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Short Vowel /ʊ/ Long vowel /u:/

Sugar /'ʃʊgər/ Bamboo /bæmˈbuː/
Identify the vowels which are pronounced /ʊ/
(Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát âm là /ʊ/)

1. "o" được phát âm là /ʊ/ trong một số trường hợp

wolf /wʊlf/ chó sói
woman /'wʊmən/ đàn bà
2. "oo" thường được phát âm là /ʊ/
book /bʊk/ sách
good /gʊd/ tốt
look /lʊk/ nhìn
wool /wʊl/ len
cook /kʊk/ nấu ăn
foot /fʊt/ chân
wood /wʊd/ gỗ
took /tʊk/ quá khứ của take
3. "ou" được phát âm là /ʊ/ trong một số trường hợp :
could /kʊd/ có thể
should /ʃʊd/ phải, nên
would /wʊd/ sẽ, muốn

Identify the vowels which are pronounced /uː/ (Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát
âm là /uː/)
1. "o" thường được phát âm là /uː/ trong một vài từ thông dụng có tận cùng bằng o
hay o với phụ âm.
do /duː/ làm
move /muːv/ cử động
lose /luːz/ mất, đánh mất
prove /pruːv/ chứng minh
tomb /tuːm/ mộ, mồ
remove /rɪ'muːv/ bỏ đi, làm mất đi
2. "u" còn được phát âm là /uː/
blue /bluː/ màu xanh lam
brute /bruːt/ con vật, người thô bạo
flute /fluːt/ ống sáo
brutal /'bruːtl/ thô bạo, dã man
lunar /ˈluːnə/ thuộc về mặt trăng
salute /səˈluːt/ sự chào mừng
lunacy /ˈluːnəsɪ/ sự điên rồ
lunatic /ˈluːnətɪk/ người điên rồ
lubricant /ˈluːbrɪkənt/ chất dầu mỡ
3. "oo" còn được phát âm là /uː/
cool /kuːl/ mát mẻ
food fuːd/ đồ ăn, thực phẩm
too /tuː/ cũng
pool /puːl/ bể bơi
goose /guːs/ con ngỗng

spoon /spuːn/ cái thìa

tool /tuːl/ đồ dùng
tooth /tuːθ/ cái răng
sooth /suːθ/ sự thật
soothe /suːð/ làm dịu, làm bớt đau
booby /'buːbɪ/ người đần độn, khờ khạo
booty /'buːtɪ/ chiến lợi phẩm
bamboo /bæm'buː/ cây tre
boohoo /bu'huː/ khóc huhu
cuckoo /'kʊkuː/ con chim cu
googly /'guːglɪ/ bóng dội ngược
doomsday /'duːmzdeɪ/ ngày tận thế
4. "ou" được phát âm là / uː/ trong một số trường hợp
croup /kruːp/ bệnh đau cổ họng
group /gruːp/ một nhóm, một đám
troupe /truːp/ gánh hát

douche /duːʃ/ vòi hoa sen

wounded /'wuːndɪd/ bị thương
croupier /'kruːpɪə/ người hồ lì (ở sòng bạc)
5. "ui" được phát âm là / uː/ trong một số trường hợp
bruise /bruːz/ vết thương, vết bầm tím da
bruit /bruːt/ tin đồn, tiếng đồn
fruit /fruːt/ trái cây
juice /dʒuːs/ nước cốt, nước trái cây
cruise /kruːz/ cuộc đi chơi trên biển
cruiser /ˈkruːzə/ tuần dương hạm
recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ mộ binh, tuyển lính
Ngoại lệ:
fluid /ˈfluːɪd/ chất lỏng, lỏng
ruin /ˈruːɪn/ sự đổ nát, vết tích đổ nát

Task 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1. A. choose B. cool C. good D. tool

2. A. June B. bull C. truth D. flu
3. A. woman B. who C. move D. lose
4. A. pudding B. push C. cushion D. include
5. A. wood B. moon C. soon D. loose
6. A. ruin B. fluid C. recruit D. cuckoo
7. A. tool B. noon C. door ` D. school
8. A. wolf B. move C. tomb D. do
9. A. juice B. group C. fruit D. lunar
10. A. door B. booby C. cuckoo D. cool

