Multiscale Behavior Analysis and Molar Behaviorism: An Overview: Multiscale Behavior Analysis and Molar Behaviorism

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Multiscale behavior analysis and molar behaviorism: An overview: Multiscale

Behavior Analysis and Molar Behaviorism

Article  in  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior · October 2018

DOI: 10.1002/jeab.476


35 1,915

1 author:

William M Baum
University of California, Davis


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Omit Private Events from a Science of Behavior View project

Behavioral Evolution and the Price Equation View project

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In the context of evolutionary theory, behavior is the interaction between the organism and its environ-
ment. Two implications follow: (a) behavior takes time; and (b) behavior is defined by its function. That
behavior takes time implies that behavioral units are temporally extended patterns or activities. An activ-
ity functions as an integrated whole composed of parts that are themselves smaller-scale activities. That
behavior is defined by its function implies that behavior functions to change the environment in ways
that promote reproductive success. Phylogenetically important events (PIEs) are enhanced or mitigated
by activities they induce as a result of natural selection. Induction explains all the phenomena that have
traditionally been explained by reinforcement. This multiscale view replaces discrete responses and con-
tiguity with multiscale activities and covariance. A PIE induces operant activity as a result of covariance in
the form of a feedback relation between the activity and the PIE. A signal (conditional inducer) induces
PIE-induced activities as a result of covariance between the PIE and the signal. In an ontological per-
spective, behavior is a process, and an activity is a process individual. For example, ontological consider-
ations clarify the status of delay and probability discounting. A true natural science of behavior is
Key words: molar behaviorism, multiscale behavior analysis, time allocation, phylogenetically important
event, induction, contingency, class, individual, process

This paper aims to bring together a few dis- Prolegomenon

parate lines of thought into a single cohesive
framework for behaviorism and behavior anal- The importance to behavior analysis of mak-
ysis. I originally called the view I was develop- ing contact with evolutionary theory can hardly
ing “molar” behaviorism, but came to discover be overstated. Behavior analysis is properly part
that the label “molar” was misleading, because of biology. It is not a part of psychology, but an
people seemed to assume it only applied to alternative to psychology. For psychology,
phenomena at long time scales and could not behavior is a superficial phenomenon that
apply to phenomena at short time scales. Fol- must be understood by inferences to a “deeper”
lowing Phil Hineline’s suggestion, I began call- level: the mind or the brain. As long as behav-
ing it the “molar multiscale view,” with the ior is not considered a subject matter in its own
intention that I would eventually just call it the right and behavioral phenomena are consid-
“multiscale view.” By 2013, in a paper, “What ered secondary, a true natural science of behav-
counts as behavior: The molar multiscale ior is impossible. Biologists often are naïve
view,” I was able to put together the time- about the mind and consciousness, but they
based view with scale, choice, and evolution. have no trouble thinking about behavior as real
Much of what I have to say has appeared and primary. When asked, biologists whom I
before in print in various places, but I will try have met agree that behavior is an organism’s
in a brief space to weave together the concepts interaction with the environment.
and observations of those earlier writings. The The organism is not the agent of its behav-
following section summarizes the main con- ior, but the medium of its behavior. Organ-
cepts of multiscale behavior analysis and the isms and behavior go hand in hand, because
topics I will enlarge upon in the paper. they both enhance the fitness of the genes
that promote them. Organisms and behavior
would not exist if the genes making for organ-
This paper contains portions of the English version of a
book chapter published in Portuguese (D. Zillo & isms were not selected by having greater
K. Carrara (Eds.), Behaviorismos. Vol. 2. Sao Paulo, Brazil: reproductive success as a result of being
Paradigma). The author thanks Howard Rachlin and Tim located in organisms.
Shahan for thoughtful comments on earlier drafts. The connection to evolution and natural
Address correspondence to: William M. Baum,
611 Mason Street, #504, San Francisco, CA 94108.
selection allows a rethinking of the concept of
Email: reinforcement. Once we recognize that etholo-
doi: 10.1002/jeab.476 gists’ “fixed action patterns” and the notion of

© 2018 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


operant behavior are equally relevant to under- Skinner (1938) introduced a new concept
standing behavior, we can bring the two with his invention of operant behavior. In
together, as Segal (1972) showed, with the con- 1938, he tied it to the reflex, but he soon rec-
cept of induction (Baum, 2012a; Tinbergen, ognized that operant behavior cannot be char-
1963). Events impacting fitness, phylogenetically acterized by S–R bonds, because no
important events (PIEs), induce activities that identifiable stimulus precedes each occur-
enhance good (fitness-increasing) PIEs and mit- rence of the response. He followed with two
igate bad (fitness–reducing) PIEs and also innovations: (a) measuring behavior as
induce operant activities correlated with these response rate; and (b) stimulus control. With
PIEs. The operant activities that produce or these two new concepts, Skinner left S–R
avoid the PIEs are induced along with the bonds behind. Instead, he thought of response
unconditionally induced activities, including rate as the primary measure of behavior, and a
fixed action patterns. An activity may be called discriminative stimulus as exerting “control”
an “operant” activity to the extent that its ontog- by modulating response rate. Thus, stimulus
eny and maintenance depend on feedback control replaced the eliciting of the response
between that activity and the inducing PIE. by the stimulus that characterized the reflex.
Events correlated positively with PIEs become Skinner’s innovations pointed in a direction
proxies for them and induce many of the same away from discrete responses and contiguity,
activities as the PIEs themselves induce. but he never made a further move in that
direction because he never went beyond the
Multiscale Behavior Analysis “operant” as a class of discrete responses or
the theory that an immediately following rein-
At the beginning of the twentieth century, forcer “strengthens” an operant response.
scientists studying behavior relied on only two
concepts: reflexes and associative bonds. Both
concepts entailed discrete events and contigu- Critique of the Molecular View of Behavior
ity between the events. Pavlov’s (1960) condi- The view that behavior consists of discrete
tional reflexes (called “conditioned” due to a responses that are strengthened by closely fol-
translating error) depended on contiguity lowing (contiguous) reinforcers may be identi-
between a conditional stimulus and an uncon- fied as the molecular view of behavior
ditional stimulus (which he also called a “rein- (e.g., Skinner, 1948). It seems to explain the
forcer”). Pairing the two stimuli was supposed observation that response rate increases when
to result in a bond between the conditional responses produce reinforcers (e.g., food).
stimulus and a conditional response. Before That is about all it explains, however. It does
Pavlov, nineteenth-century philosophers and not explain even the most basic phenomena
psychologists considered ideas to be con- in behavior analysis. For example, the molecu-
nected by associative bonds. The associative lar view cannot explain why ratio schedules
bond, when combined with the reflex, became maintain extremely high response rates,
a bond between stimulus and response, or an whereas interval schedules maintain response
S–R bond. Ethologists invented a similar con- rates that are moderate—that is, lower but not
cept, in which a sign stimulus was said to extremely low (e.g., Baum, 1993). In attempt-
“release” a fixed action pattern (Tinbergen, ing to explain the rate difference, molecular
1963). Thus was born the vocabulary of stimu- theorists cite differential reinforcement of rel-
lus, response, and reinforcer. atively long interresponse times (IRTs) on
The early behaviorists Watson (1930) and interval schedules. Morse (1966), for example,
Thorndike (2012) theorized about S–R bonds. showed that on an interval schedule IRTs fol-
Although Watson considered S–R bonds suffi- lowed by a reinforcer generally exceed IRTs
cient, Thorndike added to the associative laws, not followed by a reinforcer. The reason is
such as the law of contiguity, another law, that the longer the IRT, the more likely an
which he called the “law of effect.” According interval will have timed out during the IRT,
to the law of effect, an S–R bond is strength- setting up reinforcer delivery for the next
ened when a satisfying event closely follows response. Differential reinforcement of long
the S–R sequence. IRTs explains why rate on an interval schedule

