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Intermediate (APOSS) Reg. No. : ....................................
July 2018
Vocational (Theory)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Instructions : 1) This paper has been divided into four Sections.
2) Section – I carries 25 marks and contains questions from
prose and poetry.
3) Section – II carries 20 marks and contains questions on
study skills.
4) Section – III carries 35 marks and contains questions on
5) Section – IV carries 20 marks and contains questions on
communicative skills.

Section – I

1. A) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
(1×4=4 Marks)
Right from the beginning, I wanted to become a batsman and I hated losing
my wicket. This became such as obsession with me that, if the rest of the
boys ever got me out. I would fight and eventually walk home with the bat
and the ball. This would bring the game to an abrupt end since nobody else
had a ball or bat. The boys cursed and called me names, but the tension
did not last long and we generally got on very well. Among these early
comrades with whom I played were the Ambaye brothers, the Mandrekar
brothers and several others who made up our team.
a) What did Gavaskar want to become ?
b) What did Gavaskar do if he got out by losing his wicket ?
c) What did the boys do when the game end abruptly ?
d) Who were Gavaskar’s early comrades who played with him ?

302 -2- *302*

B) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
(1×4=4 Marks)
In the United States, millions of windmills were erected as the American
West was developed during the late 19th century. Most of them were used
to pump water for farms and ranches. By 1910, wind turbine generators
were producing electricity in many European countries. And while today,
one associates windmills with the Netherlands where they are used for
pumping water, it is in Denmark that wind is an effective source of energy.
Close to home, Tamil Nadu was among the first in India to give a fillip to
wind energy over ten years ago and continues to be a leader.
a) What was the development of US during the late 19th century ?
b) What was the use of windmills at that time ?
c) How did the people of Netherlands were using windmills ?
d) Which state was using windmills in India ?

2. Answer any four of the questions : (2×4=8 Marks)

a) Describe the mix-up in the hospital after Gavaskar was born.
b) What difference does Rahul see in his mother’s nature and his
grandmother’s ?
c) How did Dr. Benson realise that he was not looking at his own watch ?
d) What happened to the tiger in the tunnel ?
e) Why was Aradhana angry with her adopted parents ?
f) What aspects of Ancient India make Nehru feel with pride and wonder ?
g) What incident made Bholi a backward child ?
h) Why did the intruder come to Gerrard’s house ?

3. Answer any one of the following questions : (4×1=4 Marks)

a) Write about the advantages of using wind energy.
b) Describe what Ved’s mother did to cure him of blindness.
*302* -3- 302

4. Read the following lines from the poem “Night of the Scorpion” and answer the
questions that follow : (1×5=5 Marks)
I remember the night my mother
Was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours
Of steady rain had driven him
To crawl beneath a sack of rice.
Parting with his poison – flash
Of diabolic tail in the dark room
He risked the rain again
a) What happened that night ?
b) What had driven the scorpion that night ?
c) Where did the scorpion crawl ?
d) Who was stung by the scorpion ?
e) What did the scorpion do after that incident ?

Section – II

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
(2×4=8 Marks)
Girls in particular have no time for childhood. Much of the work that girls and
younger children do is carried out in a family group or domestic setting. This
is rarely perceived as labour. For example, the concept of “Child servitude”
implicitly excludes the domestic labour of girls, although this may be full
time work, detrimental to development, necessary for survival and equally
Perhaps, this blindness to girls’ work is because non-remunerative and nurturing
tasks do not have a visible market value. So, while the exploitation of a boy
working on gem stones in a manufacturing unit in Jaipur is easily recognized,
the equally hazardous work of a girl cutting grass on a precipitous mountain
slope in Garhwal is ignored.
a) Who have no time for childhood ?
b) What is rarely perceived as labour ?
c) What tasks do not have a visible market value ?
d) What is easily recognized ?
302 -4- *302*
6. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
(2×4=8 Marks)
Education serves another important purpose by shaping one’s personality so
that one is able to face challenges of life. This is possible by promoting a sense
of co-operation and co-existence, a feeling of love and brotherhood and an
attitude of caring and sharing. This process starts right from home and gets
strengthened when one receives education with a proper perspective and policy
underlying it. As one grows older, one develops the capacity to appreciate
the finer aspects of life than merely amassing material wealth. Thus a person
becomes a good human being, which, after all, is the purpose of education.
a) What is the another important purpose of education ?
b) What personality traits can be promoted by education ?
c) What kind of attitude must be promoted ?
d) What happened when one grows older ?

