Mecanismo de Accao Antibiotico

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254 CHAPTER 11 Anti-Infectives

Síntese da parede Replicação de ADN (AND-

Celular girase)
Acido Nalidixico
Vancomicina Flúorquinolonas AND-dependente Polimerase de
Bacitracina ARN
Fosfomicina Rifampin
Manobactams DNA
THF A Síntese Proteica
mRNA (50S inibidor)
Metabolismo do
acido fólico Ribossoma Eritromicina
Trimetroprim 50 50 50 Clindamicina
Sulfonamidas 30 30 30

Síntese proteica
PABA (30S Inibidor )

Membrana Celular
Polimixinas Estreptomicina

Figura 1. Antimicrobianos: Mecanismo de ação

PABA- Ácido p-aminobenzoico, DHF A – Ácido dihidrofólico, THF A – Ácido tetrahidrofólico

Resistance to Penicillins became available for the treatment of many gram-positive

and gram-negative cocci, anaerobes, and spirochetes.
Bacterial resistance to penicillin exists secondary to several Table 11-2 lists the indications, doses, and adverse reac-
different bacterial characteristics and/or mechanisms. tions to the most commonly used penicillins. lhe two nat-
First, the penicillins poorly penetrate into the intracellular
ural penicillins used today are benzylpenicillin, also known
space and are therefore ineffective against obligate intracel-
as penicillin G, which can only be given intravenously, and
lular organisms such as Rickettsia or Chlamydia. Nor are penicillin V, which is the oral formulation. Procaine peni-
they effective against gram-negative bacteria because the cillin (Bicillin CR) is penicillin G in combination with a
peptidoglycan wall is not exposed to the antibiotic in gram- local anesthetic (procaine), making it useful for intramus-
negative bacteria. Some gram-negative bacteria also have cular injection. Benzathine benzyl penicillin (Bicillin LA) is
pores in the outer membrane that do not allow passage of a form of penicillin G that is slowly absorbed then hydro-
beta-lactam antibiotics. Other bacteria have efflux pumps lyzed to penicillin G internally. It is used when prolonged
that remove the antibiotic from the periplasmic space. concentrations are required. It is important not to confuse
Some bacteria, such as Mycoplasma, do not make pepti- Bicillin CR and Bicillin LA. Bicillin CR has 1.2 million units
doglycan and are therefore impervious to the mechanism of penicillin G and 1.2 million units of procaine. Bicillin LA
of action of beta-lactam antibiotics. Bacteria that do have has 2.4 million units of penicillin G.17
peptidoglycan can alter the form of peptidoglycan made so Penicillin G remains indicated for infections caused
the beta-lactam antibiotics are ineffective. Finally, bacterial by streptococci, meningococci, enterococci, penicillin-
development of enzymes beta-lactamase or penicillinase susceptible pneumococci, and non–beta-lactamase-
is a common mechanism of resistance. lhese enzymes producing staphylococci. lhis agent also is highly effective
break open the beta-lactam ring of the penicillin molecule against spirochetes such as Treponema pallidum, Clostrid-
and render it inactive.16 ium species, actinomyces, and other gram-positive rods, but
it is inactive against most strains of Staphylococcus aureus.
Natural Penicillins Penicillin V (Veetids), also known as penicillin VK, is
In the late 1920s, natural penicillins were identified, and similar to penicillin G, except it is acid stabile, and penicillin
by 1950, penicillin G was proven to be bactericidal and G is not. Because of its acid stability, penicillin V is the drug

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