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16. Which of the following is NOT a function of the lungs? a) Metabolism “ AS Serves as a reservoir of blood for the left ventricle. * c) Itis a filter to protect the systemic vasculature d) Facilitates the exchange of 02 and CO2 between air and blood, ~ e) Alllof the above are true. 17. If you increased the left atrial pressure from 5 mmHg to 15 mmHg, what effect would that have on pulmonary circulation? a) It would force blood the opposite direction. b) It would increase the speed at which blood moves through the pulmonary circulation. c) No change. 4 _#¥ Blood flow would almost or completely stop.« e) It would increase speed of blood flow in the entire body. 8. Which of the following is NOT a normal occurrence with increasing age? a) Vital capacity of the lung decreases.” b) Residual volume increases. ” c) Functional residual capacity increases. d) Inspiratory capacity decreases. BF Expiratory reserve volume increases. 19. O2 dissociation curve shift to R) by all of the followii a) Increase [H+] b) pco2 c) Increase temperature #8 Carbon monoxide e) 2, 3, DPG 16. a) 4) 2) 11 The act of expiration involves; a) The contraction of inspiratory muscles * b) An enlargement of the thoracic cage (thorax) « ©) A decrease in intrapulmonic pressure 3 A decrease in the size of the thorax e) Allof the above 12. Which of the following factors effect differences in vital oe a) Posture b) Age c) Sex d) Size of thoracic cavity 2 Allofthe above 13. The inspiratory capacity of lungs is: e) Total lung capacity - residual volume ~ 14. The P02 content of inspired air is: 6. Anemic hypoxia mean: a) Decreased 02 because of slow rate of circulation 4) Decreased ability to carry O2 c) Decreased O--2 saturation ) 02 is present but the tissues or cells can't use the 02 e) Increased oxygen carrying capacity 7. What is the Bohr effect? a) Moving the oxygen dissociation curve to the left b) Increasing the oxygen available to the tissues « c) Decreasing the oxygen available to the tissues » 4J Moving the oxygen dissociation curve to the right e) Both 2 and 4 8. What is the purpose of the pulmonary artery ? a) To take blood from heart to all systems. 48 Carries blood to the lungs to be oxygenated +. c) Takes blood from tissues to the heart d) Caries unoxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart ) None of the above. (9. If a sudden puncture were to be which of the following would result? 32. The law of La Place predicts the following except a, Increased myocardial work in dilate CMP b. The protection of capillaries against rupture c. The relationship between transmural tension and wall tension 4d. The pattern of intravesical pressure/volume curve e. The failure of alveoli to collapse in expiration 33, Increased Baroreceptor discharge acts via the medulla to a. Increase HR b. Increase SV c. Increase vessel diameter # Increase BP e. Increase renin 34, In the coronary circulation’ a. Blood flow is maximal during systolé b. 45-50% of O2 is extracted a c. lactate is a 21. Which statement is false? A borsal respiratory group is responsible for inspiration b) Apneustic centre can inhibit the inspiratory nie Eb c) Pneumotaxic centre is responsible for inspiratory gasp interrupted Py transient expiratory efforts a——oo 4) Intrinsic periodic fring of inspiratory phase comes from the cortex that can be voluntarily over-ridden e) None of the above 4 22. Which statement is false about anatomical dead space? a) Anatomical dead space varies with age b) Can be estimated by the Fowlers method ©) Significantly large in shallow breathing ; d) Measured by plotting N2 concentration against expired volume as in Bohr's method P/Estimated at around 150m! in a 75kg man with TV 500m! 23. When CO2 diffuses into blood in systemic capillaries most of it: 43. Which of the following is NOT a determining factor in BP a. Ejection fraction * BP a Cox Pe £ Blood volume Out . Cardiac output co Gut d. Vascular resistance e. aandc xy 44. