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No Judul Buku Penulis Penerbit/Thn Website Jumlah/exmp
1 Aquaculture Introdoctory text Robert Stickney 2009 www. 291
  and editton        
2 Aquaculture Water Resource Donalnd. J.Bird 1996 www. Blac. Publishing. Com 215
  Management Malcolm C. N      
3 Marine Mammal Biology A. Rus. Huelzel 2008 www. Blackwell 417
  An Evolutionary Hpp Roach        
4 Partical Genetics fof Aquaculture C. Greglutz 2001 224
5 Aquaculture Research Trends Stephen H. SCHWARTZ 2007 www. Nova Publishers. Com. 321
6 Sustainable Aquackulture Global B.B. Jana. Phd 2002 www. Publist. Com 351
  Perspectives Cal. D. Webster, Phd.      
7 Aquaculture Biosecurity Proventom A. David. Scarfe 2006 www. Blackwell Proffesional Com. 173
  contad, And Eradication of Aquatic Cheng - Cheng Lee      
  Animal Dieses Patricia J. O. Bryen      
8 Ecological Aquaculture The Evolution Barry A. Costa - Pierce 2002 www. Black Well. Publishing. Com 373
  The Blue Revolution        
9 Live Feed In Marine Aquaculture Josianeg. StotTrup. Phd 2003 www. Black Well- Science. Com. 313
    Lesley A. Mc. Evoy, Phd.      
10 Responsible Marine Aquaculture Robert P. Mc. Vey 2002 www. Cab-Publishing- ong 373
11 Succes Strories In Asian Aquaculture Sena. S. De Silva 2010 www. Springer. Com. 207
    F. Brian Davy      
12 Aquaculture Marketing Hand Book Carole. Engle 2006 www. Blekwell Profesional 253
    Kwamena. Quaraine      
13 Encycolpaedia Of Fish And Fisheries Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indialimes. Com. 324 - 331
  Vol. III        
  Fishing Techniaves        
14 Encyclopedia Of Fish And fisheries Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indiatimes. Com 302 - 306
  Vol. Iv.        
15 Fish Diesase And Disorders Vol 2 J.F. Leatherland 1998 www. Cab- cab. Ong 397
  Non - Infektion Disorders P.T.K. Woa      
16 Encylopaedia Of Fish And Fisheres Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indiatimes. Com 297-305
  Vol. V        
17 Encycolpedia Of Fish And Fishers Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indiatimes. Com 340 - 344
  Vol. I        
  Fish Breeding        
18 Enclylopaedia Of Fish And Fisheries Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indiatimes. Com 319 - 325
  Vol. II        
  Paysiology Of Fishes        
19 Encylopedia of Fish And Fisheries Dr. Arvind N. Shukla 2008 www. Indiatimes. Com 340 - 344
  Vol. I        
20 Fish Technolgy Bernd W. Rautenstrau 2002 www. Springer. De. 487
    Thomas Lient      
21 Fish Biomechanics Robert E. Shadwick 2006 www. Books. Elsevier. Com. 525
    George V. Lauder      
22 Fish Hatchery Management Gary. A. Wedemeyer 2001 www. Fisheries Socient. Com 707
  Second Edition        
Fish Conservation A Guide B www. Fisheries. Management.
Understanding Gene. S. Helfman 2007 Com 579
  Aquatic bionesty and fishery resources        
24 Fishes Peter B. Moyle 2004 www. Fisheries 711
  An Introduction to ichtiology Josep. J. Cech. Jr.      
