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OBSERVING- It is the use of senses to gather information about the object or event.

Example of this is
seeing the wood catch fire, hearing the crackling of the burning wood, feeling the heat of the fire, and
smelling the smoke.

CLASSIFYING- Grouping objects into categories based on the categories or criteria. To classify is based on
what has been observed. Example is groupings is based on texture, size, color, surface, or edge type, as
well as the relationship between individuals and group.

INFERRING- It involves drawing conclusions based on the observation. To make an inference, people link
what they observe to previous experience and the new information observed through our senses. For
example, when scientists figure out what is in a fossil dinosaur dropping, they can then make inferences
about what the dinosaur ate when it was alive. They are not observing the dinosaur eating—they are
using evidence to make an inference

COMMUNICATING- using words or graphic symbols to describe an action, object or event. This process is
dependent on what was observed or classified. It can be done in oral or written form and can be
qualitative and quantitative. Example: Describing the change in height of a plant over time in writing or
through a graph.

MEASURING- Using both standard and nonstandard measures and estimates to describe the dimensions
of an object or event. Example: Using a meter stick to measure the length of a table in centimeters.

PREDICTING- Stating the outcome of a future event based on a pattern of evidence. First an observation
shall be made before predicting. Example: Predicting the height of a plant in two weeks’ time based on a
graph of its growth during the previous four weeks.

FORMULATING HYPOTHESIS - Stating the expected outcome of an experiment. It is an intelligent guess

of what will happen in an experiment. Example: The greater the amount of organic matter added to the
soil, the greater the bean growth.

CONTROLLING VARIABLES - Being able to identify variables that can affect an experimental outcome,
keeping most constant while manipulating only the independent variable. Variables are conditions,
factors, or element that is varied that may influence of affect in an experiment. Example: Realizing
through past experiences that amount of light and water need to be controlled when testing to see how
the addition of organic matter affects the growth of beans.

DEFINING OPERATIONALLY – Making the decision that is specifically applicable to the activity or how it
shall be done. It is a description of what will be happen or how it will affect the operation. Stating how
to measure a variable in an experiment. Example: Stating that bean growth will be measured in
centimeters per week.
Experimenting - Being able to conduct an experiment, including asking an appropriate question, stating
a hypothesis, identifying and controlling variables, operationally defining those variables, designing a
"fair" experiment, conducting the experiment, and interpreting the results of the experiment. It is
experimenting where the hypothesis is proven to be true or not, thus arriving at a conclusion. Example:
The entire process of conducting the experiment on the effect of organic matter on the growth of bean

Interpreting data – A data is information derived from the result of an experiment. Organizing data and
drawing conclusions from it. Example: Recording data from the experiment on bean growth in a data
table and forming a conclusion which relates trends in the data to variables

Formulating models – With the use of different processes of science, a model can be made. Models are
either mental or physical models or processes or events. Formulating models will develop creativity and
innovation and will enhance higher order thinking skills. Creating a mental or physical model of a
process or event. Examples: The model of how the processes of evaporation and condensation
interrelate in the water cycle.

Scott Kimberly. (n.d.). Kimberly Scott Science Inspiring Life Long Learners Through A Memorable Scientific

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