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Thank you for the opportunity that has been given previously, before that let me introduce myself .........
as a moderator in today first material with the title of material ...... which will be deliver the
honorable ........ but before that let me read his/her CV, .........
So that was read of the CV, before continuing with the permission to inform the duration of the material
presentation was 45 minutes and the question and answer session would be held 15 minutes after the
presentation. and being reminded again that during the material it is hoped that the participants will
activate the camera and turn off the audio, thank you,
and we will enter into the presentation of the material to Prof. / Dr. You may take the time
Thank you very much to ...... who has brought very interesting material about ......
Now we are entering the question and answer session
so for all the partisipant who want to ask questions, you can write the questions in the comments column
in the format name, country/region, institution, and questions, and you can also use the raise hand feature
by mentioning name, country/region, institution, and question, for Question and answer session time is 15
minutes starts from now
Before that, to the Prof/Doctor whether the questions will be collected or will be answered immediately?
instantly answered
There is a question coming in, the first question is ......
Is the question clear or may i repeat the question?
To Prof/Dr Please time is yours
OK, now we're going to the second question, the professors/doctors are welcome to answer..
(Maximize the time in Q&A Session)
With the end of the question and answer session on the material that was presented, I hope all questions
can represent the audience, I hope this material can be useful for all of us, and once again thank you very
much, to the Prof/Doctor (speakers), Good morning. Returned to the Master of Ceremony
MC 1 : Good morning,

MC 2 : Assalamualaikum Warahmatulohi wabarakatu,

MC 1 : Shalom,

MC 2 : om swastiastu,

MC 1 : namo budaya salam kebajikan.

MC 2 : my name is …..

MC 1 : and my name is …….

We are here together as a Master of Ceremony for this event

MC 2: Praise and Gratitude we should pray for the presence of Almighty God because of his His
blessings today we can attend the International webinar from the Department of Medical Laboratory
Technology of the Manado Health Polytechnic, with the theme "......"

MC 1:before we start this event At this time we will pray and the prayer will be led by..... time and place
are welcome

we call the honorable……

MC 1: Alright, without waiting any longer,please let we inform to you our schedule today.

MC 2 : ....

MC 1 : ....

MC 1: Alright now we are entering the first agenda, that is event report from the committee chairman we
call affectionately Ms Salanti, time and place are welcome

MC 2: Thank you very much to Mis Salanti, and now we are entering the second agenda, that is singing
the Indonesia National anthem

MC 2 : Thank you, now we will listen the welcoming speech that will be delivered by..... time and place
are welcome

MC 2: Thank you very much to Mr.......,alright now we will enter the agenda that we've been waiting for,
that is the presentation of the material, and for the first speaker about controlling MDR-TB Through
Strong Silence Of Healthy which will be guided by Mr..... as a Moderator time and place are welcome
MC 1: this is truly extraordinary material, we thank the presenters and Moderators in charge, and now we
will proceed to the next material about Diagnosis & Management of MDR-TB Through Interprofessional
Collaboration which will be presented by Prof. Dr. Tjandara Yoga Aditama, Sp. P (K) MARS, DTM&H,
DTCE, FISR, therefore without further to do the Moderators are welcome.

MC 2: really extraordinary material, we thank the presenters and Moderators in charge, and now we will
proceed to the next material about ..... which will be presented by ..... time and place are welcome.

MC 2: Alright, because now it's already 12.15 WITA. Therefore we will continue on the next schedule,
that is the 4th material, but before that, we hoped that all attendees will turn on the camera, when we were
entered the 4th material,about... ... which will be presented by..... time and place are welcome.

MC 1: Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't feel like we have listened to third material very interesting
materials, and before continuing on to the 4th material we have a short break because now in Indonesia
itself it is already break time.....

MC 2: Alright, because now it's showing 13.00 we will continue with the next schedule, that is the 4th
material, but before that, we hope that all attendees will turn on the camera, if we have entered the 4th
material,about..... which will be brought by..... time and place are welcome

MC 1: so we have listened to very interesting material that has been presented by.... and now we enter the
last material about...... which will be presented by..... for the Moderator in charge of you.. .. time and
place are welcome

MC 1 and 2 *(OPTIONAL)

MC 2: and maybe we'll say hello to a few of our friends who have joined the zoom, or maybe we can
write down in the comments the city and country of we were came from, so we can greet here...

MC 1: Alright, we will close our series of activities today with a prayer

, which will be delivered by......

MC 2 : It doesn't fell that now we are at the end of our series of activities today,

MC 1: Once again, we would like to thank all the attendees, both domestic and foreign, especially to our
extraordinary speakers and also to the Director who had the opportunity to attend today's activity.

MC 2: Hopefully this material can be useful for all of us, OK, I...

MC 1: and I... say goodbye, apologize if there are mistakes in words or actions.
MC 1: And see you in the next event

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