Task 3: Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. football B. windsurfing C. badminton D. aerobics

2. A. volleyball B. weather C. winter D. vacation
3. A. climbing B. canoeing C. cricket D. cycling
4. A. leisure B. diving C. origami D. movie
5. A. adore B. enjoy C. fancy D. detest
6. A. bookstore B. improve C. goldfish D. novel
7. A. satisfy B. average C. volunteer D. cultural
8. A. origami B. delicious C. community D. technology
9. A. detest B. discuss C. adore D. addict
10. A. teenager B. negative C. solution D. benefit
11. A. satisfied B. socialize C. volunteer D. exercise
12. A. information B. technology C. community D. activity
13. A. library B. museum C. melody D. favourite
14. A. protection B. addicted C. computer D. goldfish
15. A. skateboard B. sticker C. adore D. leisure



balance (n) /ˈbæləns/ sự thăng bằng, sự cân bằng

bracelet (n) /ˈbreɪslət/ vòng đeo tay

crazy (adj) /ˈkreɪzi/ rất thích, quá say mê

cruel (adj) /ˈkruːəl/ độc ác

detest (v) /dɪˈtest/ căm ghét

/ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/ hoạt động tự làm ra, sửa chữa hoặc
DIY (do-it-yourself)
(n) (/ˌduː ɪt jəˈself/) trang trí đồ vật tại nhà
fancy (v) /ˈfænsi/ mến, thích

fold (v) /fəʊld/ gấp, gập

fond (adj) /fɒnd/ mến, thích

keen (adj) /kiːn/ say mê, ham thích

keep in touch /kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ/ giữ liên lạc (với ai)

kit (n) /kɪt/ bộ đồ nghề

leisure (n) /ˈleʒə/ thời gian rảnh rỗi

message (v) /ˈmesɪdʒ/ gửi tin nhắn

muscle (n) /ˈmʌsl/ cơ bắp

origami (n) /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/ nghệ thuật gấp giấy Nhật Bản
outdoors (adv) /ˌaʊtˈdɔːz/ ngoài trời

prefer (v) /prɪˈfɜː/ thích hơn

puzzle (n) /ˈpʌzl/ trò chơi câu đố / giải đố

resort (n) /rɪˈzɔːt/ khu nghỉ dưỡng

snowboarding (n) /ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ/ trượt tuyết bằng ván

Task 1. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks.

relaxing snowboarding doing DIY doing puzzle

window making crafts making origami messaging

1………………… 2………………… 3… ……………… 4…………………

5………………… 6………………… 7……………… 8…………………

Task 2. Fill……………………
in blanks with the words given.
…………………… ……………………

like working watching football loves collecting like eating adore playing
detests looking fancies doing detests doing fancies being fancy singing

1. My younger sister................................dolls.
2. My friend Peter and I................................board games.
3.I don’t ...... at the weekend. I like spending time with myfamily instead.
4. My the kitchen and preparing food for my family.
5. Nancy............................... housework such as washing the dishes.
6 .My sister doesn’t...............
7. Joey enjoys................................but he detests playing football.
8. My sister................................voluntary activities. She has travelled to 15countries to
do voluntary work.
9. I don’t ............................... onion. I hate onion.
10.Minh hates me. He even............................... at me.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

Leisure , virtual, satisfied, weird, addicted, hooked, relaxing, fun

1. It is very ________ to lie on the beach, and listen to the sound of the waves.

2. That’s __________ - I thought I’d left my keys on the table but they’re not there.

3. Many teens are __________ on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

4. The website allows you to take a tour of the art gallery.

5. He was not with the camera, so he took it back to the store.

6. Bird-watching is an increasingly popular activity.

7. Hanging out with friends is . I really enjoy it.

8. Are you______________ to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram.

Task 4. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1. I like cooking in my free time. It makes me feel ______ (RELAX)

2. My sister doesn’t like surfing the Internet, she says it is _ ___. (BORE)
3.Skateboarding is her hobby. It is also one of the (POPULARITY)
most___________sports of the teenagers in this town.
4.My close friend gave me a _ __________ present on my (WONDER)
birthday. I like it so much.
5.My brother works as a volunteer for an animal protection _ (ORGANIZE)
________. He really loves his job.
6. People in my country are very warm and __________ (FRIEND)
7. L.A Hill is a writer. (HUMOR)
8. I’m sorry for the delay. (EXTREME)
9. Are you _ ____ about the new Gears Of War games? (EXCITE)
10. She listens to classical music for _ ________ (RELAX)


Verbs of liking + V-Ing/ to-infinitlve.

