepe being u sed for tb e centers
and N o. 63 dark amber for the Ule addition of separat e sprays of
pe ta ls. foliage.
".Marguerit es" have p etals of
N o. 61 Iigbt amber crepe, wbile A list of t he vario us colored crepe
t h e ecnlers are m ade of N o. 63 p aper from which oosmos m ay be
d ark amber . macle is o n page 32.
M a/erial Jor ~ Dozen Da,sies • 3
Appr o:<imule C ost $ 0.90 IH alerial fo r 3 Dozen Cosmos
1 Fo ld C rep e Paper N o. 11 Approxim ul c Co~ t $1.2 5
WI,i Lo 1 F old C rep e P a per fo r F ll)wers
1 Fold C repe Pa per No. 6:1 I Fold Crepe Po p er '\0. 6:1 D ark
D a rk Amber fullbe r
1 F o ld Crepe P a per ~ o. ·l ,i
Mo~s G reen Fold Cre pe Pa per N u. 12 R I,,,, k
Dozen N o.9 Grecn Cover ed I Fold C repu Puper "io. ~, 5 'Vl oss Green
Wi re 2 1)0zCII N o.9 G rc('n Cove red 'V i ro
Spool N o. 2 Green Cove red
Wire 1 S pool N o. 2 G reen Co vered 'V ire
Page ninelp.en
f~~ .
'YA?6'R...'F.LO'W6'JVl 'YA ?6 'R... 'F.LO'Wc:P,l)
>~~-" .
• __

