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Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Texas at Brownsville, 80 Fort Brown, Brownsville, Texas 78520, USA;
Department of Biology/Honors College, Box 19222, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019, USA
(Received 26 January 2004; accepted 31 March 2005)


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Effects of temperature (158, 208 and 258C), O2 partial pressure (PO2 ¼ 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 kPa), and indi-
vidual size (12 – 79 mm shell length; SL) on survivorship of specimens of the non-indigenous, marine,
brown mussel, Perna perna, from Texas were investigated to assess its potential distribution in North
America. Its hypoxia tolerance was temperature-dependent, survivorship being significantly extended
at lower temperatures under all tested lethal PO2. Incipient tolerated PO2 was 4 and 6 kPa at 15 and
208C, respectively, with .50% mortality occurring at 258C at all tested levels of hypoxia. PO2 had less of
an effect on survival of hypoxia than temperature. At 258C, survivorship was not different over a PO2
range of 0 – 2 kPa and increased only at 4 and 6 kPa. Survivorship was size-dependent. Median survival
times increased with increasing SL in anoxia and PO2 ¼ 1 kPa, but at 2, 4 and 6 kPa, smaller individuals
survived longer than larger individuals. With tolerance levels similar to other estuarine bivalve species,
P. perna should withstand hypoxia encountered in estuarine environments. Thus, its restriction to inter-
tidal rocky shores may be due to other parameters, particularly its relatively low temperature tolerance.

INTRODUCTION (Marshall & McQuaid, 1993). Although Marshall &

McQuaid (1993) provided some data on the hypoxia tolerance
The subtropical, intertidal, non-indigenous, marine mussel, of South African P. perna, its chronic hypoxia tolerance (i.e. inci-
Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758), was introduced to the Gulf of pient limits), and the effects of temperature and individual size
Mexico in the late 1980s where it was first discovered in 1990 on chronic hypoxia tolerance, have not been empirically
on jetty rocks in Port Aransas, Texas (Hicks & Tunnell, 1993). assessed. This paper describes an investigation of chronic
The potential distribution of P. perna in North American hypoxia tolerance in P. perna within its typical ambient tempera-
marine and estuarine waters is unknown. Since its discovery, it ture range of 15 – 258C (Carvajal, 1969; Jackson, 1976), in order
has invaded new areas along the Texas and Mexico Gulf of to predict its potential to colonize North American marine and
Mexico coasts, including several estuarine habitats in Texas estuarine coastal habitats.
(Davenport, 1995; Hicks & Tunnell, 1995; McGrath, Hyde &
Tunnell, 1998). Shallow bays and estuaries with poor water cir-
culation are subject to periodic hypoxia (i.e. PO2 below air O2
saturation levels of 21 kPa) as a result of biological oxygen MATERIAL AND METHODS
demand by decomposing organic matter under conditions of Specimens of Perna perna were collected from intertidal rocks on
temperature and/or salinity stratification, and stagnation or the north jetty of Mansfield Pass (268340 N) on the Texas Gulf of
eutrophication (reviewed by Diaz & Rosenberg, 1995). While Mexico coast and transported overnight in cooled, insulated
open water, rocky-shore habitats are typically normoxic, sessile containers to Arlington, Texas. Upon arrival, mussels were
intertidal bivalves may also experience periodic hypoxia as a maintained in a 284-l aerated holding tank containing 35‰ sali-
result of prolonged valve closure in response to tidal emersion nity artificial seawater (created with Fritz Supersalt and City of
(Moon & Pritchard, 1970; McMahon, 1988), salinity extremes Arlington, Texas, dechlorinated tapwater) at a constant tempe-
(Bayne, 1973; Salomão, Magalhães, & Lunetta, 1980), or sand rature of 208C on a 12 :12 h light:dark cycle without feeding
burial (Berry, 1978; Marshall & McQuaid, 1993). prior to experimentation. Specimens of P. perna can survive
Tolerance of prolonged hypoxia (.5 days) has rarely been under laboratory conditions without food for periods far exceed-
tested in marine molluscs. Studies have been limited to the inter- ing the experimental treatments utilized in this study (e.g. 6
tidal neogastropod, Stramonita haemastoma (Kapper & Stickle, months at 208C; personal observation). All experiments were
1987; Stickle et al., 1989; Das & Stickle, 1993), and the marine initiated within 30 days of collection.
bivalves, Crassostrea virginica (Stickle et al., 1989), Mytilus gallopro- The chronic hypoxia tolerance of P. perna was examined at PO2
vincialis, Scapharca inaequivalvis (de Zwaan et al., 1991), Mytilus values of 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 kPa (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% of
edulis (Theede et al., 1969) and Perna perna (Marshall & full air O2 saturation, respectively) at temperatures of 158, 208
McQuaid, 1993). South African specimens of Perna perna with- and 258C. This temperature range was within the 10– 308C inci-
stand sand burial for at least 10 – 12 days ( Jackson, 1976; pient limits previously determined for Gulf of Mexico popu-
Berry, 1978), while laboratory studies indicated that it has an lations of this species (Hicks & McMahon, 2002a). Individuals
LT50 of  6.5 days at 35‰ salinity and 208C in hypoxic (shell lengths, SL ¼ 12– 80 mm) were excised from mussel
seawater at PO2 1.5– 3 kPa (7 – 13% of full air O2 saturation) clumps by cutting their byssal attachment threads with scissors.
Groups of four to five excised mussels, of similar size range, were
placed into crystallization dishes (5 cm height by 9 cm diameter)
Correspondence: D. W. Hicks; e-mail: in order to prevent reattachment to each other in large clumps

