Lavender Group Third Unit Project

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Do you have any idea

what this animal could
(Carlito syrichta) is the scientific name for
Tarsiers. The tarsier is named for its
elongated "tarsus" or ankle bone. It's a
mammal primate which is a kind of
Geographic Distribution and Habitat 4 The Tarsier
lives in the southeastern Philippines. While other
tarsiers once ranged across Europe, northern
Africa, Asia, and North America, they all now live in
the Southeast Asia. It's natural habitat are the
rainforests especially in Philippines
What do Tarsiers eat?

They're consuming no plant

material but, Tarsiers mainly
have insects and other small
animals, such as frogs, lizards,
and even small birds
We could say they're night animals such
as owls and bats. They sleep in the day
and wake up at night, but not always
The Tarsier can turn its head 180
degrees to hunt food, and what makes
it more special is that it's the only
mammal that both of its eyes weight
more than its brain. If it were the same
size as a human, its eyes would have
been like the size of two grapefruit. The
maximum size of this animal is the size
of a rat, which means it's extremely tiny
Even though they're small, Tarsiers
are known as a suicidal species.
They get scared easily that when
anyone gets near them or around
them they get horrified and kill
themselves by banging their heads
to the tree
Unfortunately, it will be instinct any time soon due
to illegal hunting, so that the hunters sell them to
people as pets but they can't live long because it's
not their natural habitat. So the president of
Philippine himself put protocols against hunting
In conclusion, we chose this
animal particularly for its
special characteristics that
we haven't heard about
I hope you enjoyed our presentation and
thank you

Nada Al

Leen Alzamil

Jana Mahfous

Lujain Abdulbaqie

Renad Alssenaidy


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