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Business Communication Assignment

1. Mr. James Steven is the Sr Manager in an established IT company. He works with a

core team of 20 and at most times communicated through written verbal
communication. He intends to sound persuasive while he communicates with his team
and he wants them to feel equal at all times. Which are the steps of writing messages
that should be kept in mind while drafting messages to be sent to his team. Define
strategies of writing persuasive messages?

Answer: The role of communication in business

Communication is the lifeblood of a business organization. Without effective
communication, no organization can succeed or advance, gain reputation, gain friends
and customers. In fact, effective communication is the foundation of good relationships
and relationships between managers and employees, employees and customers and
suppliers. A good communication system will aid in better coordination and better
control of all activities occurring in an organisation. Communication leads to clear
understanding, productivity, health, and a willingness to collaborate among employees
at all levels. Therefore, communication is very important for the effective functioning of
an organization. Communication is the exchange of ideas or information.
Communicating honestly means communicating with others with fairness and honesty in
mind. Honest communication is honest and accurate communication. In today's
competitive world, business communication is the best part of education.
The organizational communication study shows that organizations depend on effective
communication among their members. Improving management communication is an
ongoing and ongoing process throughout the organization. Adding technologies such as
the Internet, video conferencing, software using "cloud" computing; all these tools
improve performance but have little or no effect on performance.

Persuasive Written Communication

Successful businesses rely on persuasive words in internal and external
communication. Whether you're persuading your boss to open a new office in Europe or
encouraging potential customers to try your product, you'll use many of the same
incentives to try to convert your people to come to see character, belief or behavior.
Qualified motivation is the foundation of marketing and sales, but even if you haven't
worked in these areas, you will still need good motivation to support your business.
Professionals understand that persuasion is not about playing games or forcing people
to make suboptimal choices; but it lets your audience know they have a choice and
helps them choose to agree with you. Sometimes you need to write a letter or other
message to persuade someone to do something. A persuasive letter is a letter written to
persuade an organization or person to accept the author's problem, interest, or idea.
A persuasive essay is written to influence the reader's actions or thoughts. This can be
done by giving credit or showing some work.

Tips for Writing Lessons

For words to truly inspire, experts need to learn to listen to their audience, make sure
the answers they hear are correct, and influence feedback in the next communication. If
the risks are low for existing customers, such as protecting a brand name, marketers
may not need to communicate as much. But experts need to look longer at persuasion
competition to get customers to switch brands or try new solutions.
Mixing messages from multiple media outlets has become commonplace with large
campaigns powered by face-to-face interactions and online messaging with
intermediaries. Lies are usually written in plain language. While they don't have to be
bad news, their goals often run counter to publishers' current needs. To be successful,
the mindset of the attacker must change. Making this change requires intervention.
How well the data is categorized makes some difference.
Here are some important ideas for writing a supporting argument:
● Framing the Argument: Generally, all supporting arguments use indirect
methods. Communications experts have developed many-sided models for such
messages. One of the most famous models is the AIDA model.
● Interest / Interest: As the name suggests, you need to attract the attention of
your target audience.
● Relevance: There is no better way to engage the reader than by appealing to the
reader's personal interest.
● Opinion/Decision: Here you need to ask the customer to make a decision based
on your preference. To do this, you need to strengthen your advantages listed in
the interest section.
● Action: When you create a purchase desire in the mind of the customer (f). So
the final step is to get customers to act fast.
● Balance of emotions and attraction: In general, marketing messages are
based on attraction rather than emotional appeal because the idea is often an
effective, measurable way to save money, increase quality, or improve business.
To find the sweet spot, consider four things: (1) the behavior you want to
encourage, (2) your readers' expectations, (3) the level of resistance you need to
overcome, and (4) the organizational strength of your business. model.
● Strengthen your position: Once you have identified the main points of your
argument, take a step back and find ways to support your position. Are all your
claims supported by reliable evidence? Do quotes from well-known experts help
prove your point? Next, check your language. Can you find powerful words to
express your message? In addition to analyzing personal word choice, consider
metaphors and other forms of speech. Look for more than specific words and
phrases that promote your work. When you ask, it will be easier for your target
audience to accept your offer if it is still useful to them.