Khi một động từ theo sau một động từ chỉ ý thích, động từ đi theo sau đó phải ở dạng
V-ing hoặc to V.

Verb Meaning
enjoy thích
fancy thích
like thích
love yêu thích
adore mê, thích mê
detest ghét
dislike không thích
hate ghét

Ví dụ:                                     
              He loves watching football. (Anh ấy thích xem bóng đá.)
             John is keen on getting together. (John thích tụ tập bạn bè.)
             Loan enjoys reading book so much. (Loan rất thích đọc sách.)
- Bạn cần phân biệt 2 dạng câu sau:
- Like + V+ing: chỉ 1 hành động thuộc về sở thích, có tính chất lâu dài, theo thói quen
Ví dụ:
           I like doing exercises at midnight. (Tôi thích làm bài tập vào lúc nửa đêm.)
- Like to – infinitive: chỉ 1 hành động thích/ muốn ....làm gì đó có tính chất bộc phát, tạm
Ví dụ:
            I like to swim this Saturday. (Thứ bảy này tôi muốn đi bơi.)

Chú ý:

Một số động từ có thể được dùng với cả V-ing hoặc V-infinitive mà không có sự thay
đổi nhiều về ý nghĩa.
Ví dụ:
I love playing football with my friends.
= I love to play football with my friends.

Task 1. Complete the sentences, using the -ing form of the given verbs.

do stay travel take do

collect plant go eat watch

1. We enjoy.........................for a walk around the lake every evening.

2. My friend Jenifer loves ......................... unique things.
3. Most of my friends don’t like..... .....................homework at the weekend.
4. Do you in the balcony?
5. I hate......................... outdoors in the summer. It’s so hot.
6. I don’t like ......................... challenging sports like ice skating or surfing.
7. My cousin David adores ................. photos. He has got an expensive camera.
8. Who dislikes..........................films on TV?
9. Does Laura hate......................... noodles?
10.My mother detests ............... by bus because she can be carsick.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the to-infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I have enjoyed (meet) you. Hope (see) you again soon.

2. My father is not keen on coffee. He prefers _____(drink) tea.

3. I am a little busy. Would you mind (wait) a little longer?

4. Mobile games are great, but I don’t like _________(play) them for too long.

5. If I can choose, I prefer _ (stay) at home to (play) sport.

6. Tonight I’d like_ (go) out, but I have to do my homework.

7. Sue loves (make) origami. She can fold some animals, birds and flowers.

8. I detested (spend) two hours every day travelling to work and back.

9. He started (surf) the net hours ago. Has he stopped (surf) yet?

10. I tried hard (concentrate), but my mind kept (wander).

3. Complete the correct answer a, b, c or d.

How much time do you spend
1. My students enjoy English very much.
A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn
2. Mai enjoys ________ to music, especially pop music in her free time.
A. hearing B. playing C. listening D. talking
3. My grandparents love __________ very much. There are a lot of beautiful flowers and
fresh vegetables in their garden.
A. doing garden B. doing gardening
C. do gardening D. to do garden
4. You should avoid ______ too much TV. It’s not good for your eyes.
A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. glancing
5. Nga likes ________ with her close friend on Saturday evenings.
A. window shop B. window to shop
C. window shops D. window shopping
6. Lan used to love _____ front of the computer for hours but now she doesn’t. She takes
part in a judo club.
A. using B. sitting C. doing D. having
7. Minh is very hard-working boy. He doesn’t mind ______ a lot of homework in the
A. making B. reading C. seeing D. doing
8. Do you fancy _____ around the West Lake with me this Sunday morning?
A. going B. having C. staying D. moving
9. I don’t like _______ up early in the winter days. I love ______ in bed late.
A. getting / stay B. get / stay
C. getting / staying D. get / staying
10. Why don’t we ____ our parents with some DIY project? T think it is useful.
A. help B. do C. make D. give
Task 4. Complete the sentences in Mai’s email with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Hi, Susan!
Well, I’m here in Ha Noi, now. I see quite a lot of my cousin Hoa because we (1)
(enjoy/ do) _ ______the same things. I have some new friends called David and John. David is
very good at computers and he (2) (not mind/ help)__ _______ me so that’s good. John is really
nice too. He (3) (play) _ ____basketball and he (4) (go/ skateboard) __ ______quite a lot.
His brother Toby is 18 and he’s really cool but he (5) (prefer/ play) _ ______football. I (6)
(do) _____ _____ gymnastics once a week and Hoa (7) (do)_ ________ karate. She prefers
indoor sports because she (8) (not like/ get)________ cold!
Write soon!
Task 5. There are five grammar mistakes in this passage. Find and correct them.
Like most people, I turn on my laptop play as well as to
study. At weekends, I go to my favourite chat rooms and I
Sometimes I spend hours online and I often make new
friends. My mum doesn’t go shop anymore. She likes buy
everything online. My sister likes music and she has join a
rock group which she found on a webpage at her university.
When I want to improving my English, there are a lot of
great website with vocabulary games and practice
exercises. I usually score more points than my sister!