Narcissus Hollyhock
(Read th" gen£rai instruction. ooreJutly before making any flowers)
(Read the (J eneral inslruclwfl..v carefully before maklfLU any .{lower. )
Make a ball of crepe paper about 1 inch in diameter,
cover smoothly with a square of crep e paper the color
Use II piece of No. 63 yellow crepe paper 1Yz inches selected for the flowers. Pinch together tightly at the base
SCIuare for t 1le center (illustration No.1). Color tll e edge and Cllt ofT any surplus paper (illustration No.1). Fasten a
sligh tl y with r ed tin ting fluid (to make the tinting fluid, piece of No.2 wire around the base, leaving about 2 inches
for stem.
see page 10). When dry paste the edges witL tLe grain of
Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe paper lYz inches wide
the erepe togetber to form t ube shape (illustration No.2) . and wake a row of rouuded petals (illustration No.2), each
G uth er together ligh tly about halfway down. petul Yz inch wide and X inch deep. Put a little paste on 'I­
Cut a strip of No. 11 white crepe paper and make a row the lower p a rt of the ball and arrange a strip of three green
of petals (pattern N o. 30). Use a strip of six petals for petals around it, pasting each g reen petal up into the ball
(illustrution No. 3). Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe paper
each flo wer (illustration N o.5). If preferred separate Yz inch wide and wrap the stem (illustration No.4). Make
pN tlls lD ay be used. Cut b y following the dotted line on several huds for each stalk, having some covered entirely
the pattern . Ar rlinge around the center, spacing evenly
and fasten tightly wi th No. 9 wire, leaving one end long
eno ugh for t he s tem (illustration No. 6).
with green and others with the color of t.he bud showing.
For the center of the flower wrap a piece of No. 9 wire
8 inches long back and forth with a strip of No. 63 crepe
paper ;}~ inch wide for 3 inches. T ear oIT and paste end
Cut II stri p of N o. 11 white crepe paper 131 inches wide. (illustration No.6) . I'
Double throllgtt the center lengthwise and wrap stem for Cut a strip of crepe parer 3 inches wide t
1Yz incbes . Tear o.IT tbe paper and paste tho end (ill IIS­ and make into a row 0 rounded petals
tTa tion No 7) (pattern No.6). Make each petal cup
sbaped. Use a strip of five petals for
W ith a strip of No. 45 crepe paper cut l Yz inches wide each flow er (illustration No.5). Arrange
continue wrapping the stem, inserting a small calyx of them around the center and fasten tightly
N o. 71 crepe (illnstration No. 4) exactly the same as used with a piece of spool wire (illustration
for jonquils.. No. 7). Use a piece 10 inches long and
fasten around the flower in the middle,
Insert two long, narrow leaves Cllt from No. 45 crepe lea ving a double thickness for the stem.
(pattern No. 16) on opposite sides of the stern ncar the Wrap the stem with a strip of No. 4~
base. (Sec page 3, illustration N o.8.) With the thumbs crepe paper 1 Yz inches wide. (See page 3,
and forefingers stretch the petals illustration No.8.) Cut leaves from No. 45
and out int-o natural posi­ crepe (pattern No. 17 ). Put buds, blos­
tion s and bend the flowers forward soms and leaves together, using a piece of
on the ~ tem where Lhe green stem No. 15 wire for the stalk and wrap­
ping all together with a strip of
Dcg1D!l No. 45 crepe cut 2Yz inches wide.
If large, heavy stalks are needed,
use a " flag stick" below the wire.
k iale,.ial Jor 2 Dozen N nrcissus
A pprox im a te C 05t $ 1. 00
1 1"01,\ C repe Popel' No. 63 Durk Malerial Jar 1 Dozen Slalks H ollyhocks
A mb"f Approximate Cos t SI. :15
1 Fold Crepe Pu per ~o. 11 W hil e 1 Fold C repe P u por for Fl owers
1 F old C repe Paper No. 45 M os" 1 Fold Crepe P Uller No. 63 Dark
Green Amber
1 Fold Crepe Paper N o. 71 Li ghL 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 45 Moss
Drown Green
1 Doze n N o. 9 G reerl Covered W ire 1 Dozen No.9 Green Covered Wire
1 Spool No.2 Green Covered \V ire 2 Spools No.2 Green Covered Wire
1 Dozen No. 15 Green Covered
If tinti ug (luid i~ to be mau l, N o . 91 Wiro
H ed Crep" Paper will al80 be required
Pall" 1"""<4>'-4&00 } )uge tw ("nl)'-lhrt>~
A ~.
'YA'P 6'R...'FLO 'W6 :/V
'YA'P6'R... 'FLO'W6'Pc-§
,,& ,
Fleur-de-Lis Morning GlorIes
(liead Ihe general InslmellO n. carefully before m ak m u any fo>we"
R ead the general in.lruc"an. cartfully bo/ar. mak ing an)' JlatDU.
Use tllfce light and three d ark pet als for each flower
(pattern N o. H). P ast e a piece of No. 10 wire through C ut the p etals according to pattern No. 29 (illustra tion
No. 1) and paste the two long edges together to form tuhe
th e cent er of each pet al (illustration No. 2). Cut a shape (illustra tion N o.2).
strip of No. 61 crepe 1}2 inches wide and slash on one
Gather tightly together at base a nd fast en with a pi ece of
{luge into very fine frin ge 1 inch deep (illustration No. 2 wire 6 inr:'hes long, twisting it around th e flower in th e
No. 1). middl e so that there wiII b e a doubl e thickness for tile stem
Crush a piece of No. 61 paper (see page 4, illustra­ (illustra tion No. 3). Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe paper,
using pa ttern No. 28, into a row of points for the calyx (illw;­
tion No. 11), cut in to pointed petals 1}2 inches long and tra tion N o. 4).
}2 inch wid e (illustrat.ion N o. 3) and paste to the cen­
P aste a row of three points around the base of t he fl ower
ter of each da rk petll.! on the opposite side from the and wrap the st em with a strip of No. 45 _green crepe paper
wire (illustrat ion No 4). 1}2 inches wide. (See page 3, illustra tion No. 8.) C ut leaves
Gather toget her a s trip of t.he fringed pa per 1 inch from No. 45 grcen crepe pa per (pattern No. 27) Ilnd paste a
piece of No .2 wire through the cen ter, havin g th e wir e ex­
long an d aronnd it, at eq ual distances, arrange three of tend 3 inch es below tb e leaf for the stem (illustration No.5).
t he light colored pe tals with the wires inside. F asten to­
F or the buds cut Crep e paper into 3 inch squares. Past e
gether tightl y with spool wire a nd then p ut the three the t wo sides with the grain of tb e crepe togethcr to fo rm a
darker petals in place exactl y b etween the lighter ones tube sha pe. Ga t.h er togeth er at b ase and fasten as described
wiLh the wires on th e oulside. F asten tightly with spool for the fl ower. Put a little paste in the inside p art of tbe t ube
w ire and u sc one end of the wire to a t tach a piece of No. at th e top and p inch tightly together. Trim oU' wbil e it is st ill
d amp jf it is a t all uneven.
78 wir~ fo r the stem (illustration No. 5). Wra p the st em
with a strip of N o. 45 green crepe 2 inches wide, a dd­ P aste a pointed calyx around the bud and ",ap the stem
just as was done for the flower (ill ustration No. 6). T hen

ing two leaves cut from green crepe (pa ttern No. 10) on wrap the buds, blossoms and lc·aYt'..s

opposite sides n ear the bot tom of t he stem. (See page 3, together into vines or sprays, using

illu.;tration No. 8.) The leaves may be wired through No.9 wire for the heavier stems,

