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Southern Transport Development Project

Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4at Km 14+400 by Underwater Excavation

Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4 at Km
14+400 by Underwater Excavation

1.0 Introduction and General Information

This revised method statement pertains to the details of the materials,

equipment, procedure and relevant documents related to remove and replace
peat materials with boulders and RUC 4 at Km 14+400 by wet excavation.
Since the excavation depth is more than 5.0m, collapse of adjoining lands can
be occurred during this process. Therefore, in order to avoid unsafe
operation, the underwater excavation is proposed.

1.1 Location of Works

Ch. 14+400

2.0 Equipment

The major equipment to be used for the wet excavation, but not limited to the

 Excavator ZX 450 or Equivalent for Loading Rock, boulders & RUC4

 Excavator ZX 270 or Equivalent for Placing Rock and RUC4 Materials
 Excavator ZX 200 or Equivalent for Unsuitable Excavation
 Excavator CAT 320 or Equivalent at Disposal Area
 EX 210 Long Arm Excavator or Equivalent for Unsuitable Excavation
 Dump truck, 10 & 6 wheelers for Transporting Rock, RUC4 & Unsuitable
 D65P Class Bulldozer or Equivalent for Pushing & Levelling Rock &
Boulder into the water
 D65P Class Bulldozer or Equivalent for Levelling disposed Unsuitable
 Vibration Roller (10 Ton Class) with Pad Roller SV510 (Equivalent)
 Water Pumps, 8, 6 & 4 inches Ø
 Surveying Instruments and other necessary accessories
 Generator Set
 Lighting System
 Water Bowser for dust control for access road

3.0 Materials
Southern Transport Development Project
Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4at Km 14+400 by Underwater Excavation

The major materials to be used for the above work include, but are not
limited to the following:

 Rock materials such as boulders etc. < 0.45m (80%)

 10 ~ 20 mm aggregate (20%)

4.0 Safety Management and Control

 A Site Engineer will be assigned throughout the working period for the
safety and supervision work.
 The operational conditions of the equipment and dump trucks to be
used for this work have to be thoroughly examined before the actual
start of work.
 The physical conditions of the crews, especially the operators of
equipments and truck drivers should also be physically fit, healthy and
 All operators and workers will be properly briefed / oriented beforehand
with the procedures to be undertaken for familiarization and ease of
 Shape monitoring of HES87N at Km 14+370 has already started on 19 th
November 2009 and carrying out once a week. The monitoring will be
continued until completion of the backfilling of proposed RCBC three
times a week. (Appendix C)
 The survey points will be established and the monitoring of the cut slope
through the fill between the excavation to remove unsuitable soil and the
adjacent HES structure will be carried out 3 times a week and the
records will be maintained. (Appendix D)
 Rock materials shall be carefully loaded and unloaded to and from
 There should be proper display of warning signs in the area.
 Suitable personal protective equipment shall be worn by workers at all
times when working, such as safety shoes, safety helmets, gloves,
safety belt, etc.
 Qualified helper or signalman shall be employed in the operation of the
backhoe and unloading of rock onto the soft ground.
 No equipment shall be allowed to go into the soft ground without proper
assessment and stability check by a competent supervisor.
 A strict compliance with the daily safety checklist for all equipment and
trucks shall be undertaken.
 Secure the excavated slope with barricade as a safety measure in soil
case collapse happened.
 Competent flagman will be arranged at all times on the pilot road
when dump trucks are operating.

5.0 Environmental Protection

Southern Transport Development Project
Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4at Km 14+400 by Underwater Excavation

To ensure proper care of the environment in general and the community in

particular, the following shall be observed at all times during constructions:

 No trees, shrubs or plants outside of the working area shall be cut,

damage or uprooted during this operation.
 During heavy transporting of the rock materials, the roadway shall be
maintained and regularly sprayed with water to prevent dust blowing in
the nearby houses.
 Natural water ways and drains outside of ROW shall not be damaged or
blocked during the work.
 Unsuitable materials shall be properly disposed off to approved
permanent disposal areas of temporary stock piles.
 Soft soil shall not be allowed to flow outside the ROW especially to the
natural drains of the environment.
 Excess rock materials shall be properly transported back to approved
quarry areas.
 No oil, lubricants and other petroleum products from the heavy
machinery and trucks shall be allowed to drip or flow outside the
working area more so into streams, creeks and other natural drains of
the environment.
 As air pollution control, the pilot road and accesses shall be maintained
and regularly sprayed with water to prevent excessive dust from
spreading into the air during RUC4 & blasted rock transportation.
 Equipment to be engaged in the work will meet the Government
regulation as to the limit of carbon dioxide emission during its usage and
 The noise created during operation of heavy equipment and trucks will
be monitored and controlled to ensure that the level is within the
acceptable range.

