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Meeting Minutes: Approval of Graduating Classes of 2023 from ___________________


Date: 14/7/2023

Time: 2:30-4:30

Venue: Department Head Office


Mulgeta Marsha Chair Person

Daba Adugna secretary
Opening of the Meeting:

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Mulgeta Marsha, the Head of Department of Civil
Engineering and he welcomed all the DC members and thanked them for their presence.

Introduction of the Agenda:

The agenda for the meeting was presented, focusing on the approval of the graduating classes of
2023 from Civil Engineering Department. The main points of discussion included the
graduation requirements such as; CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average), CrHr (Credit
Hours), ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), degree nomenclature,
graduating status of the students and the medalist of the department.

Regarding of this agenda, Civil Engineering department Dc held a meeting on 14/07/2023 G.C
for the approval of these graduating students. After the members of Dc have welcomed by
chairperson and the agenda were noticeable to the members. Then the department Council has
discussed on the graduation agenda deeply and carefully and then approved as hereunder.

A. The Degree Nomenclature

The degree nomenclature of the graduating to be awarded up on successful completion of the
required ECTS of the course work of each departments has been approved as her under:

Department of Civil Engineering

? Degree Nomenclature in English: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil
? Degree Nomenclature in Amharic: የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በሲቪል ምህንድስና
B. Graduation requirements:
? Successful completion of ECTS or Cr.Hr as in their respective Curriculum were
confirmed as here under table.
Credit Hour ECTS
S/No Program Required completed Required completed
1 Civil Engineering 186 186 304 304

As indicated in the above table, requirements the department council provided an overview of the ECTS
and CrHr requirements for graduation. They discussed the ECTS and the total credit hours earned by
each student, ensuring that they met the requirements for graduation.

C. Graduating Students Status in relation with sex composition & Graduation Status
From the total 20 graduating from the department in sex compositions
 14 Students are Male and
 6 Students are Female.
From the total 20 graduating from department in graduation Status
? 4 Students are in the graduating status of Great distinction
? 5 Students are in the graduating status of distinction and
? 11 Students are in the graduating status of pass.

D. The medalist of the department

The department heads shared the top scores achieved by students in the department. They discussed
the criteria used to determine the top scores, such as highest CGPA or exceptional performance in
specific courses.

Finally, the members identified medalist. Among the female students short listed in the following table 1
above those scored highest CGPA in their respective department and competed for the winner of
Special award from the department, student _______/_______/_____ with the CGPA ____. She has
Scored 5 A+,____ A s, __ A-, ___ B+,___ B, ____ B- and __ C+ out of _____ total courses that she has
taken. In similar way,

Among the students short listed in the following table 2, those scored highest CGPA in the
department and competed for the winner of gold medal from the department, student
________/________/________ with the highest CGPA of ______. He has scored ___ A+,
_____A s, ____ A- and ____ B+, ___ B and ____ B- out of _____ total courses that he/she has taken.
Finally the short lists of the students proposed from the office of the registrar for the graduation is
attached with this minutes
Table 2. Lists of top scorers competed for the winner of Gold Medal award from the Institute of Technology
Name of Student Sex ID No Progra No courses A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D CGPA
m taken

Table 1 Lists of top scorer’s female students competed for the winner of special award from the Institute of Technology
Name of Student Sex ID No Progra No courses A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D CGPA
m taken

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