Journal of Molluscan Studies (2005) 71: 401– 408. Advance Access Publication: 5 August 2005 doi:10.1093/mollus/eyi042
# The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Studies on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reserved.

and to facilitate subsequent viability determinations. Groups of Median survival times were estimated by linear interpolation
four dishes were randomly assigned to 4-l plastic aquaria (i.e. across the time interval for which death occurred for those treat-
16 mussels/container) with tightly fitting, vented lids. Each ments in which survival probability fell below 0.5 (Hicks et al.,
aquarium was filled with 3-l of seawater, leaving a 1-l head 2000). However, survival probabilities in several treatments
space. Three replicate 4-l aquaria were then randomly assigned never fell below 0.5; consequently, median survival times could
to each temperature/PO2 treatment combination, while three not be estimated. Therefore, post-hoc statistical testing among
similar 4-l aquaria served as controls. Hypoxic conditions were treatment pairs was limited to SL-adjusted pairwise comparisons
maintained by bubbling media with appropriate mixtures of of odds-of-death ratios, and not based on median survival times
O2 and N2 maintained by a Cameron Instruments Gas Mixing (Hicks et al., 2000). Exponentiation of treatment regression coef-
Flowmeter (Model GF-3/MP). Control aquaria were continu- ficients (relating the log-odds of death in any interval to the
ously aerated with atmospheric air (PO2  21 kPa). Oxygen reference cell treatment) provided a corresponding factor by
partial pressures in test and control media were monitored which the odds of death relate to the reference cell treatment
daily with a YSI Model 53, Clarke-type oxygen electrode. (i.e. an odds ratio). Exponentiated treatment coefficient values
Prior to experimentation, individuals were habituated to equal to 1 indicate the same odds of death as the reference cell

