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Misc. Erotica The Big Fat Two-State Wedding Thread Modes

Posts: 662
Mintu08 Threads: 3
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Joined: Aug 2021
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26-05-2023, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 26-05-2023, 07:27 PM by Mintu08. Edited 2 times in #41
total. Edited 2 times in total.)

Chapter 4

"Mrs Bhattacharjee?...."

"Mrs Bhattacharjee.....can you hear me?'



Pallavi opened her eyes slowly, very slowly, untill she found herself on a hospital
bed in a Maternity ward. A sigh of relief with satisfaction passed her beautiful lips
as she saw a nurse smiling with a baby in her arms.

"Congratulations Mrs Bhattacharya, its a beautiful baby boy!" The nurse smiled as
she handed over the baby to Pallavi, who dropped a tear as she held her baby!

The ultimate mark of love of her and Debojit!

"Where is my husband?" Pallavi pouted, although looking down and admiring her

"Right here Palo!"

A voice appeared inside the ward and the nurse and Pallavi, both looked upto see
a smiling Debojit, who rushed towards the bed and sat on the side of his wife,
kissing her cheek with a light peck and then pouting with pride...

"Happy Palo?"

"Aw Debu! the best thing to happen to me indeed! I love you so much!"

With the nurse leaving the couple with a smiile, Both Pallavi and Debojit looked
down at the smiling baby and then kissed each other. However the kiss was very
breif as the baby cried....


The cry was more like a gutteral sound....

A sound usually heard from crows!

"Kakkaaaa kakaaakukiikaaaaaaaaaaaaa" The baby sang like a crow, rather than

crying normally.

"De..Debu...what's wrong with his voice?" Pallavi looked amazed and concerned
and then looked at Debojit, who just sat smiling, but like some statue. Pallavi was
confused and then looked down at the baby and suddenly a patch of darkness
surrounded her, vanishing alll....




Pallavi blinked and was shocked at her surrounding! She was on her bed, looking
at the crow on the window grill sitting in an idle position as usual like every other

"Oh was just a dream?" Pallavi cooed to herself and looked at her
husband sleeping sound. She then realised it was a Sunday and Debojit's snores
confirmed it was so!

Yawning a bit mildly, Pallavi got up and headed for her morning bath. Undressing
totally, she realised some semen stains near her thighs and realised that she did
had a breif intimate moment with her husband before sleep, but was it so intimate

"Why did Debo ejaculate at such a tender small session?"

Pallavi cooed again in her mind and then brushed off the stains with the scrubber
and made sure she showered well on her gorgeous wide hips to her round full
breasts and then when her lathery hands touched her belly, a breif grief took over
her and she recapped her dream!

"Why do these dreams break the heart? why did god choose this dream for me?
to mock me?"

Pallavi sighed and continued to take a bath, convincing herself that perhaps
someday the dream might come true and both she and Debojit might actually
have the baby with them.

Anyways, Pallavi finished her bath and got clad in a simple saree, joining Promila
in the pooja room.

Some moments later, at the Breakfast table :

"Debu, Pallavi, its time you decided on a sweet honeymoon trip!" Promila smiled
as she kept the torkari (sabzi) on the table, while Pallavi served the luchis on each
plate. A bubbly Suboshree joined the others too, dressed in her typically trackpant
and a pink tshirt.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm luchi torkari! ufff I love it boudi! thanksss mmhhwaaaaa!"

Suboshree passed a flying kiss to Pallavi and then grabbed one extra luchi from
her brother's plate.

"Hey! bad manners Subu, keep it back!" Debojit scolded his bubbly sister, who
made a face and looked her Pallavi, pouting.."Boudi!!! not fair! Dada bhai has ten
and I only 8!"

"Subu, stop it! your dada bhai and boudi has something crucial to discuss!"
Promila sat along with Pallavi and soon all four began eating. A moment of silence
crept in and just then like a sudden ray of light, Debojit spoke up....

"Umm maa....actually I have umm made a plan!"

"Hmmmmmmmm honeymoon plan dada bhai?" Subosree winked at Pallavi, who

looked down with a slight blush. She did feel a bit shy infront of her saans,
despite being an open minded girl.

"Hmmmm boudi! dadabhai has already made a plan! ayee haayee how romantic!"
Suboshree took a big morsel of luchi torkari and cooed cutely.

"Where to khoka?" Promila was equally curious to know.

"Siliguri! its a nice hill station!" Debojit was convinced of his own answer and ate

"Woowww dada bhai! pretty romantic place!"

Suboshree cooed and then glanced at Pallavi who seemed equally smitten by the
news and just smiled. Visions of the beautiful place with misty clouds popped in
her mind. She holding hands with Debojit, having a walk, sitting by the fireplace
and making tender love which would surely lead to a steamier one!

"Lovely option Debu! hmm bouma? what do you say?" Promila could say that
Pallavi looked equally impressed with the idea.

"I like the place too mamuni!" Pallavi cooed and Debojit made the necessary
bookings immediately. The two were to leave by mid Afternoon and luckily a leave
for two days was sanctioned by his boss. When the two got up, Subosree got up
and sat near her mom, pouting...."Maa I know what you are thinking! I am
expecting the same too!"

An already smiling Promila made a stern playful face and raised a hand to her
daughter playfully, pouting..

"Oshobbo me! porashona kor giye!" (Naughty girl, so and study)

Subosree giggled and ran to her room.


A random studio in Mumbai :

A girl took a shower revealing her back and making sure that the shampoo she
used, had decent amount of lather flowing through the end of the hair strands all
way down to her beautiful spine. Her breasts barely visible due to the back angle,
but her posture looked very enticing.

With her long nails, she forwarded a palm to a big large bottle of shampoo and
turned to the camera!

Her gorgeous face beaming with grace and mild lust and her hair glowing in its
long format, while her luscious lips moved atlast....

"Try this Shampoo and get the hair you always wanted!! hmmm
smoooth...hmmmm silky and hmmmmm so lustrous!"

Pouting so the girl pointed down at the Shampoo bottle, which was named : T For

After her pouting was done, she shifted her eyes to a photo frame and pouted
once more..."Makes me feel so better than before!"

The camera shifted to the frame of a man who resembled the girl!

"CUT IT! Excellent!"

The girl smiled and took the photo frame with her, smirking...."Thanks! never
knew my brother's picture would be so useful!"

"Yeah he is cute!" The directer smirked back and the girl noticed him glancing at
her brother's photo again and again.

"What do you have in mind? Mr Tharki directer!" The girl gave a naughty grin

"Hmmm considering your brother for 'Bobbyfication!" what do you say?" The
directer touched the waist of the girl lightly. In response the girl blushed and

"You are such a Bastard! Spare my brother atleast!"

The directer smiled and passed on a cheque to the girl. When she went away, the
assistant high fived the directer in an excited voice..."Sirji! the ad will surely sell
this product!"

"Yup! more such ads are going to come now! the 'Meethas' are gonna be in
trouble for sure!"

Both the men laughed at the same time.


Kolkata, Around 3 pm :

Both Debojit and Pallavi left for Siliguri by Agartala Express and sitting just
opposite each other, they both exchanged mental thoughts, as the train passed by
the greenery filled scenario around.
"Debu, hope you are not just taking me to our honeymoon, but also making way
to the highest heaven of pleasure!"

Pallavi cooed in her mind, looking at Debojit for a while and then outside the
window, at the passing scenarios.

A simillar gesture was shown by Debojit himself. He looked outside the window
too, but gazed at his wife at times, pouting in his mind...

"I assure you Palo, this honeymoon is precisely what we both need! I am sure you
will embrace me more than how much you usually did at home!"

A breif pause took place when Debojit just at that very moment, picked her hand
on his and looked into her eyes deep. Pallavi looked back at him too and both
blinked at the same time. Pallavi didn't mind her husband's soft fingers compared
to the firm ones which Jotin or Proful had, because Debojit's sparkling eyes and
his very handsome face gave her hopes!

Hopes for a better sex the next time!

Hopes for showering the seeds of arousal deep inside her coven!

Hopes for a child on her arms soon!

Just thinking of the child specially, a babbling sound occured insider her ear and
Pallavi looked besides to see a woman, a very voluptuous woman who smiled and
sat next to her with a baby clung to her kurti clad bosom.

The husband, a burly strong looking man sat next to Debojit, making him feel
very mildly intimimated, but then he rather decided to look outside the window.
While on the other hand, the lady conversed freely with Pallavi.

"Hello there.." The lady smiled, adjusting the baby on her arms.

"Hi..." Pallavi smiled back. Her eyes latently studing the very motherly figure of
the lady next to her's.

"Let me guess, a newlywed couple?" The lady smiled, glancing at Debojit for a
breif moment, making him smile back normally, although not very sure of what
Pallavi was conversing with her, due to the rattling sound of the train.

"Hmm yes we are" Pallavi cooed. For some reason or the other, her eyes didn't
leave the sight of the cute baby trying to grasp the bosom of her mother. The
bosom which perhaps resembled almost watermelons in width and girth in size.

"First honeymoon?" The lady cooed, allowing her baby to cling to her heavy
bosom and take a small nap.

"Uhm...yes!" Pallavi cooed back. Her mind still distracted for some reason,
specially comparing her own round tits to the lady's mammoth ones. Somehow in
this pleasent train journey, Pallavi got more amiable with the lady, who was
equally quite friendly in nature as well.

"Uhm...may I ask you something didi?" Pallavi cooed.

"Ah! what didi? call me Oindrila!" The woman smiled which assured a calmness in
her nature.