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves to the heart will result in: Reduction of the blood pressure “ Increase in heart rate % Vasodilation of the coronary arteries . Vasoconstriction of peripheral arteries Increased contractility of cardiac muscle , paose 45. In which phase of the contraction of the heart is the mitral valve closed and — aortic valve open? J a. lsovolumetric contraction* M Systolic Ejection c. lsovolumetric Relaxation az gies d. Rapid filling e. Diastole 46. When the heart rate increase a. Duration of each cardiac cycle increases as well \ b. Contraction phases increase c. Relaxation increase Duration of each cardiac cycle decreases e. None of the above 47. The thickest layer of the heart is fé the myocardium. 'b. the endocardium. c. the epicardium. d. the pericardium. e. None of the above 43. Which of the following is NOT a determining factor in BP a. Ejection fraction * BP a Cox Pe £ Blood volume Out . Cardiac output co Gut d. Vascular resistance e. aandc xy 44. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves to the heart will result in: Reduction of the blood pressure “ Increase in heart rate % Vasodilation of the coronary arteries . Vasoconstriction of peripheral arteries Increased contractility of cardiac muscle , paose 45. In which phase of the contraction of the heart is the mitral valve closed and — aortic valve open? J a. lsovolumetric contraction* M Systolic Ejection c. lsovolumetric Relaxation az gies d. Rapid filling e. Diastole 46. When the heart rate increase a. Duration of each cardiac cycle increases as well \ b. Contraction phases increase c. Relaxation increase Duration of each cardiac cycle decreases e. None of the above 47. The thickest layer of the heart is fé the myocardium. 'b. the endocardium. c. the epicardium. d. the pericardium. e. None of the above 48. About the cardiac muscle all the following are true except : a. Ithas low electric resistance of the membrane at the intercalated discs.” 2x It forms true syncytium , ¢._It obeys the all or none law.” .&& there is almost a special capillary for each muscle fiber. e. all of the above 49. The cardiac muscle fibers : a. Are unstriated muscle fibers “i b. Form true syncytium ¥ c. Are poor in mitochondria _4© Have low resistance bridges & tight gap junctions v7 e. All of the above 50. In the heart, all the following are true except : a. The pericardium limits sudden dilatation of the ventricles b. The left ventricle gives an aid to the right ventricle 7 4 The left atrium is the first part to contract ’ d. The left side of the interventricular septum is depolarized before the right side - e. None of the above. SECTION B: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IRKS . Discuss the role of albumin in prevention of tissue oedema formation. . What is the role of platelets in homeostasis? Discuss the cardiorespiratory response to exercise. Explain the immune function of plasma. . Describe the components of the respiratory membrane. . How are arteries optimized to handle high blood pressure . What are the non-respiratory functions of the rent S| . Explain optimization of inhaled air during res Discuss Bohr's effect. 10. Discuss the ionic basis of hearts automat 11. Discuss transport of carbon dioxide and 26. With respect to BP control a) The stress relaxation mechanism is one of the immediate responses< b) Angiotensin acts by increasing venous tone. c) Baroreceptors are activated over the course of hours « d) The renin angiotensin system is vital in controlling the effect of excess Na intake < e) Renal responses precede capillary fluid shifts « 27. With respect to cardiac muscle action potential 2s HR increase the QRS duration decreases b. The absolute refractory period last from phase 0 to half way through phase 4 c. Relative refractory period begins halfway through phase 3 4d. Phase 1 is due to opening of voltage gated Na channels e. Voltage gated Ca channels are activated at -50mV ti v 28. With respect to depolarization of the heart Pisces ss a. Atrial depolarization is complete in 100 ms ¥ b. AV nodal delay is 10 ms c. AV nodal delay is lengthened by increasing sympathetic stimulation right d. Ventricular muscle depolarizes from the ri a ©. The last area to be depolarized is the posterobasal portions of the a. The average QT is 450ms b. There is no Q wave in V1 a c. The normal axis is between -10 and 110 degrees _

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