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Military Convicts Susan Rice of

By Michael Baxter - July 20, 2021 0 29527 .... 655

, , Like 1.6K

On 8 July, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps

convicted former National Security Advisor Susan Rice of
high treason and sentenced her to death for her
participation in a 2017 scheme to defame then-President
Elect Trump by falsely and knowingly linking his
campaign to baseless allegations of Russian collusion.
And for misusing her authority to spy on law-abiding
American patriots.

Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, representing the military,

opened the proceedings by drawing the three-officer
panel's attention to a declassified email Rice had sent to
James Corney and other intelligence officials. In it, Rice
instructed intelligence agencies to withhold classified data
from the incoming administration because, she claimed,
Gen. Michael Flynn had conspired with Russian assets to
sabotage Hillary Clinton's campaign. Her request was
unprecedented and illegal, as no outgoing administration
had ever denied an incoming team access to daily
intelligence briefings. Her unfounded accusations were
later proven false.
"Susan Rice had a history of telling lies for personal
gain," Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal. "She
fabricated information, which she knew was false, to try
to thwart Trump's installation as President of the United
States, and she disseminated those lies among her

To prove his point, Vice Adm. Hannink played an

audiotape of a conference call that took place on
November 11, 2016, three days after Trump had
resoundingly defeated Hillary Clinton. The participants on
the call included Rice, James Corney, then-VP Joe Biden,
and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Rice
said on that call that on July 23, 2016, she had coerced
from the Foreign Intelligence Service Court (FISA) a
warrant granting the intelligence community permission
to wiretap several Trump properties, including Trump
Towers, Mar-a-Lago, his campaign headquarters, Trump
Park Avenue, and six properties abroad.

"Trump is not fit to be president, and we'll surely fish out

something to keep him out of the Oval Office before his
inauguration," Rice said on the tape. "I'm sure we'll
obtain enough genuine information, so we don't have to
make things up."

"These wiretaps were placed four days after Trump was

officially nominated as the Republican candidate. She
admits it was a fishing expedition, not because Trump or
his incoming team committed a crime, but because they,
well, did not like Trump. This is the ultimate betrayal of
office, and, yes, treason," Vice Adm. Hannink said.

"No one close to Trump escaped these illegal wiretaps.

They tapped Melania, Eric, Don Jr., their housekeeping
staff-the list is exhausting," Vice Adm. Hannink went on.
Rice, who appeared without benefit of counsel, said, "I
acted in the name of preserving this country. And I'd do
it again. Donald Trump should never have become
president, and if this tribunal, as you call it, is just, I will
be exonerated."

"Preserving this country. Interesting choice of words,"

Vice Adm. Hannink said. "Let's remove Trump from the
picture. Were you preserving this nation when you asked
NSA Directors General Keith Alexander and Adm. Michael
Rogers to tap the phones and electronic devices of
American citizens who were not suspected of any crimes
but were merely critical of Barack Obama?" Vice Adm.
Hannink asked.

He handed the panel of ream of documents to review,

saying each page held the name of innocent persons
whom Obama had deemed enemy combatants. Each
document bore the signature of either Rice or her
subordinate, Deputy NSA Director Antony Blinkin.

"A father and son who ran a website critical of Obama's

immigration policies. Serious stuff there," Vice Adm.
Hannink said, his voice rich with sarcasm.

"They were traitors," Rice barked. "You're all traitors. "

"If I cared to spend a week in your presence, I could go
back to your days with Clinton, your lies about how
Benghazi happened, we could unmask much, much more.
But others are waiting to sit in your chair," Vice Adm.
Hannink said.

He reminded the tribunal that capital punishment can be

imposed for treason and espionage, and recommended
that fate, if the commission found her guilty.

And it did.

The three-officer panel unanimously agreed Rice be put

to death for her crimes against America.

The date and method of execution were not immediately


Correction: We mistakenly wrote the 2016 Presidential

Election took place on 20 November, 2016. It is been
corrected in the text to the November 8.
Military Indicts Venal Gavin
By Michael Baxter - July 20, 2021 0 44963 •J 978

, , Like 2.8K

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps has

indicted California Governor Gavin Newsom amid
concerns that the embattled, corrupt politician might flee
the country if California voters successfully oust him on
September 14.