should be lower than rate on a ratio schedule, response rates shorten the interval between
because IRT is the reciprocal of response rate. reinforcers—which is to say that high response
One trouble with this IRT theory is that it rates increase reinforcer rate, because the
predicts something incorrect. If the key to interreinforcer interval is the reciprocal of
lower rate on interval schedules is that the reinforcer rate. Not differential reinforcement
probability of reinforcer delivery increases as of IRTs, but differential reinforcement of
IRT increases, then IRTs should increase until response rate by increasing reinforcer rate
the probability equals 1.0. For every response explains the extreme response rates that ratio
to produce a reinforcer, response rate on an schedules maintain.
interval schedule would have to be extremely Another phenomenon that molecular the-
low, but response rates on interval schedules, ory cannot explain is negative reinforcement,
though lower than rates on ratio schedules, particularly avoidance. Suppose Tom, a
are still moderately high. When I have pointed divorced man with a grown son, Sam, receives
out this theoretical failure, some molecular a phone call from Sam inviting Tom to his
theorists answer by suggesting that such long wedding. Tom declines the invitation because
IRTs would tend to increase the interreinfor- Sam’s mother, Tom’s ex-wife, will be at the
cer interval. That is so, but it is not part of the wedding, and Tom doesn’t want to see her.
theory. In particular, because IRT is the recip- Thus, Tom avoids his ex-wife, but why? Declin-
rocal of response rate, and interreinforcer ing the invitation produces no immediate rein-
interval is the reciprocal of reinforcer rate, the forcer; it only insures that something will not
suggested addition actually introduces an happen. The molecular view has no way to
extended relation between response rate and explain this, because it cannot appeal to any
reinforcer rate. immediate reinforcer, although so-called “two-
The moderately high rates on interval sched- factor theory” would postulate an implausible
ules cannot be explained without reference to and invisible “fear” of the ex-wife that is
reinforcer rate. When response rate is low on reduced by the declining. Instead, we can view
an interval schedule, increases in response rate Tom’s declining as part of an extended pat-
produce large increases in reinforcer rate. As tern of avoiding his ex-wife: he not only turns
response rate rises to moderate levels, rein- down invitations to events at which she will be
forcer rate ceases to increase. This relation is present, but he in general avoids places where
captured in the interval schedule’s feedback she might be. He might not always be success-
function, which is negatively accelerated and ful, but his avoidance activities reduce the like-
approaches an asymptote (Baum, 1992). lihood that he will have to see her.
Not only does the IRT theory fail to explain This explanation of Tom’s behavior jibes
why interval response rates are as high as they with the explanation of free-operant avoidance
are, it also fails even more obviously to explain in the laboratory. Sidman (1966) suggested
the extremely high rate on ratio schedules, that rats press a lever that postpones electric
because in a ratio schedule, no relation exists shock because pressing the lever reduces the
between IRT and reinforcer probability. When rate of shocks received. Herrnstein (1969)
one considers that the feedback function for a elaborated on this appeal to extended rela-
ratio schedule is simply an increasing straight tions and pointed out the inadequacy of the
line, an explanation in more extended terms molecular view as adopted by Skinner and
appears. Increases in response rate always some other behavior analysts. Another view,
increase reinforcer rate; the only limit is the also based on extended relations, explains
organism’s ability to respond quickly. Some- avoidance as due to induction of the operant
one trying to defend IRT theory might point activity by failures—shocks received or
out that, typically, responding occurs in bursts encounters with the ex-wife—rather than
alternating with pauses, and on a ratio sched- shock-rate reduction (Baum, 2018).
ule a high-rate burst may be more likely to Some behavior analysts, notably Herrnstein
produce a reinforcer than responses spread and some of his students (e.g., Hineline, 2001,
out in time (i.e., low rate). Such an explana- and Rachlin, 1994, 2014), moved ahead in the
tion departs from IRT theory, however, by direction that Skinner had pointed out—
pointing to differential reinforcement of toward temporally extended phenomena and
response rate. It also implies that high theories. A major step was the discovery of the

matching relation (Herrnstein, 1961). Gener- total of Vi across all alternatives, and each Vi is
alizing this discovery leads to a law of behavior: a composite measure of reinforcer variables,
the Law of Allocation. such as rate, amount, and immediacy, that
determine the relative time. This is truly a
law, and is a tautology, as all laws are
The Law of Allocation
(Rachlin, 1971). Equation (3), perhaps,
As Herrnstein (1961) originally presented it, might be called the “generalized matching
the matching relation stated that the propor- law,” but that term nowadays denotes a more
tion of behavior allocated to an alternative specific version, even though that equation is
tended to match the proportion of reinforcers not really a law in the usual sense, but an
obtained by that alternative: empirical generalization (Baum, 1974, 1979;
Poling, Edwards, Weeden, & Foster, 2011).
B1 r1 Though I originated the equation, I did not
¼ , ð1Þ
B1 + B2 r1 + r2 name it as such, but the usage has become
common (Poling et al., 2011).
where B1 and B2 are rates of behavior allo- Equation (3) may be rewritten in a variety
cated to Alternatives 1 and 2, such as pecking of ways (Baum, 2012b), but it is general
at two response keys, and r1 and r2 are the enough for present purposes to be called the
rates at which reinforcers, such as bits of food, Law of Allocation. It has been used to explain
are obtained. Equation (1) represented a impulsive choice (Aparicio, Elcoro, & Alonso-
major step, because it introduced reinforcer Alvarez, 2015) and resurgence—the reappear-
rate as a valid independent variable for under- ance of extinguished responding when an
standing response rate. Just as Skinner had alternative activity is extinguished (Shahan &
recognized an extended measure, response Craig, 2017). These applications draw on the
rate, as a dependent variable, the matching implication that no activity exists apart from
relation introduced an extended measure, the context of other, competing, activities. If
reinforcer rate, as an independent variable, one activity increases, others must decrease,
and together they indicated that behavior and and if one activity decreases, others must
its controlling relations could be seen as increase. Extinction, for example, consists of a
extended in time. shift from an allocation high in operant activ-
Herrnstein (1970) generalized Equation (1) ity to one that includes little of the operant
to any number, N, of alternatives: activity (Baum, 2012c).
Like any scientific law, the law of allocation
Bj rj embodies and depends upon a number of
¼ : ð2Þ
N assumptions or axioms. They might be taken
Bi ri as guidelines for experimenting and theoriz-
i¼1 i¼1
ing about behavior. These were discussed less
Equation (2) goes beyond the original formally in an earlier paper (Baum, 2013; see
observation (Eq. (1)) to state a law. It builds also Baum, 2018).
on the insight of the necessity of temporal Axiom 1: Only whole organisms behave.
extension to offer a more general framework. Axiom 1 applies to all organisms:
From the recognition that the matching law multicellular—humans, dogs, pigeons, fish,
implies temporally extended variables and cockroaches, or hydras—and unicellular—
relations, only a short step was required to paramecia or amoebae—and archaic—
write matching more generally in terms of bacteria and viruses. As we will see below,
time (Baum & Rachlin, 1969): these are all individuals that interact with their
surrounding environment.
Tj Vj For behavior analysis, Axiom 1 excludes
¼ , ð3Þ inanimate things, because behavior analysis
Ti Vi deals with living organisms. An exception
i¼1 i¼1 might be robots with artificial intelligence, if
their interactions with the environment
which states that the proportion of time taken become too complex to predict from their
up by one activity j matches Vj relative to the programmed algorithms.

In associating behavior only with whole competitors. The competition continues now,
organisms, Axiom 1 rules out behavior by parts just as long ago. Multicellular organisms con-
of an organism. My heart’s beating may be tinually face challenges by less organized life
part of my physiology, but it is not part of my forms, particularly bacteria and viruses. These
behavior. In particular, Axiom 1 denies that threats are countered by evolved mechanisms,
the brain behaves (Bennett & Hacker, 2003). such as the immune system, symbiosis with
Bennett and Hacker (2003) explain the logical micro-organisms in the gut and on the skin,
reason that only whole organisms behave. For and practices such as treating water before
example: drinking it. The success of the organism-
making genes relies on the organism’s interac-
Psychological predicates are predicable tion with the environment around it, because
only of a whole animal, not of its parts. the organism’s actions change the environ-
No conventions have been laid down ment in ways that are, on average, advanta-
to determine what is to be meant by geous to survival and reproduction. Often the
the ascription of such predicates to a environmental changes feed back to affect the
part of an animal, in particular to its organism’s further actions. The organism’s
brain. So the application of such predi- actions are the organism’s behavior. (See
cates to the brain … transgresses the Baum, 2013, for further discussion.)
bounds of sense. The resultant asser- Axiom 2: To be alive is to behave. Axiom
2 says that so long as an organism is alive, it
tions are not false, for to say that some-
behaves continually. It immediately implies that
thing is false, we must have some idea behavior takes up all the time available. If one
of what it would be for it to be true— observes an organism for an hour, a day, or a
in this case, we should have to know year, one observes an hour’s worth, a day’s
what it would be for the brain to think, worth, or a year’s worth of behavior. If behavior
reason, see and hear, etc., and to have is allocated among various activities, those activ-
found out that as a matter of fact the ities each take up some of the time, and
brain does not do so. But we have no together take up all of the time. Moreover, time
such idea, as these assertions are not is limited. Every living thing lives within a time
false. Rather, the sentences in question budget, because lifetimes are finite, a day con-
lack sense. (p. 78). tains just 24 hours, and opportunities for
behavior are ephemeral. As a result, activities
According to multiscale behavior analysis, compete with one another for time, in accord
what Bennett and Hacker (2003) say in this with Equation (3). The key task of behavior
quote about “psychological predicates” applies analysis is explaining the allocation of time
to behavior in general, not just thinking, rea- among all the organism’s activities.
soning, seeing, and hearing. To speak of the The connection to evolution further sup-
behavior of parts of living things—anything ports the central principle that behavior takes
other than whole living organisms—“trans- up time, because interaction with the environ-
gresses the bounds of sense.” The brain does ment can only take place over time. The
not perceive, choose, or sense, any more than phrase “momentary interaction” is an oxymo-
the brain can walk or talk; these are activities ron, because interaction can only be
of whole organisms. In this view, the brain is extended. That behavior cannot occur at a
an organ of the body and participates in moment tells us that the historical concept
behavior, but does not behave itself. “momentary response” was logically and theo-
A more important reason for Axiom retically flawed.
1 derives from evolutionary theory. From the Indeed, no activity can be identified at a
perspective of evolutionary theory, behavior moment. A snapshot of a person holding an
only exists because organisms exist. Organisms open book tells almost nothing about what
exist because the genes that make for organ- activity is occurring; the person might be read-
isms reproduce more successfully than com- ing, looking for something in the book, pre-
peting genes that would undo organisms— tending to read, and so on. Only by observing
that is, the genes that produce and reside in for some time, before and after the moment,
organisms have higher fitness than any can the activity be identified as reading or

