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Monday 15thNovember2021

How to write a sentence?

Step 1: Identify what is Included in a Simple Sentence

Help students realize that a simple sentence includes one subject-verb combination, correct capitalization, and
punctuation. The subject describes who or what the sentence is about, and the verb describes the action. The
following is an example of a simple sentence:

“The dog ran.”

Step 2: Expand the Sentence

Once you have identified a simple sentence, help students understand that we can add details by answering the
following questions:

 Where?
 When?
 How?
 Why?

From the example sentence above, we know the subject is the dog and the verb is "ran," but we are missing details
that can provide a better understanding for our readers about the dog. Where was the dog? When and how did it
run? Why was the dog running? These are questions you can ask students to elicit ideas and phrases that could be
incorporated into your simple sentence to expand or stretch it into a more complex and detailed one.

Step 3: Practice Writing Expanded Sentences

After teaching students what you should include in a more complex and detailed sentence, they can practice revising
their own work, or practice revising simple sentences from meaningful writing examples (see sample lesson plans
below). Remember, you don’t want your students to spend all of their time on a worksheet. The goal is to help them
develop the skill and apply it to their own writing so they can develop into effective writers.

Time spent daily on writing instruction that encourages students to ponder what their sentences are saying to the
reader and how to stretch them out to paint a clear picture can be very valuable. Teachers and students alike will
move from task writing to more fulfilling and enjoyable writing when they put these simple steps into place.
Writing- Complete the sentences

My Feeling

1. One thing that makes me feel happy is……………

2. When I am sad, something that makes me feel better is………………

3. Being around y friends and family makes me feel……………..

4. I get really scared when……………..

5. When I feel hungry, I eat………………………………….

6. When I am bored, I like to ……………………………….

7. I feel really silly when……………………

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