The recall effort, started by voters furious at Newsom's

draconian lockdown measures, has continued to gain
traction as Newsom flouts his own restrictions and
continues to bankrupt thousands of the very people who
voted him into office. Although he claims rightwing
political extremists started the recall movement, the U.S.
military has obtained irrefutable evidence that he
betrayed his oath of office by imposing needless mask
mandates and profiting massively by shuttering the
state's principal economic sector, the motion picture
industry, in exchange for bribes and kickbacks.
California has long been an anti-business, pro-arson, pro-
homeless, and reverse racism policy driven state
pandering to woke ideology and Class Marxism (as the
old communist Chinese- or French Laundry - adage goes
"everyone is equal, except some are more equal than

As such, there is little shocking about the recent deluge

of accusations against Newsom and Netflix, whose
executive has poured seven figure donations into the
Governor's personal coffer and anti-recall campaign,
purporting a "quid pro quo" wherein Newsom kept the
movie theaters, theme parks and productions locked
down while Netflix profited from the "quarantine

As theatres and theme parks went broke, streaming

services added tens of millions of subscribers.

A source at the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's

Corps told RRN that JAG has obtained phone
conversations and verified documents illustrating
Newsom's criminality. For example: Netflix CEO Reed
Hastings contributed $30,000,000 to Newsom's anti-
recall campaign, the finances of wh ich he personally
controls. Moreover, Hastings and his wife, philanthropist
Patty Quillin, gave $1 million to Future Forward super
PAC, which spent tens of millions of dollars in attack ads
against President Trump in battle ground states. Netflix
currently has a production deal with Barack and Michelle

Newsom also received a $10,000,000 'contribution' from

Hulu CEOs Randy Freer and Jeffrey Katzenberg, a move
aimed at suppressing the will of the voters who delivered
nearly 1,750,000 petition signatures to recall the much
maligned governor. The Golden State Governor's venality
mandated a comprehensive military investigation, our
source said.
"The evidence against Newsom is compelling, was
compelling enough to issue the indictment, which it has
the authority to do under the powers granted in the
Insurrection Act. In addition, JAG has obtained copies of
very disturbing telephone calls between Newsom and
governors of other Democratic states," our source said.

One such call allegedly captured Newsom and Michigan's

Gretchen Whitmer congratulating each other on pushing
their respective states closer to Socialist ideology. "When
they're all broke, they'll have no choice but to rely on us,"
Newsom said, to which Whitmer replied, "Barack Obama
will be proud."

"They discussed at length transfiguring the nation into a

population of Serfs and laughed about making people
wear masks for life, indoors and out. This is treason of
the highest form," our source said.

In closing, he said an indictment does not mean an

immediate arrest, but the military is making plans to grab
Newsom regardless of the recall outcome.
Military Executes Tom Hanks
By Michael Baxter - July 27, 2021 0 11 2879 ... 1987

, , Like SK

Actor Tom Hanks has left the earth, put to death by a military
tribunal that found him guilty of pedophilia and child

On June 12, the U.S. military apprehended Hanks after a plane

he had chartered in Greece, where he held dual citizenship,
landed at Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, where Hanks had
been scheduled to attend a foreign film festival.

U.S. military sources told RRN that members of the 173rd

Airborne Combat Brigade and INTERPOL were awaiting Hanks'
arrival when the Learjet 75 reached the airport apron. Weapons
drawn, they boarded the plane and found Hanks seated beside
longtime friend Peter Scolari, who in 1980 starred alongside
Hanks in the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies, in which the duo
portrayed transvestites living in an all-female college
dormitory. Hanks would later say it was his favorite role, and
that wearing women's clothes made him feel more manly.
The military released Scolari but shackled and promptly
ushered Hanks aboard a waiting C-130, which had to be
refueled twice inflight to reach Diego Garcia, where the Office
of Military Commissions has built a penitentiary near its B2
bomber base. Upon landing, Hanks was placed in a holding cell
to await his military tribunal.

Ten days later, Hanks had his day in court, with the U.S. Navy
Judge Advocate General's Corps presenting proof connecting
Hanks to a child trafficking ring that, the military alleged, had
worked in the shadows for 30 years. It presented into evidence
many electronic devices-laptops and cellphones-that held
photographs and videos of Hanks engaged in sexual
intercourse with male children who were obviously below the
age of consent.

Other videos showed Hanks involved in adrenochrome parties,

gatherings at which the liberal elite and Hollywood A-listers
comingle and inject into themselves an ungodly chemical
compound made of oxidized adrenaline, which is extracted
from frightened and tortured children, and synthetic opiates.
Those who partake in the luciferian ritual believe the compound
prevents illness, extends life, and enhances sexual prowess.

One video showed Hanks and songstress Lady GaGa injecting

each other while an unseen child's screams, the wailing sound
of death, echoed in the background.

The military's case was built on 50 video clips and 2,000

images, sources told RRN.