the center or two leaves may be pasted together. (See T endrils may be added t o the vine.
These should be made b y t Wisting 5
page 4, illustra tion No. 13.)
No.2 spool wir e, whi ch has first b een
Bend thn petals into n atural position. wrapped with a strip of No. 45 green
Fleur-de- Lis may be mad e in shad es of yellow using crepe paper, around a small pencil.
No. 61 for the upper petals and N o. 63 for the lower When th e sprays are com pleted
,n es, Any of the shades of violet , N os. 21, 22, 23, I1my stretch the top edge of the flo wers into
be used for the entire fl ower natural shape.
A list of colors which may be used
M alerial for 3 Dozen Fleur-<le-L is for morning glories may be found on
Appr OXIma te Cost $2.50 page 32.
I Fold Crepe P aper No. 22 Lavender
1 Fold Crepe P aper N o. 23 Purple M aleria /for 1 Doz. S pray s of Aform ng
2 Folds Crepe Paper No. 45 M oss Green Glories
I Fold Crepe P aper No. 61 Ligh t Amber. Ap prox ima te Cost $0.80
S Dozen N o. 78 Green Covered Wire 1 Fo ld Crepe P aper for F lowers
S Dozen No. 10 White Covered Wire 1 F old C repe Paper No. 4~ \l o"g
2 Spools No.2 Green Covered Wire Green
3 Dozen No. 9 Green Covered Wire, 2 Dozen No. 9 Green Covered \\ ire
,f Jeav68 a re to be wired ) 1 Spool No. 2 G reen Covered Wire

l 'ugr tll'Crtly-/aur Page "Df"/lly-fj

g:>./I 1> C ""- ~L 0

(Road the general i,../ructio,.. lIOn/allY ~or" ma.hnq ....y f/otDu. )