● Expect resistance: Even the best ideas and proposals will meet some initial
resistance. The best way to deal with potential objections is to anticipate as many
objections as possible and address them verbally before the audience arrives.
Try to put your own thoughts and ideas in front of your audience to bring out the
audience's objections. Then find the solution you found. If possible, ask your
audience what they think about the issue before presenting your argument and
people will support the solution they helped create.

2. Define what is a Report and a Proposal, Dome the sections of report writing explain
each in detail.

Answer: Communication Etiquette in Business Writing

Writing is not always about understanding what you mean. Readers make the point.
Writing faceless. He has no voice or body language. Writing is just language.
Business writing is one of the easiest types of writing. Writing a job has many purposes;
teach or introduce techniques; confirming decisions and informing employees,
colleagues or partners; give answers and ask for information. The ability to write clearly
depends not on our listeners themselves, but on how well we know them. In order for
the text to be intelligible, it must change to the reader. By editing we mean updating
information for the target audience.
Even in similar countries due to cultural differences, the fact that readers do not have
the same knowledge, vocabulary or mentality about a topic is a problem that can lead to
more communication. Therefore, in order to communicate clearly, you must first
understand the person you are talking to. An important part of customization is choosing
the right words. These are the best communication words that have a clear and real
meaning in the mind of the reader. Choosing the right words depends on your
knowledge of your audience, your ability to use language, and your common sense
Tips and Tricks
A business cannot function without a brief. They tell us if work is done, schedules are
met, costs are controlled, sales forecasts are met, customers are served, and
unexpected problems are resolved. You can write a short report on a particular topic or
a brief summary of your daily activities. Brief notifications are mostly regular
notifications, sales notifications, progress reports, travel/travel notifications, test letters
and status reports. A proposal is a detailed blueprint in a work of law that is sent to an
individual or group for approval. It is one of the most important parts of proposal writing.
These are tutorials. Write for different purposes and audiences and differ in size and
scope. No matter how big or small, proposals need to be motivated to succeed.
Requests may or may not be requested and can be internal or external.

Map Section
Title Page - The title page should be visually appealing as it creates the first impression
on the reader. Names should be clear and descriptive. This page should also indicate
who requested or authorized the report, who prepared the report, and the date the
report was sent.
Contents Page - When a report is several pages long, the purpose of a table of
contents or table of contents page is to help readers find information. Shows how the
report is organized by listing topics and subtopics with their corresponding pages.
Executive Summary or Executive Summary - This includes lengthy reports and
allows the reader to understand what the report is about without having to read the
entire report. A summary is a condensed form or summary of the content of a report.
Map Body - This is the body that is the heart of the map. It should contain the following
● Introduction - this includes the background and objectives of the study.
● Problem Statement – ​there should be a clear description of the underlying
problem or problem to be solved.
● Research Methods - This section should contain a detailed description of the
type of research to be conducted, the methods used in data collection, sample
size, method standard, and survey design.
● Analysis, Analysis and Conclusion - The collected data should be analyzed and
the findings presented and interpreted in a meaningful way. Precautions should
be taken based on the findings. Analysis results can be presented in the form of
tables or graphics.
● Recommendations – A persuasive report should include work instructions based
on the findings or solutions to the problems mentioned.
● Attachments or attachments - Reports can contain various elements after the
main body of the report.
Some key items in this section are:
● Bibliography or Index - This is a list of all the information sources, journals,
research articles, and websites cited in preparing the report. The purpose of
including this section is to provide testimonies from people who are considered
authorities in their field to support our own explanations. It gives credit to the
authors consulted, otherwise the authors may be accused of plagiarism or
plagiarism. Such a diary also shows the depth of research.
● Appendices - This is the section that contains material related to the study but
very technical or difficult to include in the text of the report. This is because it
affects the reader's ability to understand the information. Therefore it is attached.
For example, the cover letter of the survey, the survey itself, the map, the
summary of the raw data, the computer model and the mathematical model or
code. Each appendix must be separated and listed in Appendix A, Appendix B,
etc. and each additional group should be given an appropriate name.
● Index - This is to help the reader easily find the topic or content mentioned in the
report. It is a list of terms or concepts mentioned in the report specifically to aid in
the search for information. Although used in some advertisements, promotions
and annual reports, the vast majority of business reports are not. It contains an
alphabetical list of keywords followed by any page numbers that use the
● Glossary - This is an explanation of the terms or jargon used in the report text.
This section is only necessary if the report is professional and the reader is an
unfamiliar employee. Descriptions can be skipped if the reader is an expert in a
particular field.