"Oh okay Oindrila. I am Pallavi!" Pallavi cooed back with an equally beaming

"What is it you want to know Pallavi?" Oindrila placed the baby on her robust
salwar clad thighs and then looked back at Pallavi.

"It's just have....umm.. I mean, don't get me wrong" Pallavi passed on
a sheepish smile.

"Oh ofcoarse not, please carry on" Oindrila blinked in assurance.

"Uhm....It's just that you have such gorgeous and hefty ...I mean, your breasts
look so hefty and..."

"Motherly! is that what you mean?" Oindrila smiled and her smile assured Pallavi
that the lady didn't feel awkward or bad with the statement.

"Uhm actually yes.." Pallavi let loose and relaxed now.

"That's just normal Pallavi. They say your breasts and hips tend to expand to
make accommodation for the baby inside your womb. I was always normally
curvy, however Punnu's birth made me expand a bit hehe"

"Punnu? such a sweet name!" Pallavi pinched the cheek of the baby very softly
and then looked at Oindrila again.

"Hmmm indeed. You have such a nice figure yourself Pallavi. Very sure that
childbirth will make you more gorgeous! without a doubt" Oindrila smiled and
Pallavi sighed with a half smile. Her mind now yearning for a very steamy uninon
during this small holiday and she kept peeking on her husband, who was lightly
conversing with Oindrila's husband, on perhaps some corporate stuff.

"Debu, I can barely wait....." Pallavi sighed and then continued to converse with
Oindrila, who talked on her own marriage, her family in Kolkata and other
mundane stuff, which somehow made the 13 hour journey easy and quick to pass


Many moments later :

The train stopped at Siliguri Junction atlast. All had started to get down and
Pallavi and Oindrila happened to get down together. They exchanged some more
words just for the sake of a friendly bye!

"Glad you chose Siliguri. It's such a romantic place indeed!" Oindrila smiled and
Pallavi smiled in return too, pouting..."It was nice meeting you! I am sure I will
enjoy this place!"

Both the women smiled and bid bye to each other and with a sheer excitement in
her heart, Pallavi clung to the arm of her husband in such a pace, that he shook
with surprise, gazing down at his wife with a happy tone....

"Looks like someone is very happy!"

"Indeed Debu!" You remember mamuni's words right?" Pallavi naughtily bit her lip
and cooed to her husband, who sighed with a horny tone himself...."Hmmmmmm

Grabbing a taxi, Debojit sat with Pallavi cozily inside, while she held her husband's
arm again, pouting...."Hey you whatsapped mamuni about our arrival here,

"Ofcoarse madam! I already did!" Debojit smiled and once the car began, both
enjoyed the beautiful scenario of Siliguri from the window pane. It is then when
suddenly certain hoardings caught Pallavi's attention to be precise. Taking off her
sunglasses, she looked carefully at the hoardings and awed at the sheer quantity
of just women posing with the most romantic or even lust-filled expressions and
the color of the hoardings ranged from red to pink to orange!

Pallavi gasped softly and then noticed another sight on the street of a man clad in
just his vest being pulled into the jeep by the security officer and strangely the
security officer van even had a doctor!

"Bizzare sight Debu!" Pallavi cooed as she looked back at her husband.

"What's bizzare?" Debojit raised an eyebrow. He behaved as if he overlooked the

hoardings, but the fact was, even he felt weird himself!"

"C'mmmon are you blind Debu? look at the hoardings, they are only about
feminine products and so many female models! Last time I checked, I haven't
seen so much feminism anywhere around me!" Pallavi cooed, still gazing outside
to see more hoardings of the girliest dresses with the most feminine poses.
However, it were the titles that confused her.

The hoarding titles were mostly...

'Threw aside the useless body, now I am this BODY only!'

'Ah! this body is so special....never realised before!'

'This product makes me feel Sooooo Feminineeeeee hmmmmmm!'

'Feels like a Re-birth!'

These were the lines along with feminine poses consisting of heavy bridal sarees
to skimpy skirts and jeans on girls with the girliest backgrounds in the hoardings.
Pallavi did find each of them amusing and before she could think any further on

'Palo?" Debojit touched her shoulder.

"Huhmmm...oh what?" Pallavi shook and looked at her husband.

"The hotel has arrived! let's go" Debojit smiled.

The moment they checked in, both noticed a whole crew of probably some
advertising company. A lady dressed in formals and a cap, looked very focussed
with her eyes shifting from left to right and right to left. Overlooking them,
Debojit and Pallavi rather took the lift all the way to their room. However, even
while entering the lift, Debojit could easily feel some slight awkwardness, when he
realised the eyes of the lady directer's assistant on him.

But anyways, the doors of the lift closed before Debojit or the Director assistant
could eye each other any further.

"Crazy guy!" Debojit cooed, admiring the lavish lift.

"Who? what happened Debu?" Pallavi wondered...

"Ah...ummmmm well nothing actually! the guy with the ad group down there....
staring at me for some reason!"

"Hmmmmmm....okay, no reason for me to be jealous then!" Pallavi sighed with a

naughty smile.

"Huh...what?" Debojit raised an eyebrow and Pallavi cooed again..."Uff! are baba,
I mean if it were some gorgeous girl eying you, I would feel insecure! hmmmm
that's what I meant!"
"Oh okay! you and your insane jokes!" Debojit pouted softly and then cornered
Pallavi to the side, since they were the only two in the lift. A short moment of
intimacy took place right there and then as Debojit ran his fingers on Pallavi's
cheek and cooed..."Can't wait to kiss these cheeks in our room!"

"Just ks?" Pallavi cooed. She was strangely very horny right from the
time they had boarded the train and to an extent, chatting with Oindrila about
babies and pregnancy had ignited her inside too and not to mention, the promise
she had given to Promila!

"Palo..." Debojit neared his lips and Pallavi closed her doe like eyes, pouting
"Debo...". The two were almost about to mash the lips when the lift stopped with
a 'BING' sound. Both jerked back to their normal standing positions and Pallavi
cooed..."Hmmm, keep the heat for our room! our floor has arrived!"

Debojit smiled and reached the room with his wife, only to be happy to see that
their luggage had reached the doorway safely and the porter opening the door for
them. Once having the tip, the porter left and Debojit shut the door, while Pallavi
admired the room. Cozy and romantic! just the way she had anticipated.

"Hmmmmmm oh Debo! I love this room!" Pallavi cooed, admiring the interior and
the king sized double bed to be exact. With a heaving sigh, she visualized herself
and Debojit in an intense lovemaking under the lavish white sheets, with his cock
penetrating deep inside her coven, but not in the softcore manner, but rather two
animals in love-making! Debojit biting her at her precious places and leaving
marks, while her long almond nails leaving their own marks all over his back. Her
suckable lips moaning out his name, while he fucked her to the fullest.


"Hmmm oh.... sorry I was just admiring the room! its so beautiful!" Pallavi got
back to her senses and then turned to her husband, hugging him and yet once
again they both looked at each other lovingly. The eyes scanning one another and
both pair of lips trembling for a touch, a mere touch and then proceed to a

The very next moment the lips were about to meet, but just then....


"Uh.....ufff kababe haddi! shotti!!" Debojit murmered and then rushed to open the
door, only to be suprised!

"Hello sir! I am Vivek, Assistant director of 'PINK BLOSSOM' agency!" A man

wearing a cap and a polo shirt forwarded a hand.
"Hello, I am Debojit Bhatacharya... may I know the reason for your arrival?"
Debojit wondered and Vivek answered again..."I need a minute or two with you
sir, Can I come in?"

Debojit allowed the man to come, while Pallavi too wondered the reason for the
man to show in. He did look professional though. Debojit and Pallavi sat together,
while Vivek sat on the other side. His slightly rugged looks still bothering Debojit,
at the slightest. Anyways, Vivek began...

"PINK BLOSSOM company is looking forward to such an artist who will promote
our product!" Vivek smiled and handed a bottle, apparently a shampoo shaped
one, to Pallavi, who looked at it and remembered seing it on a hoarding while
heading to the hotel. The shampoo bottle had bright pink colors with a white bold
text - Pink Blossom!

Pallavi smirked a bit. Was the man considering her to act for this very feminine
shampoo ad? But didn't they get any young girl models for this?" These questions
bothered Pallavi, but Debojit seemed least bothered with the product. Rather, he
frowned upon the fact that was Pallavi going to take the offer to act in an Ad? Was
it necessary?"

Debojit wondered and looked at Pallavi, who seemed a bit.....excited for sure!

"Uhm....I not really sure if I.... uhmm" Pallavi then lowered her voice and
eyed Debojit, pouting softly...."Should I?". Debojit still looked unsure at the
moment and then somehow blinked to imply a half-minded approval to his wife,
who then looked at Vivek and was just about to open her lips, when suddenly a
bomb fell off from nowhere!

"Uhm ma' isn't about you!" Vivek looked confident of his answer and never
left his eye from Debojit, who now felt awkward at his stare.

"Uhm....what do you mean?" Pallavi was confused, but then Vivek clarified.. "I
mean't your husband!"

A sudden spooky pause fell in the whole room and Pallavi gasped lightly with
confusion emerging from her eyebrows and she looked at Vivek once and then to
her husband, who also looked confused and then questioned the man sitting
opposite him directly...." second... Me?"

"But umm Isn't this an umm female product? a lady's shampoo right?" Pallavi
studied the shampoo bottle and then stared blankly at Vivek, who then excused
himself and went out of the room. Seing him go out, Debojit looked blankly at his
wife, who looked blank as well.