C u t a strip of No. 63 yellow crepe paper

Orchids require six petals : one large, tubelike petal for center 1 inch wide, stretch, retold and slash one
{pattern No. 38), two wide petals for the sides (pattern edge with the grain of the crepe into a very
No. 35), two narrow petals at bottom and one narrow petal at fine fringe ;1 inch dee p (illustration No .1).
Ga ther a picce of this fringe 1)1 inches long
the top (pattern No. 37). The center petal is often a darker into a tight bun ch for each center.
shade than the other petals and may be made to look much Cut a strip of No. 63 yellow crepe p aper
more natural if it is tinted in the center (for making tinting 1;1 inches wide and mnk!> into a row of
fluid see page 10). Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe paper petals (pattern No.2).
1 inch wIde, double lengthwise through the center and roll Make each petal cup shaped (poge 3,
into a tight twist 3 inches long. Tear off the end and paste. illustration No.5) . Use a strip of five
Wrap this twisted pieee of green with a strip the color selected petals for each flower (ill ustration No. 2).
Arrange the petals 81'Oun d the sl.a shed
for the flowers, allowing the green to show 8 t iny bit at the center and fasten tightly with 8 piece of
end (illustration No.1). No.2 wire 8 inches long, leaving one e nd
Cut and wire the petals. (To wire petals, sec page 3.) for th e stem (illustration N o. 3). C ut the
Flute the edges of the center and two side petals (illustra­ leaves from No. ,l6 green crepe (pattern
No.3) . Fasten three l ea ve~ together in n
tions No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5). cluster with a pi ece of spool wire, leaving
Paste the two straight sides of the center petal together one end 1 ;1 inches long for stem. .
and place the pistil in it. Arrange around it the two wide \Vrap th e stem with a narrow strip of
petals at the sides, two narrow petals at the hottom and one green CIepe paper (i llustmtion No. 5).
narrow petal at the top. Fasten togeth er tightly with a piece \Vrap the stem of flo wer, fastening in the
group of leaves about halfway down stem.
of No.9 wire. Use a piece 12 inches long and twist around tho
flower in the middle so that there will be a double thi ckness Material for J Dozen But/ercups
Approximato Coot $0.75
for the stem. Wrap the stem with a st rip of No. 45 green crepe 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 6 3 Dark A mber
paper 1Y:; inches wide, adding a piece of No. 78 wire if a 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 46 Leaf G reen
heavier, longer stem is needed. (See page 3, illustralions 1 Dozen No.9 Green Covered Wire
No.8 and No. 9.) 1 Spool No.2 Green Covered W ire
Orchids do not often grow with the leaves on the flower
stem, hut if for any reason leaves are required, long narrow
ones similar in shape to the Cornflower
tulip leaf should be used. Two Cut a stTip each No. 12 black and ~o. 11
or more should be added near white cre pe paper 1 in ch wid e. Slash both
the base of the stem. edges into very fine fringe U inch d eep
(illus tration No.6).
Bend the five wired petals Guther a piece of fr inge 1 inch Ion!, into
back into natural position and a ti ght bunch for ~'wh cen ter (ilills. N o . 7).
with the thumbs and forefingers Cut a st rip of ~o . 52 bl uo crepe paper.
stretch the lower part of the SLretch well and make into a ro w of petals
(pattern No. ~5). T wist each pelal. (Sec petal into correct shape. r ' ~A ,... page :1 , illustration ~o . 6.) Each lobe should
Bend the whole flower forward . - .r. Le twisted se vernl times. llHe a strip of
from the top of the stem (illus­ fifteen peluls fo r cnch flow er.
tration No.6) . ,\.rrange aro und Ihe slas hed center nnd
fa slen ti ghtl y with a piece of ~o . 2 wire.
Use u pi ece o f wire 18 in cbes long, twistinl;
it around tbe flower in t.iJe middle '0 that.
Materia! for 1 Dozen Orchid. there will be u double t.hickness for tiIe stcm.
Approximato Coot $0.75 \Vrap stelll WiUl a strip of N o. '15 green
c:repc. add in g severa l groups of \cayes (pat­
1 Fold Crepe P aper for Flowers tern Xo. .t2). (Sec page 3, illus. '\0.8.)
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 45 Material for 3 Dozen Cornflowers
Moss Green Approxim:Jt u Cost $0.75
1 Dozen No . 9 Green Covered 1 Fold Crepe Puper 1'10 . 52 N a tional mue
Wire 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 12 Black
1 Dozen No. 10 White Co vcted 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 11 White
Wire 1 Fold Crepe Pl!Pcr No . 45 Moss Green
~ Spoola No.2 Green Covered Wire
Page ttDenty-,...n
Paye lti;t'n'v -/tix
(Read ~ g.nool iJu17odu,ru ~ b¢w ...... i~ my ./limo.'
utiive petals (or each flower, three with pattern N o. 241Uld tWO WI th (R ead the ueneral iru/ructioTUI <artfully before making ,m y flo wers)
aHem No. 25. P aste a wire through the center of each (illustration
No. 1), P aste small pieces o[ No.72 dark brown crepe (p!lttern
No. 26) on the three larger petals 10 the posItion shown in ill ustra tion Cut a circle of cardboard 3 inch es in diameter. }\Iake
N o. :~ On th e opposi te side from wire , Arrange the five peta ls in to a tlsmall hole in the center and insert two pieces of 1\ o. 7f1
1 group <lnd fas ten tightly with No.2 spool wire at t he point wh ere
tha brown cTepcenlls (illustration No. 4) . Use a pieoa 11 inches long, wi re t hrough it for about Y4 inch B end bad a n d fa ~ten
t wistin" it around the flower in the center so tha t against the canlboard with a sm all piece of gummed tape
t here wtll th en be a double thi ckness forthe s tem . (illustration No.1 ). Crush a piece of No. 72 crepe (s
W rap the ends of the flower which are left wi th It
narrow strip of crepe paper the sllme color Its the page 4, illustration No. 11) and cover the cardboard, past­
fl ower. Wrap th e stem using astOp or N o. 45 crepe ing the edge over on to the back (illustration N o 2) .
paper l~ inches wi de. (See poge S, illustration
No.8.) Bend the petals out. in to n a tural position. 7 C ut a strip of No. 63 crepe 331 inch es wide and make into
For tbe leaves usc three pi eces of N o. 2 wire,
two pieces 8 inches long and one piece 2Y2 in ches long. rows of petals (pattern No. 48). Paste a row of p etals on
\V ra p all th ree loge ther with a piece of green crep" the back of the cardboard disc (illustration No.4) and then
pOller, sta rting tbe w in ding 1 in ch from the ends of
UIC wires (illustration No.5). Bend the wires out. C ut add a second row, having the petals come just between
Iwo loaves of No. 45 green crepe paper, using p att ern those of the firs t row. A s trip of from 12 t o 15 petals
No. 54. P as teolle 0 11 top of the three wires and thenslip will be n eeded for each row.
th e ot her through the stem wires and up on to the
und erside of the urst leaf. Paste the two togeth er und Crush a piece of green crepe and cut a circle 3 inches in
trim o ff if necessary (illustration No. 6) . Wrap t he
stem wilh II strip of green crepe paper 1~ inches wide. diameter. Paste on to the back of the flow er t o cover the
(See page S, illustralion No.8.) place where the p etals are p asted (illustration N o.5).
Ma loiaZfo r 4 Dozen Nasturlium~ Cut a piece of green crepe 2 inches wide, douhle through
Appror ima to Cost $1.00
1 F old Crepe Paper for F lowers the center lengt hwise and wr llp t he
1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 72 D row stem, adding two or three leaves
1 Fold Crepe Pl!Per N o. 45 Moss Green (pattern No. 64) on opposite sides of
2 Spools N o. 2 Green Covered Wire -l
1 Doz. No. lU White Covered W ire the stem as the winding proceeds
(See page 3, illustra tion N o 8.)
(Read the general tns/rucl io". carefully before ma/"FIQ
any flowers)

