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Trenching and ditching = pembuatan parit

Stripping = pengupasan (open pit mining) to strip away a layer or seam of soil, natural
vegetation, and rocks (known as overburden) to extract the mineral deposits

Quarrying (open pit mining) untuk mineral non metallic

Ore = metal bearing mineral

Viens = ore body has dessiminated in certain boundary within unwanted rock

Void = ruang kosong

Slopes = lereng

Backfilling = menimbun Kembali

Berm = tanggul

Spoil bank = tempat sampah

Shrinkage and swell = penyusutan dan pengembangan

Gravel – krikil
Clay = tanah liat

Loam = lempung

Markedly = secara nyata

Seepage = rembesan

Underlying = mendasari

Moist = lembab

Embankment = tanggul/ timbunan

Loading = pemuatan

Dumping = pmebuangan

Superseded = digantkan

Shoveled = disekop

Operations: (1) loosening surface; (2) loading; (3) transport and dumping; sometimes (4) compacting. F o
b l o o s e n i n g hard ground: scarifiers, rippers, rooters, dipper shovels, backhoes and skimmers,
pneumatic spades, dredges, steam jets, explosives, and hydraulic sluicing. F o b l o a d i n g : mechanical
shovels with clamshell or dragline dippers, push shovels, backhoes, elevating graders, cableways, belt
conveyers. F o b t b a n s p o r t : wheelbarrows, carte, trucks, cars, graders and scrapers, cableways,
conveyers, hydraulic sluicing. F o b c o m p a c t i n g : rollers, vibrators and drainage’operations.

Scraper = pengikis

Plowing = membajak

Cebakan bijih

Tonasebijih (besar cadangan bijih)

Ultimitae pit limit = batas akhir kegiatan penambangan

Pushback = tahap2 penambangan

Waste/ country rock = lapisan/tanah penutup diatas

Cut off grade (kadar batas) kadar rata-rata terendah suatu logam di dalam bijih yang apabila
ditambang masih bernilai ekonomis.

Dozer dan grader = alat berat meratakan tanah menggali, meinmbun

Shovel = A shovel is a tool used for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal,
gravel, snow, sand, or ore. 

Gangue mineral = mineral tidak tdibutuhkan

Tailing =Tailing adalah bahan yang tertinggal setelah pemisahan fraksi bernilai bijih besi. Dalam
pertambangan batu bara dan pasir minyak, kata tailing merujuk secara spesifik ke limbah murni
yang tertinggal di air

Luster = berkilauan

Dekomposisi – pembusukan

Hauling = pengangkutan

Loosening = pmebongkaran

Timba = bailer, mengangakat slurry(campuran air lumpur dan fragment batuan ke permukaan)

Penetrasi = laju pemboran

Fan = supply udara artificial di tamang bawah tanah. Intake and exhausting fan

Head loss = kehilangan debit udara pada sistem ventilasi

Front penambang = tenat kerja

1. Menggali (dig) 
2. Mengayunkan ke truck (swing) 
3. Melepaskan Muatan (dump) 
4. Mengayun Kembali ke Posisi semula (Swing)

Queue = Tahap dimana truk menunggu untuk memulai manuver sebelum menggambil posisi untuk
di beri muatan

Alat - alat yang Bisa digunakan dalam pengakutan

1. Dump truck 
2. Cable way transportation
3. Conveyor 
4. Power scrafer

Ada banyak jenis dari alat muat, antara lain: 

1.Power shovel 
2.Dragline Back hoe 
3.Clam shell Bucket
4.wheel excavator 
5.Showel dozer
6.Over head shovel
7.loader Bulldozer

economic cut off limit

stripping ratio = membandingkan besarnya nilai tanah penutup (waste) yang harus digali dengan
volume atau tonase batubara yang dapat ditambang besarnya volume dari over burden yang digali
per unit ore yang diperoleh.

bedded/ tabular =  Endapan yang letaknya horizontal (sedikit miring dengan kemiringan (1-5%)
disebut horizontal deposit 

pit slope = Kemiringan bukaan tambang 

discarded = dibuang

seam = layer

dust = debu

ash = abu

bench = bangku

excavated = digali

rock bedding = perlapisan batuan

dip = kemiringan

ripping and dozing = pembongkaran

dipping = mencelupkan

steeply = tajam

terrain = medan

impede = menghalangi

prevailing = berlaku

uncover = menemukan

fleet = armada

bisected = dibelah

examined = diperiksa

piles = tumpukan

uneven = tidak rata

vague = tidak jelas

The incline section of the wall is called the 'batter,' and the flat part of the step is called the
'bench' or 'berm. 
The production cycle also referred to as the mine unit operation that consists of ripping and dozing,
drilling, blasting, loading, and hauling

By means = dengan cara

Whereas = sedangkan

Ripping and dozing Typically, bulldozer, wheel dozers, and motor graders are the most common
equipment used. 3 Loading and hauling Nowadays, surface mining is conducted using shovels, front end
loaders or hydraulic shovels.

Hand labor, wheelbarrows, horse-drawn vehicles, and ore cars The efficiency and greater load capacity of
electrical and diesel-powered haul trucks23 miles of conveyor belts

Adequate = memadai

Restraining = menahan

Severe = parah

Enable = memngkinkan

Brittle = rapuh

Plagued = terganggu

Dips = menukik

Spoil pile = tumpukan merusak

Failures = keruntuhan

Arc = busur atau lengkung

Enormous = kemungkinan

Flushing = pembilasan

Occasion = kesempatana
Pertain = menyinggung

Scratch = menggores

Constituted = dibentuk

Diminishes = berkurang

Obey = memtahui

Precedes = mendahului

Rubbing = memotong

The alignment = penyelarasan

Crawels – merangkak

Reinforced = bertulang

Reinforcement = penguatan

Face angle = angle the bench makes wth horizon surface

Sprayed = disemprotkan

Conveyed = disampaikan

Shotcrete is a wet- or dry-mix mortar with a fine aggregate (up to 23

mm, or 7/8 in) that is sprayed directly onto a slope using compressed
Detrimental = merugikan
Encountered – dihadapi
Address = menghadapi
Rock falls and slope failures

he structural geology. That is, Principles of rock slope design the orientation and characteristics (such as
length, roughness and infilling materials) of the joints, bedding and faults that occur behind the rock

Coincident – berimpit

Undergo = menjaalani

Rupture = pecah

The properties of discontinuities relative to stability include orientation, persistence, roughness and

Uniform = seragam
Burial = penguburan

Confined = terbatas

he vertical stress, which is the major principal stress σ1, is equal to the weight of the overlying rock a The
horizontal stress, which is the minor principal stress σ3, also increases with the depth of burial due to
the effect of the grav and temperature = joint mechanism

1 Dip is the maximum inclination of a discontinuity to the horizontal (angle ψ). 2 Dip direction or dip
azimuth is the direction of the horizontal trace of the line of dip, measured clockwise from north (angle
α) In defining the orientation of a line, the terms plunge and trend a

The only general rule that applies to investigation for rock slope design is that information is required on
geology, rock strength and ground water. The sonic velocity of the elastic wave will be greater in higher
density material, and in more massive rock compared to low density, closely fractured rock;

Lumps = bongkahan

Susceptibility = kepekaan

With regards = berkaitan

Obscured = disamarkan

According to the = sesuai dengan

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