"What was that about Palo? I am lost..." Debojit got up, opening his suitcase to
take out his clothes, while Pallavi looked curious for some reason. She got up too
and she had just pouted "Me too Debo..." when suddenly Vivek showed up in.

"Sir, Ma'am! my senior director Miss Anima Ghosh has invited you both for Lunch
at 2 pm in her room. It's Number 504. She will ummmm give you both the
details! Have a nice day"

Vivek didn't stand a bit for an answer, rather he added the final fullstop to the
conversation and left on his own will. Debojit was still lost when suddenly Pallavi
surprised him by pouting out loud..."Oh my gosh... wait a second! I know this

"You do? who is she?" Debojit sat down on the bed and sipped a whole glass of
water, while Pallavi sat besides him and held his palm firm on her's. Her eyes
suddenly lit up, changing the emotion from confusion to enlightenment, and her
lips pouted out again....

"Debu!! do you even think outside your mundane Bank job? ufff...shotti! Anima
Ghosh is a prestigious personality in the Advertisement field! she is also the elder
sister of one of my besties during school time. I don't know her personally but
hey! let's hear her out!"

"Crazy indeed, but uhmmmmm" Debojit looked at the bottle once more and
pouted ahead..."Anyways! let's see at 2 pm!


News Broadcast : Mumbai Live -

"Hello everyone this is Anusha Verma, live from Andheri and as you can see, I
mean hear the screaming sounds of this man who is being unfortunately forced
inside the medical van by the cops!'

The reporter who was the only female amongst a bunch of males in the middle of
the street gestured the cameraman to point out towards a man being held firm by
the cops and the only sounds that came out as a scream out of him were....


But the cops dragged him into the van and once the door was shut, the lady
reporter looked back at the screen and cooed..."So as you all have seen! The
'BOBBY'-Squad has captured the man and now what he will be undergoing is a
series of the required procedures! Let's have a word with his wife!"

Anusha Verma then proceeded to a lady who seemed a bit upset as she held the
rod of the gate of her house, watching the Squad van go to its destination.
Anusha : What's your name?

Lady : Meeta. Meeta Mehta, I am... his wife!

Anusha : How and when did you realise your husband is one of ummmm.. those

Meeta : It happened a week ago....(feeling hesitant) I noticed his...weak

performances and uhmmm....I decided to....

Anusha : Uhm...okay...we understand...Anyways, as decided the agency will

compensate an amount into your bank account.

Meeta : Yes.. I am grateful to the agency for that (slightly glowing face)

Anusha : What do you plan to do with the money? (Curious)

Meeta : Uhmm.....maybe invest in some small business that I plan to do.

Anusha : Hmmmmm, a lady I spoke to yesterday confessed she plans to invest in

her second marriage, do you have some ummm plans as such?

Meeta blushed a bit and cooed.."If I get such a man!....maybe!"

Anusha smirked and dismissed the lady, facing the camera again, pouting..."Okay
that's the broadcast for now! This is Anusha Verma from Mumbai News Live!"


Siliguri :

Due to the steamy romantic atmosphere around, Debojit and Pallavi were busy
sharing a very breif intimate moment together. Both were not completely
unclothed, but simply in their undergarments. Pallavi laid on the bed with just her
blouse and petticoat on, while Debojit planted soft kisses on her exposed belly,
while slowly groping the round blouse clad breasts. Pallavi knew this would be the
best seed sowing for a far more steamier night!

Debojit's hardon was evident, although he didn't mind taking his breif or his vest
out of his body. He decided to keep the detailed love-making for the night himself
and just spend time with the creamy presence of his beautiful wife. Although
Debojit was busy planting kisses on the belly and navel, Pallavi moaned but at
times, shifted her eyes to the clock on the table, where it read 1:40!

Then Debojit lifted himself up and kissed the neck and just when he would mash
his lips on her's, the pouty lips of Pallavi cooed softly..."Hey how much do you
think, they will pay you?"
The steamyness had ended in a second!

"Huh....what Palo?"

"Uff! tumiyo na! are baba, the offer that Vivek gave you! I don't know the
product, but hey....please take the offer and the money can be useful to us, who
knows!" Pallavi pouted out with straight words from her heart. She didn't pretend
or faked her feelings. Debojit could see that was a genuine plea and he rather
sighed in response..."Let's see.... I am finding this whole thing very weird!"

"You are weird!" Pallavi poked a tongue out and Debojit smirked with
sarcasm..."Accha? hmmmmm"

The next moment Debojit nuzzled even more on the neck of Pallavi and she
giggled embracing her husband and just before they could just give in further into
the moment, Pallavi looked at the clock again and shoved her husband aside,
getting up and arranging her pallu, pouting...

"Uff's 2:48 now Debu! Anima must be waiting for us! let's get ready..."

"Hmmmmmm okay! never expected there will be interruption in the first day of
our honeymoon!" Debojit murmered and got up the bed to clad his clothes. Once
they both were ready, they took the elevator and reached up on the 5th floor,
near the door of room 504.

Debojit gave a gentle knock on the door, still wondering why Vivek chose him for
the Shampoo ad.

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26-05-2023, 07:26 PM #42

Be tuned!

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26-05-2023, 09:05 PM #43


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27-05-2023, 10:55 AM #44

Great update. Are they planning to separate the couple and take palo elsewhere.

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27-05-2023, 11:06 AM #45

Debo must be looking like a perfect female. so he was the first choice

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27-05-2023, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 27-05-2023, 04:33 PM by Givemeextra. Edited 1 time #46
in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
killthecheats Wrote: (27-05-2023, 11:06 AM)

Debo must be looking like a perfect female. so he was the first choice

True, may be..Oh another 1 week wait to read.

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30-05-2023, 01:38 PM #47

Thank you for the appreciation once more. Kindly be tuned to the story for further

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30-05-2023, 08:46 PM #48

Great update

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02-06-2023, 07:13 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 07:28 AM by Mintu08. Edited 2 times in #49
total. Edited 2 times in total.)

Chapter 5

After one more gentle knock on the door, Debojit saw the door open, only to greet
a beautiful lady with a very gorgeous smile. A smile that impressed both Debojit
and Pallavi!

Finally, the gorgeous lady cooed...."Hi, I am Anima, please come in!"

Debojit and Pallavi both noticed a big box kept on one of the sofas. The box was
named 'Private use' and that is when Anima smiled at Debojit in perticular and

"Uhm......I know what you are wondering Mr Debojit, I will come to the box part
soon. But please, relax for now. Ummm tea, coffee or maybe beer?"

"Tea will be fine!" Pallavi smiled her sweetest one.

"Uhmm yes, same..." Debojit cooed too, although not really sure of what Anima's
intentions were.

Anima smiled and summoned for a maid and then dismissed her after ordering for
three cups of tea. Then, she studied the expressions of both Debojit and Pallavi
carefully. The former's face had a glare of confusion and doubt, while the latter
seemed excited and curious for her own reasons.

"So Pallavi, you must be wondering why I chose your husband for this ad right?"
Anima cooed to the smiling wife.

"Because he has a handsome face?" Pallavi smiled and cooed, somehow proud of
the fact that her husband was considered for an ad film!

"Hehe...sure he is handsome! and there is more to him I am sure!" Anima

smirked and examined her own manicured pink nails, which glossed well in their
almond shapes and even Pallavi eyed them, admiring them secretly.

With a naughty smirk, Anima passed a sudden question right there and
then..."Like my nails?"

"Huh...ummm oh...Yes.....that's a nice color!" Pallavi cooed, but Anima surprised

her by pouting....

"Sorry Pallavi, I didn't ask you! uhmmm Debojit?" Anima passed her raised
eyebrowed stare at the surprised husband now.

"Oh...uhmm...." Debojit was confused. Why was this question asked to

"Yes Debojit! uhmmmm is it against your masculinity to answer such a question?"

Anima sounded like a confident woman and Pallavi covered her own mouth
carefully to supress a giggle, she couldn't help welcoming. She had always adored
confident and outspoken women.

"Uhmm....we I like that Miss Ghosh!" Debojit managed to

pout out. His heart had turned pale for a second, due to the sudden unexpected
question from the female director!

"Call me Anima, Debojit! its totally fine. I won't bite you hehe!" Anima cooed with
a wide smile and Pallavi suppressed her giggle again and hissed to her
husband..."Uff Debo, what's wrong? be normal na..."

"Yeah...okay.." Debojit hissed back too and in the meantime, the maid had arrived
with three cups of tea. Once Debojit took his cup, he noticed a name on it, rather
a title - Glad to be a Girl! in bold Pink letters.

Being a normal yet an insecure male, Debojit suddenly felt hesitant to have the
cup to his lips, but Anima played well, she cooed..."Debojit, any problem?"

Pallavi sighed, mentally realising her husband being a typical insecure man with
merely a girly cup in his hand. But her wifey part of the brain wondered...

"What is Anima actually upto? Hmmm...."

"Uhmm's just that..... perhaps the tea is a bit too hot!" Debojit managed
to cover up his insecurity by a lame excuse, but Anima knew men well and she
very well knew Debojit was a undoubtedly an insecure beta-male. She finger-
crossed in her mind to make sure she would cast only and only Debojit for the

"That's okay....... so, Debojit and Pallavi, let me get to the point! You both must
be aware of the hoardings and the banners on the streets and ummm not to
mention, the ads that show up nowa-days! right?" Anima pouted and took a sip of
her tea.

"Oh my yes Anima! You are right. Why is it that every banner and the ads are so
feminine and about female products only?" Pallavi pouted in curiosity. Her curious
eager brain totally surrendered to Anima at this moment!