III n "trip oC No. 65 D en ruso n crcpe

2 inches w ide . F ill te or,,, edge as dC5c/'ibcu on
p ,,~e 4. Oa Lh~r a piece o f this lIu ted crepe
(illustration No . 7) 5 f ee t long in Lo a Lig ht i\fateria Z for 1 Dozen Sunflowers
bunc h. fas ten ing wi Ih a piece of No. 9 wire Ap p roximote Cost $1.00
13 ill chos long. Fusten [1r01lud the crepe in the
m iddle so lhu Lth ert> will be a double thickness Fold Crepe P aper No. 63
[or the s le m ( ill usl rali u n 'io . 8) . Dark Amber
u t off into a point below the fastening 1 Fold Crepe Paper N o. 72
(ill us tration N(). 9) . Wrap t he stem wi th a
vi cce ot 1"0. 45 gr c~u crepe cut IJ1 inch es B rown
wi rl e, udd in!: sprays o f green leaves ( patt ern F old Crepe Paper No. 45
No. '12) oJ t th e way a lou!; t h e s l (~m . Green
Maleria lfor 1 Doze n M arigold. 1 Sheet W h ite Matstock
Approx im(l l.c Cos t $0.75
1 Fold C repe P 'tper N o. 65 Orange 1 Y ard, N o. 3 Gwnmed TapE)
1 F()ld Crep e Paper No. 4~ J\,103S Green 2 D ozcu N o. 78 Green Coyered
1 Dozen No 9 Green Covered Wire W ire

04t tU't'rtl) 'i"'10nt Page ''''''lilY-RIM

., 'YA 'Pc 7\.. 'FLO'MI c:R} :F./f C7\.
-~.~ .
Orange Blossom Sweet Pea
Ftta d tht general Ul_slruciw ns cartjully ~Jor~ making any j/awer$) (Read /Joe genual mstruclio", carefully bejore making any {lowers·
Flower sla mens rn ay be u~ed for the cen· Sweet peas may be made in 11 great variety of .,olors and two or
ter~ (illustra tion No .2 ) or a strip of No. 60 more colors may be combined in one flower. Each flower requires
crepe e ll t. I i nch wi de an d slashed v ery a pieee of crepe paper 171 inches square for the center (illustration
fi ne dm\"Il 71 inch on one edge (illus. No.1). No. I ), one inside petal (pattern No. 51), and one outside petal
2 S(! a strip 171 inches long for each center. (pattern No. 49). Double the square through th e center across the
Cu LII of No. 11 white crepe and make grain of the crepe and then bring the two top corners to the center
into a row of rounded petals (pattern No. 52). of lowcr edge and pinch together (illustration No.2).
Mako eacb petal cup shape, as described on Flute the top and bottom edges of the outer petals (illustrations
page 2 (illustration N o.3) Use a strip of No. 3 and No.4 ). The mcthod of fluting
Jive petals for each flower. Arrange around petals is described on page 4, iIlus. No.1 O.
tho oenter and fasten tightly wi th a piece of Place the center in the middle of the two·
spool wire 6 inches 10llg, leaving one end for lobed pctal and add the larger outside petal.
the stt!ll1 (illustration N o. 4). Fasten all together with a piece of No. 2
The leaves are mnde of N o. 46 crepe (pat. 2
green wire, leaving one end about 6 inches
tern No. 66). Wrap the stem with a strip long for stem (illustration No.5).
of green crepe paper 1 inch wide, adding two Cut a strip of No. 45 green crepe K inch
or more leaves as the wind ing proceeds. The wide into a row of points for calyx (pattern
flowers may he m ade in to sprays consisting No. 50) .
of buds, blossoms and leaves The buds are Put a little paste at the base of the flower 3
ma de in the sanH3 way as those for apple and put the calX?' in place, using a strip of four

blossoms. (See page 16.) or five points (illustration No.6). Wrap the
Ma lerlO.IJor 3 DOten Spray, Ora~ stem, beginning directly below the calyx,
B lossom. with a strip of No. 45 green crepe _paper
Approximate Coat $0 .15 I inch wide. (See page 3, illustration No.8.)
J F old Crepc P flj'Cr "'{n . 11 "'hite If leaves are required t.hey should be made 4
1 ]rold Cre p(l P a per Nu. ~6 Leaf Green :I in separate sprays from the flowers.
I Fold C rcpe Pape r No . 60 Primrose !.falerialJor 6 Dozen Sweet Peru
2 Spools N O.2 Greell Covered " Tire
Approximato Cost $0.70
In plnee of No . 60 Primrose Crep e 1 Fold C repe P aper for Flowers
6 Bun<:h es oIRosc Stamens m a y be used . 1 Fold Crepe P a per No. 45 1\1oss Green
2 Spools N o.2 Green Covered Wire 5
Cut N o. 45 green crepe with paltern
No. 69 (ill ustration No 1). Paste a Violets may be made of two shades of vio­
piece of NO. 9 groon wire through the let, No. 22 and No. 23 or the entire flower may
centnr and dou.hle thocrepc over,press­ 6
ing down carefully (iI­ be made of one color.
lustralion N o .2). Whcn Cut a strip of violet crepe paper 171 inches
10 wide and make into a row of petals (pattern
perfcetly dry bend back
(ill ustration N o.3) No. 65).
Each flower has five petals all one color or
Make in to a plant 0 two light and three dark (illustration No.7 ).
use as separa te spraye Arrange the petals around two or three flower
with flowers.
stamens and fasten with a piece of No. 2 spool
Ma.le rial fo r 1 Dozen wire. leaving one end long enough for the
!::J"prays Fern stem (illustrat.ioll No. B. )
Approxima le Cost $0.50 Wrap the stem with a strip of No. 46 green
1 D ozon 1'\0. 9 Green crcpep-aper 1 inch wide (see page 3, illustra
Covered Wire tion No.8) .
1 Fold Moss G reen A very attractive hunch of violets may he
Crepe Papu No. 45 made without the detail of making separate
P"ge Uoir/;JI .P1l4.lhirty~