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test temperatures of 158, 208 and 258C under normoxic con- treatment, values significantly . 1 indicate an increase in the
ditions for 14 days, during which they byssally reattached to odds of death relative to the reference cell treatment, and
the walls of holding dishes and shells of other mussels. The values significantly ,1 indicate a decrease in the odds of death
aquaria were then placed in an environmental chamber held relative to the reference cell treatment. The odds ratios are
at the appropriate test temperature, and the hypoxia and simply related to survival probabilities in that if the odds of
control treatments initiated. Media were changed in experi- death are statistically greater in one treatment relative to
mental and control containers daily to avoid accumulation another, then survival probability in any time interval is signifi-
of potentially toxic metabolites. Replacement media were cantly lower.
held at the appropriate test temperature and PO2 before Shell-length adjusted median survival time estimates and
being added to test containers. Shell blackening, resulting their standard errors (SE) were provided for all treatments
from precipitation of microbially generated sulphides and where possible (i.e. where survival probabilities fell below 0.5).
metals under anaerobic conditions (de Zwaan et al., 2001), The DLFTM analysis was implemented in a computer
was not observed in the anoxia treatment. Thus, anoxia tole- program written in SAS’s interactive matrix language (IML,
rance measurements were unlikely to have been impacted by SASw, Cary, North Carolina) (Hicks et al., 2000).
release of sulphide and other noxious metabolites by anaerobic
bacteria (de Zwaan et al., 2001).
Viability, byssal attachment, and valve gaping behaviour of RESULTS
all individuals were examined at 24-h intervals. Viability was
tested by prodding mantle edges of immersed individuals with The most parsimonious, fitted model relating survival time of
the bristles of a fine brush. Individuals not closing their valves specimens of Perna perna to temperature, PO2 and individual
in response to this stimulus were considered dead, removed size included linear functions of SL and SL-by-treatment inter-
from the container, measured (linear distance from the anterior actions (i.e. Ho: SL2, SL2 by treatment ¼ 0; x2[15] ¼ 19.235,
to posterior margins of the shell to the nearest 0.1 mm using dial P ¼ 0.2033), specifically
calipers) and the time interval recorded at which death was
observed. Prior observations indicated that non-responsive,   X
15 X15
1  pj x
gaping individuals did not recover on return to normoxic con- log ¼ b1 þ b TI T þ g T I T ðSL  SLo Þ
pi x
ditions. Exposure to hypoxic-temperature treatments was main- T¼2 T¼2
tained until either 100% mortality was achieved or individuals þ g1 ðSL  SLo Þ
survived an exposure of 30 days.
The hypoxia tolerance of specimens of P. perna was examined where b and g are coefficients for treatment and SL, respect-
using the discrete logistic failure time model (DLFTM) (Cox, ively, SLo is the specified value of SL and IT is the indicator
1972; Hicks, Hawkins & McMahon, 2000). This approach variable for treatment (i.e. IT ¼ 1 for treatment T and 0
allowed determination of the effects of temperature and PO2 on otherwise). Each PO2/test temperature combination was given
survival duration in the presence of censored observations (e.g. a unique indicator (i.e. 1 – 15, the PO2 ¼ 0 kPa/258 test tempera-
some individuals survive treatments), using only categorized sur- ture treatment was designated as the reference cell).
vival times (i.e. monitoring at 24-h intervals), while controlling The estimated survival curves for the various PO2/test temp-
for individual-specific covariates (e.g. size as SL) (see Hicks et al., erature treatment combinations, adjusted to the sample mean
2000 for details of DLFTM used in this study). SL (42 mm), indicated decreasing survival probabilities with
Which variables (e.g. SL, or treatment-by-SL interactions) to increasing temperature and decreasing PO2 (Fig. 1, Table 1).
include in the DLFTM analysis were determined by beginning No mortality of individuals of P. perna occurred in fully aerobic
with a model deemed a priori general enough (e.g. at most, a control treatments (PO2 ¼ 21 kPa). Similarly, there was almost
quadratic dependence on SL and SL-by-treatment interactions) no mortality recorded at 158 and 208C under the highest
and testing a sequence of nested models until the most parsimo- tested PO2 (6 kPa). PO2/test temperature combinations of 6 kPa
nious model to adequately explain the data was reached. and 158C, and 6 kPa and 208C appeared non-lethal to this
Goodness-of-fit in each tested survival model was assessed by species, as 96% of individuals in these treatments survived the
comparing the most parsimonious fitted model to the a priori 30-day (720-h) exposure period (Table 1). Survival duration
model (i.e. the model containing, at most, quadratic functions was also affected by SL (x2[15] ¼ 397.93, P , 0.0001). Median
of SL and treatment-by-SL interaction) by a Wald statistic survival times estimated at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th
(Wald, 1943). Treatment combinations of PO2 and test tempera- percentiles of the individual SL distribution (i.e. 24, 29, 38, 58
ture were included in the model as indicator variables utilizing a and 65 mm SL, respectively) indicated a general trend of
reference cell parameterization (e.g. PO2 ¼ 0 and 258C as the increasing survival time with increasing SL in both the anoxia
arbitrarily assigned reference cell). Survival probability curves and the lowest PO2 treatment of 1 kPa. At treatments of
were generated from the survival probabilities estimated by 2 kPa the trend was reversed, with smaller individuals surviv-
the model at each 24-h interval endpoint. ing longer relative to larger individuals (Fig. 2).