"Debojit, can you guess?" Anima smirked. Her naughty eyes sparkling with
mischief and her eyebrows raised. Pallavi sipped her tea, gazing at her husband,
not sure what answer she was expecting from him.

"Uhmm.......I don't know Anima! is this some trend going on here in Siliguri?"
Debojit felt a bit mildly uncomfortable. His most insecure section of the brain was
slowly showing up and he was sure he heard a big thump inside his heart.

"Just Siliguri? ufff...... Pallavi! sorry to say this, but your husband is so naive and
ignorant!" Anima always preferred to be blunt and open. She never ever
sugarcoated her words and Pallavi felt bad for her husband being taunted like
that, but she then paused and remembered the incomplete broadcasts and news
regarding the Government agency decisions about certain men.

"Uh oh....yes...umm Debu, you remember the news that had showed up while we
drove to your office party the other day? uhmm......oh I remember!"
Pallavi's eyes sparkled with confidence of a bright student and on the other hand,
Debojit felt a bit annoyed and yet pouted....

"What you mean Palo?"

"The pandemic solution Debu! oh gosh I remember!" Pallavi spat out
straightaway and Debojit fidgeted on his seat now! His mind suddenly made a
strange mental image -

Anima and Pallavi were suddenly dressed in a black gown with white paint on their
faces and both simultaneously cooed to him....

"What's wrong Debojit Bhattacharjee? Afraid of what's coming up?



"HUH...NO! no....wait.." Debojit barked out all of a sudden and then realised both
Anima and Pallavi sitting in their normal modes, staring at him. It's just that
Anima's stare was more like a devilish seductress at that moment.

"Debu? what's wrong with you? what happened?" Pallavi enquired and cooed,
placing a soft hand on her husband's shoulder.

"N..nothing Palo....I ummm I guess there is no need to take this offer! I am not
quite interested!" Debojit uttered the last words, while gazing nervously at Anima,
who then sighed and decided to play another card from her mind. She got up her
seat and took a walk towards her window and sighed as she turned back towards
the couple again.

While Anima didn't say a word, the pause in the air made Pallavi scold her
husband a bit...."Tumiyo na! shotti uff....." (You're too much!)
Debojit raised his eyebrow, hissing to his wife in an annoyed mode..."This lady is
mad! she is talking about crazy things.... I willl leave th...."

But before Debojit could hiss out any further, Anima amplified the bluntness in her
words, by targetting Debojit directly. She sat on her sofa back and cooed to

"Sorry Pallavi! it's my mistake. Totally my mistake. I thought your husband was a
mature confident man who wouldn't mind doing an experimental role in my ad
and perhaps earn a decent fame from it! but no.....Sorry!"

Pallavi felt bad. Her desire for getting the precious amount of money for the ad,
shattered! Yet, she cooed...."Anima, it's not like that! he is just ummm confused I

" need to be sorry! but yes, I am sorry for inviting you both here!
perhaps you two should just focus on your Honeymoon!" Anima pretended to give
up and sighed loud.

Debojit now felt bad too. Yes, he was confused and skeptical about what was
expected from him in his role, but still, from a human point of view, he realised
that he had misbehaved with a lady and he murmered..."I am sorry Anima.... I
didn't mean to....."

"Hmmmmmmmmm! okay! Let me make it a bit enticing for you two! Debojit, we
need to start the ad within two days anyhow! the reason is that we have already
delayed the dates for long and if it is delayed more, our clients will break the
contract forever! So, let me assure you Pallavi, your husband will make quite a
fame and fortune from this ad alone!"

The atmosphere in room lit up suddenly!


for Pallavi! more than Debojit, who internally knew that his wife was always
smitten with Celebrity life and fame and money and all that stuff.

"WOW! Anima you sure that these will happen? Pallavi looked like an excited

"Trust me Pallavi, I have the Contract file ready....uhmmmmm yeah, here it is!"

Anima opened a Pdf document on her phone and showed it to Pallavi, whose eyes
lit up when she read the Amount! Her beautiful rosebud lips pouting a silent big
'WOW' and then she showed it to her husband, who read that perticular line and
couldn't beleive that he was being offered the role. But the still sustained question
in his mind was...
"The money is good for sure, but what role is Anima referring to exactly?"

"But Debojit! as the wise say....Good results are a reward of Hard deeds! so....
this role will not be easy, let me tell you honestly!"

"What is the role about?" Debojit was in the game atlast.

"Yes Anima, ummmm is it something I am guessing?" Pallavi now had a slight

clue, but she was not sure how her husband would react to such a role. But the
devilish money grubbing woman inside her wanted her husband to do it! For that
delicious amount!

"Your guess is right Pallavi!" Anima smirked.

"Oh uhmmm........" Pallavi pouted softly, although the pout was more like a mild

"Will you come out clear Anima??" Debojit seemed desperate to know what was
the Elephant inside the room!

"Hey Debojit relax.....I smell an insecure male inside you! are you really that
insecure??" Anima raised an eyebrow and played her game confidently.

"Ofcoarse not! c'mon now..... okayy.....can you come out clear about the role
please??" Debojit almost created a fist out of his palm and felt like banging on the
sofa pillow next to him, but resisted somehow. However, it was Pallavi who
admonished him as a responsible wife...

"Ki oshobotta korcho tumi? uff.....age shono to! (What's with your behaviour?
listen first..)

"Okay uhmmmm, have you heard about Laverne Cox, the actress?" Anima

Debojit wondered, while Pallavi who had a decent knowledge about films and
media, managed to pout out....

"Oh yes I do! She is quite renowned and famous and...."

Anima interfered... "And there is something special about her!"

"What's that speciality?" Debojit joined inside the conversation naturally. Anima
was glad that he was now within the game.

"The actress is a Transgender!" Anima cooed.

A long deep silence crept in the room and for a sudden, it felt as if someone had
paused the whole scene right there and then. Debojit just sat back with a thump
from his spine on the sofa back pillow, while Pallavi managed to pout out a

"Surprised? the info is there in wikipedia! Pallavi, you might have read about her!"
Anima gazed at the surprised wife for now.

"Uhmm.....oh......I had always known her to be a gorgeous lady! but oh my......

never knew she is a Trans.... oh wow..."

Pallavi wasn't ignorant at all and she sounded mature with her statement!

However, Debojit raised his eyebrows. His heart thumped hard when he connected
the dots mentally....

"Why is a transgender actress being mentioned?? What has that to do with the
role being offered to me??"

However, just then Anima's phone rang and she excused herself to her balcony,
leaving the couple alone. But, neither Debojit nor Pallavi looked at each other,
rather they just wondered in their own minds. Perhaps some subjective thoughts
which were hard to guess!


Pune, Maharashtra - A random Medical Premise :

"Please bring in the following men! Mr Sunny Mehta, Mr Dilip Kulkarni, Mr Rashish
Ali and Mr Piku Sinha!" A lady doctor cooed in her very seductive voice, but still
sounding normal.

All the mentioned four men were made to standt together side by side fully naked
like a newborn baby, and all four looked not only clean shaven on the face, but
also none had a strand of hair on the chest, hands or legs. One thing was even
more common in the four of them, their small packages which shrunk even more
in fear. Terror and discomfort displayed on all four faces and sweat droplets
flowing down their foreheads.

"Ttthiss is soo wrong! I can't believe I agreed for this!!" Sunny pouted.

"Damnit I hate my wife!! that bitch secretly reported my name just because I
can't give her a damn baby!" Dilip roared, but in a dim voice. He was aware of the
surveillance cameras.

"Gawd!! please tell me this is a nightmare!" Rashish groaned softly.

"I don't know! urghhhhhh the bastards shaved all the little hair off I had!" Piku
groaned too.

The naked men were talking to each other when suddenly a sweet female voice
occured out of nowhere....

"Hello gentlemen! please step into those glass slabs infront of you!"

Somewhere afar, some manicured fingers tapped on a high gadget keyboard. The
eyes gazing at the four naked helpless men from an upper sealed cabin. A pair of
pouty glossed lips cooed again.... "Didn't you hear me gentleman? step inside
those slabs now!"

who groaned loud. Compared to the other three, he was more enraged for his
own personal reasons!

"We won't......nn..noo wwayy....." Rashish moaned in fear. His penis shrinking

even more to a clitoris level in fear.

The other two gasped and had panic on their faces, when just then the female
voice occured again.... "Okay then! I shall be now forced to call in the guards!"

A ring hit the lab atmosphere and a slab like digital door opened and a fume
occured. All four exasperated men looked at the fume and just then two very
muscled men occured in a semi-naked latex suits and caught hold of the
shoulders of all four men. Screams and groans occured untill all four were forced
into the slabs and once the slab doors closed, the groans and protests stopped

"Thank you gentleman for your cooperation! Soon the process of Bobbyfication
will begin!" The same pair of glossy lips pouted and the lady's manicured finger
pressed a red round button.

The lab atmosphere had calmed down atlast.


Siliguri :

"Woops, sorry! had to take this important call!" Anima cut her phone call and sat
on her sofa again. Her eyes still had the mischevious glare and her lips showing a
very latent evil smirk which now made Debojit a bit nervous all of a sudden.
Anyways this sudden mentioning of a transgender actress was confusing him and
now that damn glare from Anima was even more ambiguous to him.
"So Debojit! you must have guessed what this role is about, right?"

Debojit felt as if he was being emasculated right there and then on the sofa. His
memory suddenly painting the images of all the hoardings of transgender models
throughout the city, which he had seen from the taxi, but had ignored then.