pretending or something else. Similarly, a snap- subdivided into the less-extended, smaller-
shot of a rat with its paws on a lever tells almost scale activities of which it is composed, and
nothing of what activity is occurring; one has to that the time taken up by those parts adds up
see what went before and what came after to to the time taken up by the more-extended,
decide if the rat is pressing the lever at a high longer-scale activity of which they are parts
rate, at a low rate, pressing at all, exploring the (Baum, 1995a; Baum & Davison, 2004). If I
chamber, or something else. (See Baum, 1997, play tennis for an hour, during that hour I am
2013, for further discussion.) serving shots, returning shots, keeping score,
The impossibility of identifying behavior at exchanging remarks with my opponent, and
a moment implies that attempting to explain so on. Together these activities constitute play-
behavior at a moment is not only unrealistic ing tennis, and together they take up the
or quixotic, but also impossible. Behavior is whole hour of my playing tennis. If a pigeon
continuous—a flow—not a series of momen- pecks at keys in concurrent schedules, its per-
tary discrete “responses.” The only discrete formance has parts: pecking at the right key,
events might be switches from one activity to pecking at the left key, and background activi-
another, and perhaps those might be predict- ties other than pecking. Its pecking might be
able. For the rest, explaining and predicting organized into long visits to the preferred key
behavior consists of explaining and predicting (“fixing” on the rich key) alternating with
the amount of time spent in various activities, brief visits to the nonpreferred key (“sam-
on whatever time scale works. pling”) plus background activities (Baum,
Viewing behavior as consisting of discrete 2002; Baum, Schwendiman, & Bell, 1999).
responses leads inevitably to hypothetical con- Thus, Equation (3) may apply at any time
structs that can only mislead. For example, scale, to the parts of playing tennis or to the
Killeen and Jacobs (2017) argued for the activities of a day, one of which is playing ten-
importance of considering an organism’s phys- nis, and to the allocation of pecking between
iological state in predicting its behavior, but keys or to the pattern of pecking and switch-
they moved from physiological states to “dispo- ing between keys. It may apply even at time
sitions” as causes of behavior. A disposition is scales of fractional seconds, to the parts of a
nothing, however, if it is not behavior. Physio- pigeon’s key peck or a rat’s lever press
logical states may be measured, but a disposi- (e.g., Smith, 1974). Axiom 3 underpins what I
tion that does not result in measurable action call multiscale behavior analysis. (See Baum,
is a phantom. The rate at which an activity 2018, for further discussion of laws of
occurs is its disposition to occur. Attributing behavior.)
the activity to its disposition is circular and is a
category mistake (Ryle, 1949).
One might assert the converse of Axiom The Behavior-Environment Feedback
2 also: To behave is to be alive. Not only bacte- System
ria, which have a cell or plasma membrane, Some earlier papers suggested that the
are considered alive because they reproduce interaction of behavior with the environment
and interact with the environment around may be compared to a feedback system
them—secreting chemicals, attacking cells, (Baum, 1973, 1981, 1989, 2016). To say that
and exchanging genetic material—but also behavior interacts with the environment
viruses, naked molecules lacking any mem- implies that behavior and environment consti-
brane, are considered alive because they tute a feedback system. Figure 1 shows a dia-
reproduce in and interact with the bacteria gram of the feedback system for one activity. It
and cells they encounter. Prions, smaller pro- depicts a simplification, because no one activ-
tein molecules that only replicate, are not con- ity can be isolated from others. (A more
sidered to be alive. Thus, behavior is detailed attempt may be found in Baum, 1981,
inextricably tied up with life and characterizes Fig. 1.) “Competition” appears in the role of a
what are considered “live organisms.” set-point, but cannot be thought of as a
Axiom 3: Every activity is composed of parts set-point in the same sense as a thermostat’s
that are themselves activities. Axiom 3 intro- set-point. Instead, competition from other
duces scale into Equation (3). It says that the activities constrains the effect of fed-back
time taken up by any one activity may be events in r on activity B. Competition accords

One might notice that the model in
B Functional
r Figure 1 omits anything that might be called
Relation “reinforcement.” It approaches a stable, but
B = f (r) variable, state, but nothing like strength
Competition appears in the model, any more than a ther-
mostat controlling the temperature in a room
ΔB Function r entails strengthening of room temperature.
(error) r = g(B+ΔB) Induction replaces reinforcement. For this
reason, some researchers have suggested that
Fig. 1. Behavior and environment as a feedback sys- matching, as embodied in Equation (3), is
tem. The Law of Allocation (“Competition;” Eq. (3)) “unconditioned” or “innate” (Gallistel et al.,
determines the set-point. A feedback relation in the envi- 2007; Gallistel, Mark, King, & Latham, 2001;
ronment translates error (ΔB) into a PIE rate (r). An Heyman, 1982). Behavior is selected, but by
induction relation through the organism translates r into
rate of the operant activity (B), as, for example, in
competitive induction, not by strengthening.
Equation (4). As a model of behavior, Figure 1 is
extremely general. To apply it to any particu-
lar situation, one must decide how to measure
with the Law of Allocation; one may think of it feedback r and activity B. A number of
as Equation (3). It incorporates the current researchers have suggested various approaches
rate of the activity, B, and the deviation or to measuring r when it refers to PIE (“rein-
“error” equals ΔB, which is input to an envi- forcer”) rate. Gallistel and associates suggested
ronmental relation. The function g represents an algorithm that examines cumulative
a feedback function—a property of the envi- records to estimate reinforcer rate, change in
ronment. The output of the feedback func- reinforcer rate, and abrupt changes in
tion, r, is a rate of consequences, PIE rate responding (Gallistel et al., 2001, 2007). Davi-
(e.g., food rate). The rate r is input to an son and I, using pigeons, were able to examine
organism-based functional relation and repre- short-term effects of individual food deliveries
sents induction, discussed below. Some evi- (Davison & Baum, 2000). Examining transi-
dence suggests that this relation may be a tions from one long-term concurrent schedule
power function, at least for relating food rate pair to a new pair, I found that, after sufficient
and pigeons’ rate of key pecking (e.g., Baum, feedback—food deliveries—from the new
2015; Baum & Davison, 2014): schedule pair, transitions in behavior were
abrupt (Baum, 2010; Baum et al., 1999).
Tj ¼ bj rj sj ð4Þ The need to invent ways to estimate the con-
trolling variable r leads to a question: If we dis-
cover a method of estimating r that
where Tj is time spent pecking, rj is rate of successfully predicts some behavior, does that
food, sj is sensitivity of Tj to rj, and bj is a coeffi- mean the organism also uses that method?
cient. Equation (4) states that rj induces time Although no warrant exists to make such an
spent pecking according to the power sj and in inference, some researchers seem to make it
proportion to bj. In principle, rj need not be nonetheless. Gallistel, for example, writes that
only rate of food; for example rj could repre- the organism under study makes the computa-
sent amount of food or immediacy of food tions, rather than his algorithm (Gallistel
(Baum & Rachlin, 1969). Equation (4) com- et al., 2001, 2007). Shahan (2017) wrote, “…
bined with Equation (3) results in an having something somewhere accumulated or
extremely general version of the Law of Allo- stored up—such preservation is a logical and
cation (Baum, 2012b). physical necessity for solving the problem of
The function f in Figure 1 may be thought bringing the past into the present”
of as Equation (4), with B equal to Tj. The sys- (pp. 111-112). No physical necessity exists,
tem stabilizes when ΔB equals zero. That equi- because we have no idea as yet how the past is
librium is often called “stable performance.” brought into the present or even if that is the
Although local variation never ceases, alloca- correct way to think about the past; the
tion may be considered stable when it ceases method that the physiology of the organism
to exhibit a trend across time (Baum, 2017c). uses may have nothing to do with