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Figure 1. Survival probability curves for standard 42 mm shell length Texas specimens of Perna perna on chronic exposure to PO2 of (A) 0, (B) 1, (C) 2,
(D) 4 and (E) 6 kPa at test temperatures of 158, 208 and 258C. Error bars represent one standard error of survival probability. Note: a median survival
time is the hour at which the survival probability curve crosses the solid horizontal line at a survival probability of 0.5.

At a PO2 of 0 kPa and 158C, 23% of specimens survived the 30- and 208C anoxic treatments was not significantly different
day trial, whereas complete mortality was recorded at this PO2 (P ¼ 0.087) (Table 3).
after 684 and 276 h among the 208 and 258C treatments, respec- A similar pattern of temperature dependence was observed in
tively (Fig. 1A). The odds of death (in any time interval) for the PO2 ¼ 1 kPa treatment in which the odds of death were sig-
specimens in the 158C anoxic treatment (i.e. PO2 ¼ 0 kPa) nificantly reduced at 158C relative to that at 258C (P , 0.001)
were only 2.6% of the odds of death for specimens experiencing (Table 3). Eight percent of individuals held under a PO2 of
anoxia at 258C (P , 0.001) (Table 2). Median survival time for 1 kPa at 158C survived 30 days. Complete mortality was
an averaged sized individual (SL ¼ 42 mm) in the anoxic treat- recorded at 540 and 324 h at PO2 ¼ 1 kPa and 208 and 258C,
ment at 158C (587.3 h) was more than four times greater than respectively (Fig. 1B). The median survival time for specimens
that recorded at 258C (135.4 h) (Table 1). The odds of death held at 158C (354.0 h) exceeded that for specimens held at
were also significantly reduced in the 208C anoxic treatment 258C by 2.5 times (137.1 h) (Table 1). Survivorship of indivi-
compared with that of the 258C anoxic treatment (e.g. 15.1%, duals in PO2 ¼ 1 kPa at 208C (median ¼ 222.4 h) also exceeded
P , 0.001), as the median survival time at 208C (290.4 h) was that of individuals at 258C (P , 0.001), but was significantly
more than twice that at 258C (135.4 h) (Table 1). In contrast, reduced compared with those held at 158C (P ¼ 0.050)
the factor by which the odds of death differed between the 158 (Table 3). Survivorship at PO2 ¼ 1 kPa for the 158, 208C and


Table 1. Median survival time and time to total sample mortality on treatment, and at 6 kPa over the 1 kPa treatment (P ¼ 0.002)
exposure to chronic hypoxia (PO2 ¼ 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 kPa) for specimens (Table 1, 3). The same survival pattern was observed for specimens
of Perna perna (n ¼ number of specimens) adjusted to a shell length held at 158C and 208C, in which survival did not improve over the
(SL) of 42 mm at test temperatures of 158, 208 and 258C. PO2 ¼ 0–2 kPa treatments with survival times significantly increas-
ing only at PO2 treatments 52 kPa (P , 0.05) (Tables 1, 3).
Temperature PO2 Median survival Time of 100% n SL range
Increasing PO2, rather than temperature, appeared to have a
(kPa) time [h (+ SE)] mortality (h) (mm) greater effect on the behaviour of P. perna specimens in experi-
mental treatments. The percentage of individuals with open
158C 0 587.3 (58.66) .720 48 18.4 –62.6
shell valves was similar among all temperatures at the same PO2
1 354.0 (19.45) .720 51 30.1 –67.4
level. For example, in the anoxic treatment (PO2 ¼ 0 kPa), the
2 564.6 (129.5) .720 48 14.7 –74.0 average percentage of individuals with open valves over the
4 .720 .720 48 11.9 –79.2 course of survival was 87.6%, 83.3% and 73.6% in the 158, 208
6 .720 .720 48 49.8 –79.3 and 258C treatments, respectively. Similarly, the respective per-
centages of individuals with open valves were 86.6%, 79.9% and

