Group 1 (Pas 36 - 38)

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GROUP 1 (PAS 36 – 38)

Abegail Valesco
Fritzie Angela Campoy
Trisha Albia
Rendel Bagtasos
Jealie Ann Duhilag

T 1.. An asset is impaired if its carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.
T 2. Assets within the scope of PAS 36 are noncurrent assets.
F 3. Recoverable amount is the amount at which an asset is recognized after deducting any
accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment loss.
F 4. Reversal of impairment loss is recognized in other comprehensive income.
T 5. Discount rate is a pre-tax rate that reflects current assessments of the time value of money
and risk for which the future cash flow estimates have not been adjusted.
T 6.Provision is an existing liability of uncertain timing or uncertain amount.
F 7.Contingent asset is a possible obligation whose existence will be confirmed only by the
occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the
control of the entity.
T 8. Provisions are measured at the best estimate, expected value or mid-point, whichever is
F 9. Provisions are normally recognized as credit to expense (or loss) and debit to an estimated
liability account.
T 10. Provisions are presented in the statement of financial position separately from other
types of liabilities.

11. Essential elements of an intangible asset.

Future economic benefits

12.Intangible assets are initially measured at


13. Costs incurred in establishing a new business.

Organizational costs/start-up costs

14. How should intangible assets with no active market measured?

Cost model

15. Two models of how intangible assets measured subsequently.

Cost model
Revaluation model

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