accumulating or storing. The necessity might implicitly. A beneficial gene may be selected
be “logical” in the sense that bringing the past in a population even though some members
into the present means accumulating and stor- of the population possessing the gene die with-
ing, but that makes Shahan’s reasoning circu- out reproducing, because the gene confers
lar. The experimenter estimates the variables advantage to offspring on average and in the
and, with luck, finds some order. long run. Similarly, an operant activity may be
selected even though its consequences are
sometimes bad if the consequences are better
Multiscale Behavior Analysis and than competing variants on average and in the
Evolutionary Theory long run. Camping outdoors may usually be
Axiom 3 above introduces the fundamental an exhilarating experience, but sometimes is
property of scale. If driving to work is part of ruined by a rainstorm; people still go camping.
working, then driving to work occurs on a Indeed, an activity may be maintained that
smaller time scale than working. One may say only serves a function in the long term, but
that working takes longer than driving to serves no function each time it occurs
work. Driving to work is an activity composed (Rachlin, 1992). For the sake of my dental
of yet shorter activities such as driving on the health, I brush my teeth every morning and
highway and driving on town roads (see Wal- night, even though, on a daily basis, the activ-
lace, 1965 for a detailed discussion of driving ity is just an effort that takes up time.
to work). Variation in an activity consists of The perspective offered by evolutionary the-
variation of its parts. Some days I may drive to ory, that organisms exist to reproduce, may be
work by the highway and other days by back summarized as, “Organisms are the means by
roads; sometimes I may drive at high speed which DNA makes more DNA.” It helps to
other times at low speed. answer many questions about life in general
At the longest time scale for an individual and human life in particular. For example,
organism, only one activity occurs. We may call it why do organisms age and die? Lifespan is tied
“living.” Recalling the logic of evolutionary think- to generation time; once a generation of par-
ing, according to which multicellular organisms ents has produced offspring, the parents may
only exist because of the success of the genes no longer have a function and, rather than
they carry, we may conclude that living serves live on and compete with their own offspring,
one function: reproducing. All other activities, they die—genes are selected that result in this
whatever their scale, are ultimately parts of built-in obsolescence. Human beings present a
reproducing. In particular, surviving is often a challenging puzzle: the phenomenon of men-
necessary part of reproducing. Exceptions opause. In most species, both males and
exist—for example, male mantids and spiders females continue to be fertile as long as they
that are eaten by the female after copulation, live, but in our species only the males remain
providing a good meal for the female that bene- fertile. A possible reason lies in the uniquely
fits the male’s offspring. Parents of many species long period of dependence of our offspring.
sometimes risk their own lives for the sake of This dependence creates a “grandmother
their offspring. Individuals of our own species, effect,” in which menopause may be selected
which is uniquely cooperative, sometimes even by its benefit to women’s genes in their grand-
risk their lives for complete strangers. children. If a woman ceases reproducing and
Surviving is a necessary part of reproducing helps care for her grandchildren, her genes
the same way that getting out a mixing bowl is may be more likely to be passed on through
necessary to making a cake; the longer-scale the grandchildren. Genes making for this pat-
activity cannot be completed without tern would be selected if the beneficial effect
it. Though necessary, however, surviving is not on the grandchildren outweighs any advantage
sufficient for reproducing. Other parts, like of producing more offspring.
mating and caring for offspring, more directly Evolutionary theory helps to understand
related to reproducing, must also occur. Sur- why many human activities exist that otherwise
viving only has to provide opportunities for would have no explanation. Even though activ-
these other parts of reproducing on average ities like art, music, and religion might seem
and in the long run. Evolutionary arguments to have little connection to reproducing, they
always contain this proviso, either explicitly or can be fitted into the larger context of

evolution. A highly social species like ours define activities so that they are readily mea-
lived all its evolutionary history in groups, and sured. For example, research with concurrent
many shared practices (i.e., operant activities), schedules has produced support for viewing
collectively known as “culture,” belong to the choice as allocation of time among activities.
group (Baum, 2017a). Some practices serve An experiment by Bell and Baum (2017) stud-
the individual person’s reproductive success, ied concurrent variable-interval (VI) variable-
and some practices serve the group as a whole. ratio (VR) schedules of key pecking in
Avoiding poisonous plants serves the individ- pigeons. Although the two types of schedules
ual, but ingroup–outgroup discrimination maintained qualitatively different patterns of
serves only the group as a whole. Art, music, pecking, Bell and Baum were able to measure
and religion may provide ways to enhance the time spent at each alternative, and the
one’s status within a group and thereby open time allocation between them provided the
opportunities for mating and gaining best description of the choice relations as rela-
resources. Practices with less-obvious function tive reinforcers obtained varied across the
often serve the group as a means of maintain- alternatives. The accounting problem appears
ing group cohesion—for example, wearing to be solved because no pecks are possible at
certain tattoos or clothing, speaking a certain one key while pecking is occurring at the
language dialect, and attending a certain other key.
church. Since group membership is funda- Yet, even in the laboratory ambiguity arises.
mental to human life and survival, most As Herrnstein (1970) noted, a pigeon in an
human activities tie less directly to reprodu- experimental chamber is not limited only to
cing than to surviving. pecking keys. Every organism brings with it
Surviving, like any other activity, has parts. unmeasured activities like grooming, scratch-
The parts are not always easy to identify as ing, and exploring. That is why he added a
such. In the past, I suggested three long-scale term ro to the version of Equation (1) that
human activities: maintaining health, gaining described responding at a single programmed
resources, and maintaining relationships alternative. Subsequent research indicates that
(Baum, 1995b, 2017a). All three promote sur- such “background” activities separate into
vival, and this division is useful for discussion, those that are induced by the reinforcer (PIE;
but these parts sometimes overlap. One usually e.g., food) and those that occur independently
needs to be healthy to gain resources, and of the reinforcer. Analysis by Davison (2004)
sometimes resources make for good health. suggests that several different background
Earning a living by holding a job requires get- activities occur alternately.
ting enough sleep, but having income allows The accounting problem is less challenging
one to have the shelter needed to get enough in the laboratory than in more naturalistic set-
sleep. Relationships may help with gaining tings, with humans or other animals, inside or
resources, but sometimes resources allow for- outside the laboratory. When doing research,
mation of new relationships. A friend may lend one must define activities so that they are
you money, but having money also may open mutually exclusive. Once the definitions are
doors that might otherwise be shut. Despite the clear, one may tackle measurement. The best
overlap, Axiom 2 above tells us that behavior approach is to record behavior and have two
takes up all the time available and cannot take or more observers code the videographic
up more time than is available. The overlap, recordings (e.g., Simon & Baum, 2017). That
along with Axiom 2, leads to what may be approach, however, is labor-intensive. Another
called the “accounting” problem—that is, the approach with humans is self-report; one sim-
problem of deciding when one activity begins ply asks a person how much time they spend
and another leaves off in order to measure the in various activities, but this method relies on
time spent in each activity. people to be accurate in their estimates.
Defining activities. Skinner (1938) intro-
duced the definition of operant activity by its
The Accounting Problem: Defining and function. Evolutionary theory explains why
Measuring Activities definition of behavior by function is indispens-
In the laboratory, we can arrange conditions able. Because the function of organisms is
so as to prevent overlap between activities. We to reproduce, behavior exists ultimately as