3. a. As a consultant, explain four steps to develop a strong brand for Man Machin. How
can social media impact communication in business? What are the strategies for
Business Communication through Social Network?
b. You are planning to switch your job and are in the process of applying to another
company. What is a job market? What are the points of an organization and job
opportunity will you consider while in the process of applying for the job?

Answer: a) Steps to Creating a Strong Brand

● Identify Your Target Audience: Before you plan to create a strong brand, you
need to know your target audience. Basically, you need to know who will be
interested in your product and it is also recommended to look at sales statistics
and related information.
● Operations: Once you understand your target audience, the company needs to
offer additional products that include the position or situation in the mind of the
customer. You need to position your product so that people can distinguish your
product from other similar products.
● Defining the Character of the Company: Build a strong brand, but before that
the company must have a good character.The company's products and services,
as well as its target audience, will help create the company's personality.
● Brand logo and slogan: Finally, the company should work on its logo and
slogan. These features will help the company make the product popular with the
audience. The logo should be unique and reflect the personality and values ​of
the brand. Slogans should be catchy and tied to the main product.
Social Media in Business Communication: In recent years, various technologies have
opened and supported new ways of communication in business life. Unlike the
broadcast mentality, this social communication model is interactive, conversational, and
generally open to anyone who wants to participate. The audience is the participant of
the conversation, not the receiver of the message. Social media gives customers and
other stakeholders a voice they didn't have before. Businesses are listening. In fact, one
of the most common uses of social media in business is to monitor online conversations
about a company and its brand. People sending messages in a social networking
environment start the conversation by asking questions or sharing important information
instead of sending normal messages. Information about it is often updated and modified
by the network as participants retweet and comment. People can add or remove some
of it as and when they want from all places. An online community will have a large
number of members, so you need to provide them with valuable content. Find the best
online dating site ever. Answer questions, fix problems, respond to rumors and
misinformation. It's always good to participate in community development that makes it
easier for customers and others to join the company and each other. All companies
should use social media to promote their products and services, but this should be
planned and not done at unusual times. Every social network is a unique place with a
unique communication style. However, while adapting to the expectations of each
network, remember to maintain the same behavior across all networks you work on.

b) Labor Market
As the name suggests, the job market is concerned with job activities where many
employers seek workers and job seekers. To find the best jobs, candidates should
carefully research the job market and seize the best opportunities. Job Search
Organizational Considerations and Job Opportunities
Points of an organization and job opportunity to be considered while applying for
the job
● It is important to have a good job search before you start looking for a new job.
● You can follow a traditional job search or look for a job. Organizations list job
postings in newspapers, job postings, and on the Internet. Employers can be
government or private organizations. When submitting a resume to an
employment agency, it is best to think of the agency as your employer. You can
submit your CV and cover letter through the online process.
● In today's competitive world where there is fierce competition among job seekers,
there is a good job description that will increase your confidence in the job
market. do what needs to be done. The creation of a resume often depends on
one's education, achievements, career goals, background checks, and
experience. Besides education and experience, you should highlight specific
skills on your resume. It includes all the specific skills acquired by the applicant
on the job and their relevance to the job for which he/she is applying.
● It's always good to look at the history of the company you're applying for.
● Learn as much as possible about potential employers through newsletters,
websites, and social media accounts. When looking for a potential employer,
compare your results with the employer's mission statement, core values, and
business model. Candidates should check the job site as it may affect your
decision. Your travel time and other issues will depend on the job location and
should therefore be considered. Find out how many hours you can expect to
work in a "normal" week and how to add extra hours.
● Your payment package should meet your basic needs and help you plan for the
future. When hunting, it's important to look at your budget and understand how
much you need to earn to cover the costs. Find a range of salaries for the job
you're considering, so you can negotiate a better starting salary. Comparison of
financial aid packages is important when several companies. To be successful in
your job, you need to find a job that matches your strengths.
● Jobs that provide growth opportunities are especially important early in your
career. When looking for a job, learn how employers can encourage growth and
reward performance. Maintaining a work-life balance is crucial to your health and
well-being. Applying for a job in the short term can be exciting and rewarding, but
you may find it helpful to balance the time required with rest. Make sure the work
environment is good for you as you will be spending a lot of time at work.

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