HALIMATUS HARDIAN - Reflective Essay - Literature in ELT B

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Name : Halimatus Hardian Tia Fadhilah

ID : 215110500111008
Class : Literature in ELT B

Illuminating Paths: My Journey of Independent English Learning

In a world where traditional classrooms once monopolized education, I discovered the
transformative power of independent English learning. As I embarked on a personal quest to
conquer a new language, I found myself treading uncharted territories and uncovering a
dazzling array of possibilities, leaving behind the conventional shackles of the classroom.
Through this reflective essay, I invite you to join me on an enlightening journey where I
compare my experiences of learning English independently to those I encountered in the
confines of a traditional classroom. Let us illuminate the myriad paths that lead to language
mastery and explore the captivating realm of self-guided linguistic growth.
During my independent English learning journey, I discovered an unexpected source
of tranquility: films. For some reason, movies always felt like valuable learning materials,
providing exposure to native speakers and making it easier for me to practice and understand
English. Through this experience, I uncovered a powerful lesson that transcended the
confines of conventional language learning methods. As I immersed myself in the captivating
world of movies, I began to see that language is a living, dynamic system that lives on
genuine human expression rather than merely a series of rules and patterns to be memorized.
In the classroom, English often felt detached from its real-life context. Textbooks and
grammar exercises provided a foundation but failed to capture the nuances and intricacies of
language usage (Truong & Tran, 2014). Through a film, I witnessed English coming to life,
woven seamlessly into the fabric of captivating stories and vibrant characters. Movies, with
their longer duration compared to other literary genres, provided the perfect opportunity to be
watched at home, allowing me to continue the learning strategies given in the classroom and
explore my learning strategies to improve my English skills, such as grammar, vocabulary,
and pronunciation, beyond the confines of the school. This has been proven by Alluri (2018)
through the analysis of the outcomes of learning through movies.
By watching films in their original English language, I learned and absorbed the
natural flow of conversations, the idiomatic expressions, and the subtle nuances of
pronunciation (Tabatabaei & Gahroei, 2011). I discovered that language is more than words
on a page; it is a vehicle for cultural understanding, emotions, and diverse perspectives.
Through film, I became attuned to the rhythm of spoken English, the intonation that
conveyed humor, sadness, or excitement, and the unspoken messages conveyed through body
language. As Murshidi (2020) researched, films can motivate us to improve our speaking
skills as we aspire to pronounce words excellently as our favorite actors.
Additionally, films allowed me to explore various accents, dialects, and cultural
variations (Pardo & Díaz, 2020). I was exposed to a rich tapestry of linguistic diversity, from
British period dramas to American blockbusters and foreign films with subtitles. This
exposure broadened my understanding of English as a global language, adapting and
evolving in different contexts, and made me more adaptable and comfortable in various
English-speaking environments. Repeating what I heard on screen improved my speaking
skills, including fluency, word linking, pronunciation, and correct intonation.

Moreover, films offer an immersive and engaging learning experience. I found myself
drawn into captivating narratives, emotionally invested in characters, and eagerly awaiting
the resolution of conflicts. This emotional connection enhanced my language learning, as I
naturally absorbed new vocabulary, idioms, and phrases through context without the tedious
process of rote memorization. Learning can be enjoyable and effortless when fueled by
genuine interest and passion.
By the process of listening carefully to the film clip by paying great attention to what
is being said, one can understand spoken words as they naturally occur during conversations
then the student attempts to infer meanings from what he or she heard so that they learn new
language form through imitating the authentic material from the film (Ahmadi, 2016).
The developed film is having good storyline and well prepared all of the setting,
scripts, properties, and the shooting equipment. However, the application of the script and the
plan to make a movie clip is difficult in the mean of portraying speaking English clearly with
a good accent. Also, It appeared to be difficult in editing especially for choosing the best
backsound for the movie clip. As, the English as a Foreign Language learner I should practice
more in applying English lesson or theory that has been taught in the classroom into the
outcome such as making movie clips or the real movies.
In conclusion, learning English through film taught me that language is a living entity,
intricately intertwined with culture, emotions, and human experiences. It demonstrated the
power of authentic, context-rich learning and the joy of connecting with diverse voices and
perspectives (Truong & Tran, 2014). I will always be grateful for the transformative influence
that film had on my route to English competency as I continue my language learning journey
and take with me the priceless lessons I learnt from it.
Al Murshidi, G. (2020). Effectiveness of movies in teaching and learning English as a foreign
language at universities in UAE. Psychology and Education, 57(6), 442-450.Al
Murshidi, G. (2020). Effectiveness of movies in teaching and learning English as a
foreign language at universities in UAE. Psychology and Education, 57(6), 442-450.
Alluri, P. (2018). Enhancing English Language Teaching through Films in General
Foundation Programs. Arab World English Journal, 1, 146–154.
Pardo, B. S., & Díaz, M. A. (2020). A SWOT analysis of the Communicative English
Language Skills Improvement Programme: A tool for autonomous EFL
learning. Complutense Journal of English Studies, 28, 19.
Tabatabaei, O., & Gahroei, F. R. (2011). The Contribution of Movie Clips to Idiom Learning
Improvement of Iranian EFL Learners. Theory & Practice in Language Studies, 1(8).
Truong, L. X., & Tran, L. T. (2014). Students’ intercultural development through language
learning in Vietnamese tertiary education: a case study on the use of film as an
innovative approach. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(2), 207–225.

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