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313 – E

Intermediate (APOSS) Reg. No. : ....................................

July 2018
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 80 Marks


Note : Answer all the questions. (2×13=26 Marks)

1. Calculate the molar mass of CH4.

2. What is the volume occupied by one mole of a gas at STP ?

3. State the bond angles in CH4 and NH3 molecules.

4. What is the radius ratio in tetrahedral structure of ionic compounds ?

5. State Avogadro’s law.

6. Define internal energy.

7. What is ionic product of water ? State it’s value at 25°C.

8. Write the molecular formula of Borax.

9. Calculate the oxidation number of copper in [Cu(NH3)4]2+ ion.

10. State any two uses of ethylene.

11. What is ‘decay of organic matter’ ?

12. What is the threshold limit of radiation for the people working in nuclear reactors ?

13. Name two plants that reduce mercury pollution.


Note : Answer any six of the following. (5×6=30 Marks)

14. Calculate the no. of kilograms of oxygen required to completely burn 1 kg of

butane in a rocket.

15. What is an emulsion ? Write a note on various types of emulsions.

313 – E *313E*

16. Calculate the standard entropy change of the following reaction at 298 K. At
298 K the standard molar entropies of Fe, O2 and Fe2O3 are 27.3, 205.0 and
87.4 J.K. mol–1 respectively. 4 Fe(s) + 3O2(g) → 2Fe2O3(s).

17. Write a note on hydrides of ‘p’ block elements.

18. What is Lanthanide contraction ? Explain.

19. Explain various resources of water on earth.

20. What are the hazards of sound pollution to human beings ?

21. Write any five examples of nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides.


Note : Answer any three of the following. (3×8=24 Marks)

22. State and explain various quantum numbers.

23. Explain the factors influencing ionisation potential.

24. Write the differences between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

25. Write any two methods to prepare phenols in the laboratory with the help of


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