Reading Program NLC

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S.Y. 2012-2013
I. Introduction/Rationale
English is one of the learning areas that develop the learners’ confidence and ability in using language for effective commun
ication and critical thinking inthe real world. The basic tool subject develops those macro skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking. Reading skills also
include vocabularydevelopment, word recognition, comprehension, and study skills. The class reading program has been designed with its entire component under
which theactivities are to be undertaken within the ye
ar. Its primary goal is to make every pupil a total reader, develop pupils’ reading comprehension skills, and make
reading a lifetime habit.
II. Objectives
1. Encourage pupils to learn for enjoyment.
2. Make pupils learn to read and read to learn.
3. Develop and enhance pupils’ reading skills/abilities.
4. Maintain the reading corner in every classroom and the BEC Center functional.
5. Assist teachers in procuring additional reading materials.
6. Inform parents and make them involve in improving pupils’ reading skills/abil
III. Components of the Balanced Reading ProgramComponents Activities Strategies Time Frame Persons Involved Expected Outcome
Components Activities  Strategies Time Frame Persons Involved Expected Outcome
A. Profiling of Readers 1. Pretest in Phil-IRI 1. Administration of Phil- JuneJulyOctober District Supervisor All pupils were
2. Silent and Oral IRI School Head given different test
ReadingTest Analysis of test result Teachers Reading speed and
3. Speed and for appropriate Pupils Parents comprehension were
Comprehension Test instruction developed
4. Word for the Day

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