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1 Choose the correct words.

is isn’t are aren’t some any

a) There _______ some bread on the counter.

b) There _______ any glasses in the cabinet.
c) ________ there any juice in the refrigerator?
d) There are _______ eggs in the bowl.
e) There aren’t _______ plates on the table.
f) Are there _______ bananas in the basket?
g) There is _______ butter in the pan.
h) _______ there any milk on the table?

2. Place the foods in the correct category.

honey - potato chips - black coffee - lemons

a) Bitter: ______________________________
b) Salty: ______________________________
c) Sour: ______________________________
d) Sweet: _____________________________

3. What’s your country’s national dish? What ingredients do you use to make it?

4. Match the problem to the advice.

1. You should see a dentist. ( ) A I can’t sleep at night.

2. You shouldn’t read in the dark. ( ) B My tooth hurts.
3. You shouldn’t drink coffee before bed.( ) C I got a sunburn on my back.
4. You should put some cream on your skin. ( ) D I have a cut on my foot.

5. Complete with the correct words.

sick sore don’t hurts should shouldn’t

Meg: What’s wrong?
Tony: I have a _______ throat. And my body _______ .
Meg: Oh, no! Well, you _______ go to class today. You could make others _______.
Tony: I don’t know …
Meg: You _______ see a doctor. I can take you if you want.
Tony: But I don’t want to miss class.
Meg: Why _______ you ask your friend to take notes for you?
Tony: That’s a good idea.
6. Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs
in parentheses.

a) I  _______  (play) soccer every day.

b) I _______  (do) my homework now.
c) He _______ (chat) with a friend now.
d) How often _______ (do) you _______  (clean) your room?
e) I rarely _______ (go) to the movies.
f) Is she _______ (study) for a test?

7. Unit 9 online Language Focus Activity 3 (listening)

a) run ( ) hardly ever

b) lift weights ( ) on Saturdays
c) do pull-ups ( ) on Sundays
d) cycle ( ) three times a week
e) play soccer ( ) on Tuesdays
f) play tennis ( ) on Thursdays

8. Choose the correct word:

a) You should _______________  on the bus now—it leaves in two minutes. (get / pick / take)
b) The plane to London  _______________ off at 10 a.m. (took / got / picked)
c) We _______________ my cousin from the airport. (picked up/ took off / got up)
d) I was _______________ off the bus when you called. (getting / taking /picking)
e) She doesn’t _______________ the bus to school. She drives. (take / get / pick)

9. Choose the correct words.

on the corner of between straight past or and turn can make do

a) A: Excuse me.  _______________ you tell me how to get to the train station?

B: Um, go straight down Main Street. Then _______________ left.

b) A: Sorry. Where do I turn?

B: You  _______________ a left at Fourth Avenue. Walk  _______________  Marco’s Pizza.
A: OK.

c) B: The train station is  _______________ the Grand Hotel  _______________ City Mall.

A: OK, thank you so much.

10. Complete the sentences with the simple past or past progressive form of the verbs in

a) We __________________ (play) golf when it ___________________ (start) to rain.

b) I __________________ (see) an accident when I ___________________ (wait) for the bus.
c) She ______________  (babysit) when she ______________  (hear) a loud knock on the door.
d) He __________________  (break) his arm when he __________________ (skate) in the park.
e) My mother ________________  (have) breakfast when the phone _________________ (ring).

11. Match the bold word to its definition.

a) They share an interest in computers. ( ) have the same ideas
b) Do you want to share the cost of Anna’s present? ( ) immediately
( ) divide between two or more
c) Go straight down West Street.
d) She went straight home after class. ( ) a big public garden
e) He skates at the park on weekends. ( ) in a line
f) I can’t find an empty spot to park my car. ( ) leave a vehicle somewhere

12. Write a short paragraph about an adventure you had. Use “although”.


13. Each sentence has one error. Make the necessary correction(s).

a) What are you going have for lunch?

b) When you going to clean your room?

c) They are go to buy some cupcakes for the party.

d) Are you going to volunteering at the event?

e) We going to go to the park next weekend.

f) What’s she going to doing at the charity dance?

14. Use the words to write questions or sentences. Use going to.

a) I / sing / at the party / tonight. ___________________________________________________

b) she/ go to the mall / later? _____________________________________________________
c) What / you / have for lunch? ____________________________________________________
d) He / not / come / to class / tomorrow. _____________________________________________

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