Cut the pew]:! in using !l strip pat. Finish with leaves as shown in the
~nounCin'l ~
t('rn 1'\0. 21. Tw i ~t l hc petals as oc­
~cri hed on page 3. i11\J s l ration i'\o. 7.
illustration, using ready made leaves
or those made of cTope pa per.
A Cbrnplete New Horne Cburse
\\ IIt'D ull p etuII> un: twis Led (ill us tra­
Materia/for f B allch of Violets

C~rcpe Yil}Jcr :Jlower 7J(al?in

ti on 1\0. ] 0) gatJlI'r together inLO a
bunch using enough to make the bunch Approxima'" Cm;t $0 .60
the desired size. 1 Fold Crepe Paper No. 23 PUrple
Fasten Logct Lter t igllLl y with a pieoe 1 Fold Crepe P aper No. 46 L eaf Green
1 Bundle Hose Stamens
of No. 9 wire, leaving eno ugh wire for 1 Spool No.2 Green Covered Wire
the stem. Fascinating new me/hod gives you comfJlcle in­
struction in this interestin g art. Shows you how
you can Tnake money in your spare lime at home
making lovely flowers for all uses

Colors of Dennison Crepe for Flowers

M an y flowers )..'TOW i n a variet y of colors and it may b e he lpful to Lave the
N ohave,
matter where you li ve , you can now
right in your own home, a t your own
convenience, as complet e instruction in the
colors su ggestOO.. D enrJison Crepe bas been found by most experienced flower a rt of making crepe paper fl owers as you would
maSt''''' nn icfcal £Da l erial to use. its texture and colorings are so well suit.ed for
Uris [)1lrti';lIlar purpose. get in person at th e Dennison Sto res.
An absorbingly inte resting new course has Cosmos been prepared, by a staff of experts, tha t

K il!il ruCY n(), ,,~ . N os. 31 un J :n. N o. 11 whil e ; ,'\os. ;\1, :1:1. 33 pink; Sos. teaches you how to make all the popular

AOleriean lk uut y Hose;;, (\- os.:.I3 and 35. 2 L. 22 , 23 viol e t; Nos . III and Il:l r e d;
Sw e(;[hCart H Il~(:$, N os. 32;1 a nd 3B. flow ers- roses, asters, lilies, d a isies, sweet peas,

No. 2't fuchsia.

S Ull r i51l1wsl'~, No&. 36 an d '11. buttercups, daffodils, and a host of others.

Gold en SWI Roses. Nos. 61 and 63. Geraniums E ach step is graphically illustrated with photo­

N os . 31, fl3 und B4 red ; Nos. 3], :i2)1 . graphs and drawings, so that you cannot fail

Chry",an u](,JDU ms 33,31.,35, ;36. 37. 38 pink; No. 11 white. to follow the clear directions to complete

N,). 11 whil e; 'Ins. 3 1. 32. 32 )1 , :\:1, H . success. One whole section of the course is

36 . 38 pi uk ; "\os. 61.62 , 63, 6 l , 65 yellow; Hollyhocks devoted to the money-making possibilities of

"Os. 21.22 lavc ud er ; ~ o~. 81 ulld 83 red.

Two (:olon; urc on,," cuL and curl er! No. 11 w bite; No. 6 1 y ellow; Nos . 31, this delightful craft, and shows you how you

togc l.b,·r, '\0. 61 (Illl.side, No. 11 insiu t:: 32 )1, 33. 34. 36, 38 pink; Nos. 81 and 83 can easily make extra money for you rself b y

No. 83 outside, N o . 6 1. insi de; No. 21 red; N o . 24 f uc.h.sia.

making the flowers to sell, or by t eaching

o u tside. No. 32 insido.

Morning Glories others how to m a ke them.

CarnaLions N o. 11 white ; Nos. 31., 32 }S, 33. :1 5,36 , With each course is furnished sufficient ma­

. k ; N os. _?l • _:"

38 pIn ?-,;, _"3 VIO
. Ie t ; 1N os . ~-1 terials for making several sample flowers­

'IIu.11 wh iLc; N os . 3l, :32 , 32 )1 . 3·I, :l6, a nd 56 Llue; No . 24 fuchsia.