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208C 0 290.4 (16.94) 684 57 17.6 –61.0
79.2%, and 87.1%, 89.3% and 93.7% at 158, 208 and 258C in the
1 222.4 (31.55) 540 53 20.3 –64.4 PO2 ¼ 1 and 2 kPa treatments, respectively. In contrast, among
2 346.8 (23.35) .720 48 14.7 –74.0 the higher PO2 treatments of 4 kPa and 6 kPa, the percentages
4 424.4 (49.52) .720 48 16.0 –73.5 of individuals with open valves were markedly lower, being
6 .720 .720 48 51.0 –72.7 27.6%, 29.5% and 33.3%, and 33.8%, 54.3% and 41.3%
among the 158, 208 and 258C treatments, respectively.
258C 0 135.4 (8.71) 276 51 18.4 –62.6 Specimens of P. perna did not abandon their byssal holdfasts in
1 137.1 (9.02) 324 51 17.5 –62.9 response to hypoxic stress at any tested level of hypoxia or temp-
2 156.6 (22.5) 324 48 21.8 –54.8 erature. Indeed, fewer than 5% of specimens detached during
4 244.3 (19.8) .720 46 19.0 –70.4 any monitoring period. Most of those that did detach usually
6 538.3 (137.87) .720 35 45.3 –75.6 reattached prior to the next 24-h monitoring interval.