25 Fish Wel Fare Edward J. Bronson 2008 www. Publishing.Profesional com. 291
26 Fisheries Management R. Mc Clanation      
  Progress Towards Sustanablity Juarcarlos Castilla 2007 www. Blacwell Publishing com. 411
Responsible Fisheries in The Marine
Ecosytem M. Sinclair    
    G. Valdimarson 2007 www. Cabi. Publishing. Ong 413
Enivorment Best Management
Practices Craig. S Tucker      
  For Aquaculture JHN A. Hargrves 2008 www. Black well profesional. Com 575
29 Sea Trout Grame Harrs      
Biology. Conservation And
Management Nigel Milner 2004 www. Black well Publishing com. 439
30 Seagrass Ecology Marthen A. Hemminga 2000 www. Cambinge 292
    Carlos M. Duarte      
Principal Diseases Of Marine Fish and
Shellfish Carl. J. Sinclermann 1990   516
  Vol. 2        
32 Recent Advences M. Fingerman 1997   523
  In Marine R. Nagabhushanan      
  Biotechnology Mary Frances Thompson      
Enviromment and Live Lihoods in
Coastal Zones : Managing Aquaculture
Fishery C. T. Hoanh. T.P 2005 www. 316
  Aquaculture Conflinks Tuong. J.W. Gowing      
    and B. Hardy      
34 Integrated Coastal Zone Kent Gustavson      
  Management of Coral Reefs : Richard M. Huber 1998 www. 299
  Decision Support Modeling Jack Ruiten beek      
Prinsip - prinsip Ekologi, Ekosistem,
Lingkungan Prof. Dr. Zoeraini      
  dan Pelastariannya Djamal Irwan, M.Si. 2010   215
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan
laut Johanes. Widodo dan Suadi 2008 http/ 260
37 Klimatologi Dr. Bayong Tjasyono      
  Hk, Fiktm-ITB 2004 356
38 Teknik Penangkapan Ir. H. Sudirman, M.Pi      
Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmar Malawa,
  DEA 2004   173
39 Ilmu lingkungan H. R. Mulyanto 2007 e-mail:info@grailmu. Co. id. 163
40 pengantar Oseanografi Sahala Hatubarat dan Stewat M.      
    Evans 2008 www. 163
Finfish dan Shellfish Bacteriology
Manual Kimberley A. Whitman      
  Techniques and Procedures Neil. G. Macnair 2004 www. 256
42 Pelabuhan Perikanan Dr.Ir. Ernani Lubis, Dea 2012 www. 188
43 Meteorologi Perikanan Bayong Tjasyono Hk 2008   201
44 Pengenalan Perikanan Tangkap Diniah 2008 70
45 Internasional Seminar Procceding Ernani lubis      
    Anwar Bey pane 2005 195
    Jean cahusade      
    Cristine lambert      
    Patrik Pottier      
46 Sustainable Aquaculture Jhon. E. Bardach 1997   261
47 Aquaculture Principles and Practices T.V.R. Pillay and M.M. Kutty 2005 www.blackwellpublishingcom 630
48 Phytoplankton Manual A. Sournia 1978   346
P.J.Le B Wiliams,D.N. Thomas
Phytoplankton Productivity and, 2003   395
Carbon Marine and Fresh water
ecosytems C.S. Reynolds      
50 Fish Busines Management Andrew Plafremen 1999 www. 101
51 Aquaculture forming Aquatic Jhon lucus and      
  Animals and plants Paul c. Southgate 2005 www. 507
Environmental Best Management
Praktices Craing S. Tucker, dan      
  for Aquaculture Jhon A. Hargreaves 2008   596
53 fish Diseases and disorders Volume 3 P.T.K. Woo and      
    D.W. Bruno 1998   879
54 Marine Biology George Karleskint,Jr 1998   403
55 Fisheries Ekology And Management Carl J. Walters dan Steven      
    J.D.Martell, M.P.M Reddy 2004   319
56 Ocean Enviroment And Fisheries M.P.M Reddy 2007 561
57 Marine Fish Behavior Andres ferno dan Steinar olsem 1994   228
Paul J.B.Hart dan Jhon. D.
Fish Biology and fisheries Reymonds 2001 www.blackwellpublishingcom 421
59 Scallops : Biology Sandra, E      
  Ecology and Aquaculture Shumway 1991   1205

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