interaction with the environment in the ser- be interested in the population of episodes of
vice of that function. Behavior consists of activ- an activity—their number or total—or one
ities that serve functions that ultimately serve may be interested in variation across
reproducing. Thus, when a rat’s lever pressing episodes—their duration or their constituent
produces food, that activity may serve the func- parts. If I were just interested in the aggregate,
tion of feeding (along with other parts, like I might want to know how much time I spend
consuming the food); pressing the lever is driving to work. If I were interested in the vari-
then part of feeding, and feeding is essential ation among episodes, I might note that some
to surviving and reproducing. of my drives to work include driving through
In more naturalistic situations, defining Smithtown (a part), whereas others might
activities depends on deciding which functions avoid Smithtown. At a smaller time scale, I
they serve. Depending on one’s research inter- might be interested in the population of my
est, having lunch with a friend may be con- drives through Smithtown—for example, some
strued as an activity that maintains a might adhere to the speed limit whereas
relationship—a variant of socializing—or as an others might exceed the speed limit, attracting
activity that maintains health—a variant of eat- the attention of local police.
ing. A third possibility, if one wanted to sepa- In laboratory research on behavior, popula-
rate socializing from eating, would view having tions and episodes are modeled by measuring
lunch with a friend as multitasking (Baum, bursts, bouts, or visits (e.g., Aparicio & Baum,
2013). Research on multitasking indicates that 2006, 2009; Baum, 2017c; Baum & Davison,
it entails rapid switching back and forth 2004; Bell & Baum, 2017; Shull, Gaynor, &
between two activities (resulting in poorer per- Grimes, 2001). Operant activity, like all behav-
formance on both than either by itself; ior, divides into bouts interspersed with pauses
e.g., Caird, Willness, Steel, & Scialfa, 2008). that represent time spent in other activities
Proper definition of activities allows one to (Davison, 1993; Gilbert, 1958). Those bouts or
study practical problems. For example, sup- visits may be thought of as episodes of the
pose one wished to study work–life balance in operant activity, and their aggregation consti-
someone’s life. Defining “work” and “life” tutes a population. One might examine the var-
plausibly would be crucial. If the two activities iation in their duration for clues to initiation
occur in two different locations, definition and termination of the bouts, or one might
might be relatively simple. Even then, how- examine their function, as in the pattern called
ever, overlap might occur, as when a person “fix and sample” (Baum et al., 1999), in which
gets a work-related phone call at home or a operant activity fixes on the richer of two
family-related phone call at work. Defining the choice alternatives and takes the form of brief
activities so that they are mutually exclusive samples at the leaner of the alternatives.
might be a bit inaccurate; the more natural Laboratory research also occasionally raises
the setting, the lower tends to be the accuracy variation in constituent parts of patterns of
with which it can be studied. operant activity. An example may be seen in
Measuring activities. For measuring activi- food-induced activities that compete with the
ties, we gain clarity by distinguishing between operant activity (e.g., Breland & Breland,
episodes and constitutive parts. All activities 1961). These activities figure into Equations (2)
are episodic. Suppose I drive to work every and (3) and other expressions of the Law of
weekday. Each drive to work is an episode of Allocation. For example, Baum and Davison
the activity “driving to work.” All the episodes (2014) factored in induced activities to explain
of driving to work over the course of a month apparent deviations from the matching law.
or a year together constitute an aggregate, Conceiving of behavior as composed of multi-
which we may liken to a population. In evolu- ple activities provides a plausible and elegant
tionary theory, the aggregate of members of a approach to measuring behavior.
species makes a population. One may be inter-
ested in the population as a whole—its size Reinforcement and Induction
and geographical distribution—or one may be
interested in the variation across the members For over 100 years, a common interpreta-
of the population—their physical characteris- tion of reinforcement was that reinforcers
tics or reproductive success. Similarly, one may increase the “strength” of responses that

produce them. Questions about this interpre- Discussing this, Killeen and Jacobs (2017)
tation arose from time to time and increas- write that when in a certain state, a “conse-
ingly in the 1970s. The conception that quential response, RC … will be a satisfier
behavior consisted of discrete responses (Thorndike)—an important event (Baum)”
seemed to require the concept of strength, (p. 20; italics in the original). Removing the
because explaining an increase in rate of a dis- adverb “phylogenetically” creates ambiguity
crete response through time seemed to about the meaning of “important.” Later,
require some hypothetical temporally Killeen and Jacobs confuse the meaning further:
extended variable. When we move to conceiv-
ing of behavior as composed of temporally What puts the I in the PIE? The state
extended activities, however, the increase of the organism in that context, O,
involved in “reinforcement” may be seen as an (a phylogenetically important motiva-
increase in the amount of time taken by an tion (PIM)?). It is that that powers
activity that produces the “reinforcers.” If a rat induction (p. 26; italics in the
is trained to press a lever, the activity of lever original).
pressing takes up more time than before train-
ing. The need for “strength” disappears. The Cowie and Davison (2016), who generally
activity simply increases. include the adverb “phylogenetically,” fall into
Explaining the increase in behavior without the same ambiguity, writing, “… environmen-
reference to strength invites relating such tal events may, under current organismic con-
increases to evolutionary theory. If we think of ditions, be PIEs that are currently important
an organism interacting with its environment, to the organism (events such as food and
certain events hold special significance water may not always be important, but pain is
because they relate relatively directly to surviv- always important).” (p. 265.) No doubt the
ing and reproducing. These events may be organism’s physiological state is important to
called “phylogenetically important” because predicting when an organism will initiate feed-
they impact reproductive success (fitness). A ing on a small time scale, but the meaning of
good phylogenetically important event (PIE) “important” in “phylogenetically important”
promotes fitness by its presence (e.g., mates, depends on a much longer time scale. Let us
prey, and shelter). A bad PIE threatens fitness consider a couple of illustrative examples.
by its presence (e.g., predators, illness, and A pride of lions, having just gorged on a kill,
parasites). These PIEs need to be responded now ceases hunting. After some days, the
to well for a species to thrive. Individuals that lions’ physiological states have changed, and
respond in ways that enhance good PIEs like now they hunt again to feed again. Songbirds
feeding or mating opportunities and avoid in winter must take in enough food during the
bad PIEs like predators or toxins are more day to last through the night. When starving,
likely to survive and reproduce than their less- they shift from being risk-averse to risk-prone
adept conspecifics. Hence, we expect that (Krebs & Kacelnik, 1991).
selection will result in populations of organ- On one time scale, feeding for the lions and
isms that respond to PIEs in certain reliable the birds is cyclic. For the lions the cycle
ways (Baum, 2012a). occurs across several days; for the birds one
Some authors have misinterpreted the con- day. Feeding depends on the passage of time,
cept of PIE, confusing “phylogenetically and as time passes hunting or foraging
important” to mean locally efficacious. For becomes more likely, which is to say that the
example, Killeen and Jacobs (2017) argued PIE becomes locally efficacious; the passage of
for the need to introduce an organism’s cur- time or the physiological state—if we could
rent physiological state into our analyses of measure it—induces the activity that produces
behavior, because an organism exposed to the the PIE. The relation between time and feed-
same contingencies may nevertheless behave ing, however, is local and within an organism’s
differently at one time than another, depend- lifetime, whereas the relation between feeding
ing on its physiological state. If you have just and surviving occurs on the time scale of phy-
eaten a big meal, you are unlikely to act so as logeny. Lions must eat enough to survive, and
to eat more, but when you haven’t eaten for selection favors those lions that hunt effec-
several hours, you willingly take on more food. tively and hunt when they are hungry; the