258C treatments did not differ from that recorded at the same Hypoxia tolerance times determined for Perna perna in this study
temperatures in the anoxic treatments (P . 0.05) (Table 3). were similar to those of other marine and estuarine bivalves.
In the PO2 ¼ 2 kPa treatment, survivorship was again signifi- South African specimens of P. perna had an LT50 of 6.5 days
cantly reduced for specimens held at 258C relative to those held under PO2  1.5– 3 kPa (7 – 13% of full air O2 saturation) at
at either 158 or 208C (P , 0.05) (Table 3). Sixty-two percent of 35‰ salinity and 208C (Marshall & McQuaid, 1993), a result
individuals held under PO2 ¼ 2 kPa at 158C survived 30 days, consistent with the estimated 9-day median survival time
compared with 13% at 208C, with complete mortality occurring recorded for Texas specimens at a similar PO2 (i.e. 1 kPa) and
after 300 h among individuals held at 258C (Fig. 1C). The factor test temperature (208C). The estuarine mytilid, Mytilus edulis,
by which the odds of death differed among the 158 and 208C had an LT50 of 35 days under  0.5 kPa at 108C (Theede
PO2 ¼ 2 kPa treatments was not significantly different et al., 1969) whereas Mytilus galloprovincialis survived anoxia up
(P ¼ 0.993) (Table 3). Median survival times for the 158, 208 to 18 days in 36‰ salinity at 208C with an LT50 of 15.1 days
and 258C 2 kPa-PO2 treatments were 564.6, 346.8 and 156.5 h, (de Zwaan et al., 1991). At a salinity of 30‰, the estuarine
respectively (Table 1). oyster, Crassostrea virginica, had LT50 values of . 28 days at a
In the PO2 ¼ 4 kPa treatment, survivorship was significantly PO2 of 0 kPa and 108C, 20 days at a PO2 of 4 kPa and 208C,
reduced for specimens held at 258C relative to those held at and 3 days at a PO2 of 16 kPa and 308C (Stickle et al., 1989).
158 or 208C (P , 0.05) (Table 3). Fifty-one percent of indivi- The infaunal bivalve species, Arctica islandica, Scrobicularia plana,
duals held under PO2 ¼ 4 kPa at 158C survived 30 days, compared Mya arenaria and Cerastoderma edule, had LT50 values of 55, 25,
with 47% survival among those held at 208C and 14% survival 21 and 4 days, respectively, on exposure to PO2  0.5 kPa at
among those held at 258C (Fig. 1D). Survivorship among speci- 108C (Theede et al., 1969). Scapharca inaequivalvis survived
mens held at 208C and 258C was not significantly different anoxia up to 22 days in 36‰ salinity at 208C with an LT50 of
(P ¼ 0.197) (Table 3). Median survival times for the 208C 18.3 days (de Zwaan et al., 1991). In contrast, the infaunal
and 258C, PO2 ¼ 4 kPa treatments were 424.4 and 244.3 h species, Mulinia lateralis, had lower survival times under anoxic
respectively (Table 1). A median survival time could not be esti- conditions, LT50 values being 5.5 days at 108C, 4 –7 days
mated for specimens held at 158C since survival probabilities at 208C and 2 days at 308C (Shumway & Scott, 1983). The
never fell below 0.5 during the 30-day observation period corresponding median survival times for Texas specimens of P.
(Fig. 1D). perna were comparable with those cited above for other intertidal
High survival (.50% of sample) in the PO2 ¼ 6 kPa treat- and estuarine infaunal bivalve species.
ments precluded accurate estimation of survival parameters, The hypoxia tolerance of P. perna was temperature dependent.
especially at 158 and 208C in which only 4% mortality was Survivorship significantly improved at low temperatures under
recorded after the 30-day observation period. However, a all tested lethal O2 partial pressures. For example, specimens
median survival time of 538 h was estimated for specimens at 158C in the anoxic treatment survived significantly longer
held at 258C (Table 1) in which 17% of specimens survived than those held at 258C under PO2 ¼ 4 kPa (20% of full air O2
the 30-day observation period (Fig. 1E). saturation) (P ¼ 0.002; Tables 1, 3). Ambient temperatures
The level of PO2 had less of an effect on the hypoxia tolerance of approaching lethal limits in marine bivalves have been shown
P. perna than did temperature (Table 1, Fig. 1). For example, to induce a transition to anaerobiosis even in fully aerated sea-
survivorship did not improve significantly at 258C over PO2 levels water as a result of a breakdown of the oxygen supply mecha-
of 0–2 kPa (median survival times ¼ 135.4, 137.1 and 156.5 h at nism (Pörtner, 2001, 2002; Peck, Pörtner & Hardewig, 2002).
PO2 ¼ 0, 1 and 2 kPa, respectively) (Tables 1, 3). Survival at However, since the 15 – 258C temperature range utilized in this
258C did improve significantly in the PO2 ¼ 4 (P ¼ 0.029) and study was well within the long-term temperature limits (10 –
6 kPa (P ¼ 0.002) treatments over that recorded for the anoxic 308C) of P. perna (Hicks & McMahon, 2002a), it is unlikely


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Figure 2. Median survival times (h) for Texas specimens of Perna perna on chronic exposure to PO2 of (A) 0, (B) 1, (C) 2, (D) 4 and (E) 6 kPa at test
temperatures of 158, 208 and 258C, adjusted to the 10th (24 mm SL, open histograms), 25th (29 mm SL, left-hatched histograms), 50th (38 mm SL,
cross-hatched histograms), 75th (58 mm SL, right-hatched histograms) and 90th (65 mm SL, shaded histograms) percentiles of the individual SL