"Bb..but Anima.....why me?" Debojit felt as if his cock shrunk even more inside
his jeans. He even hesitated to face Pallavi, who softly touched his shoulder and
pouted..."Relax Debu!", although her eyes still had a spark which screamed 'I
want to know more!'

"Simple Debojit! get up! I will tell you!" Anima stood and Debojit, although very
hesitant, managed to stand up and Pallavi sat on her sofa, curious to see what
Anima had in her mind. Suddenly she forgot all about the honeymoon, sex and
the desire for a baby and just preferred to live this current moment and see how
her husband would react to this offer. Although her heart was desperate to hear a
'Yes' from Debojit, because the money offered was tempting enough for her.

"Pallavi, observe here carefully! Let me expo--se your hubby hehe!" Anima
playfully roamed around Debojit, enraging him all of a sudden and made him
pout..."What the hell does that mean??"

"Uff ho, Anima is just playing a bit! sheesh..... you men are the same! touchy
souls!!" Pallavi cooed this time with a playful smirk herself. She actually allowed
Anima to continue whatever she was doing, rather than having empathy for her
husband. But the intention was just playful rather than evil.

"Open your shirt Debojit!" Anima shook the man with a sudden shock!

"What the hell do you mean by that??" Debojit enraged a bit more.

"Open it! don't's just a part of the requirement for the actor! don't forget
you will need to be topless in the first shot itself!" Anima cooed politely, although
her eyes were still full of mischief.

Debojit didn't want to sound like a prude and anyway he felt a calmness when
Pallavi blinked at him slowly, as if implying that all is okay and he just needs to
calm down. Luckily at this moment, another emotion evoked inside Debojit!

The Male Show-off Syndrome!

"Uhmmm..okay! if that's so!" Debojit undid his shirt and took it off, just standing
in his vest. Pallavi eyed how Anima was studing her husband's not so muscular
yet well formed arms and did feel a bit uneasy herself, being his wife afterall, but
then, she also knew Anima to be a very professional person.

"Umm...the vest too!" Anima cooed. Tapping her palm on the vest strap.
"Hmmmmmm okay then!" Debojit took his vest out and stood topless atlast.
Although he barely had any bulging biceps, he still flexed his best to show off to
Anima, but she wasn't eying him up and around for that specefic reason, rather
she made some mental points to herself and then was suddenly glad to know that
Debojit had very little body hair. Something which Pallavi loathed, because she
had always found hairy men sexually attractive, but never dared to disclose that
to her husband.

Anima knew what to do next and therefore validated the now calmed down
husband in a way he didn't mind!

"Nice arms and oh! such a fair and handsome body...hmmmmmmm Pallavi you
are so lucky" Anima ran her manicured nails all over Debojit's chest and then from
his chest to his belly and then up to his shoulders. She kept doing this like sort of
a soft massage way and Debojit felt horny due to this. His cock stirred in his
jeans. The shrunk thing woke up again due to the seductive aura of Anima and
strangely Pallavi kept looking at both of them, while she sat comfortably.

"Pallavi, your husband has the right body! I mean.....don't get me wrong, but we
needed a fair model for the ad and a Prince charming like your husband can easily
switch into the other sex!"

"Hehe.....ohh...that's interesting!" Pallavi covered her giggle. She didn't want to

embarrass Debojit any further, peeking at his expression. While on the other
hand, the words sounded awkward to Debojit, but he was aware of crossdressing
in shows like Kapil Sharma and other Drag shows. But still his face didn't show
conviction and Anima studied that easily on his face.

"Hmmmmm....... Debojit...... if you don't take up this role, shall I consider you
not man enough to accept something challenging hmmm?" Anima pouted very
softly close to his ear and this for some reason, made Debojit a bit more hard and
to answer like a man, he pouted out...."Uhm....yes I ...I can!"

"Hmm good! or else I was wondering that perhaps you are soo insecure that you
would puke your guts out at the mention of such a role!" Anima traced a fingernail
on his fair cheek and then touched one of his shoulders to proudly pout out to

"Hmm good news Pallavi! your husband is a MAN! He is not hesitant to take this
role up!"

Pallavi breathed deep with a smile. Her mind popping up many clouds...

Cloud 1 - A beautiful grand car!

Cloud 2 - Lavish interiors inside their house!

Cloud 3 - Excellent choice of jewellery and cosmetics

"Oh Debu! that's sweet of you!" Pallavi got up from her sofa and hugged her
husband. She was convinced somehow mentally that her husband would do the
role well and get the handsome amount, although she did feel it wasn't easy for a
man to take up a role like that.

"But the amount is so good.....hmmmmmmm" Pallavi pouted to herself and then

was distracted by Anima again.

"Okay Debojit! listen to what I have to say....very carefully! Since we have just
two days to shoot the ad! You need to get into this character of the transgender
lady and behave like her!"

Anima stopped and smirked very normally, while looking at a wide eyed Pallavi at
first, and then to a very apparently disdained expression of Debojit, who felt these
crazy uneasy ants crawl up his skin, at the mere thought of doing the role!

"Don't really want to do this role but.......If I don't....I will loose to Anima!"

Debojit had his own personal ego boosting reasons to take up the role, but his
subconscious mind barely had an idea of what was about to arrive in store for

"Debu! I am so excited! never thought you could be actually offered such a

challenging role and hmm wow! just imagine the praises on social media after the
ad is done! hmm?" Pallavi couldn't help but pout out her excitement as she held
on the arm of her husband in her soft grasp.

This sudden grasp from Pallavi gave Debojit a sudden boost and he blinked at her,
as if assured of her support for him.

Somehow feeling still awkward topless, Debojit asked Anima..."Can I dress up

now? Are we done yet?"

"Uhm...yes you may! oh and were eying the box out there right?....
you can take it, but before you sign this document, read it carefully and do let me
know your final decision by tomorrow morning!"

Anima smiled and passed on a hard copy of the contract to Debojit and then
cooed softly...."Sorry Debojit, I am convinced from my point of view! please, you
can wear your shirt and hey...let's have Lunch together!"

A while later the couple joined Anima for lunch and they somehow got friendlier
with each other while they munched on their morsels.
"Pallavi! I can't express my happiness! I was looking for the appropriate model
and found the best match in your husband! so sweet of him to agree to this role
and hey this ad will be famous for sure!"

Debojit half smiled and continued to eat, while Pallavi paused eating to smile and
pout out to Anima....

"Isn't he a sweetheart! I love him so much!"

With a wide smile Pallavi nuzzled her cheek slightly on her husband's shoulder and
then continued to eat as well, while complimenting on the food "The food is so
good! thank you so much!"

"My pleasure Pallavi! you both make such a sweet couple!" Anima cooed with eyes
full of latent mischief!


Gurgaon, Delhi - A random Ladies Club :

Three young women sat sipping an Expresso together. All three had one thing in
common! Thier husbands were recently admitted in a medical premise for
'Bobbyfication'. But none of the women had regret on their normal faces.

Lady 1 : Hmmmm, life without Vicky is kinda boring, but I won't be single for

Lady 2 : My Nikhil will be like a sweet sister and live with me! he is so sweet, he
even agreed to treat me like the elder sister hehe

Lady 3 : Mehul was so arrogant of his manliness! hmmmmmm I will make sure I
will mock him even more when he dresses in salwars and sarees himself! that

Lady 2 : Hmmmmm anyways! feeling horny and lonely?

Lady 1 : are haan yaar! soo horny and uhmmm.... looking for a real macho this
time! Vicky was so lame on bed!!

Lady 2 : Same here yaar! hmmmmmmmmm wish I can find a John Abraham for
myself now!

Lady 3 : Let's begin hunting then girls! Thanks to this Bobbyfication! now we can
find real men as partners!

Lady 1 : Indeed!
Lady 2 : Yup girl!

The three ladies took their cups and clanked them together, celebrating their
freedom from their pansy husbands and at the same time, also determining their
minds to hunt for an Alpha.


Siliguri :

Debojit and Pallavi were back to their rooms and both decided to just lie down
after the long meeting with Anima. Also the food was good enough to make them
burp and relax for now. Although they had got the box and kept it on the sofa,
none of them had opened it yet.

"This lady seems like a crazy maniac! I swear.." Debojit turned on the AC of the
room and sighed.

"That's mean Debu! she is a very professional woman who knows what she
wants!" Pallavi pouted as she suddenly began to daydream about what she would
do with the amount offered. Debojit looked at her and pouted...

"I don't think I can take this role Palo!"

"But you promised her!" Pallavi raised an eyebrow. Her tone stern all of a sudden.

"Are yes....but........" Debojit fumbled with his words, but Pallavi touched his
shoulder and pouted sweetly...."Just read the contract and decide carefully! she
isn't forcing you shona!"

"Hmmmmmmmm okay Palo!" Debojit half smiled and laid down with a double
pillow stuffed against his spine, while Pallavi cuddled with him too in a half
intimate pose. Feeling the warmth of his beautiful wife, Debojit grabbed on the
shoulder end of her and made her cling more to her, while she rested a palm
slightly below his chest.

"Hmmmm...okay so lets see....."

Debojit began to read the contract, not aware that the lines would slowly surprise
him as he went reading further...

"This is to clarify that I have agreed to act for this role with my own
consent and not being urged or forced to play the part by anyone. I am
aware that I have taken a role which is uneasy but since I have made my
mind to play it, I will note down the following 5 points :
1) See references of a woman and do certain gestures for the role.