Task 6. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. Having leisure activities are truly important to the elderly.
2. Although she wanted to go to the museum, she decided staying at home.
3. Parents are concerned that their kids may be spending too many time on screens.
4. Collecting coins is exciting, but it can also be relaxed.
5. Cloud watching sound weird, but Hang adores it.
6. For some young people, enjoyment involves sitting in front a computer playing games.
7. His parents are thinking of banning him on using the computer.
8. When you game online, be carefully when making friends with strangers.
9. I detest to have to get up when it’s dark outside.
10. Do you fancy to come on a day trip to Bath next Saturday?
11. Would you mind to open the window?
12. Why are they encouraged to learning English?
13. I preferred comics in my free time.
14. Mai enjoys to make crafts, especially cloth dolls.
15. For some people, training pets are hard work.


Task 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 03)

1. Tuan likes ...................... the
Internet in his free time.
2. Webpages load ......................
with a high-speed connection.
3. Tuan usually ...................... his
4. Tuan sometimes orders products
or ..... ................. online.
5. Using the Internet can be fun
and ......................

Task 2:Listen and decide if the statements are True( T) or False( F)

1. Tuan likes surfing the Internet in his free time. _____________

2. When Tuan gets home from work, he goes to bed. _____________

3. He can download files quicker thanks to high-speed connection._____________

4. He never reads news on the Internet. _____________

5. He orders products online to save money. _____________


Task 1. Match the questions and answers. Then practice.

1. What do you enjoy doing in your A. I don’t know ... doing sport or
spare time? playing a musical instrument.
2. How much time do you have each B. I want to improve my speaking skill.
week for socializing with friends?
3. What do you think is the best C. I prefer to spend my free time with
leisure activity for teens? my family and friends.
4. Why do you join English club? D. I’m not sure. I might watch a video
at home.
5. Do you prefer to spend your free E. For relaxation, I prefer listening to
time alone or with other people? soft music.
6. What do you do to relax yourself? F. Every day to consume face book
updates from friends and family.

7. How often do you use social media? G. About five hours or fewer
8. Do you have any plans for next H. I love reading and spend
weekend? as much time as I can
doing that.

Task 2. Write the question for the

I. Write underline
questions for thepart.
underlined parts.
1. A:?
B: My mother watches films every afternoon.
2. A: ?
B: They went to the movies yesterday evening.
3. A: ?
B: I love hanging out with my best friend Helen.
4. A: ?

B: I don’t give my personal information to websites because it’s easy to be stolen.

5. A: ?
Children should spend less than 2 hours a day on screens.
6. A: ______?
B: Do-it-yourself (DIY) is the most popular pastime in my country.
7. A: ?
B: The art of paper folding originated in China.
8. A: ___?

B: 1 vs 100 game show lasts ninety minutes.


Task 1. Read and answer the questions.

I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is
three kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the
chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults
watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run around
playing games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere.
My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products like
vegetables, fruits, eggs... He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the
town square. I love those trips.
On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the
Milky Way. We dream of faraway places.

1. How does the boy go to school every day?

2. What does he do after classes?

3. Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?

4. What do the children do on starry nights?

5. Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?