that the poorer survival observed at elevated temperatures that at 258C. High respiratory Q10 values above 208C indicate
involved a temperature-induced reduction in gill ventilation that metabolic demands dramatically increase in the upper tol-
and capacity to transport O2 to internal tissues. Rather, the erated temperature range of P. perna. Thus, mismatches between
trend of decreasing survivorship with increasing temperature environmental O2 concentration and metabolic demand will
in P. perna was consistent with this species’ rather limited have greater consequences at high temperatures, accelerating
capacity to regulate its O2 consumption rate in increasing the development of energy deficits, anaerobiosis, and eventual
ambient temperatures
. (Hicks & McMahon, 2002b). The O2 collapse of physiological function. Furthermore, low tissue O2
consumption rate (VO2) of Texas specimens of P. perna increases levels and transition to anaerobiosis results in elevated pro-
with increasing temperature and is thermally
. regulated only duction of potentially lethal anaerobic end-products which
between 158 and 208C. Beyond 208C, VO2 increases sharply, accumulate more rapidly at higher ambient temperatures
with Q10 values in warm acclimated specimens (258C) of 2.83 (Pörtner et al., 1999; Peck et al., 2002), potentially leading to
and 1.65 over 20 – 258C and 25 – 308C, respectively (Hicks & the reduced survivorship observed at elevated temperatures in
McMahon, 2002b). At lower . temperatures, metabolic this study.
demands are reduced, with VO2 at 108C being only 25% of


Table 2. Exponentiated treatment coefficients relating the odds of death uptake with progressive hypoxia is consistent with their
on exposure to five different chronic hypoxia treatments of specimens of increased tolerance of hypoxic treatments greater than
Perna perna, adjusted to a shell length of 42 mm at test temperatures of PO2 ¼ 1 kPa and could be attributable to their increased
158, 208 and 258C, to the reference cell treatment (PO2 ¼ 0 kPa at 258C). surface area to volume ratios relative to larger individuals. Diffu-
sion of O2 from epithelial surfaces to internal tissues is an import-
Temperature PO2 (kPa)
ant O2 transport mechanism in intertidal mytilids. Diffusion of
0 1 2 4 6
O2 accounted for 85% of O2 transport in the mytilid, Geukensia
demissus, with only 15% being accounted for by haemolymph cir-
158C 0.0262 0.0885 0.0292 0.0156 0.0033 culation (Booth & Mangum, 1978). Thus, the larger surface
208C 0.1510 0.2900 0.0947 0.0577 0.0001 area to volume ratios and reduced diffusive distances of
258C 1 0.9625 0.6853 0.3203 0.0324 smaller specimens of P. perna may support greater O2 uptake
and transport rates, accounting for their increased survival at
The value in each cell represents the factor by which the odds of death PO2 between 1 and 6 kPa. The reduced tissue surface to
increase/decrease relative to the reference cell. Any two treatments can be volume ratios and increased body thickness of larger individuals

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compared by the ratio of their odds of death (e.g. the odds of death under are likely to reduce their capacity for diffusive uptake of O2 in
PO 2 ¼ 0 kPa at 158C divided by the odds of death under PO 2 ¼ 6 kPa at hypoxic conditions, leading to increased reliance on anaerobiosis
258C equals 0.8, thus, the odds of death are similar (1) in these two and accumulation of deleterious anaerobic metabolites (Pörtner
treatments; the odds of death for all possible temperature/P O 2 treatment
et al., 1999). Increasing the surface area of mantle tissues exposed
combinations are displayed in Table 3). When such treatment coefficient
ratios are greater than 7 or less than 0.15 they are generally significant at
to the media in order to facilitate diffusion of O2 could account
P , 0.05. for the extensive gaping behaviour observed in individuals in the
most hypoxic treatments (i.e. PO2 ¼ 0, 1 and 2 kPa). This result
is consistent with the observation that South African specimens
Capacity to regulate O2 uptake with progressive hypoxia in of P. perna exhibited valve gaping behaviour when exposed to
Texas specimens of P. perna increased with increasing tempera- hypoxic seawater (PO2  1.5 – 3 kPa) (Marshall & McQuaid,
ture and decreasing individual size (Hicks & McMahon, 2002b). 1993).
The increased capacity of smaller specimens to regulate O2

Table 3. Ratios of odds with corresponding P values in parentheses (x2[14]) from a Scheffés test of pairwise differences in treatment coefficients relating
the odds of death on exposure to five different chronic hypoxia treatments of specimens of Perna perna (PO2 in kPa) adjusted to a shell length of 42 mm at
test temperatures of 158, 208 and 258C.

