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Final Project Definition

Information Technologies for Business

This document presents a guide for the development of the final work of Information
Technologies in Business (TIN) course, the requirements, the expected content, as well as
general data for its presentation.

It is valuable to generate an executive document that shows a portfolio of IT proposals

for the company under study, where the student applies the knowledge and skills
acquired in class and the experience of their professional performance during the
Software Engineer Educational Program, with the purpose of knowing the implications
related to the implantation of a solution that strategically raises the IT Administration in
an organization.

General Objective:

Present a formal proposal for an entrepreneur in a formal document, an approximation of a

strategic computer plan for a company, according to the knowledge acquired in class during
the semester and the skills developed as ISW.

Specific Objectives:

✓ Unite the business vision and the competitive strategy with the computer vision, to
achieve significant improvements in the organization.
✓ Identify the problem, need or opportunity for a technological proposal in a
company in the region.
✓ Analyze a company under the focus of the value chain and the key and support
✓ The Students must identify the scope of the different information technologies in
✓ Generate value proposals based on information technologies, to contribute to the
achievement of the vision, mission and objectives of the company advised.
✓ Define the proposal in a formal document.

1 Information Technologies for Business Final Project

Project Requirements:

✓ The document must contain true company data with adequate characteristics to
develop and propose an information technology plan.
✓ Students must identify and describe a reference model that serves as context to
understand the future operation of the company
✓ The company to describe preferably should be a PYME.
✓ The work must be done individually or in teams.
✓ Make proposals thinking of the company in the future and ideal, always in
accordance with the external environment in which the company competes and
✓ A strategic IT plan aligned to the competitive strategy of the company and that
provides information on the combined hardware, software, or communication
platform, should be generated.
✓ If the student does not have the company's strategic profile (vision, mission,
competitive advantage, competitive strategy, business processes, value chain, etc.),
this must be proposed and described clearly.

Document Structure Description

• Cover
o Must contain the institution logo
o Name of the Project “Technological Proposal for the Company Name of the
o Course name
o Professor name
o Students names (TEAM)
o Date

• Index
o Manage the topics of the Strategic Planning document Structure
o Work numbering "Multilevel Scheme" (1. 1.1 1.1.1 etc.)
o Manage Arabic numbers for the pages
o Work tabs aligned to the right filled with dots,

example: Introduction………………………………… 5

2 Information Technologies for Business Final Project

1. Introduction

• must present and describe the objective

• Content to include in the introduction:
o Company name
o Company line of work
o Background (Brief history, main clients, products, competition, business
o Analysis of Strengths, weaknesses, threats and Opportunities
o Regional Context
• Length, 2 pages maximum

2. Strategic Profile of the Company

• Statement of mission and vision.

• Describe in detail at least 3 strategic lines or priorities of the company aligned to
the business strategy (if they do not exist propose them).
• Length, 2 pages maximum

3. Company Processes

• Describe the services provided by the company

• Generates the value chain of the company
• Describe the key support processes of the company. That is, describe in a table the
processes included in the value chain; in said description include the following:
o Process name
o Type of process (key/support)
o Description (What and how it generates or does the process, what is the
output or product)
o Justification (Why it is considered a strategic process for the business)
o Describe the functional areas of the company that are involved in the
activities of the process
• Open length (size required by the student)

3 Information Technologies for Business Final Project

4. Technological Proposals

• Identify processes with the possibility of improvement and impact the company's
value chain and therefore support the competitive strategy, Justify your answer.
• From the processes in the strategic areas that are oriented to the strategic profile of
the company that you previously specified, prioritize 3 for which you will generate
the technological proposals
• Based on the points mentioned above stablish a record for each technological
• Length 3 project files (include images if necessary)

5. IT Strategic Planning

• Generate an implementation plan for the 3 proposed IT projects and include them
in a timeline.
• For each time period in the plan estimate the necessary investments
• Longitud abierta (tamaño requerido por el alumno)

6. Conclusions
• Generate a reflection on business benefits (impact on profits, increase in sales,
improvement in service, improvement of processes) that is expected to have the result
of technological proposals. Keep in mind that this reflection will be directed to the
owner of the company.
• The conclusion must have at last one page.


A) (mandatory) Includes a chart related to the TOGAF framework

B) (mandatory) Develop a frame that shows the following relation:

• Business challenges presented

• Activities to be carried out by the company
• Appropriate information technologies
• Functions to be performed by the proposed information system

4 Information Technologies for Business Final Project

• Expected Business Benefits

C) (optional) Include specifications and / or documents that justify the description of some
element in the development of the project.

D) (optional) Supporting material such as images or tables.

5 Information Technologies for Business Final Project

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