Why Do You Want To Participate in The Youth Assembly

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1. Why do you want to participate in The Youth Assembly?

Tell us what you hope to

accomplish and how this would help you in your endeavors. (Minimum of 100 words) *

A unique platform for youth impact

It empowers the next generation with opportunities to connect with like-minded peers,
trailblazers, and influencers; develop global competence and critical skills; and transform their
vision for a better future into action.

2. How are you working toward the Sustainable Development Goal(s)? Describe your
work/social impact project(s) and its impact in your community and/or globally. *
I am Detail-oriented Mechanical Engineer with 7+years’ experience in Energy, Thermal
management design solutions and Product development design and analysis. Now I am working
on my start up as entrepreneur on Design and Manufacturing of Solar powered cooled storage for
Perishable Vegetables and fruits in Addis Ababa. The Main objective of this business is to
maintain Ethiopian food security, offer clean energy and reduce municipal waste due lack of
efficacious food preservation system. And the main activists will be Design, Manufacture and
Service the cold storage system.
3. List down the name of organization(s) you are currently working with or have worked
with directly
4. What specific actions do you plan to undertake as a result of your participation at The
Youth Assembly? *
5. Please cite any public speaking engagement(s) in the past (Type N/A if not applicable):
please provide links to news articles or web pages to support your application (Type
N/A if not applicable):*
6. Any additional information you'd like us to know about you or your work?

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