7. Read the following passage given below and fill the table with relevant
information : (1×4=4 Marks)
All vertebrate or backboned animal life in the world is divided into two classes,
the warm-blooded animals and the cold-blooded. The former group includes
those whose blood keeps a constant temperature and is little affected by the
temperature of the surrounding air. The latter group includes fishes, frogs
and reptiles whose blood temperature changes with the temperature of the
surrounding atmosphere. The warm blooded animals are further subdivided
into Mammals and Birds.
Animals Characteristics and examples
Warm blooded
Vertebrate or
Back-boned animals
Cold blooded

Section – III

8. Do as directed :
A) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with passive forms of the verbs
given in the brackets : 3
Our food goes into our stomach. There it _______ (mix) with some juices.
Then it _______ (churn) there. The food _______ (absorb) by the small
*302* -5- 302
B) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate forms of the
verbs given in brackets : 4
The thief _____ (enter) the house when the inmates _____(be) away. He
____ (remove) the window grills and _____ (find) his way into the house.
C) Combine the following pairs of sentences using the connectives given
against each pair : 4
i) The girl can sing. The girl can dance (and)
ii) Ravi is absent. I do not know the reason (why)
iii) I read the poem. I could not understand it (but)
iv) She will get good marks. It is certain. (that)
D) Read the following dialogue and complete the passage given below in the
reported speech : 4
Sita : Who is talking outside ?
Sudha : Ravi is talking with his friend.
Sita asked ________________________________________________
Sudha replied ______________________________________________.
E) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part : 6
i) Do you know riding a scooter ?
ii) One must love his country.
iii) Neither of his answers were wrong.
iv) She was angry on her friend.
v) He was there, was he ?
vi) I fear my teacher.

9. Read the following passage carefully and make notes. Suggest suitable
title. 4
One the international day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, we celebrate
the choice that millions of people around the world have made to live healthily
and we applaud the courage shown by those who have stopped using drugs.
In doing so, we send a positive message to all people who use or might be
tempted to use drugs. ‘Value yourself .... make healthy choices’.
This day is also an occasion to highlight the fact that nearly 200 million people
are still consuming illegal drugs. These drugs might have names that sound
colourful or enticing, such as crack, pot, Junk, crystal meth and disco biscuits.
But these are little more than tickets to a dead end. For those trapped by
addiction treatment is a way out and the choice to seek treatment is not only
courageous, but, often life-saving. Those who have not ventured down the
path of drug abuse should learn the lesson from those who have and firmly
choose not to.
302 -6- *302*

10. Read the clues given below. Understand the story. Write the story in not less
than 60 words : 5
Minister died — king — announce — test — select — new minister — Three
men — king — give — seeds — ask — grow — plants — bring — after three
months — Two men — plants — 2 feet tall — Third man — say king — not
grow — plants — king — appoint — third man — minister — honesty — king
— give — boiled seeds — all — men.
Write about your school days in not less than 60 words.

11. Write a letter to the principal of your college requesting him/her to arrange a
reading room in the college. 5

Read the following letter and write an appropriate reply :

3/4, Brodipet,
Dear Sarat,­
How are you ? We are doing all right. My parents are arranging a party on
my birthday on 25th this month. If you come here for the party I will be very
happy. We can enjoy a lot here. I will show you all the places worth seeing
here. Please come.

Yours lovingly,

S. Sarat,
H.No. 4-14-69,


12. Read the following conversation and write message accordingly : 4

Operator : Good Morning, Vigneswara Paints. Can I help you ?
Caller : I want to talk to Mr. Sudhakar, The Sales Manager.
Operator : May I know who is calling and phone number ?
Caller : Pratap, Srinadh Homes, Guntur. 9000060279.
Operator : I am sorry. Sudhakar is not here. Shall I take down a message for
him ?
*302* -7- 302

Caller : It is good. Please ask him to send the paints which we have ordered
by tomorrow morning. The payment was already made.

To _________________________________________________

From _________________________________________________

Time ___________________ Date _________________________

Phone Number _____________________________________________

Message __________________________________________________



Taken by

13. Write suitable response to the following : (1×6=6 Marks)

i) I have a ticket flight to Tokyo and I need to change it. My name is
ii) I have a booking for 6th August. But I really want to be in Tokyo on 6th
August. So I want to fly the day before.
iii) I want to change my flight from August sixth to August fifth.
iv) Yes. My name is Keshav Kalsi.
v) K-E-S-H-A-V- K-A-L-S-I
vi) Thank you so much.

14. Write an e-mail to Navabharat Guest House asking them to cancel your booking
accommodation and inform about changed date in near future. 2
302 -8- *302*

15. Read the following advertisement in ‘The Indian Express’ and prepare your
Resume/C.V. to apply for the job. 4
Wanted Lecturers
to teach English and Mathematics for B.A. students and B.Sc. students.
Apply before 9-2-2017.
Abhyudaya College, Lakshmipuram, Guntur.

You may use the following model :

1) Address with e-mail ID
2) Personal details
3) Employment objectives
4) Education
5) Experience
6) Special skills and activities
7) References.

16. You are the Headmaster of Zilla Parishad High School. You want to request
for some text books and story books for the school library. You want to report
to the District Educational Officer about the shortage of books in the library
and request to take necessary action. 4
In your report you may use the following hints :
1) Less number of text books in the library.
2) No children magazines.
3) Most of the students are poor.
4) They cannot buy text books and story books.
5) Take steps to send more books.

To :
From :
Date :
Subject :
Contents :
Action Required :
Conclusion :
Signature :


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