6 kPa 4 kPa 2 kPa 1 kPa 0 kPa

PO2 Temp. 258 208 158 258 208 158 258 208 158 258 208 158 258 208
0 158 0.81 195.89 8.01 0.10 0.45 1.68 0.04 0.28 0.99 0.03 0.09 0.30 0.03 5.76
(0.999) (0.998) (0.999) (0.002) (0.995) (0.999) (,0.001) (0.744) (0.999) (,0.001) (,0.001) (0.729) (,0.001) (0.087)
208 4.65 1128.2 46.12 0.60 2.61 9.69 0.22 1.59 5.16 0.16 0.52 1.69 0.15
(0.919) (0.976) (0.999) (0.995) (0.546) (,0.001) (0.307) (0.999) (0.828) (,0.001) (0.916) (0.989) (,0.001)
258 0.03 0.001 0.003 0.25 0.06 0.02 0.69 0.09 0.03 0.96 0.29 0.09
(0.002) (0.835) (0.974) (0.029) (,0.001) (,0.001) (0.999) (,0.001) (,0.001) (0.999) (0.065) (,0.001)
1 158 2.72 662.46 27.07 0.35 1.53 5.69 0.13 0.93 3.03 10.87 3.29
(0.999) (0.989) (0.999) (0.302) (0.999) (,0.001) (0.011) (0.999) (0.995) (,0.001) (0.050)
208 8.95 2170.5 88.70 1.15 5.03 18.64 0.42 3.06 9.93 3.32
(0.385) (0.948) (0.998) (0.999) (,0.001) (,0.001) (0.979) (0.297) (0.227) (0.100)
258 29.69 7203.3 294.4 3.82 16.69 61.87 1.40 10.16 32.94
(0.002) (0.840) (0.978) (0.061) (,0.001) (,0.001) (0.999) (,0.001) (,0.001)
2 158 0.90 218.66 8.94 0.12 1.88 0.51 23.45 3.24
(0.999) (0.999) (0.999) (0.362) (0.999) (0.999) (0.029) (0.993)
208 2.92 708.87 28.97 0.38 1.64 6.09 7.23
(0.996) (0.988) (0.999) (0.676) (0.999) (0.003) (0.045)
258 21.14 5128.4 209.59 2.72 11.88 44.05
(0.066) (0.882) (0.987) (0.941) (,0.001) (,0.001)
4 158 0.48 116.43 4.76 16.21 3.71
(0.999) (0.999) (0.999) (,0.001) (0.197)
208 1.78 431.66 17.64 4.37
(0.999) (0.995) (0.999) (0.013)
258 7.78 1887.3 77.13
(0.538) (0.955) (0.998)
6 158 9.91 0.04
(0.999) (0.999)
208 242.60

Indicates significance difference: P , 0.05.


In the lowest PO2 treatments of 0 and 1 kPa, larger specimens and 1998 when average summer water temperatures reached
survived significantly longer than smaller individuals. Larger or exceeded 308C for the first time since this species discovery
individuals have proportionally greater organic energy stores on the Texas Gulf coast in 1990 (Hicks & McMahon, 2002a).
and lower mass-specific metabolic rates than smaller individuals
(Hicks & McMahon, 2002b). Thus, under complete anoxia or
extreme hypoxia, cellular energetic requirements could be sup- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ported by anaerobic metabolism over a longer period in larger
individuals than in more metabolically active smaller indivi- Ronald Smith and Terry Riggs of Texas A&M University-
duals with reduced energy stores. In addition, the higher Corpus Christi collected and arranged transport of specimens
mass-specific metabolic rates of smaller specimens (Hicks & of Perna perna to Arlington, Texas. Jennifer Shaw of the Univer-
McMahon, 2002b) could cause accumulation of anaerobic sity of Texas at Arlington assisted in the laboratory.
end-products to lethal levels more rapidly than in larger Dr D. L. Hawkins of the University of Texas at Arlington
specimens. provided valuable assistance with statistical analysis of the
To date, P. perna has only ephemerally colonized estuarine data. This research was funded by a grant from the Texas

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