others are selected against. As a result of natu- behavior analysis, they function as inducers,
ral selection, lions will both hunt effectively either inducing appetitive activities or avoid-
and hunt when they haven’t eaten for some ance. Premack’s (1971) generalization falls
days. Similarly, a songbird that fails to decrease short because it lacks any connection to evolu-
risk-sensitivity when starving is less likely to sur- tionary theory, which incorporates PIEs of all
vive, and phylogeny results in birds that make sorts.
the shift. Feeding is phylogenetically impor- As an explanation of behavior, the concept
tant in this sense: surviving (and reproducing) of reinforcement was always incomplete. The
depend on feeding. A phylogenetically impor- question remained, “Where did the behavior
tant event is an event that has been important to be reinforced come from?” Segal (1972)
across generations of lions, birds, and other proposed the concept of induction to explain
species. As a result, a PIE, when efficacious, the provenance of the to-be-selected behavior
induces its PIE-related activities. and, at the same time, integrate operant
What sorts of events are phylogenetically behavior with PIE-induced behavior (also
important? An earlier paper suggested that known as “adjunctive,” “interim,” and “termi-
they are the events traditionally thought of as nal”). A PIE like food or a mate induces a
reinforcers, punishers, and unconditional suite of activities like capture and consump-
stimuli (Baum, 2012a). Premack (1965, 1971) tion (food) and arousal displays and courtship
argued that the events are behavioral events, (a mate). Thus, if a resting hungry pigeon
that reinforcers and punishers are behavior of starts to receive bits of food, the pigeon
high and low probability. Logic and research becomes highly active and, among other activi-
indicate that Premack’s generalization does ties, it pecks. A hungry rat treated this way also
not always hold. Under most circumstances, becomes active and, among other activities,
we assume that food must be eaten to function noses around in the food hopper. Pigeons
as a PIE, but experiments on “latent learning” explore and exploit food sources in their natu-
in rats show that food uneaten may neverthe- ral environment by pecking (typically seeds,
less change behavior later when the rats are but sometimes bread and even chicken bones
hungry and eat the food (Kimble, 1961). This on city streets). Rats explore and exploit food
delayed change is not unusual. Many mam- sources in their natural environment by nos-
mals and birds cache food for later consump- ing and chewing. PIEs that are crucial to an
tion, sometimes months later (Krebs & Davies, organism’s surviving and reproducing in its
1993). Experiments on “sensory precondition- natural environment induce activities relevant
ing” (Kimble, 1961) suggest that so-called to the PIEs. Thus, phylogeny is crucial for
“neutral” stimuli—tones and lights—may not understanding species-typical behavior, but
be neutral, particularly if one considers that phylogeny is also crucial for understanding
organisms may depend on signals in their ontogeny of behavior in individual organisms.
environment to find food or avoid predators. In explaining provenance of operant behav-
Experiments with “sensory reinforcement” fur- ior, induction indicates that induced activities
ther support the non-neutrality of “neutral” provide the “raw material” for selection to act
stimuli, because they show that a variety of upon (Segal, 1972; Staddon & Simmelhag,
visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli may func- 1971). One implication is that variation is nei-
tion as reinforcers (Kish, 1966). ther “undifferentiated” nor “minimal,” as Skin-
Premack’s generalization particularly falls ner (1984, p. 670) suggested in one article,
short with aversive, bad PIEs, such as electric but rather follows the “natural lines of
shock (injury), illness, and predators. These fracture,” as Skinner (1935/1961) suggested
would be stimuli, not behavior. They happen elsewhere. A PIE induces a variety of whole
to an organism, and they induce avoidance or extended activities that are not random with
defense, rather than consummatory behavior. respect to the PIE, but rather are the result of
Events that are phylogenetically important phylogeny. Timberlake (1993) gave a similar
may be behavioral events, like eating, drink- view with his concept of behavioral system,
ing, and mating, but they may also be stimuli, which refers to all the various activities
like food (prey), water, and a mate. They may induced by a PIE.
function as traditional reinforcers and pun- Relating induced activities to operant behav-
ishers, but from the perspective of multiscale ior requires only one further step: recognizing

the role of contingency or, more generally, discredited theory of stimulus substitution?
covariance. Skinner (1948) regarded close tem- Pavlov’s theory required that the conditional
poral proximity of a reinforcer following a response and unconditional response be iden-
response as the relation that increases the rate tical, a prediction that was often refuted
of a response. Subsequent research showed (Kimble, 1961, pp. 204-205). Whether the
that contiguity is neither necessary nor suffi- activities induced by a CS or SD are the “same”
cient. Studies of delay showed contiguity is not as those induced by the PIE itself is, at least to
necessary for reinforcement (e.g., Baum, 1973; some extent, an empirical question. Not all
Lattal & Gleeson, 1990). Studies in classical activities induced by a proxy are identical to
conditioning and adjunctive behavior in which those induced by the PIE, but some undeni-
contiguity is decoupled from contingency indi- able resemblances occur. A few observations
cate that contiguity is not sufficient to explain may serve to clarify. First, however, one must
response increase (e.g., Rescorla, 1968; Stad- distinguish induction from elicitation.
don & Simmelhag, 1971). Instead, Rescorla Although food may elicit salivation, the activi-
(1967), discussing proper controls for classical ties that food induces go beyond salivation.
conditioning, pointed out that a contingency For example, Zener (1937) noted that unre-
required that two events both occur together strained dogs responded in a variety of ways to
and be absent together. In most experiments a tone paired with food, particularly by
with classical conditioning, this requirement is approaching the food bowl. A rat or pigeon
met by comparing what happens in a trial with cannot eat in the absence of food, but food,
what happens in the intertrial interval. In a presented either contingently or noncontin-
trial, a conditional stimulus (CS) occurs along gently, induces food-related behavior between
with an unconditional stimulus (US), whereas presentations, and some of this behavior is
in the intertrial interval both are absent. The directly included in eating. Breland and Bre-
CS is something like a tone, and the US is land (1961) observed this, and laboratory
something like food, a PIE. In classical condi- research (Staddon, 1977) shows that rats and
tioning, the key requirement is that a CS pigeons fed periodically or irregularly in an
should covary with a PIE. In positive covari- experimental chamber engage in activities that
ance, they should be absent and present are parts of feeding—for example, drinking
together or, more generally, their rates should (rats) and pecking (pigeons). In a striking
vary together. In negative covariance, the demonstration, Jenkins and Moore (1973)
inverse should hold. Operant conditioning reported that when a key light is paired with
relies on covariance in which the PIE depends food, pigeons peck at the key as they would
on the activity, and the covariance may be pos- when eating grain, but when the key light is
itive or negative too (Baum, 2012a; 2018). In a paired with water, pigeons operate the key
feedback relation, as the rate of the activity with motions like those of drinking. In the
varies, the rate of the PIE increases or days when they were made of brass, response
decreases with it. levers became green and encrusted with rats’
What is true for a CS is also true for a dis- dried saliva and often had to be replaced as
criminative stimulus (SD): The SD comes to they were gradually chewed away.
increase the rate of an activity because it cov- When we come to operant behavior, the
aries positively with a PIE. A tone that covaries activities induced by a discriminative stimulus
with food takes on some of the functions of are hardly distinguishable from the activities
food; in particular the tone induces many of induced by food. That is why we say the SD
the same activities that the food induces. Thus, “modulates” response rate. If pecking at a
positive covariance between a stimulus (SD or green key sometimes produces food, and peck-
CS) and a PIE changes the function of the ing at a red key does not, the green key
stimulus to resemble that of the PIE induces pecking, just as the food does. Resem-
(Davison & Baum, 2010). blance occurs also in operant avoidance.
A question arises about a stimulus (CS or Regardless of what reflex responses may be eli-
SD) that becomes such a proxy for a PIE: How cited by an aversive PIE, the PIE will induce
similar is the behavior induced by the proxy to avoidance if avoidance is possible (Baum,
the behavior induced by the PIE itself? Is this 2018; Sidman, 1966). If a signal covaries posi-
concept a resurrection of Pavlov’s (1960) tively with an aversive PIE, the signal induces

