TAM2601 - Assessment 2 - 18192173

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TAM 2601



DECLARATION REGARDING PLAGIARISM ..................................................................................................... 3
TAM2601 Assessment 2 (50 Marks) ............................................................................................................. 4
Question 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Question 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Question 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 14


Name and student number: Suné Stewart and 18192173

Assignment topic: Assignment 2

I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary

material has been used (either from a printed source or from the Internet),
this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with
departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware
of the department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to
borrow or copy my work.


TAM2601 Assessment 2 (50 Marks)
This assessment is an individual written assessment. The primary
source is your prescribed book. You are advised to consult other
relevant sources and reference them to support your discussion.

Question 1
Read the abstract below and answer the questions that follow:

Self-Management for Teachers

Teachers face stressors from many sources. Too much work and not
enough time. Attending to their students’ needs. Dealing with parents.
Pressure to meet academic standards. The list goes on.
Most teachers have the sense to keep their cool and do what they can to
get through the day while staying professional. There are times when that
is difficult. Sometimes we feel on the verge of totally losing it. But there are
strategies teachers can use to manage stress, triggers, time and feel more
in control in the classroom. (By Peyton, 2021)

1.1. Critically analyse and discuss the possible coping strategies for
handling stress. (10 marks)

1. Keeping a positive attitude.

The way you think about things, can make a big difference. If you are positive, it can
help you with difficult situations. When you are negative, you will not handle stressful
situations effectively. When you have a positive attitude, you can mislead your brain in

thinking that you can do anything. It will help you to think clearly and it will help you to
find ways easily to handle the stressful events.

2. Accepting that you cannot control everything.

Knowing when you have given your all and your best to a difficult situation, can help
you to give energy somewhere else, where it might be more effective. When you find
that nothing you do helps the situation and letting it be, can also help you to feel more
free and less stressed. That way you may even find ways to help the difficult situation or
it may even sort itself out.

3. Learning to relax.
Deep breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation can help your body to relax. It can
help you to become calmer and to think more clearly in difficult situations. When you
learn to relax, your mind will be clearer in finding solutions to the stress or difficult

4. Being regularly active.

When your body is fit, it can fight stress easy. When you are working out or if you are
active, you can take out your frustration and stress on the training. It helps to take your
mind of things and only focus on getting fit.

5. Eating well-balanced foods.

When you eat healthy and when you stay on track with healthy habits, it will help you to
manage stress more effective. Your mind and your body will be nourished, making you
think more clearly and making better decisions than when you are unhealthy with bad
habits. Eating well balanced foods, will help you to be more awake and ready to fight

6. Rest and sleep.

When you endure stressful events, you need to give your body time to recover. Sleep is
very important, because your brain needs to be awake to fight stress. When you don’t
get enough sleep or rest, you will be too tired to handle difficult situations.

7. Finding what makes you stress and finding ways to deal with them.
You can learn to control your stress, when you know what triggers it. Stress comes from
how you respond to difficult or stressful situations and when you know how to handle
these events, you will more likely have less stress.

1.2. Assess the consequences of educators' negative anger

behaviours in the classroom. (10 marks)

1. Fear and Anxiety.

When a teacher has negative anger behaviours, students will have a fear for the
teacher. They may avoid the teacher and this anxiety and fear will have a negative
impact on their participation in class. They will be less willing to participate in activities
and this may lead to negative academic performance.

2. Negative Learning Environment.

These negative anger behaviours of a teacher will create a negative learning
atmosphere and environment in the classroom. Students will feel unsafe and not
welcome. They may feel too intimidated and this can cause an increase in their stress.
They may begin to feel frustrated and they will not have an effective learning chance.

3. Decreased Motivation.
Students will become unmotivated and they will not have motivation to learn or to
participate in the classroom. They will develop a negative attitude for their teacher and
also for the subject. They will become negative to learn and this will have a negative
impact on their academic performance.

4. Lost Trust.
Students will not trust their teacher any more if they experience these negative anger
behaviours regularly. There might no longer be any teacher-student relationships and
this will have a negative impact on the communication, understanding and respect.

5. Poor Mental Health.

Students may become depressed, because they will feel stressed or anxiety due to the
negative anger behaviours. This may have a negative impact on their personal lives,
well-being and academic performances.

Question 2
2.1. Identify and describe the characteristics of millennial generation.
(10 marks)

1. They value meaningful motivation.

Millennials find meaningful motivation very important. Their aim is for goals with
meaningful work rather than monetary gains. This generation’s professional drive helps
them to achieve more in their careers, for reasons more than money increase or
bonuses. Millennials are motivated by creative work and sharing their talents with others
and making an impact. They often have big role models and listen to inspirational
speakers on Tik tok or YouTube, on how to improve themselves or their skills. They
value meaningful inspiration.

2. They challenge hierarchical status quo.

Millennials likes to share their opinions and ideas and they often challenge their
superiors and mentors when they feel it may be helpful. They find importance in active
learning, considering different points of view and working with others. Millennials find
that it is more beneficial to work with creative solutions rather than to work with routine
orders from their bosses. They like to move away from professional status and levels.

3. They find relationships with superiors important.

Millennials prefer superiors that the can connect to as mentors. They would much rather
choose to be comfortable with their superiors and they will be more comfortable asking
for advice. Millennials wants to build a relationship in which they can have regular
communication with their managers.