The 3-officer panel, however, found the content so disturbing

that it reached a verdict of guilty after watching four snippets.

Hanks, when asked if he had anything to say in his defense,

showed no remorse for his crimes and told the tribunal that
adult-child intercourse was "natural" and that he proudly
supported NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love
Association, a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization
in the United States.
Inside Actor/Producer Tyler Perry's 300-acre Atlanta
estate sits a three-story stucco replica of the
commander-in-chief's residence, which he originally built
as a set piece for a television show. Perry, a Democrat
who endorsed Biden and funneled millions of dollars into
his campaign, allowed Biden to use the faux White House
as an operating base. Although the replicant White House
is built to 80% scale, on television and in images it's
indistinguishable from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden
and Harris have been using the facsimile to feign
leadership and impose despotic rule on the nation. It is
from there that Biden's criminal press secretary, Jen
Psaki, delivers daily press briefings, and Biden hosts
foreign dignitaries. Alas, the whole of the mainstream
media, including Fox News, abides this fiction perpetrated
on the American public.

Meanwhile, the real White House has been dark, guarded

by our nation's finest. Stalwart observers and even
Trump's allies have proven the White House is empty. In
May, Trump ally and attorney Lin Wood penetrated the
veil of secrecy by sneaking inside the White House to
prove that neither Biden nor any member of the
presidential staff dwelt within. Instead, Trump's
photographs still adorned the West Wing, and papers
bearing his signature still sat on the Resolute Desk.

RRN has heard from sources both in the military and

within Trump's inner circle, all of whom claim the White
House is being preserved for its proper occupant, Donald
J. Trump, whose return to authority is imminent.
Three days after the election, as fraudulent votes were
still being tallied, Gen. Berger told Trump he'd do
everything possible to prevent Biden's installation as
president. But on day 4 almost every media outlet, most
of congress, and the liberal elite endorsed Biden as the

Despite his illegitimate victory, Biden met an unwelcome

surprise when he arrived at t he White House on January
20. Instead of getting a ceremonial greeting, he and
Kamala Harris were stopped by National Guard and U.S.
Marines at the barbwire fence encircling the White House.
The Marines informed them that the military had
assumed control of the Executive Branch and instructed
them to vacate the area. When Harris belligerently said,
"Move aside, we're president now, the Marines locked the

Although most military supported Trump, Biden had his

allies-the intelligence agencies, the Secret Service, and
dissident elements of the U.S. Military, including a few
high-ranking generals and admirals.

RRN heard but cannot confirm a report of a brief firefight

that occurred after Kamala Harris had ordered the Secret
Service to storm the White House. According to the
report, two Secret Service agents were killed and one
Marine seriously injured before Biden's forces were
repelled from the grounds.

To avoid shame and maintain an illusion of power,

Biden's people concocted a ruse, supported by his media
allies, to deceive the American public into believing he
had won a fair election and had moved into the White
House on schedule.
On election night, as President Donald J. Trump's
commanding lead over Biden seemed to magically
evaporate, the U.S. military was already investigating
reports of collusion between the Biden campaign and the
Chinese-sponsored hacking group Nakion, which is
surreptitiously funded by the PLA. The shadowy
cyberwarfare group has a history of interfering in foreign
elections and is a principal player in the PLA's cyberwar
with Taiwan.

The military has evidence proving that the Biden

campaign not only had knowledge of but also encouraged
Nakion's intrusion into Dominion voting machines.
Dominion provided election equipment and software to 28
states, including battleground states where Trump's
imperious advantage shifted in favor of Biden during the
wee hours of the morning.

While America slept, the military watched.

On November 4, at 5 :00 a.m., Trump received a

telephone call from Joint Chiefs of Staff member Marine
Corps General David H. Berger, who revealed that
Chinese saboteurs had penetrated Dominion voting
machines in at least 6 states. Gen. Berger told Trump the
military had failed to thwart the attack because "someone
on the inside" fought its efforts to regain control of voting
software. When Trump asked Berger to consult Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, Berger
reportedly said, "Mr. President, I don't think we can trust
him. I suggest you immediately sign the Insurrection

The Insurrection Act of 1807, when enacted, supersedes

the Posse Comitatus Act, the latter of which limits the
powers of the federal government in the use of federal
military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the
United States.
The tribunal declared Hanks receive capital punishment and
asked that his sentence be carried out expeditiously.

"My death won't stop anything; we are everywhere," Hanks


Three days later, Hanks received an injection other than

adrenochrome. He was strapped to a gurney and had
pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam
injected into his veins. If any adrenochrome remained in his
blood, it wasn't potent enough to protect him against lethal

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