Task 2. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

I go on the Internet every day, but I’ve never (1) ______ more than an hour at a time online.
I’ve got laptop and also a smartphone, so I can (2) _________ the internet anywhere. Today,
for instance, I’ve been (3) ______ three times.
Mainly I just (4) _________ my friends. I read online magazines and I look (5)
______ information, too. I also compare prices of thing, (6) __________ I’ve never bought
anything online because I don’t think it’s safe.
I’m not an Internet addict, but some of my friends (7) _________. One friend of mine
always looks (8) ________ because he spends all night online. Although he’s got a bad
marks for the exams, he hasn’t (9) _____ his habits.
In my experience, it’s very useful for people who use the Internet(10) _______.
1. A. spend B. spending C. spent
2. A. have B. use C. play
3. A. online B. internet C. computer
4. A. write B. email C. send
5. A. at B. in C. for
6. A. because B. but C. although
7. A. is B. were C. are
8. A. tired B. hard C. happily
9. A. change B. to change C. changed
10. A. sensible B. sensibly C. sensibleness
Task 3. Read the passage and choose the correct answers.

Most people watch TV in their leisure time. A television is considered essential in

every household. It can be the source of entertainment for all members in the family. There
are always programmes suitable for different ages, genders and interests… Watching TV is
a great way to spend time and bond with your family. Besides the entertainment value, TV
shows can also be educational with cooking programmes, documentaries…TV is also a way
to expand your mind and see places you couldn’t in real life. However, spending too much
time in front of the TV makes you a couch potato, lazy person who watches TV a lot. It can
negatively affect your physical health because you are less likely to exercise. You creativity
and imagination can also be limited because of television.
1. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A. Television and Household.
B. Entertainment for family members.
C. Advantages and Disadvantages of watching TV.
D. Imagination from Television.
2. What proves that television serves all members in the family?
A. TV programmes are designed for different genders.
B. TV programmes are designed for all ages.
C. TV programmes are designed for various interests.
D. All are correct.
3. According to the writer, what are the advantages of watching TV?
A. Connecting family members. C. Opening your mind.
B. Providing knowledge. D. All are correct.
4. According to the writer, what are the disadvantages of watching TV?
A. Improving your physical health. C. A and B are incorrect.
B. Encouraging your imagination. D. A and B are correct.
5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. It costs much money to own a television.
B. People watch TV for entertaining.
C. A couch potato may had bad physical health.
D. There are cooking programmes and documentaries on TV
Task 4. Fill in the blank with the words in the box.

Advantages of watching television

advisers motivate expensive cultures educational

I love watching TV and I think watching TV brings lots of benefits.

In this busy, (1) …....... life, television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment.
By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking
news around the world.
Some shows and channels (like PBS and Discovery) offer (2) ............. programs that can
increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us.
Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information: Cooking channels
offer new recipes and methods, home improvement shows introduce us to many money-
saving DIY tips, and financial (3) .................... give advice for managing finances and
investing money, for example. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a
different language.
Some shows can (4) ..................... people who are interested in that field and help them
to pursue their dreams.
TV can expand your mind. Some shows let you travel vicariously and teach you about
different people, (5) ....................., ideas, and places you might never encounter in real
life. Watching a variety of shows might give us a broader understanding of the world we
live in and expose us to things we might otherwise never come across in our own lives.


Task 1. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.

1. to/ you/ listening/ like/ music?/ Do

2. in/ My/ flowers/ mother/ the/ planting/ garden./ loves
3. swimming/ the/ parents/ enjoy/ My/ in/ sea./ really
4. cycling/ Do/ fancy/ now?/ you
5. and/ I/ My/ playing/ adore/ chess./ brother
6. collecting/ dislikes/ stamps./ Rose
7. taking/ I/ a/ don’t/ in/ winter./ shower/ like
8. detests/ Laura/ pottery./ making
9. laboratory/ Minh Nam and I/ spending/ love/ a/ do/ hours/ to/ an experiment./ in
10.interested in/ I/ fishing/ cold/ am not/ weather./ in/ this

Task 2. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1. It takes us more than two hours to see the film “Avatar”.