2) Wear the feminine accesories given to me and not object to the dress

3) I shall allow a female artist to dub for me and lipp the words carefully
to show grace to the character!

4) For the sake of a fake cleavage and a fresh face, I will atleast shave
my face and the upper part of my chest, if needed.

Debojit felt uneasy ants crawl up his flesh, but his eyes widened as the pupils
read the last point!

"What the..........." The slightly annoyed husband cooed.

"What's wrong Debu? why did you stop?" Pallavi cooed. She was kind of excited to
hear whatever her husband read out. It was bizzare and unusual, but she was
now eager to see how her husband would deal with a role like that!

"The fifth point is so bizzare Palo!" Debojit murmered, but Pallavi cooed in a
naughty tone and whispered into his closest ear..."Is my husband a bit scared?"

In an uneasy mindset, the breeze from Pallavi's lips into Debojit's ear made him
feel calm all of a sudden. Perhaps it was the power of having clung to your life
partner and therefore, he sighed and pouted....

"Don't be silly......I...I am not scared of a silly ad role!"

"Then read it shona!" Pallavi clung more, in a way that her knees now nudged his
groin area, sending a slight ripple between his legs. Getting back in his mood,
Debojit read for her...

"The fifth point says... Incase of being aroused in middle of the shoot for
some latent reasons, I will agree to have my private part stuffed with a
cloth pad, to avoid erections!"

"Oh...... that's crude!" Pallavi hissed and somehow she still had a seductive tone
in her voice.

"Such a silly contract! too much golmaal! I am not sure if I should sign it!" Debojit
was unsure, but Pallavi made up her mind to seduce her husband into it. Since
she had read the amount, there was no way she would allow him to back off now!

"Pleaaaaaaase shona! do it for us! the money is so good!" Pallavi hissed and
cuddled more to her husband. Her curvy angle peeking out of her saree to rub his
thigh, making him a bit hard immediately.

"Uh Palo...stop this..... I won't ta....hmmmmm" Debojit sighed as his wife kissed
his cheek, rubbing her round blouse clad breasts on his tshirt clad chest. The hot
intimacy from his wife was melting away his objection slowly slowly and Debojit
now played with his wife too, pouting....

"It's not ah uhmmm not fair...aah to uhm ah seduce your husband ah ummmm to
make him ah uhmm agree on doing something ahh he isn't ready to aahh do...."

Debojit couldn't help but hiss between his words because Pallavi now clung more
firmly to his body and planted soft kisses on his neck and cheek and even close to
the lips, but not on them precisely. The condition of an equally horny Debojit was
almost like Anil Kapoor in 'Beta' while Madhuri seduced him on the hay bunch.

"You love me Debu?" Pallavi nuzzled her nose on his neck and nudged his aroused
cock through his tracks.

"Uh...ah hmmm ofcoarse I do Palo...." Debojit hissed in sheer arousal and then
Pallavi seduced him further with embarrasing words, but in her seductive aura...

"Hmmmmm... so you will sign the document and do as per the rules! My sweet
Debu will play a ravishing woman on screen, right?" Pallavi hissed and bit the lobe
of his ear, sending pangs of circuits through his body. His cock stood a bit more in
this sheer seduction from his wife.

"Uh...I uhmm........ I don't know!"

Pallavi was all game and she wouldn't back now. She began to rub her breasts up
and down and then again up in a rythm on her husband's chest and
pouted..."Hmmmmmm, my sweet husband is scared that he will be stripped off
his manly aura for this role hmmmm?"

The way Pallavi pouted her words made Debojit feel weird, but somehow aroused
too, because of her sexual gestures and somehow he felt the need to answer from
his ego directly..."Nno..noo Paloo....I am not scared!"

"Afraid that this beautiful cock of your's will be neglected, hidden and stuffed with
those awful clothy pads??" Pallavi hissed and kissed the same lobe she had bitten
and then she brought her manicured fingers to fondle the tent down very softly!

"Ohh Palooo......... you can be such a ...." Debojit was fully aroused and Pallavi
knew her husband was now craving a sweet release. But she also made up her
mind to not go much further, because his semen was precious to her and she
wanted the fluids to be preserved till night. Her thought bubbles were occupied
with the anticipations of the money from the ad and a steamy sex at night!
To make sure her husband doesen't hesitate at that moment, Pallavi now kissed
down the neck and then down till she slightly tucked the tshirt up to expose his
belly and kiss around his navel. The cock didn't go down a bit!

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm still not sure to take the offer Mr Husband?" Pallavi cooed
as she now ran her fingers along the curve of the cock tent, making Debojit moan
and very slowly Pallavi undid the track strings, letting the material loose and out
came the cock in its average yet hardened glory!

"Bad boy! look at this arousal!! it needs to behave in order to make you do the

Pallavi cooed and felt the cock within her soft fingers. Her smile being wicked and
sweet at the same time, as she held the cock at the base and got her lips close to
its peehole, as if using it as a hollow space to transmit her sound in.

Debojit who was actually now anticipating a steamy blowjob from his wife,
wondered why she wasn't doing anything with the penis within the grasp of her
fingers, but the real surprise came when she just held the cock and cooed to the

"Mr small Debu! I know you are desperate to feel these beautiful lips around you,
but tell your elder brother that I shall not do anything to you or allow you to
invade me unless he does what I say hehe!"

"Awwwhhhhh damnnnn Palooo!! why???" Debojit sighed when Pallavi just kissed
the tip lightly and got up to lay on his side with a giggle. With balls almost
churned up with tangy semen inside them, Debojit felt awful and asked his
wife..."Hey..... that's not fair! We have come for a Honeymoon for god's sake

"Hmm I know that shona! but consider the Honeymooon sex as a reward now!"
Pallavi cooed, pinching her husband's fair cheek.

"A reward??" Debojit looked aghast.

"Yup! A reward for the strong willed man who will prove it to the world that he has
no insecurities in him and can take up a role of a transgender and not care if he
does feminine acts in his role!"

Debojit sighed and it was his longest one so far and then pouted...

"Hmmm fine! if you have doubts on your hubby! I will prove it to you!"

After pouting with a sigh again, Debojit took the hard copy of the contract from
the side table and sighned at the end of the paper!
A silence crept inside the room once the tip of the pen was done with the
signature, which perhaps had latent messages, but neither Debojit nor Pallavi was
sure of it.

"That's sweet! I am proud of you Debu! never knew the Honeymoon would make
us rich too hehe!"

"It's just one Ad Palo!" Debojit half smiled. His heart still beating in the
anticipation of whether he had done right or not. But Pallavi hugged him and
kissed his cheek, pouting....

"You never know Debu! Life is a box of chocolates, you don't know what you will

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02-06-2023, 07:22 AM #50

Be tuned!

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02-06-2023, 10:36 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 10:36 AM by Givemeextra. Edited 1 time #51
in total. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mintu08 Wrote: (02-06-2023, 07:22 AM)

Be tuned!

Every week , just waiting for the update.

Magnificent bro, what a writing.

Looks Wifey sells things diplomatically. These way, hubby does not know what he
is getting into is future trouble actually.

and and

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02-06-2023, 12:49 PM #52

Sorry again.. Not my cup of tea, bro..

Anyway, will read on what you have in mind..
Still, not what I expected..

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02-06-2023, 07:10 PM #53

Desmond Miles Wrote: (02-06-2023, 12:49 PM)

Sorry again.. Not my cup of tea, bro..

Anyway, will read on what you have in mind..
Still, not what I expected..

Sorry to disappoint you bro, but I prefer variety in themes and perhaps there can
be a story in future which will again grab your interest I have barely opened
my sack!

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04-06-2023, 10:02 AM #54

Awesome bro

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09-06-2023, 06:44 PM #55

Chapter 6

Evening :

Pallavi decided to take a nap, and meanwhile Debojit decided to take a walk at the
pool area and at the same time hand over the document back to Anima.

"Hey...Hi Debojit!" Anima gave a normal sweet smile. Her own face looking
radiant in sunglasses.

"'s your document!"

Anima took the document, although letting ger fingers slide on Debojit's for a bit
more time before taking her palm back.

"Hmmmm soft fingers you have Debojit! very much the model I was looking for
my ad!" Anima cooed as she smiled a bit more when she saw Debojit's signature!

The 'Soft' comment Debojit feel a bit uneasy, but then at the very next moment
the man couldn't help but stare at Anima in her skimpy swimsuit as she rested on
her mat by the Resort pool. His male instincts shifted away from that sudden
comment made by her towards admiring her beauty.

"Isn't this place wonderful? where is your wife?" Anima cooed as she sipped on
her juice.

"She is taking a short nap! Ummm Anima, can I ask you something?" Debojit
pouted softly. His heart still heavy from having signing the contract.

"Ofcoarse sweetie!" Anima cooed, while eying a macho muscled man as he passed

Debojit too spotted him and felt a bit shaken by the way the lady directer eyed
the macho man and slightly more shocked when she used the word 'sweetie'!

"She never talked like that with me yesterday

! these women....."

Debojit cooed in her mind, but Anima snapped her fingers near his face,
awakening him back in a trance, as she got up from her mat. Her own thighs
looked gorgeous in their exposed manner.

"Hey! you were about to ask something, what is it?" Anima cooed. She found
Debojit's big round eyes very sweet and attractive in a way.

"Uhmm well yeah Anima...... there are some conditions which are
getting it right?" Debojit particularly recapped the fifth point and cringed mentally.
An ad was supposed to be a mere act, not make things extreme, right?

Anima sighed and suppressed an apparent giggle with her manicured fingers
covering her lips, but Debojit didn't like this gesture and just then the directer
cooed again....

