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AFM 291 S23 - Group Assignment Coordination and Communication Checklist Part 1

All group members MUST meet as a group by no later than Friday, July 7th to:

1. Inform fellow group members of any factors (e.g., class schedule) that will need to be
considered regarding completion and submission of the assignment by the due date.

2. Review the “Group Assignment Coordination and Communication Checklist Part 2” that
will need to be completed and submitted with the group’s assignment submission.

3. Establish communication platforms, and

4. Establish planned group meeting times to ensure the assignment is completed with the
equal effort of all group members and submitted by the due date.

Each group MUST sign and upload this form into the LEARN Dropbox “Group Assignment
Checklist: Part 1” by no later than Friday, July 7th, at 2:00pm EST certifying that the above four
items have been fulfilled. Upload one form per group.

Your Group Assignment will not be marked if this process does not take place.

Group # : 44

Assignment : AFM 291 Case Assignment Spring 2023

Date : 5th July, 2023

Name (print) Signature

Karan Pardeep Karan Pardeep

Gurjot Gill Gurjot Gill

Yash Walia Yash Walia

Muhammad Khan Muhammad Khan

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