The film “Avatar” ________________________________________________
2. She likes to hang out with friends on Saturday evening.
She’s interested ________________________________________________
3. She only allows her children to watch television at weekends.
She only lets.
4. Could you help me with this box?
Would you
5. DIY skills aren’t as hard to learn as I think.
DIY skills are __ ________________________________________________
6. Who will take care of the garden while you are away?
Who will look________________________________________________
7. How about going window-shopping this afternoon?
Shall ________________________________________________
8. What leisure activity do you like most?
What’s_ ________________________________________________

Task 3. Write a short paragraph about your favourite leisure activity

What do you enjoy doing in your
leisure time?
What is your favourite leisure
Why do you enjoy doing it?

How did you start doing it at first?

How often do you practice it?

Who do you often practise it with?

Do your Mum/ Dad/ friend(s) also

like it?
What free-time activities would you
like to try in the future?


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in
each question.
1. A. spoon B.wool C. cook D. took
2. A. pudding B. push C. cushion D. include
3. A. tool B. noon C. door ` D. school
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. generous B. electrical C. appliance D. nomadic
5. A. disturb B. local C. pasture D. grassland

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6.__________ differences between the two social groups can be reflected in theway their
people ________ with each other.
A. culture - communication C. culture - communicate
B. cultural - communication D. cultural - communicate
7. After spending the whole afternoon with her DIY project, she’s still not _________
A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfying D. satisfactory
8. Local of this island include seafood_________ and coconut products.
A. specialty B. specialties C. specialisation D. specialisations
9. The_________ of his paper craft brought him the first prize in his school’s competition.
A. unique B. uniquely C. uniqueness D. uniqueiity
10. Nam_________ the Internet a lot to find useful information for his studying.
A. Surfs B. types C. checks D. look ups
11. The Internet allows us to communicate _________friends from different parts of the world.
A. To B. with C. for D. of
12. _________aerobics 30 minutes a day will improve your full-body flexibility and
strengthen your bones.
A. Doing B. Making C. Taking D. Using
13. The children are so excited to learn how to_______ crafts using waste paper and ice-
cream sticks.
A. invent B. recycle C. make D. draw
14. _________in team sports benefits children’s development in many different ways.
A. Trying B. Getting C. Taking D. Participating
15.Nowadays, many teenagers chat with each other on Facebook, Twitter and other
social networking sites using _____________.
A. netlingo B. idiom C. phrase D. code
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the part in each of the following
16.Mary enjoys reading book and cooking at the weekend .
A. hates B. adores C. dislikes D. prefers
17. He is hooked on football so much that he goes to every match of his favourite team.
A. is interested in B. is fed up with C. is tired of D. is in favour of
18. What do you like doing in your leisure time! - I often listen to music and play basketball
with my friends.
A. working time B. holiday time C. free time D. break time
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline part in each of
the following sentences.
19. She’s a sociable child who loves to talk to anyone.
A. outgoing B. anti-social C. talkative D. unfriendly
20. Many children do not understand that many leisure activities are dangerous such as
free solo climbing, bull running,...
A. suitable B. interesting C. safe D. well-educated

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence below.

21. My grandma enjoys ________ woolly hats in her free time.
A. to make B. make C. making D. made
22. Johnny ________ to play computer games.
A. is addicting to B. is addited to C. addicts to D. addicted to
23. My sisters________ Korean drama________ Indian drama.

A. prefers - to B. prefers than C. prefer to D. prefer than

24. Mickey loves ________his parents________ DIY projects.

A. help - in B. help - with C. to help in D. to help with

25. Do you fancy ________ with friends?

A. to socialise B. socialising C. socialise D. socialised
26. He’d like________ the Louvre museum with his family this weekend.
A. to visite B. visiting C. visit D. visited
27. Dogs adore _________with fresh meat
A. to feed B. feeding C. to be fed D. being fed
28. He is 18 years old now. He hates________ like a small kid.
A. treat B. treating C. treated D. being treated
29.During their summer holiday, they would prefer______ with local people rather than
_______in a five-star hotel
A. to stay - to stay B. staying - staying C. staying – to stayD. to stay - stay
30. In my free time, I would rather________ than ________.
A. to go to the cinema - to visit the museum B. go to the cinema - visit the museum
C. going to the cinema - visiting the museum D. went to the cinema - visited the museum
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentences below.
31.Books can be used (A) as a tool opening (B) up (C) new worlds for (D) children. =>to
32.Spend (A)time with family can always be (B) the most precious(C)experience (D) to
33. According to a research, sending(A) text messages or using (B) Facebook while doing
(C) homework reduce (D) students’ overall GPA.=>reduces
34. It is important for (A) parents to teach (B) their children how using (C)soci. media
wisely (D).=>touse
35. Each (A) person have (B)different ways (C)to relax (D) in their free time.=>has

Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’leisure
time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging i creative and
artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. B continually participating
in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in that area. Hobby is
something that a person develops from childhood, more specifically during primary school,
to late life. We can never predict when we develop interests in new things and have a
likeness towards it.
In this busy daily schedule, we all get so busy in our life routine that sometime we
forget to give out time for our hobbies. Indulging in a hobby is actually good for a sound
health. We all need a time of leisure for ourselves and that partícula time is when we like to
do something that gives us immense happiness.
(Source: Adapted from Tip Top Lifestyle)
36. A hobby is often done in one’s free time.
37. People can gain skills and knowledge through taking up a hobby.
38. A hobby is mostly developed from the age of two to three.
39. It’s difficult to predict one’s new hobby development.
40. Involving in a hobby negatively affects one’s health.

Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or B) that best answers each of the
questions below.
One of the most obvious negative aspects of social networking is losing face- to-face
contact with other people. Teens are sitting around with their phone in their hands all day
long, tapping messages onto screens instead of communicating with real people. Many
teenagers feel more comfortable with virtual friends than with real ones. The majority think
that it is easier to chat on the Internet because they lack communication skills.
It is also true that parents often have no knowledge about what their kids do with their
phones or computer. Crosby says that, "While kids are plugged in to social media, only
about 40% of parents are involved themselves." And because parents don't know the full
picture, they also don't know how to deal with a teenager's potential overuse of social media
and might not even be aware that a problem exists. Therefore, social networking can be
much more immediately engaging with the teenager's life than parents are, and this fact
makes virtual communication feels more "real" than face-to-face communication.
(Source: Adapted from We have kids)
41. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Parents should use social networks more to understand their children.
B. Students are using social networks too much.
C. Social networking brings negative effects to student’s face-to-face communication.
D. Virtual life is easier than real life.
42. What do most teenagers think about chatting on the Internet?
A. Chatting on the Internet is easier than talking with real people.
B. Chatting on the Internet is more difficult than talking with real people.
C. Chatting on the Internet is funnier than talking with real people.
D. Chatting on the Internet is more boring than talking with real people.
43. The percentage of 40% refers to
A. The number of parents who let their children use social media.
B. The number of parents who do not want their children to use media.
C. The number of parents who use social media.
D. The number of parents who do not use social media.
44.Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. The majority of teenagers find it easier to communicate with virtual friend
B. The majority of teenagers lacks communication skill.
C. The majority of parents know how to use social media with their children
D. The majority of parents do not know how to deal with their children overuse of social
45. Which of the following best explains the word “overuse” in the passage?
A. using something overnight
B. using something too much
C. using something without thinking
D. using something with carelessness

Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best
combines the two given sentences.
46. It is not a good idea to spend too much time on social networking sites.
A. Spending too much time on social networking sites is not too bad.
B. It’s advisable not to spend less time on social networking sites.
C. It’s better to avoid spending less time on social networking sites.
D. It’s better to avoid spending too much time on social networking sites.
47. Playing board games is very interesting.
A. It is very interested in playing board games.
B. It is very interested to play board games.
C. It is very interesting playing board games.
D. It is very interesting to play board games.
48. My parents insist me on learning another language.
A. My parents want me to learn another language.
B. My parents start learning another language with me.
C. My parents help me in learning another language.
D. My parents assist me in learning another language.
49. Julie finds making crafts boring.
A. Julie enjoys making crafts.
B. Julie’s crafts are not boring.S
C.To Julie, making craft is not interesting.
D. Julie cannot find an interesting craft to play with.
50. I’d rather surf the Internet than play computer games.
A. I prefer surfing the Internet to playing computer games.
B. I prefer playing computer games surfing the Internet.
C. I like playing computer games more than surfing the Internet.
D. I dislike surfing the Internet, but I like playing computer games.

_____The end____

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