avoidance—for example, in a shuttlebox—

(“negative reinforcement;” Baum, 2012a). If
the signal induces avoidance, however, the
activity it induces is the activity that avoids the
PIE, not the signal (Herrnstein, 1969); Tom
avoids his ex-wife, not his son.
What I call “proxies” of a PIE depend on
Fig. 2. Contingency closes a loop. Left: Without any
positive covariance with the PIE, but negative contingency, the environment provides a phylogenetically
covariance matters also. If a pigeon is trained important event (PIE; S), which impinges on the organism
to peck at a green key and not at a red key, (O) and induces several activities B and BO. Right: A con-
the red key covaries with food negatively. The tingency arranges that B produces the PIE and closes a
red key induces activities other than pecking loop, in which the PIE induces B, and B produces the PIE.
The other activities denoted as BO continue to be induced
(Baum, 2012a; Staddon, 1982; White, 1978). and compete with B.
Food itself may covary negatively with food, as
when food production alternates between two
alternatives (Cowie & Davison, 2016). Simi- Now the loop is closed, and the PIE induces B,
larly, if a signal covaries negatively with an B produces the PIE, and the PIE covaries with
aversive PIE, the signal may be called “safety” B. B was not initially operant activity, but has
and induces activities other than those become operant and can now be shaped by
induced by the PIE, including avoidance. changing the requirements for it to produce
Event–event covariance is one important the PIE. The diagram shows, however, that the
sort of covariance affecting behavior; as indi- PIE still induces the activities denoted as BO.
cated earlier, the other is PIE-activity covari- They may still compete for time with the oper-
ance. When the rate of a PIE depends on the ant activity B, as indicated in Figure 1. Obser-
rate of an activity, as in a “reinforcement vation and theory support the assumption that
schedule,” the activity (e.g., lever pressing) the other activities compete with the operant
comes to be induced by the PIE (e.g., food or activity (Baum, 2015; Baum & Davison, 2014;
electric shock; Baum, 2018). In other words, Breland & Breland, 1961; Herrnstein, 1970).
the activity becomes operant activity. We know Thus, covariance explains both conditional
that operant activity is induced by the PIE induction by a CS or SD and conditionally
from observations such as reinstatement, in induced (operant) behavior. A full theory of
which noncontingent presentation of the PIE behavior will take into account phylogenetic
revives an extinguished activity (Reid, 1958). sources of behavior such as PIEs and the activi-
The lever pressing produces the food, the ties they induce, and also event–PIE covari-
food induces the lever pressing, which pro- ance (i.e., signaling) and activity–PIE
duces the food, and a feedback loop occurs covariance (i.e., feedback).
that selects lever pressing out of all other activ- Instead of using “operant” as a noun, we
ities and maintains lever pressing at a high may use it as an adjective and recognize that
level. As Figure 1 indicates, depending on the activities may be partially the result of develop-
shape of the feedback function, the main- ment and partially operant. Activities given by
tained rate will be extreme on a ratio sched- development often are refined by feedback
ule, which imposes a linear feedback function, (e.g., Hailman, 1969; Tinbergen, 1963). In
but moderate on an interval schedule, which humans, verbal behavior offers a striking
imposes a feedback function with an upper example, because infants respond to others’
limit to PIE rate (Baum, 1993; 2015). vocalizations from birth and later imitate the
Figure 2 diagrams the relation between a vocalizations they hear (e.g., Moerk, 1992).
PIE and its induced activities. On the left, a Induction is nowhere more relevant than in
PIE (S; e.g., food) occurs in the environment verbal behavior. When Ben and Jan are in con-
(E) and impinges on the organism (O). Sev- versation, Ben’s utterances induce Jan’s utter-
eral activities are induced, including one ances and vice versa. Much remains to be
labeled B (e.g., touching a lever) and others understood about conversation (e.g., Simon &
that compete for time with B, labeled BO. On Baum, 2017).
the right of Figure 2, a contingency has been Patterns of behavior—activities—repeat
introduced that makes B produce the PIE. from time to time. When an activity is

maintained, the PIEs that maintain it not only believe one may also derive the temporal
follow the activity, but precede it. The distinc- extension of behavioral units more directly on
tion between consequence and antecedent ontological grounds. If so, behavioral units
collapses, because the occurrences of the PIE must be temporally extended.
keep the activity going in the way that a fly- Two ontological distinctions are helpful in
wheel on an engine keeps the engine going. thinking about activities: (a) between objects
The inducing PIEs accompany the activity and processes; and (b) between classes and
rather than precede or follow it. The PIE and individuals (Baum, 2017b). They are not
the activity engage in a feedback loop, as in entirely independent of one another, but I will
Figures 1 and 2. take up each in turn.
New activities enter behavioral allocations
with some frequency. In nonhuman animals,
they enter by imitation and other accidents. Object versus Process
In humans, they enter mainly through rule In everyday parlance, an object is any dis-
following, when a rule (a verbal discrimina- tinctive feature of the world that is seemingly
tive stimulus) induces some novel action on stable—a tree, a house, a river, a star. Their
the part of a rule-following person (Baum, apparent relative stability translates into
1995b, 2017a). When I start playing tennis, repeatability, as when I return to a room I left
that activity becomes a regular part of my yesterday and find that all the objects are still
weekly activities. It repeats, and the Law of in their places. Their repeatability arises
Allocation tells us that it must displace some because they may be labeled and classified.
other activities. Atomic particles, for example, may be classi-
The complexity of human behavior in the fied according to their energy levels. To the
everyday world presents a challenge for behav- extent that discrete responses are treated as
ior analysis. The concepts developed within a repeatable and classified according to fixed
science of behavior should apply readily to criteria, discrete responses are treated as
human behavior. The Law of Allocation makes objects. If a response is classified as any move-
a start, because it illuminates the way people ment that depresses a lever a certain distance
spend time, problems like “work–life” balance and with a certain force, the response is being
(Baum, 2017a), and some forms of psycho- treated as an object. Behavior, however, mani-
therapy (Córdoba-Salgado, 2017). Induction festly constitutes process.
allows us to think about behavior that we call In contrast with the stability of objects, pro-
“rational” and also behavior we call “irrational” cesses are changes through time—movement,
or “emotional” (Segal, 1972). In contrast with deterioration, transformation, metamorphosis,
the molecular view, concepts like induction growth. Some objects undergo notable change
and temporally extended activities begin to and are spoken of that way, as when we speak
allow constructing explanations and treat- of a child becoming an adult. When we recog-
ments that are plausible and functional. nize that behavior is interaction with the envi-
ronment and that behavior takes time, we
The Ontological Status of Activities recognize that behavior is process. A rat’s lever
pressing, a child’s crying, a person’s reading—
The central precept in multiscale behavior these are processes, although their full defini-
analysis is that the units of behavior are tem- tion as activities requires incorporation of
porally extended. Other features, such as the their functions. The rat’s lever pressing might
matching law or the Law of Allocation stem be part of feeding, the child’s crying may serve
from this concept. Apart from the inadequacy to summon a caretaker, and the person’s read-
of the molecular view of behavior, two ing might serve to inform. Thus, activities are
grounds for adopting the central precept processes.
appeared earlier: (a) that the interaction Like any process, an activity may occur for
between the organism and the environment longer or shorter time intervals. I may read a
cannot be observed at a moment; and (b) that book for one minute or one hour. No matter
no behavior can be defined at a moment how brief a bout of lever pressing—even if it
(Baum, 1997, 2013). The first is a theoretical results in only one operation of the lever—
argument, and the second is epistemological. I lever pressing still entails movement and takes

time; lever pressing is still a process and not a process. Abraham Lincoln grew from a baby
discrete response (Baum, 1976). into a boy and into a man. When we talk about
behavior, however, our language for talking
about processes may be misleading. When we
Class versus Individual say Abraham Lincoln grew, we mean only that
A class singles out objects or processes the process of growth occurred in him. When
according to a set of defining attributes. Dog we say that Rat 5 pressed the lever, we also
is a class of which specific concrete dogs are should mean only that lever pressing occurred
instances; my dog Fido is an instance. Deterio- in Rat 5—yet an additional element creeps in:
ration is a class of which the wear and tear on agency.
my house and the progress of a disease are When we say that Abraham Lincoln deliv-
instances. Skinner’s (1938) definition of an ered the Gettysburg Address, from the per-
operant as a class meant that the movements spective of a science of behavior we mean that
that met the criteria of the class were instances the speech delivering occurred in Abraham
of the class. Lincoln. Confusion might exist if one thought
Classes cannot change and cannot do any- that Lincoln’s growing was a different sort of
thing. They may have more or fewer instances, process from Lincoln’s speech delivering
but they are fixed by their defining attributes. because Lincoln did not do the former,
Change the force required for a lever press, whereas he did the latter—that is, the speech
and you change the class. A class cannot do delivering involved agency. (See Baum, 1995c,
anything, because it is an abstraction; only for further discussion of agency.) Recalling
concrete particulars can do things. “Dog” can- that behavior is interaction with the environ-
not come when I call, but my dog Fido can ment, we may think of the organism as the
come when I call. An operant, as a class, can- medium of its behavior—thus, if we are trying
not do anything; only the concrete movements to be precise and avoid confusion, we might
that are instances can get a lever pressed. say the behavior occurs in the organism. Of
In contrast to classes, individuals can change the many meanings of “in,” the usage here is
while still retaining their identity. An individ- that in phrases like, “a statue cast in bronze”
ual could be either an object or a process. An or “an agreement in writing” or “Speak in
individual is a concrete particular with parts English.” We don’t usually speak about behav-
that function together as an integrated whole ior this way, because the usual construction of
and is situated in time and space. Classes are saying, “The organism did such-and-such,” is
eternal, whereas individuals have beginnings so familiar.
and endings. Whereas classes have instances, As behavior, activities are processes that
individuals have parts. The relation between occur in organisms. Not all processes that
instance and class contrasts with the relation occur in organisms are activities, only the ones
between part and whole; individuals are that affect the environment. The heart’s beat-
instances, but they have no instances. Individ- ing, though essential to keeping the organism
uals can be described, but they cannot be intact, is not behavior, because the heart is
defined. Abraham Lincoln was an individual, only a part of the organism (see Axiom
and my dog Fido, but also the chair on which 1 above) and does not affect the environment.
I am sitting and the Rocky Mountains; they Putting on a coat to stay warm counts as an
are all concrete particulars, they all function, activity, because staying warm is an interaction
and they all have integral parts that function with the environment. Tom’s avoiding his ex-
together. Although organisms are spoken of as wife is an activity, because it functions to keep
individuals, they are not the only ontological him from seeing her.
individuals. A baseball team is an individual, An earlier paper (Baum, 2002) suggested
insofar as the players function together and that activities themselves may be seen as indi-
win or lose as a whole. As Ghiselin (1997) viduals (Baum, 2017b). Like any other individ-
explains, species are individuals; their mem- ual, an activity is an integrated whole
bers are their parts, and their function is to constituted of parts that work together to serve
evolve. a function. As cells constitute an organ, and
Processes occur in individuals. When an indi- organs constitute an organism, an activity like
vidual changes, the individual goes through a playing tennis is constituted of activities:

