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Booking Te: Jul 28,2022 8:47 PM Booking ID: Ts118838904020 Sl. cmiaies Anes HIEK3S Booking Status: CONFIRMED Aine PNR mat Na Economy Rta Abeba Tena? ta Temi} ROM Enis Aries conony Refundable ar aah Bra Pate int Osta Temi jn Sr. Name & FF Sector PNR & Ticket No 59000G° Meal, Seat & Other Preference Document It "Mr BHAUMIK JATINKUMAR BHATT (A) 2ai0011998, PP: 1790295 NIN 1D: 06/06/2022, ED : os/06/2092 [AMO-DXB_HIEK3S ( 1763908538459) 25KG | 7Kg NA Base Price 49,360.00 Airing Taxes and Foes (061261 UDFI01 Yaco7s AGSTE72 072200) *8,290.00 Management Fee e139 Moat’ SoavBaggage! Misc Charges 20.00 Management Fee GST £5.81 (IGST(18%) 381) Total Price 17,675.00 Tne 1 - You must web check-in on the aitine website and obtain @ boarding pass 2 You must download & register on the Aarogya Selu App and cary a valid 1D, 5 tis mandatory to wear a mask and carry other protective gear 4 Reach the terminal at least 2 hours pir tothe departure for domestic fight ané 4 hours prior to the departure of Intemational ght 5 - For departure terminal please check withthe aitine frst. 6 Date & Tine i calculated based on the local ime ofthe ckydestinaton. 7-Use the Aine PNR for all Corrospondonce doe with the Aine 8 For teschedlinglcancelaion within & hour ofthe departure time contac he aitine dvecty 9 Your abilty to travel sat he sale discretion of the airport autnortios and we shall nat be held responsible.

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