4. They have intuitive knowledge of technology.

Millennials grew up with the growth of technology. They are the first generation to be
fully known with technology and the first generation to be fully globalized online when
they grew up. Millennials have the ability to adapt quickly to new technology. They will
always find a way to use new technology for their development.

5. They are open and adaptive to change.

Millennials are not only adaptive to change, but they embrace it. There are constant
changes, every day, in the business, technology and economy. Millennials knows this
and also knows that the methods of working must change with them. By being adaptive
to this changing atmosphere, this generation can advance and take on many roles.

6. They find tasks more important than time.

Millennials are more task orientated than time orientated. They are more productive,
and they place a higher priority on the quality of a product. Millennials work to an end
product and worry less about how much time it would take them to finish it. Millennials
may want more flexible work hours in order to make more time for things outside of

7. They have a passion for learning.

Millennials will always be open to learn new things. They are more curious about the
world and have the desire to learn new skills and knowledge to help their professional
lives. Millennials knows that it is important to set and achieve their goals, both in their
personal lives and their careers.

8. They find feedback and recognition important.

Millennials appreciate regular feedback more than waiting to be reviewed. Development

and performance management is a priority for most millennials and therefor they need
input and advice from their mentors. They seek weekly or even daily feedback so that
they can quickly improve on their performance. Millennials also like to have positive
praise and open recognition in the workplace. It benefits their motivation and thereby
they know that their work is being appreciated and making a difference. It helps them to
be motivated when they know that their talents are valued.

9. They are creative and free-thinking.

Millennials grew up when the transition from conventional to modern methods and
technologically advanced methods was in action. This is why they are more imaginative
in their ideas and thinking ways. Millennials can come up with creative solutions when a
difficult problem in the workplace happens. They grew up with modern technology,
which gives them an advantage of free thinking and modern thinking. They are more
creative and more open to many ways of working and thinking.

10. They find teamwork and social interactions in the workplace important.

Millennials tend to desire a more social atmosphere in the workplace. They will rather
work within a team, working together on projects and creating innovative approaches to
their work than working alone. They want to solve problems with partners, giving them
different points of view to the situation. Millennials tend to want a fun, relaxed and
comfortable workplace.

2.2. Critically discuss the effectiveness learning styles of the
millennial generation. (10 marks)

1. Social/ Collaborative Learning.

Millennials like to use some sort of technology to communicate, share ideas and
knowledge. They like to discuss things with others online. By including discussion
forums and social media groups students will feel that the learning is informal and they
will appreciate the flexibility and reliability more.

2. Gamification.

Millennials are easily motivated by receiving rewards, points, positive feedback, and
everything which can be seen as elements of gamification. Most millennials have been
exposed to games, and therefor they love to learn through games and gamified

3. Micro Learning.

Millennials has short attention spans, so it is not practical for them to have hour-long
eLearning courses. It is important to keep this learning in mind, as it is perfect for
millennials. It is short, concentrated and engaging. This learning is fast.

4. Agile Learning.

Millennials would like micro learning combines with mobile learning, because they want
easily accessible learning while taking the traditional courses. They are always busy
with something so it is necessary to keep them on their toes, busy with something.

5. Mobile Learning.

Organizations need to give their students a learning app, that they can use through their
mobile phones, so that they can have many features and choices. Millennials want
quick ways to access learning anywhere or anytime.

6. Simulations.

Millennials like things that mirror life and that has reliability. Using simulations to train
students is a very good idea, because they like to learn through a virtual environment
which is similar to their offices and characters that mirror them.

7. Branching scenarios.

Millennials like to make choices and if they may make many choices, they will be more
engaged. Branching scenarios is a great strategy to train students and it teaches them
consequences to their choices. When rewards and punishments are given to correct
and incorrect choices, they will want to learn much better.

8. Informal Learning.

Millennials doesn’t like formal conventions. They want their learning informal and
relaxed and doesn’t seem structured. By delivering learning in a way, such as self-
study, chat rooms, coaching sessions and game-based learning, they will learn better.

9. Visual Learning.

High quality visuals tend to capture Millennials’ attention and engage them. They are
used to these high-definition visuals and graphics. By using these images and videos,
organizations will be able to help learners with their learning.

10. Interactive Learning.

Millennials does not like hour-long learning courses. Their attention is not kept by slide
based, text-based learning with drag and drop, flip elements or click-to-reveal elements.
Things like quizzes, simulations, parallax scrolling and so forth engage millennial
students more.

Question 3
Identify and examine the fundamental management functions in the
classroom. (10 marks)

1. Planning.

Planning involves for the teacher to set up a lesson plan, and to set up goals for the
class. The teacher needs to create strategies to achieve the goals and the teacher also
needs to get all the resources needed for teaching. All the materials and equipment
needed for successful teaching needs to be determined during planning.

2. Organizing.

Organizing involves creating an effective routine for the class. It also involves arranging
the class’ physical space to improve learning. It involves setting up the classroom
management system, the policies and procedures for student behaviours. Also creating
effective communication channels.

3. Leading.

Leading involves to set the tone for the class. It involves to create a positive learning
environment and setting effective communication and role modelling. Leaders need to
motivate learners and inspire them to learn. They also have to provide support and
guidance for learners to achieve their academic goals and this will also create mutual
respect and trust.

4. Controlling.

Controlling involves to monitor the progress of the class. This involves to identify issues,
like negative student behaviour and/or performance gaps. Controlling involves to create
and implement actions to correct and improve learning outcomes and to have a
consistent positive classroom environment.

Total = 50


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