serving, returning, keeping score, and so short term, but pays off in the long term (see
on. The activity lever pressing is both a process Baum, 2016, for further explanation). As the
that occurs in Rat 5 and an individual consti- value-laden terms “impulsivity” and “self-con-
tuted of parts that are also activities—pawing trol” suggest, allocation of time to the short-
the lever, biting the lever, licking the lever, term-advantageous activity (e.g., drunkenness,
and so on. The activity baking a cake is both a smoking, overeating, selfishness) is assumed to
process that occurs in the baker and an indi- be problematic. The long-term-advantageous
vidual constituted of parts that are also activity (e.g., sobriety, healthy eating, coopera-
activities—getting out a bowl, adding ingredi- tion) is assumed to be desirable. Thus, inter-
ents, mixing, and so on. Thus, an activity is ventions aim to increase time allocation to
both a process and an individual—a process “self-control,” while (necessarily) decreasing
individual. time allocation to “impulsivity.” This explica-
tion of discounting becomes clear only in the
light of the insight that behavior consists of
Why Ontology Matters process individuals—that is, temporally
The insight that behavior is process and extended activities with parts.
consists of activities that are process individ-
uals offers the third of three arguments men- Molar Behaviorism
tioned earlier against viewing behavior as
composed of discrete responses and in favor Behaviorism is the philosophy that under-
of temporally extended units. This ontological pins a science of behavior. The central pre-
argument concludes that process implies tem- mise in behaviorism is that a science of
poral extension and change, neither of which behavior is possible (Baum, 2017a). If a sci-
is captured by discrete responses that are ence of behavior were impossible, behaviorism
instantaneous and unitary. Because behavior is would be unnecessary.
process, its units must be temporally extended. A science of behavior may be made impossi-
As an example, consider discounting, the ble in a variety of ways. In psychology, the sup-
idea that distant and uncertain rewards are position that behavior is not a subject matter
less valued than immediate and certain in its own right would make the science impos-
rewards (e.g., Green, Myerson, Oliveira, & sible. Particularly the assumption that behavior
Chang, 2014; Odum, 2011). In a study of dis- is done by an agent—an inner self, the mind,
counting, a person is given a series of binary or the brain—makes the science of behavior
choices, from which a number of indifference impossible. Indeed, any notion that behavior
points between immediate small amounts and is caused by internal, unobservable entities,
delayed large amounts are derived. These such as a person’s inner intentions, beliefs,
indifference points are plotted as a function of desires, or thoughts, makes the science impos-
delay or odds-against, and either a hyperbolic sible or, at least, incoherent. Behaviorism may
function is fitted to the points or the area be called “radical” because it rejects inner cau-
under the connected points is estimated. sality and agency, and instead places causes in
Either way, the method results in a measure of the environment.
the relative steepness of the curve. Thus, dis- Skinner (1945) made a mistake when he
counting is a measure, not a process. This advanced private events to account for thoughts
prompts the questions: What does discounting and feelings. He was responding to the criti-
measure, and what process is involved? cism that behaviorism ignores the most impor-
The participant’s behavior is the process: tant part of human life, our inner thoughts and
choosing or expressing preferences. The pref- feelings. He would have done better to chal-
erences may be indicative of the participant’s lenge the traditional view that our behavior is
preferences in everyday life. Discounting, as caused by thoughts and feelings and to have
an index, measures choice—time allocation— stayed with the view that the origins of behavior
between two extended patterns of behavior— (its “causes”) always lie in the past and present
that is, two activities. One activity, often called environment. He and other behaviorists tried
“impulsivity,” pays off in the short term, but is to save the inferences to private events by call-
punishing in the long term. The other activity, ing them “interpretation.” Such “interpreta-
often called “self-control,” is punishing in the tion” bears no resemblance to explanation in

other sciences, which always refer to empirical stimuli are unobservable causes. The everyday
relations verified in observation. Skinner’s mistake that a science must avoid is inferring
“interpretations” resemble not science, but private stimuli from behavior and then, circu-
poetry or literature. larly, using them to try to explain behavior.
Private events seem to be of two sorts: When at a party Jan says to her husband Ben,
(a) subvocal speech (Watson, 1930, “I’m tired; let’s go home,” she is not reporting
pp. 238-243); and (b) sensing or imagining. on a private stimulus; her utterance comes
Almost anyone can talk to himself or herself from a long history with such utterances and
without others hearing, and almost anyone their effects (perhaps escaping from uncom-
can see images or hear sounds that others can- fortable situations). Verbal behavior depends
not. Artificial intelligence programs coupled primarily on the presence of a listener who is
with brain scans may render these private likely to respond; other aspects of the context
events, at least in part, to be no longer private, may be important, too, but combine with the
but public. Once our subvocal speech primary context. Jan may or may not be tired,
becomes public that way, it will become data— just as someone may be in pain or fake being
events to be explained. In ordinary circum- in pain; the listener’s sympathetic response is
stances, however, private events remain private what counts. Verbal behavior, like all other
and can only legitimately be offered as part of behavior, occurs because of past and present
an explanation of behavior once they have environment, not thoughts and feelings. (See
been made public in those circumstances with Baum, 2011, for further discussion of private
instrumentation (Baum, 2011). For example, events.)
we usually look to environmental conditions to A true natural science of behavior is possi-
decide if a person is lying, because usually only ble, a science that makes no appeal to unob-
those are available, but if a computer and served inner events or hypothetical inner
brain scan were able to give reliable indicators, objects or processes like response strength and
we would have more evidence to bring inner computing. Such a science may be
to bear. achieved by accepting that all behavior and
In contrast with private events, private stim- the environmental covariances that affect it
uli do not exist. Positing private stimuli as are extended in time. For example, if activity–
causes of behavior denies the science of behav- PIE covariance turns an activity into an oper-
ior, because science requires that causes be ant activity, we may not know the physiological
observable. For example, a person or animal mechanisms that make this possible, but noth-
said to be “in pain” exhibits pain behavior ing stops us from studying the dependence
(Rachlin, 1985). The pain behavior is a between the activity, which is measurable, and
response to a physical condition of the body, the covariance, which is also measurable. Mea-
usually an injury. Pain fibers in the nervous sures based on information theory offer one
system are stimulated when the skin is brea- possibility to measure covariance (Shahan,
ched, or a muscle is strained, or a tooth is 2017). The physiology may follow and be far
decayed, or the brain receives excessive blood different from anything we could guess.
flow, or a nerve is pinched. All these condi- In a natural science of behavior, behavioral
tions are observable, if not with the unaided events are natural events. Natural events are
senses, then with the right instruments. If the explained by their relation to other natural
pain is genuine, pain behavior is caused by the events. For example, an increased frequency
stimulation of the pain fibers. When a dog of hurricanes in the Caribbean is related to
limps and whimpers, we look for a thorn in its changes in water temperature, which are
foot. The injury is the cause of the limping related to increased global temperature
and whimpering, not “pain,” not a private (i.e., climate change). Natural events, if
stimulus. Similarly, when a person limps and thought of as “caused,” are caused by other
says, “I have a pain in my foot,” the cause of natural events.
the limping and saying (if genuine) is the In particular, natural events are not caused
injury, not a private stimulus called “pain.” by agents; natural events just happen, they are
The temptation to attribute behavior to pri- not done by anyone (Baum, 1995c; Skinner,
vate stimuli derives from everyday talk about 1971, pp. 7-14). When a stone falls, it acceler-
behavior, but for a science of behavior private ates as it approaches the ground. No physicist

today would say the stone accelerates because References

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Response rate viewed as engagement bouts: Effects of Final Acceptance: September 22, 2018

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