"Debojit! we are not making a Spoof ad! this ad is sponsered by the Government
and if anything goes wrong! I will have to pay for it and perhaps my brand will
also go doom! You very well know why you are chosen right?"

Anima pouted and kept a hand on Debojit's shoulder and rubbed her lips against
each other, not in a sexual way, but somehow the lips looked more moistened.
This juicyness on her lips made Debojit hard and then he got the next shock when
he noticed Anima pointing downwards with her pupils.

"You see down there?" Anima pouted and Debojit felt embarassed! He had a
decent tent which was evident because of his track pants. But Anima had
something else to say too. She kept her hand on his shoulder and pouted again...

"Exactly why I mentioned the fifth point! You have to resemble a sweet ravishing
lady.....and with those beautiful expressive eyes and this gorgeously fair skin, you
will just need a wig and a shave sweetie!"

Anima's words made Debojit's skin stirr with cringy goosebumps. Her choice of
words already felt as if she was virtually stripping him off his manliness and just
then he defended himself..."You ummm could have considered a lady model for
the second half! I mean I can....."

"Hmmmmphh! Debojit how old are you? a preteen??" Anima's eyes angered a bit
which shook Debojit a bit inside! His just-grown tent shrunk back in a moment
back to its worm form and he felt angry on the arrogant lady directer, but he
couldn't do anything now because he had already signed the contract!

"Anima....I didn't have to realise being a male...." Debojit felt awful.
That slight scold from Anima made him want to....


"Damnit! I can't tear up infront of this woman!!!"

Debojit clenched his fist and somehow managed to hold back his tears and in the
meantime, Anima understood and she held herself back, behaving normally with a
normal sweet voice....

"Uhmm..Debojit sorry I didn't mean that....but..... you have to know the reason
why I chose you...."

Debojit's heart skipped a beat and in that mode he asked feeling partially
humiliated..." mean I am not....."

"Manly enough? Aw c'mmon you can't expect a cliched answer from me. Surely
you don't consider yourself a Macho dark and rugged male, do you?" Anima
cooed, again eying a macho man in his underwear who just jumped inside the
pool. That stare from Anima to the man, made Debojit's penis shrink even more
out of some virtual invalidation!

"You should feel rather blessed Debojit! due to the pandemic that happened long
ago, today you are likely to be more famous than any average male out there!
this beautiful fair skin and hmmm those eyes of your's oh my! I will not be
surprised if I or even your wife may feel jealous of you!!"

Seing Debojit's awkward reaction and ofcoarse his tensed eyes, Anima realised
she talked too straightforwardly. She then suppressed a giggle again and cooed

"Hmm sorry Debojit...don't get me wrong, but I prefer to be blunt! Anyways, did
you check the box?"
"Hmmm not yet...... what's in there?" Debojit hated to guess, but Anima still
preferred to play with him and she cooed again..."Sweetie check it out yourself
and do let me know if the sizes need alteration or not! I pretty much visualized a
beautiful male like you myself!"

Anima ran a manicured nail along the confused man's cheek and swayed her
curvy body all the way to the longue. Watching her go, Debojit heaved a sigh and
in the meantime, his whatsapp binged!

The message was from Pallavi -

'Hey! I just opened the box! oh my!! Is this real?? come quick shona!'

Debojit's heart and mind were full of questions and with all those in mind he
rushed all the way up to his room. However at the lift he met Vivek, who had a
smile on his face!

"Sir!!! thank you so saved my job! I had to find an appropriate model
within a day and I am glad you chose the role!"

Vivek had a warm calm personality which made Debojit half smile out of
politeness and he just uttered a 'its okay' and rushed inside the lift all the way
into his room. Before he could knock, the door opened and a smiling Pallavi
almost scared him!

"Hey! relax.... I already know its you!" Pallavi smiled and Debojit noticed a
mischevious smirk to it.

"You opened the box already??" Debojit half scolded. He still felt unsure of the
circumstances that would appear during the shoot, but Pallavi held his hand and
got him to sit on the bed, while she kept the box on a chair, exactly infront of him.
Debojit sighed and asked again..." I am asking again, what is it in there??"

"Ssshhhh relax shona! thank god we are not taking this box home! I wonder what
Shubu or mamuni would say hehe!"

Debojit hated these playful smirks from women and his own wife was not very
different. She continued to smirk and dipped a bangled hand inside to take out a
towel! A flowery pink towel. Debojit cringed at the design. It was sheer feminine
and then Pallavi cooed "Hmmmm let's see what else.." and then took out the next

A comb with a long pink handle!

"Hmmmmm..... isn't this beautiful?? oh gosh.... look at the pinkness of it!

Debu.... you will be using this in the ad wow!"
The pink comb and the pink towel already cringed up Debojit and he clenched his
fist, but the arrow was already shot! it wouldn't surely return back anyhow.

"Holy hell! I don't know how I agreed to do this role Palo! these items are so
urgh.... feminine!" Debojit clearly looked a bit in discomfort already, but Pallavi's
face sparked up at the next item. She widened her lips to pout a 'Wowww' and
took out the very next stuff...

Large Cotton Balls!

"Oh my!! these are so cuuteee! Debu, I really want to see you in these two
goodies!" Pallavi smirked as she raised the cotton balls with her palms. The balls
resembled a b size bust clearly!

"WHa..... what the hell?" Debojit realised the purpose of the cotton balls and
cringed even more in disgust!

"Uff ho....tumiyo na! don't tell me that you are feeling stripped off your
masculinity from such a small thing Debo!" Pallavi smirked, admitting to the fact
that she enjoyed the nervous shocked expression of her husband and found it to
be quite cute in her opinion.

"Hmmmmm one last thing! oh wow what's this?" Pallavi pouted in her own
excitement and opened a vertical shiny box and the moment she opened it, her
pouty lips wide opened and she playfully looked at her husband and with a breif
giggle looked back into the small box.

"Now what is it Palo??" Debojit shrugged his shoulders this time. He now
wondered why the heck he signed in for the ad shoot! He had no intention of
being a celebrity and then remembered how his wife had seduced him into it.

"Ufff these wives!" Debojit pouted in his mind and just then Pallavi went near him
with the box, pouting...."Hmmmmmmm we sure have the best thing now! check it
yourself shona"

Debojit looked down at the open box only to recoil in horror! his heart turned
white and skipped a major beat this time! the masculine ego felt a boxing punch
to it as he saw the, rather items!

A couple of Lipsticks of different color shades!

"What the....... you have got to be kidding me Palo??? no way!!" Debojit shoved
the box off his sight and looked up and then down in despair. Pallavi however
made a face and softly touched his shoulder, pouting...

"C'mmmon Debo! its part of the play, you have to accept these props!"
Still in despair, Debojit was about to perhaps open his mouth for a word or two,
but just then Pallavi's phone rang..

"Kore je duru duru mon amaar..

kore je duru duru mon amaar...."

Pallavi picked it up and Debojit noticed her smile and pout out...

"Yes...uhmmm yeah he has seen them! o....okay with them! yes...I will
call her directly yeah thanks!"

When Pallavi disconnected, Debojit raised an eyebrow...."Who was it?"



"Well yeah so? what's wrong Debo? he is the assistant of Anima! he will be the
first to make sure you wore the props well!"

VIVEK GODA........goddamnit!!! why the heck does he has to get involved in all of
this???" Debojit lost his cool now and thumped on the bed with his fist!

The whole idea of a man talking to his wife about the feminine props for the ad
made Debojit feel miserable all of a sudden and just then Pallavi too raised a

"Debo! that's enough. I thought I married a sensible man with a high self esteem,
not fidgeting like a..... like a damn girl!!"

"A damn girl!" the words shook Debojit inside and again he felt his tiny penis
shrink even more! But Pallavi continued....

"Debo! I am.... I am sorry to speak like that, but I won't accept my husband
behaving unprofessional! I have plans made up for that money Debuu! pleaaase
give your best shot!"

Pallavi finished her line, already anticipating to buy some lavish sarees, jewellery
and cosmetics for herself! However, her thought bubble was pin blasted by her
upset husband.

"Palo! this is not normal!! I thought something else!" Debojit couldn't help but
show out his frustration!

"And what did you think?" Pallavi shrugged her shoulders this time, raising an
eyebrow like a stern lady officer!

"Palo c'mmmon! I know what times we are living in, but I thought they might just
filter my body and all I had to was just act!" Debojit was honest with his words,
because he didn't actually anticipate that he had to physically transform into the

"Hmmmmmmmm listen Debo!" Pallavi cooed and sat besides her husband,
rubbing his back to calm him down, pouting..."I had to agree with Anima on the
point that you have these features that perhaps a ummmm a guy like Proful or
Jotin might not suit! you....ummmm get what I meant o say, right?"

Debojit again felt an attack on his male ego and he turned his face towards his
wife in a fiere mode, raising a voice again...."What you mean?? I am a goddamnn
man too!"

Debojit felt his voice shake and stirr as he said that. His skin trembled as he felt
the need to prove to his wife that he was all man! Part of this insecurity also came
from the fact that he still hadn't had sex with her, even though they were on a
honeymoon and all they were talking about was a silly ad!

"Ufff baba re baba! ofcoarse you are a man! I am your wife, a woman and you are
the man, my husband, okay??" Parul sighed and looked the other side with the
typically 'Hmmpphh men!' expression on her face.

A moment of silence crept inside the room and ultimately Debojit let his wife win
the argument. He softly touched her shoulder and pouted...