:i3 pink; l\ o~. III LU.\d 84. rcu. crepe p a per in several colors, paste, wire-in

Nasturtiums fact, enough of every thing to enable you to

Tulips N os. 61, 62, 63. M , 65 yellow; Nos. Ill, get started on the first lesson without delay.

'110.11 wl, iLe; I\ os . 31. 32;'; ' 31, 36. 38 8:-\ a n d 84 r ed ; N o. 73 russe L. The course is published in three bea utifu l,

I,in1. ; Nos. 61, 62, 63 ¥cllow; Nos. III S li d

!l t reil. Sweet Peas profusely illustrated books of generous size.

T heso oolors may be varied Lo even No. 11 while; N o . 24 fuchsia, and a ny Y et you can get the whole course. together

{rreater ex Lent by tinting t he pe La ls " bi Ie o ne of th !> sh ades of pink or viole L pre­ with the materi als for the sample flowers, for

may be t inled red or pi nk ; yello w l int<ld ferred. Often Lw o shades are used in the only $2. 00!

red Bud rcd Liutel\ lllRck. sanHlllowc r , ei UlCr the li g-b Lo r dark for the
Dou1l1... pefn!;, 1Illl~' "Isc, used: No . 22 inside pe tals as preferred. Enroll at your nearest department store, stationer.

ins.iuc. No. 32 ol1t,idc: :\ 0. 61 inside , 1\10. at the D enniso n S tores, or direct by mail

63 ou l.sidc; :\0 . 37 ins ide, No. 22 outs id ~. P o ppies

W hil " we usuall y t hink of poppies as

Peonies r ed . s tiU thcy ITW¥ bo mad e in
No . 11 white; Nos. 31.32 )1,33.36, 38 No . 11 white ; Nos. 31 , :i2 ;1, 33, 36. 3 7.
pink; Nos. 81 nnt1 83 red; No . 24 fuchsia.
Often the center petals ate made a
38 pi nk ; N os. 61, 63, 64, 65 yellow.
T he Ca liforruu Poppi es should be m nde
€ 9'0-./ . I I ;\ i\. \
F It ;\ \1 I N (, i'- 1 ,'\.5 S. shade than tbose on the outaide. o£ No 64 ligh t orange.
~. ~

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~ ~<CO III
CI) =::3L. 0
,...... "

Wistaria Leaf
No. 5:3

a Nasturtium Leat
tal No. S4

o. 6~


The leaves uf ll1allY lIower.· Ilwy be lIlade very Illllch mur e natural
look ing if th ey arc paillted with paint lIlade by dissolving No. 145
Scaling Wax in denatured alcohul.
Stretch thr paper ll:> much as possible and then cut uut the leaves.
Pas t. wire wrapped with crepe paper throu gh the center of ellc h
leaf. lea villg suflieient length beluw the leaf for the s tr lll.
Paint lirst one sid,' alld th en the other, applying the paint with
a soft Hat brush. Lay flal lo dry. Whcll partly dry and 110 10llger
s ticky. IUark the vcins with the end of a steel knitting ll(~edlc.

Published by

Swecll\:u ~41MHoo",~I~«J' ®~
CaJyx FnA~f[N G H'\M . MASS.

No. 50

.... ... ... "',\ II .... .... _ __ _

\ I
\ Violet P etal
\ I
\ No. 65
I ~ _____________J
\ I
'- -'

No. 63 Wild Rose
No. 67

Ruse Calyx
No .. uB
I Jr'rlqlJiJ
l 'dal
i'("1 . 7

Ea~tt~ r Lily

J~ f"ol.tlnn

No.5 ,I


, J

, J
Il oByhoc.k fA'at
J No. 17



j\'o. J.l I


no. 1~

\ .\h.ming Glory Lc.J


Mooting Glory


,~"",) No. ~~

( .rr/.,

" I .. ·. r
~ C:_' _____
H'_m ~
~i 1'II l1~'rn


______________ ______________

km·ri t"- [i... r
L~" d r
1\\,, 10 I
EU:l l cr Lily I
f .l';d I
No. 13

Htl.I,.,l ll('I' nil.

No. 31

~o, .17


------=======::::::::::=n ] ~
Q. ~
3 :.'.

EIl$ter Lily

Chr) ulIH.'IIIUnl
>~ r ltl l.o;':rn

No.5 ,,
1'.. la l
~v..~ Jonq1lil

NI:ITCI ~ I~ UtJ r

So. 16



O ·.iJ.\\ l.dll r
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J,i Pll lu·m
No. 5
C I II' y~ I I [\ II'I\1Um

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)~ 'A· n".. l I
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C.. rnatio.ll C.,I),:, I

\ I
No. 31 I
( .It,oI IU ,ot;
No. J:! \

• ' 0 . J:i
nat"' )"
No. :n

Pvio1'ol 'II iu l,';u

No. cl 6
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No. 69

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p"; II ~· u ia Leaf I
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~u. ·16