6.0 Construction method and procedure.

The methods and procedures for the removal and replacement of peat with
boulders + RUC 4 materials by wet excavation are as follows:

Preparation – Setting out

The designated area for remove and replace by underwater excavation will be
properly marked using survey instruments. The area involved is Km 14+400.
(Area marked in the drawing No. STDP-KG-(MS025)-EXC-001 (Rev C))

Transporting of Boulders and RUC 4 Materials

Selected Boulders and RUC4 Materials will be transported to the site by means of
the dump trucks.

Removal of UC1 at Metal Structures at Km 14+370 & Km 14+400

Southern Transport Development Project
Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4at Km 14+400 by Underwater Excavation

The removal of UC 1 (Area marked as 1 in the drawing No. STDP-KG-(MS025)-

EXC-002 Rev C & 003 Rev C) will be carried out at metal structure at Km 14+370
similar to the approved method statement No. 221 for Km 14+400.

The removal of UC 1 (Area marked as 1 in the drawing No. STDP-KG-(MS025)-

EXC-002 Rev C & 003 Rev B) will be carried out at metal structure at Km 14+400
according to the general method statement No. 04 for Excavation & embankment.

Unsuitable Excavation and Replacement by Boulders + RUC4

The Engineer’s inspection will be carried out to determine the depth of removal of
unsuitable material at this area. Long Arm Excavator EX210 or equivalent will be
used to excavate unsuitable materials under the existing bottom level of the body
of water. In order to assure that the required depth as assumed by trial pits, are
attained, the arm of the excavator shall be paint marked on the corresponding
metres length. This shall be jointly undertaken by the Engineer and the
Contractor. The span of excavation will be limited to the reach of backhoe arm. It
is approximately 5 metres. Excavation will be done half width by half width and
zone by zone as shown in the drawing No. STDP-KG-(MS025)-EXC-001 (Rev C).
(Appendix B) and replacement will be made accordingly using the shot rock
<0.45m (80%) and 10 ~ 20 mm aggregate (20%).
Disposed material is quite wet, therefore disposal dike will be required to prevent
muddy water from coming out to public drainage at disposal area. In case it is
required, a drying up yard for wet disposal materials will be prepared near
unsuitable excavation site. Presently unsuitable materials will be dumped at
previous pilot road at 15+900 ~ 16+200 RHS.
Once the excavation is completed, boulder materials shall be immediately
dumped up to +1.5m MSL. This rock fill will form part of the permanent structure.
After completing shot rock filling with 10 ~ 20 mm aggregate level it up and
allow of traffic of the trucks and equipment. Then further filling of shot rock
and 10 ~ 20 mm aggregate materials will continue up to required level and at
the same time move on to the other section for removing and replacing unsuitable

7.0 Quality Control

Quality control will be done according to the approved QAQC plan.

The contractor will forwarded the Inspection requests to the Engineer for the
following hold points.

 Commencement of excavation at each zone

 Completion of removal of unsuitable soil at each zone
 Commencement of replacement with shot rock & 10~20 mm
aggregate at each zone
 Completion of shot rock & 10~20 mm aggregate filling
 Compaction at each zone

8.0 Appendix

Southern Transport Development Project
Method Statement for Remove & Replace Peat with Boulders, RUC 4at Km 14+400 by Underwater Excavation

 Appendix A – Typical geometric plan and section of water

 Appendix B – Detail drawings
 Appendix C – Shape monitoring data of metal structure HES87N at
Km 14+370
 Appendix D – Slope monitoring – Plan & Sections at Km 14+400
 Appendix E – Construction Programme

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