"Are relax..... okay then! shouldn't have brought Proful and Jotin into
comparison like that!" Debojit still felt a crack on his ego because of the way his
wife uttered their names, but Pallavi got back to her seduction mode by facing her
husband again and then she held his face to go ahead and kiss his cheek and
from his cheek, she shoved her lips gently up to his ear pouting....

"My husband is far more beautiful! not like those rugged looking male colleagues
of his!"

The seductive tone with the ear nibble made Debojit hard and he forgot the crux
of the comparison and allowed a tender kiss to take place between their pair of
lips. While they kissed, they conversed in midst of the smooches...

"What made you get horny all of a sudden Palo?"

"Hmmmmm perhaps this whole idea of seing you in a feminine getup hehe"

"Oh stop it already!"

Debojit continued to kiss the lips of his wife and couldn't help but descend his
hands down to grope her round breasts, but that is precisely when Pallavi stopped
his hands with a pat on them.

"Hey... now!"

"Not yet Mr Debu! Anima has whatsapped the schedule of your grooming! starting
from tomorrow morning and untill the ad is complete, I am not allowing you to
have your sweet steamy sex with me!"

With this last pout of words, Pallavi softly kissed the lips of her husband and got
up the bed pouting again..."Now c'mmon! don't just think of our honeymoon sex!
let's explore Siliguri the whole night! This place is so damn romantic!"

"Hmmm... okay then!" Debojit half smiled and went on to change his dress for a
walk outside the hotel. He wore a normal tshirt with jeans, while Pallavi wore a
decent churidar with leggings and the two went out with hand on hand as the
typical loving couple. Debojit didn't know what the morning dawn would bring to
him, but surely the time now seemed the just romantic evening he and Pallavi

"It's just a silly ad! I am sure it won't be a botheration once it is done!" Debojit
pouted to himself and then felt the warm closeness of his wife, who held his hand
as they walked ahead.


New Delhi - Government Agency :

A conference was held yet once again and this time the news was postive from
the authority point of view. The higher authority sat on his chair with the others
and then announced happily....

"It's nice to know that our process of Bobbyfication has begun and the ratio of
the genders is not getting stable! According to the reports from females, most are
happy infact, to get a second option to opt for a superior male and live a happier
life, both mentally and ofcoarse physically!"

More than the men, it were the women in the room who smiled. Despite being
dressed well with sophistication, the smiles were mischevious, as they whispered
amongst themselves....

"Finally I married again and oh my! he is such a know the He-man
types....." A senior female ad agent pouted, while looking here and there to make
sure her tone is soft.
"I hated the muscled oily looks before, but oh my.... my new fiancee fucks me so
well! his cock reaches places where I haven't even imagined!" A lady officer
cooed, her thighs quivering a bit within her khaki pants.

"Hmmmmmm same here! I can now proudly post pictures on social media with
my new hubby and I am ummmm soon to be in the family way too finally!"
Another lady wearing a suit and skirt cooed while roaming a hand on her belly.

However, just then the leader of the meeting spoke again, silencing the
whispering amongst the ladies, who again sat straight to pay attention.

"I would like to add one more benefit for the women whose male family members
or member have just recently been admitted for Bobbyfication. The women of
the family specially will have a suitable amount transferred to their account and if
a female specifically complains or registers such a male herself, she will get a bit
more than the regular amount!"

Once the leader finished, another lady whispered to a lady at her side..

"Hmmmm now this sounds like a just matricharchal society! what do you say?"

"Indeed! let's now freely choose some sexy alphas! now that the meek ones are
out of the picture!" the other lady agreed with a confident smile.


Around Night, Siliguri :

Debojit reached his room alone, rubbing his fist and strolling around the room,
rather than just sitting somewhere relaxed or simply lay down on the bed. The
reason for this was simple...

"Why did Anima call my wife to her room alone and not with me??"

"What could the two be discussing within themselves?"

"Godamnit...why am I feeling so damn restless??"

These questions kept revolving around Debojit's head and within a few

The door knocked!

Debojit rushed to open the door, only to greet a smile of mischeif from none other
than his wife!
"Aw! my hubby was soo lonely without me hmmmm?" Pallavi cooed in a sweet

"Palo! what the heck were you doing with Anima for so long??" Debojit had a
serious tone apparentlly.

"Believe me or not shona! she called me for some more tips to your look!!"

"My look??" Debojit shook a bit for some reason. He was not being able to tolerate
the honeymoon going even more awful than it already was!

"Come here, I will tell you Shona!" Pallavi behaved as if she was excited to be
fucked well in her honeymoon, which ofcoarse was the reason for the trip! But,
the reason for her thrill was something Debojit found odd...

The sheer thrill to crossdress her husband??

"Take it off first!" Pallavi's sweet tone made Debojit break his thought bubble and
look at his wife with a raised eyebrow and Pallavi then cooed again..

"Uff ho! I am talking about your banyan Shona!"

"What for Palo??" Debojit asked showing boredom on his face.

This is when precisely Pallavi held his shoulders even more firm and kissed a
cheek of his, pouting with a seductive voice...."To see the manly shoulders of my

The word 'manly' made Debojit feel normal again and he took off his tshirt and his
banyan at the same time. Now that he stood topless, his hairless back faced
Pallavi's eyes which looked as if the pupils were measuring something. Somehow
her eyes made him feel a bit uneasy.

Pallavi made Debojit stand infront of the dressing mirror and she stood behind
him precisely and began to softly rub his shoulders and then cooed to his other

"But these manly shoulders will have to be flaunted in a sweet feminine way! I am
sure my hubby is not insecure by any means!"

Debojit stirred a bit. He knew his wife was again upto her seductive games, but
her eyes had a wider mischief at this very moment. Pallavi saw a horny spark in
her husband's eyes and then she seductively ran her long nails on his back,

"Once we get the money! We can do so much! Maybe ummm plan a second
honeymoon? Buy a grand car! and ummm yeah don't forget Subu! We need the
money for her marriage in future!"

A moment of silence crept into the air in the room and Debojit's mind immediately
drifted off to his one and only young sister. A cloud popup of the smiling bubbly
Suboshree popped up from his mind and he pouted to himself...

"Indeed! How selfish I am! Ofcoarse the money is so very important! How did I
not remember Subu!"

Just then Debojit felt his wife's cheek rub on his and she pouted once more...

"Please Debu! Don't tell me that I have a husband who is insecure of a mere
crossdesing act for a minor advertisement on tv!"

"No Palo....I.....ummm..I got selfish for a while! I didn't think of you, mamuni or
even Subu!" Debojit cooed with a soft tone. This very soft tone along with his
puppy eyed expression made Pallavi melt and her heart wanted her to push her
husband on the bed and have steamy sex with him, getting his cock as deep as
possible inside her, while the moistness of her lips was sucked off by him!


Pallavi had some fixed plans in her mind. She wanted fame and recognition for
her husband! Infact, she could easily visualise herself getting out of a lavish car in
an expensive chiffon saree with her elbow locked with her husband's suited one,
who looked no less than a movie star!

"Palo?? Hey..."

Debojit's voice busted the bubble for Pallavi and she then cooed, getting back to
her seductive mode...

"Guess what I suggested to Anima!"

"What?" Debojit realises a silent storm emerging from somewhere!"

"Ummmm you remember the lady in the train, sitting opposite to you?"

"Yeah sure I do...what about her?"

"You remember her figure?" Pallavi had a naughty smirk this time, while she
seduct ran her long nails all over her husband's fair chest.

"Humm...yeah...I don't know...yeah somewhat...heyyy ouch!"

Debojit gasped as he felt a punch on his chest from his wife, who then pouted
with mischief ofcoarse...
"Oho! Don't tell me you didn't notice the supremely curvaceous lady next to me!
And incase you didn't, I suspect if you are a uhmmm a man or not!"

That was it!

Although Pallavi had joked her words, it was Debojit who felt a negative rush
through his body from that last sentence alone! He hated to admit that the talk
with Anima and later on the sudden comparison with Proful and Jotin from his wife
had lessened his self esteem at a very slight level!

But, Debojit didn't let the emotion reach his sleeves and thus, he behaved as
much of a man he could at that situation, by helding the arms of his wife and
using a command like tone..."oh really? You doubt me huh? Let's get to action

A somewhat horny and enticed Debojit was back in mood and was about to mash
his lips to his wife's suckable ones, but that is when precisely Pallavi stopped his
face to rub on hers!

"Uff Palo! That's enough now! We came for a honeymoon for god's sake!"

Smirking at her husband's desperation! Pallavi rolled her arms around his neck,
very gently mashing her churidar clad breasts on his chest and pouting...

"Ufffff Debu! Remember the pact we made shona? No sex untill you rock this ad
and make us rich and anyways! Anima has taken my suggestion and added it to
her planning of grooming you!"

"What suggestion??" Debojit raised an eyebrow and the gasped in shock when his
wife neared her lips to his and left out some hot steamy breath. But it wasn't the
hot breath from her mouth that startled him!

It were her words...

"Debu! I requested her to add some ummm fake pads to your hips to widen them
more and ummm some bigger balls of cotton for your....uhmmmm you know what
I mean right?"

The intimacy had taken a pause and Debojit gasped but it was inaudible!

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09-06-2023, 06:45 PM #56

Be tuned!

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10-06-2023, 08:49 AM #57

Wow, she is going to turn him to women with his consent.

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10-06-2023, 12:15 PM #58

Interesting.. where the cheat game going to start.

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10-06-2023, 10:17 PM #59

Super writing friend

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11-06-2023, 09:00 PM #60

Good one

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