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Link to original thread: https://www.facebook.


1. Retract or withdraw requests more than 2 weeks old.

2. Maximize your connects daily. Remember that most of them don't accept kasi di ka
naman nila mutual connection. So the more mutual connections you get, the higher the
acceptance rate.
3. Try to post valuable content daily or at least thrice a week.
4. Check Who’s Viewed Your Profile and connect with them
a. Suggested script:
“Hey [firstname],

I noticed you checked out my profile.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Anyways, glad to connect. :-)

[your name]

P.S. Just in case you were checking my profile because you're looking for a way
on how to [insert result you give clients]...

You might want to check out this guide:

[link to lead magnet]


Or if you don't have a lead magnet you can say...

“Hey [first name],

I noticed you checked out my profile.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Anyways, glad to connect. :-)

[your name]

P.S. Just in case you were checking my profile because you're looking for a way
on how to [insert result you give clients]...
You might want to check this article:

[insert link to your best LinkedIn post that has a CTA to book a call with you]

Note: Of course, only connect. back with people who viewed that ARE in your
target market.
5. Check your endorsements or reply to people who endorse your skill. Don’t undermine
the wonders of connecting to your Tribemates. This will put you top of mind and could be
a steady source of referrals.
Suggested script:
“Hey [first name],

Thanks for the endorsement and would love to return the favor.

Just let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to get an endorsement in.



Of course, they'd say yes.

Once you're done endorsing them back, say something along the lines of...

“All done!

Oh, and if you know a [market] who needs help [results you can provide], feel
free to send them my way.

Good day. :-)"

6. Check if you’re mentioned in someone’s comment section
Suggested script:
“Hi [first name],

Saw that you mentioned me in a comment/post under [insert what post].

Just want to let you know that I appreciate it.

Anyway, if you or anyone you know is looking to [insert your offer], feel free to

It's the least I could do to return the favor.

7. Check the people in your network celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, etc. If they are in
your target market, feel free to connect. If not, send these messages:
Suggested script:
NEW position

“I see you're starting in a new position, [first name]. I'd love to hear more about
your new opportunity.”

Note: only send this to your target market


Work Anniversary

“I see it's your work anniversary [firstname]. Congratulations! Hope the year to
come is successful for you.”



“Hey [first name], I’m sure you’ll get lots of these today, but you can’t have too
many well wishes. Hope you have a wonderful day ahead.

Happy Birthday!”
8. For those whom you sent a message to but didn't reply back at all AFTER a week, try to
send them this
Suggested script:
“Hey [first name],

I noticed we've been connected for over a week now, but haven't had a chance
to really connect so I thought I'd reach out.

To get the ball rolling, I created a quick guide on how to [insert your offer].

[insert LINK]

Hope it helps with what you’re looking to accomplish.

Good day. :-)”

If you don't have a lead magnet, just send them to one of your value posts with a
CTA to book a call with you...

Note: Edit one of your value posts and put a CTA to book a call with you.

“Hey [first name],

I noticed we've been connected for over a week now, but haven't had a chance
to really connect so I thought I'd reach out.

To get the ball rolling, let me share with you an article on how to [insert your

[insert LINK]

Hope it helps with what you’re looking to accomplish.

Good day.”
9. For those who "followed" you AND is your target market, send them this message (and a
connection request if you haven't yet) as soon as you see them follow you:
Suggested script:
“Hey [first name],

I appreciate the "follow".

Is there anything I can do to help?

Anyways, glad to connect. :-)

[your name]

P.S. Just in case you were following my profile because you're looking for a way
on how to [insert result you give clients].

You might want to check out this guide:

[link to lead magnet]”

Or if you don't have a lead magnet you can say...

“Hey [first name],

I appreciate the "follow".

Is there anything I can do to help?

Anyways, glad to connect. :-)

[your name]

P.S. Just in case you were 'following' my profile because you're looking for a way
on how to [insert result you give clients]...

You might want to check this article:

[insert link to your best LinkedIn post that has a CTA to book a call with you]


Of course, only do this with people who followed you that ARE in your target
10. Look for the industry leaders that your target market is following actively. Connect with
your mutual connections.
Suggested script:
"Hey [first name],

Saw that we both have X as a mutual connection so I figured to connect.

I am always looking to network with [insert market] here on LinkedIn.

And if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.

11. Have an optimized profile
12. Continue connecting at least 10-20 a day
13. Do all the things he mentioned above

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