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P(J iIJ ~. .: l Ui.t I.t'af

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_ _- l '~~""9 Suuflower
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if thty un' PUi' lh:d ... itl, p.,inl nwuc. uy d~ h' ill l> i\u, 145
W:u: ill dn... tu n'tl akn hol.
Slrcld. the 1)'IIII'r o IIIII000h ~ '" l!!):biLI\) ,tI ~ llh.:rI ,-u l •.lllllhc I.·. I '· ~'
PiI :!otc "in' wmp"cd ... ;11, ('1,)(" loJl"'" lhrvUld. 1I1{" C\' n tA.:r o f I ~h
11.'<.1(. kavu" ;jufficien:l 1,' 10::1 1. IItH"",- the l!!d( for It,c 15kn.,
1'l' j"l lir..1 1.1111.' Iodl' ,wd llie ll 11,.- v lll<'r, Iip)Jl )' i n~ II... Iii. jill wi tl .
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.. :)O(t Ibt iJrll'.h . IA)" dr y . Wlu.:u Itartl y dry ~ I " 110 IUlllttr
~I kl.y . IIwk Ihe n1u" (I :.I.... ~I knitting m..
'A·illl Ill.... l'IId v( 't\llc:.


~,H.l¢.. ~latl"focl"'ill'l CEO!

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~" . (,:l

--- - ----~
1\I "' 'iJ'~I.;I' '
,, C.II~'{

,I 21:
NQ. ll

GnJlrl o/ Cupt

Tulip I.caf
!\o. 15 /
i\f omlrlf; Glory l ei\'(
No. 27

Morning Glory
No. 29

~ "7 I
\ , I

\ I
\ I
\I , I

I I N:o.rcissu,S Pt'lal
\ I No. 3(,

Prmd yva f
1'1,' 0 . ·11

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J ~ J"'."" " "'.I'"

No, ~'9

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The 1~1\'Clo(J r many 1I.) y,·~ 11111)" &If' "'~'r)' .,,,11: 11 IIIY/'C Ilra! ur,,1
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10:'.(. Ic;n·illg auilldtnl 11"111011 11 t.:lvw Illo.! laJ r()t' II..: :olen,.
" lti n\. firs t on·' NIk.: lllIci thell the 01111.-'1'. uf'piyin;t lb.' [JOlin' '<I ill,

;.I "'Jrl fl;l l I" '~ I, lAY I .1 to ,/ry, \\"111."11 jtlrt ly dry alit.! I/O "J lI gl1"
5ti(. ~ y. 1U1,Ir" 11,\, y'-;n~ .... itl, tilt: I'wl ..(" 1>1.,-, I.J lilli"... Dl"\.'<i1C,
\\,j"la r i<l

No. b:!

1',,, ~lIl\i6ot·~Ia""foolmj"9 ~
l :alyx FM\l I:'W;!I .' ... . M A\oC.. /
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~ I" H Il'fU
N il. l U
Ko. 9

Clu'\'~alllll1'lTI lIlll l~.d y x

;'\" ( -J
SlInJlflwer ['dal
No. ,(3
PuiuSC' tLia ltaf
;-./0'. ,16

Foli:t;;c ror
Clll i(oru i;1
No. i l
'---------------------- --- - -­

W i~ ri::t

No. 61

,~ o. (,0 )

----- --------- - - ._/

TulilJ L e~!
'io. l :i

Gt.rAni um

No. 23

I =:::c,=a,,,,!(,,,
======: ,,,,
No. :17
Ordlid Ge.r.mi um L.... . I'I f
Ct ulu l'.. u.1 1'\0.39
No. :m

Soru'loWf'r p, 'tal
:"1.' 0 18


Wis tarin
Foti;'l J:1.; (Of
Cti IJr" fl1i:1
1'.: 1.1 . 11


!\'o. :li

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SWf'ct I'm
Slm fl fl.....e.r P l.'lij l IhJI,.il'" I\,t,,\

,-":0. 'HI 1\0. J!I

POill:-.('l lia l eaf
~o . 16


r. )[bgc' fOl'
C:.lif..rnia No, 62

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OU1"iIJ" '''''"J
No. ·16
P OilL'!L'.1 lia Leaf
No 16


./ I
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No. (d

No. 1.10

- .. _----­ -­ - ---­ ,/
A pple LU'~1fI1

C llly :<alll lu: IUU II I

U illi cn:lI l '
~II, _J.
,\ 0 , .J

rl('ur-d.. - l i~
No. 10

(: 1' r )'~: I II I I j( ' I"U /ll t :1.1 \


CMnlllil,n C.. I)',\

'0. JI

T ulip

Red ~
\ N u. ; :1

r411 ~;

Grill" oj C'.nP'

G ~ran j um I ..(~:tr

No. :l 9

:-'u ITlIlO ... ,..r Pd;:.!

No la
Poin~lIi .. I.e'J (

No, l6

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